When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 86:

Yes, it's torture.

Although Yong Ye didn't like torture, he couldn't easily tolerate these people, and he absolutely couldn't bear it, so he naturally chose cruel methods that fit their behavior.

Their number is not enough to pose a threat to Yong Ye, even if Yong Ye's current situation is not good, because the gap in strength is too great.

Yongye is a warrior who has survived a hundred battles, but they are just ordinary people, no... Whether these people can be called human is also a question worth discussing.

He cut off the legs of the men without any mercy, and even chopped off their hands, turning them all into sticks, but he didn't kill them, at least he wasn't going to kill them now. Instead, let them pay the price for the mistakes they let go first.

A terrifying **** full of stumps, broken arms, and a large number of lost limbs screamed and wriggled on the ground. In this way, it was created in an alley with only a dim yellow street light.

Ignoring the howling man on the ground, Yong Ye stepped on them and came to the side of the previous child.

There is no doubt that the child's physical condition can't be saved. It is a miracle that he can survive, so Yong Ye didn't know how to deal with this child who was covered in fine smell, but just stood there blankly for a while. Feeling helpless.

"...You, do you have... No, this kind of idiot question is forgotten."

Leaning down, I instinctively wanted to ask questions like "Is there a problem, is there something wrong, or does it matter?", but after re-realizing that this may be disfigured, abused, abused, gang-raped, or... Being treated in the most brutal way, how could there be nothing wrong.

"…At the end of this, is there anything I can do?"

With a sigh, Yong Ye ignored the disgusting pungent stench, leaned over and approached the girl again, and lowered his head to ask her wishes.




"... beg... beg...,... kill... I... kill... kill me..."

Just like what she heard when she was about to leave, the child with a complete mental breakdown was just begging for death, and only hoped that someone could kill her.

"...Really? If this is your wish, then I am willing to help you realize it. Of course... I will make all these people buried with you later."

After a while of silence, Yong Ye accepted the child's wish for death, stood up from the ground, and took out the pistol that Maeda Ban returned to him.

Chapter 2 Anomalous World and Wanted

Aiming the gun at the child on the ground, watching her say "thank you" to herself, Yong Ye nodded lightly, then pulled the trigger.

At such a distance, even if the shooting skills were not good, Yong Ye accurately shot between the eyebrows, ending the child's terrifying pain with the fastest speed and in a way that did not bring pain.

Taking off the black kendo suit, Yong Ye used it to cover the child's body, and then looked at the people who were still screaming.

Although they also began to need quick death like the child, he did not lift his eyelids, watched them wriggling on the ground, and walked up after thinking about it, stomping on them one by one. the reproductive organs.

There was an unbearable wailing in the alley, and the screams were louder than ever, even making people wonder if they all tore their throats.

But even so, no one came, because this place was specially chosen by their group.

When everything was done, Yong Ye looked at this group of people. Although he didn't want to kill them, he wanted them to continue to suffer until death, but the voices of Liancheng were indeed a bit loud. In order to avoid being wanted by the police, he could only After waiting for a while, they pierced their hearts one by one.

In the end, all the voices disappeared, and he planned to take the girl's body and find a place to bury it.

Although ordinary people, even children, would not be kind enough to help people collect corpses, especially now that he can't take care of himself, but the child's experience made him unbearable, and he didn't want this child to die with this Group of scumbags together.

However, at this moment, at the intersection of the corner of the alley, a man's scream suddenly came.

Yong Ye looked at it fiercely.

The young man with glasses still didn't pull his hands out from his crotch, because he saw the terrifying murder scene and fell directly to the ground, screaming like a woman.

If there is no accident, it looks like this person must be one of the people who violated the child before, but he just went back before, otherwise he would have been called by the phone and came to violate it.

No matter what it is, Yongye will not easily turn a blind eye to this kind of scumbag.

It just so happened that he felt that it would be a waste to take the basic rest of the world without leaving a job. He didn't expect new people to appear so quickly now. This is really good.

He temporarily stopped collecting the corpse, Yong Ye stepped forward quickly, and when the young man who seemed to be gentle, just got up and used his hands and feet to crawl on the ground to escape, he kicked him to the ground.

"Forgive... spare, spare, spare! I didn't see anything and didn't know anything! Let me go, let me go... Please. Let me go!"

Realizing that it would be difficult to escape for a while, this gentle young man immediately knelt down and kowtowed, begging Yong Ye, who seemed to be a murderer, to let him go.

"I'll let you go, of course."

"Ah...thank, thank you..."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me, I want you to help me with something, you have to do it well."

Disapprovingly, he waved his hand lightly, and Yong Ye ordered the young man to go to the body on the ground to find money, take out all their wallets, and hand them over to him.

He originally didn't want to touch these people, and he didn't want to use their money, but a penny stumped the hero, and he had to consider the reality. Since someone took the initiative to send it to the door to do it, it would be better.

This young man was obviously very embarrassed, and he didn't even dare to look directly at those stumps and broken arms, but... in the face of death, he overcame his fear of human limbs, and obediently stepped forward and touched the pockets one by one.

In the end, he took out all the wallets of more than 30 people. Except for two people who did not have wallets, there were 32 wallets.

Take out the money one by one, because the social class is different, it is about 40,000 yen per person, and Yongye has harvested more than 1.28 million yen from this group of scum all at once.

More than one million yen is not a lot, but it is not a small amount, enough to spend a while.

Then... he turned his attention to the young man who was vomiting beside him.

The interrogation begins.


After everything was over, Yong Ye walked outside holding the girl's corpse in both hands, and there was another corpse on the ground, that is, the body of the quite cooperative young man.

Yong Ye doesn't like to lie to people he approves, but he has absolutely no intention of keeping his promise to scumbags, even if the other party cooperates very well.

Through the intelligence of the youth, he knew other information that he had not obtained out of caution.

First of all, the child in his hands is not an ordinary person, but a "cursed child", referred to as "the cursed child", who was born when the mother ingested the gastroenterovirus during pregnancy and caused the virus to accumulate in the fetus. Therefore, the cursed child is hated and persecuted by most people as gastrus.

But...under normal circumstances, behaviors like the previous ones don't occur, just like promiscuity parties, which are rare. The more common ones are ordinary beatings, torture, and rapes are rare.

After all, many people think that cursed children are dirty and don't want to touch their bodies.

Of course, there are also a small number of people who don’t mind touching very much, and have pedophiles and sadistic hobbies, so they like it very much that it is not easy to break, and they don’t care too much if they kill the police. Most of the police don’t care, even The cursed child who will join the persecution together.

In theory, these cursed children all have powers beyond ordinary people, and they can resist these people... It should be possible, right?

However, if there are too many opponents, there is no way for the non-combat-type cursed children to resist.

And... just like an elephant.

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