Chapter 7: Knowing parents
After an exciting trip throughout China, Oliver and Li Mao arrived in the hometown of Mao, where they would meet their parents. They were nervous but full of hope, ready to demonstrate the love they felt for each other and his mutual commitment.
Upon arriving at Li Mao's parents, they were received with warmth and hospitality. LiMao's parents, although initially cautious, felt impressed by Oliver's sincerity and dedication to his daughter. For hours, Oliver spoke with
Passion about everything he loved of Li Mao: his intelligence, his goodness, his humor and his inner and exterior beauty.
Oliver also shared his dreams and aspirations for the future, describing how he imagined a life together, full of love, adventures and mutual growth. He expressed his deep respect for China's culture and traditions, and how he was willing to learn and adapt to be an integral part of Li Mao's family.
Li Mao, with tears of joy in his eyes, supported every Oliver's word with gestures of affection and admiration. She talked about how Oliver had changed her life for the better, making her happier and safer, and how she could not imagine her future without him by her.
Li Mao's parents, moved by the sincerity and love they saw between Oliver and his daughter, finally gave their blessing to the relationship. They recognized the true love and happiness that Oliver and Li Mao shared, and accepted Oliver as part of their family.
The joy and relief filled the room when the news was received with hugs and smiles. Oliver and Li Mao knew that they had an exciting path ahead, but with the love and support of their loved ones, they were ready to face any challenge together.
With the heart full of gratitude and love, Oliver and Li Mao celebrated this crucial step in their relationship, knowing that they had exceeded an important proof and that their love had been strengthened by experience. Together, they looked to the future with hope and emotion, ready to build a life together full of love, respect and happiness.
After meeting the parents, Oliver and Li Mao continued to explore the people together, immersing themselves in the life and history of Li Mao. She took him to emblematic places, such as the small bookstore where he used to get lost between thepages of the books, and the park where he had won his first drawing contest.
Throughout the day, Li Mao introduced Oliver to more family members, who received him with open arms and shared endearing stories about Li Mao's childhood. Oliver felt part of something special, better understanding the depth of the family ties of Li Mao and the importance they had for her.
In the afternoon, Li Mao took him to a small coffee where his childhood friends used to meet. Oliver was surprised to discover how lively and welcoming the people surrounding Li Mao. They talked, laughed and shared endearing moments that furtherstrengthened the connection between them.
While walking back home, the sun began to wear, and the air was filled with a feeling of calm and serenity. Oliver looked at Li Mao at his side and felt a deep gratitude for having her in his life.
"Mao, you're really incredible." Every moment with you is special and makes me realize how lucky I am to have you by my side," said Oliver, with sincere admiration in his eyes.
Li Mao smiled, holding his hand with tenderness.
"And I feel the same, Oliver." Every day that passes, my love for you grows more. You are an especially important part of my life,and I am grateful to have you by my side.
At that time, under the sky dyed of warm tones of sunset, Oliver and Li Mao felt more united than ever. Taking advantage of that moment, Oliver took the step and gave him that first kiss that both wanted a long time ago. It was a kiss with such affection and passion that time stopped for both, and they only got carried away for the moment.
After separating to take a breath, their eyes connected and could not stop smiling, knowing that it had been the best experience they had lived.
After that kiss, Oliver said, "Li Mao, always love you in my life."
To which Li Mao replied: "I also want to have you close every day."
Both were sure that their love would continue to grow with every new day and shared experience. Together, they discovered the beauty of meeting a deeper level, strengthening their relationship and building memories that would last forever.