While Others Cultivate, I Use My Multiverse System

Chapter 48: Turning imagination into reality

"The military is screening us and that investment of yours."

Dropping the bomb as soon as I entered the room, the young master of Baskar family could barely be bothered to look away from the screen of his computer. Looking around before answering, I could only sigh.

The set-up that filled this room with cables and other forms of electrical appliances was exactly what my lazy self always dreamed off. From an insanely powerful main unit hung from the ceiling in the very middle of the room, through three different working stations below it, each consisting of a huge desk, three screens and a comfortable chair. Just by glancing around, I could notice some VR sets and other funny tools, all the way to an insanely huge screen covering the entirety of the back wall of the place.

A geek's dream.

But if I were to get my hands on such a setting in more peaceful times, I would be sure to play through all the games I ever wanted. And that alone proved that the young master before my eyes was far more suited to have this kind of powerful machinery on his own than me.

Because in contrast to what I would use it for, he was actually putting it to actual and practical use. An use that already proved to be of vital importance.

"How deeply?"

The fact that the military and the government at large would be interested in the ongoing development of the devastated area was something that was bound to happen. From how soldiers died in that place without fulfilling their purpose, through a random priest of unheard of before sect appearing and claiming it, all the way to a local power suddenly backing him up…

For someone who didn't bother to find out the details of the situation, this sequence of developments was bound to be suspicious. And that's also what my question was about.

If they are screening us, how deeply are they looking for information? Or rather, what are the chances that the traps that we prepared especially for this moment would stop them from uncovering anything of importance?

'So far, so good. It would take a lot more to breach through my protocols."

After glancing at me for a moment, the young man behind the desk moved his eyes back to the screen. Unbothered by my presence at all, he suddenly started furiously tapping at the keyboard, quickly bringing about huge changes on what his workplace's screen was showing.

"For now, I directed them towards the hidden site of the main company responsible for the construction. Once they find some tax evasions and other little hooks, they should get off our backs…"

Hearing what the young man was saying, I couldn't stop a smile from appearing on my face. Give them what they are looking for. If they want to uncover some hidden secrets behind our actions, then just make it easy for them to obtain some fake ones that won't hurt us that much. And with how this damned young master was putting the blame on the construction company instead of on his family or me directly only served to prove how efficient our cooperation should be in the coming days.

"Right, something I noticed before. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Krist."

Reaching forth with my hand, I watched how the young master of Baskar family initially dressed a surprised expression, only to slam his face on top of his palm before accepting the handshake.

"Pavlo. The pleasure is mine. But let's drop the small-talk and start the second topic that I wanted to discuss. With the temple scheduled to be finished in about a week, what are your plans for promoting your cult? Or rather than that, what your cult is about in the first place?"

From the strange look in Pavlo's eyes, I couldn't tell whether he was just curious or actually had some plans behind his question.

"Ah, so that's what you wanted to know. Before I will get started, tell me, do you know the characteristics of the Boruta from the local folklore?"

It was a mistake to call Boruta a local myth, as it steemed from the mountainous region to the south. What I meant with the word local, was the greater area occupied by the people of one nation who shared their legends, beliefs and language.

"Yeah. Despite his overwhelming strength, he uses his wits to trick people. Depicted as the enemy of the nobles and saviour of the serfs. Quite a nice patron to have with the current situation of all the governments in the world…"

Smiling to his own thoughts, Pavlo proved that he knew what I asked him about. And that meant, I could move on to the next part of my plan. Turning the imaginary cult I created in my head into something that existed in reality.

"It's one of the reasons why it appeared as suddenly as it grew to its current level. And just like you said, while we do cultivate our personal strength to match the image of the idol, ultimately it's the wits that we rely on when the push comes to shove. After all, isn't it more fun to play with your prey instead of just dealing with them all at once?"

Putting a slightly smuggish smile on my lips, I looked at the guy in front of me. At this point, I was already pretty sure that I knew what he was going to say next.

"Tell me… What are the perks of joining your cult?"

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