When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 646:

The double enchantment not only stagnated time, but also formed another defense on the outside, preventing external disasters from killing all the people inside at the moment when the time stopped and closed.

For example, the ground above collapses, there is flooding or something, or there are dangerous monsters all around, rushing in to slaughter when people are just recovering, the existence of additional enchantments can give people time to prepare to deal with these problems.

A large amount of food is stored under the sanctuary, and relying on the extremely cold barrier, the food is completely frozen to ensure the storage time, which is enough to ensure his food reserves for thousands of years.

In addition to this, there is another cake that Reis made the night before, and was going to give it to Yongye during the winter festival the next day, but now... Yongye put it in the arctic barrier.

On the second day of the winter festival, Yong Ye looked up at the sky, lying on the cold stone slab doing nothing, looking up at the moon in the sky that was as lonely as him.

This is undoubtedly an indecent behavior as a pope, but now no one will advise him, and no one will speak to him.

"I decided my birthday without authorization, and I agreed to celebrate it together... But, are you dead?... I won't just complain when I'm resurrected..."

A man muttered to himself, Yong Ye took out the amulet like a silver coin, and looked at the spell on the front of the coin with the help of moonlight, and an image was immediately projected from it.


"It's me~ Ruis, who likes Lord Yongye the most."

Under the hazy moonlight, the beautiful girl smiled and shook her index finger, her head slightly turned to the side, looking very charming and cute.


"Lord Yongye will spend a long time in the future, but, I only need to inject magic power into the spell and I will appear? How come I am very smart?"

"...too smart."

"Haha~ I knew you would say that, but this is the only thing I can boast about. It doesn't matter if you like me, okay?"

As if anticipating what Yong Ye would say, Ruisi's words had no sense of incongruity with Yong Ye's, and could be smoothly connected.

However... Even Ruisi didn't expect her to have a sudden problem. She was the first group of people to be disturbed by the soul of the beast, so she didn't know that she was meticulous and considerate. The frown and smile in this image made me Yong Ye felt the pain in his heart like being slashed by a knife.

Next, Yong Ye couldn't speak, just stared blankly at the girl celebrating his birthday alone, talking to him normally.

At this moment, what are the emotions flowing in his mind, Yong Ye, who lowered his head, the emotions contained in those strange-colored pupils are too complicated, no matter who it is, even he himself can't understand.

Through the magic mirror, it can be seen that there are seventeen different forms of beasts. Humans with developed magical civilizations try their best to resist and destroy them, but due to the constant alienation of people inside, they are losing ground when they gain an advantage.

As a result, the beast began to devour the whole world at an alarming rate, and human beings could not completely resist such a new threat, because they themselves were constantly transforming into beasts.

In just three days, in the empire where the disaster erupted, all the people were transformed into beasts, and another neighboring country was also transformed into beasts, and two countries were missing from the map.

After a week, five countries and four islands have disappeared. After another week, the map itself has lost its meaning. It didn't take too long for the overlord of the world to overthrow countless powerful enemies and the human race that almost completely dominated the surface of the earth. , they all turned into beasts and wandered aimlessly on the earth.

This world is already a world that is about to end.

In the second year of the demise of mankind, there are only a few alien races in the Holy Empire who are still dying in the cracks. The origin of the disaster with a history of thousands of years is now the most dangerous Holy Empire in the world. Yong Ye, a life that does not belong to a beast, is in the great sanctuary that also has a history of thousands of years.

Yong Ye's life was supposed to be a life of nothing, and at the beginning he had nothing.

He had nothing in the first place, so if he wanted to prove his worth and find the meaning of his existence, he had to keep fighting, but in order to protect the important things he got during the struggle, he could only take a more lonely road.

In the gorgeous sanctuary, Eternal Night wanders alone in this empty hall, from the Pope's room to the library, just constantly studying spells.

At this moment, he was seriously injured and cursed, and it was difficult for him to meditate and fight, and even training his martial arts was not very effective. Therefore, he could only devote all his time to the study of curses, hoping to surpass the human beings who have perished in a broad sense. Find a way to suppress the beast's soul, and find a way to revive Ruis.

