When the Juggernaut Comes To the Second Dimension

Chapter 55:

It turned out that it was Ikoma who saw this scene and was worried that Tiantori Mima would kill the one-eyed and wanted to stop him.

But... three seconds later.

Tiantori Mima, who ignored Ikoma at all, obeyed her inner thoughts, pierced the long sword through One-eyed's body, and killed him directly.

"Why... kill him? Didn't he beg for mercy?!!"

Angered that Mima Tiantori killed the attacker's Ikoma, he rushed over angrily and questioned Mima Tiantori angrily.

Completely different from the angry Ikoma, Atomori Mima, who didn't take this anger at all, just asked indifferently.

"Is this man your relative? Or your long-lost brother?"


"Since you're not close, why are you so angry?"

"Because he already begged for mercy?"

Ignoring the liberator beside him who was holding a gun at him, Ikoma kept approaching Atomori Mima, condemning and questioning him.

"Don't say it! Stupid! It's Mr. Meima who is in danger, right?! You got the wrong object of sympathy?"

A steam craftsman who has a very good relationship with Ikoma, and some short and chubby Tachiboshi hugged Ikoma who was constantly advancing.

While blocking his progress, he also persuaded him, and put on a pleasing smile to look at Tiantori Mima who was standing still, and apologized to Tiantori Mima on his behalf.

"I'm sorry! Lord Meima! I will definitely talk about him well after I go back. It's really rude to be so rude to Lord Meima!"

"I also apologize on his behalf! He is just showing pity, please forgive him."

Sifang Chuanchangpu, who was holding a bow with a steam engine, brought her loyal dog... No, it was the bodyguard Jiuzhi Raisu, who stood up just like Takashi, and found another thing for nothing, always 100% kind. Ikoma's intercession.

Of course, their voices were so small that Yong Ye couldn't hear them at all, but it was generally possible to guess what they were doing from their movements.

At this time, he couldn't help thinking, why are so many people willing to help at this time, the sympathy is overflowing, the innocent and kind enough to dedicate love to the enemy, and Ikoma who will never kill anyone who asks for mercy?

…the so-called clustering of similarities? People who are overflowing with sympathy are easy to get together with people who are overflowing with sympathy? Or is it a form of good people getting good rewards?

"Well, it's fine, it has nothing to do with me."

The battle was over, Yong Ye didn't feel the need to stay here, turned around and left the city wall.

Taking advantage of the fact that Shou Fangzhong was killing the enemy outside the city, he returned to the Iron City and took away the sack with half a bag of gold coins in his carriage. By the way, he also took away a lot of fruits and vegetables, which are more replenishing. Salted fish for body energy.

To be honest, if it hadn’t left this fortress to go to King Kong Guo, there would be only one track, and that track is still being occupied by Kecheng of Hunting Fangzhong. Yongye would definitely take advantage of the fact that he would force the people on the Iron City to drive directly. leave here.

Still, it's no big deal to not be able to leave now.

Anyway, the master key is with him, he can't leave without going to the armored and iron city, the enemy is so strong that he can't fight them head-on, so he will hide for a while, and after the Kecheng of the hunters leaves, he will go to find them again. People opened the Iron Fortress and left here.

Originally... It should have been like this... The plan was fine, and there were no major problems.

However, Yong Ye was on the mountain not very far from the station, but also some distance away, while monitoring the movements of Kecheng, who had returned to the station, while guarding the surrounding for possible attacks by the hunters, while practicing swordsmanship as usual... …

The tail of the city of Ke and the tail of the Iron Fort are connected together...

And then... in Yong Ye's astonished sight, Jia Tiecheng was dragged away by Kecheng.

When Yong Ye ran wildly and wanted to run to the armored city to get on the car, Kecheng, who was fully powered, took the armored city away from the fortress, only for Yongye to leave a **** of black color produced by burning coal. exhaust……

Because of the fierce running, Yong Ye, who suddenly stopped and put his hands on his knees, was desperately breathing, watching the two armored trains drifting away, his heart was quite broken.

"...Just kidding...connecting the carriage...don't you want the master key? This is completely different from what you said?"


Due to the specialization of the art, although Yong Ye's swordsmanship is unusual, and most of his common sense is true, but he only knows that the master key is required to separate the carriages, but the connection between the carriages can actually be completed without the master key. , which he did not know at all.

This also leads to, and now...

He was left alone in the fortress without the armored train...

Moreover, because of the fact that someone just died outside the city, it didn't take two days for Kabane to run out of the city along the smell of blood.

Others may not know it yet, but Yongye is very clear that the frontline fortresses in this direction have been captured. When the nearby Kabbah has been surrounded for a long time, the number of corpses on the frontline reaching them can instantly increase tenfold.

Chapter 59: The Eternal Night of the Status Quo

The equipment in this fortress called Japanese Culture Station, the defense equipment in the fortress is not good, even much lower than the average.

Because the Japanese station was a fortress in the rear, the focus was on production rather than defense. There was no moat, and it would probably take a few days for the corpse tide to be pushed flat.

Without the protection of armored trains, it is difficult for a person to survive in the outside world, but... Does he want to coexist with this fortress?

No... no, how could it be allowed? ?

His life must not end like this.

Even if you want to die, you shouldn't die so meaningless... There must be a way to get out of here first.

Now it seems that it is time to use some tough measures to keep your own life safe...

Thinking of this, Yong Ye turned his attention to the Tianshou Pavilion, preparing to coerce the lord here and force the lord here to help him escape from the fortress.

However, it is a pity... When Yong Ye arrived inside the Tianshou Pavilion and was ready to coerce the lord, he unexpectedly found that the lord here had disappeared.

And on the corridor of the Tianshou Pavilion, there are still the shogun's five continents patrolling and several samurai corpses.

Very depressed for a while, but he quickly noticed the unusualness of these corpses.

"...The body has been pierced. Could this injury be a jet bomb invented by Ikoma?"

Looking closely at the bodies of the deceased, he found that these samurai were killed by gunshots, and the wounds on their bodies were not caused by ordinary bullets.

This pierced through the body's penetrating wound, very much like a jet bullet used against Kabane.

"No... Ikoma was not the only one who discovered the Jet Bullet, the previous battle Hunter Fang Zhong also used a similar bullet, and the power was also enough to break Kabane's heart with one shot. I don't know if it's called a Jet Bullet. Could it be... …”

Examining the corpse, Yong Ye generally came up with the answer.

In this fortress, the only people who have similar bullets are the warriors of the Iron Fortress and the Hunters. It is impossible for the people of the Iron Fortress to do this kind of thing, so the answer is obvious... This is what the Hunters did. .

The shogunate's five continents patrol was not killed by gunshots, but was smashed by a blunt weapon... probably an iron rod or the like.

...If I guessed correctly, it should be another man who always follows the beautiful horse of the bird. Unlike others who carry knives and sharp weapons, he always carries a swinging stick with him.

"It doesn't seem to be of any use to know who did it. If you can't escape from here as soon as possible, you'll really have to be friends with Kabane, damn..."

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