White Online

Chapter 626 Benefactor.

Chapter 626 Benefactor.

Zeus' eyes saw a flash of silver, and gold lightning before they disappeared.

'Hermes, and Mercury?' He looked around, and couldn't see a sight of them. He realized they must have started to fight against another speedster. But, knowing the Demon Lord's strength, he could only hope they would be alright.

Tyrannus clicked his tongue, then turned to Leonidas, about to fight. However, a hand touched his shoulder, and a voice followed, ''Enough of this. Let's unleash the demons.''

He turned to the cold-looking man, Anti-Social. Tyrannus nodded, and returned to the other Demon Lords.

After Anti-Social turned to the Gods, they all unsheathed their weapons. They could feel his strength, frightening even God Zeus. It was miles above Tyrannus' aura. Anti-Social's aura was deep, heavy, and vast, like a million galaxies.

''Demons, attack.'' He said casually, and once his words entered the Demon's ears, they shouted, and flew across the space. The Gods, and Goddesses shouted their battle cry, and attacked the Demons.

At first, they thought they could defeat the henchmen easily. However, they forgot that there were three ranks, with each Demon having enough power to kill God. Demon Kings, Demon Lords, and finally... Demon Generals!

Among the army, there were dozens of Demon Generals, and they immediately shredded through the weak Gods, and Goddesses, easily killing them.

The battlefield turned larger as the Demons, and Gods started having their own solo battles. The flashes, rumbling, and sounds of destruction filled the entire space.

The tremors could be felt all the way to Four Seasons. The humans could only watch the sky, and wonder what was happening. It was like there was a thunderstorm, with endless thunder. It scared children, frightened the elderly, and made everyone feel like they were living in a nightmare.

In the God Realm, Isaac hid behind the dilapidated building, and watched as Demons entered the God Realm from the sky, and started to look for anyone to kill. However, God Realm was the first to get evacuated. They couldn't find anyone, but there was one, Isaac.

'Shit... are those Demons or what?' Isaac saw them flying over his head, and wondered aloud. He realized that he shouldn't be here, and turned to the log-out button. At that moment, he saw a crack appear in the ground.

Through it went the Demons, shouting about killing, and r*ping. Their jeers filled the air, and Isaac could see the cracks going straight to the Summer Realm.

Isaac looked at the log-out, and sighed. He closed the interface, then ran to the crack, and hopped down. His vision saw the passing realms, the destroyed cities, and abandoned houses. The demons started infiltrating every place.

Isaac went straight to the Summer Realm. Once his vision cleared up, he stood on top of Stronglord's wall. The streets were empty, and the air was moist. However, then he heard a scream.

His gaze went to faraway Church, there were Demons flying straight toward it, shouting, and grinning viciously. There were group blocked in the church, the entrance had collapsed, and they couldn't evacuate in time.


''It will be alright...'' A gentle-looking brunette patted the heads of children, who were cuddled next to her. They all looked frightened as they saw creepy-looking demons, circling the church. They shouted all sorts of terrible things, and wanted them to feel despair.

The brunette was a noblewoman, and she should have left the Summer Realm hours ago. However, she knew there were orphans, who would most likely be forgotten. Since she often came here to tell stories, she knew where they were. She found them, hiding underneath beds as the whole sky seemed like it was trembling.

When they were about to leave, the entrance collapsed, and there weren't any other exits. They tried to break the windows, but they were barred tightly.

They were trapped here for several hours, until the creepy-looking people appeared from the sky, and they immediately found them. It was like they could smell their fear.

The demons then landed from the sky, before the blocked entrance. With a swipe of their claws, the debris slashed into pieces, and became small stone powder, strewn across the floor. They entered the church, and saw a brunette woman, looking scared, hiding behind children behind her back.

The demons felt their skin twitching as they saw the fearful faces. It gave them an endless amount of pleasure, and they wanted their faces to show more fear, more despair!

''Awww, look at these scared little lambs... I feel, very tempted to do something horrible.'' A bronze-skinned demon leaned closer, and licked her lips. His disgusting breath lingered in the air, causing the children to cover their mouths with tears pouring down.

''Don't touch them!'' The brunette-haired woman stood up, and held her arms wide. Her legs trembled, with fear seeping out of her expression. The demons looked at her, undressing her with their eyes.

''Hmm, we could make you watch. I wonder what kind of expression you would have...'' The demons sneered, and moved forward. The brunette-haired woman's face fell apart. After there was only a meter distance, the ground suddenly shook.

''Hmm?'' The demons turned out of the church, thinking that more demons appeared. However... then they saw demons falling from the sky. Their bodies were shredded in half, like they were split in half by a crimson laser or hot knife!

Crack... One of the barred windows, that couldn't be broken by the woman, was effortlessly broken by a white-haired man, who jumped through it. He glanced at the brunette woman with a side glance. At first, only planning to kill the demons without taking a second look at them.

However, he recognized her. The memories of him being on City Center, after being banned by the merchant stores. He was selling items, looking like a beggar. Then, one gentle noblewoman bought them, and gave him enough money to start his journey.


Isaac's eyes widened in shock. He didn't expect to see her again, but never forgot his debt. His eyes turned instantly colder as he turned to the demons. They dared to harm his benefactor...

''Hide their eyes!'' Isaac shouted, while Sophia flinched, and listened. She hid the children in her embrace.

The demons snorted, and turned to the white-haired man. Then, he vanished before their eyes, and soon all of their heads took a 180-degree turn.

Their necks twisted like wet rag, when someone was trying to squeeze the water out. The demons died with expressions of disbelief.

Isaac quickly grabbed the demons, and used Marksman of Space. He appeared above the Stronglord, and threw them towards the crack. Before their corpses entered the crack, Isaac breathed loudly, and froze the bodies with his Icy Shot.

Then, he formed a fist, and punched through the frozen corpses, shattering them like fragile glass.

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