No one spoke, and he was used to it. He used all his time to suppress his grief and avoid thinking about the girl named Rui Si before the demise of mankind.

He didn't want to see Reis turned into a puppet, because just seeing it would make him feel extremely sad, and it was an unbearable torture for him.

Sitting alone on a stone chair, waving away the dust that no one has sorted out, carrying a thick book in the sun.

The sun is still warm, but Yong Ye's heart is still cold, just flipping books mechanically, chasing that lonely mission.

The body of Swan in the underground of the church was thrown out of the church before the plan was launched, to avoid any problems with the strange body and endanger the last hope of mankind.

After the extinction of human beings, the beasts they transformed into have not stopped.

The elders fought to defend the Great Forest, and perished.

The Tulong people fought to defend the majestic Lingshan Mountain, and also perished.

The dragon fought to defend the dignity of the apex of King's Landing creatures, and perished.

And just like that... life on the earth, even plants, disappeared, like some kind of joke, everything on the surface was lost, and all life died.

Twenty years have passed.

At this time, no matter how the curse mirror searches, there are no aliens or life in the entire empire. Maybe they have escaped from the empire, or they may have all died out. The buildings of the Holy Empire are constantly being destroyed, and the entire country turned into wreckage.

Yong Ye, whose appearance remained unchanged, found that due to the fact that the time was frozen, the switch outside the ark could no longer control the inner enchantment.

So he began to study enchantment at the same time as he studied incantation.

Fortunately, the knowledge of the whole world was copied into the Ark by a group of professionals and included in the library. The temporarily constructed Nuoda library was filled to the brim, enough to spend the night looking up information.

The herds of beasts in the outside world want to attack the sanctuary and violate the sanctuary.

But the Sanctuary, as the headquarters of the greatest force of mankind, has experienced thousands of years of history and accumulated the power of faith of countless believers. It is not something that can be violated by the herd. Those who dared to invade the Sanctuary were all struck by the thunder of the eternal night. .

The countless spells in the sanctuary, under the control of the eternal night, turned into shells of fire, flame, lightning and ice, tearing the beasts close to the sanctuary to pieces. The base number of Yongye made Yongye advance again. Although he couldn't choose Dazai, who could not advance due to special conditions, he chose the second stage of Wuji Kendo.

It's a pity... the effect of obtaining knowledge is not great, and he can't use Wuji Kendo now, so he can only continue to read books to supplement knowledge, trying to remove the side effects formed by the intertwining of curse and great destruction.

In the fiftieth year, he experienced the darkest, coldest, deepest and most painful feeling in the world.

If it is said that the pressure is too great, it is really tired, and it is really impossible to hold on, then will anyone help him? Will the torture of these long years be stopped?

...no, all human beings in this world will fall into death and a long slumber.

If the situation of no progress continues, he will face a future in which no one can be saved. The feeling of being isolated from the world for 50 years makes him think that this will be the case for a longer time to come. And couldn't help but stiffen up.

There is only one person in the world, no companion, no one to talk to, Yongye can only bury his head in books and research on spells, incantations, and enchantments.

In the whole world, there is only such an intact building left, relying on the beliefs of human beings, and the human beings who are finally guarding the earth, isolated from the beasts everywhere.

On this barren land where no one is present, the tall and magnificent sanctuary towers over the land like a mirage.

Yong Ye had gone out many times and wandered in the imperial capital relying on the Pope's robes, just like staying in the church for too long to soothe his nerves, although it was meaningless, he was just wandering on the ground in confusion.

And the Pope's robe finally lost the ability to defend and attack.

The collapsed world, the end of one person's earth, is watching the future without end.

In the fifty-sixth year, there was an unprecedented earthquake in the imperial capital, the ground cracked, the beast fled the imperial capital, the reinforced rock above the ark collapsed, and the ark was buried deep underground.

The sanctuary, which was unshakable in the earthquake, sank into the ground due to the collapsed earth.

As for the temporarily added library, because it was under the edge of the sanctuary, it happened not to belong to the protection scope of the sanctuary. It was separated from the sanctuary during the earthquake, and the river in the imperial capital was soaked and destroyed.

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