When I Fell Madly in Love With the Heroine, the World Changed.

Chapter 73

“Now let’s get started! Towards the formation of a World Federation!”

The EU delegations, including Camille, then shook hands one after another, with greetings.

There are many other representatives from other countries, numbering close to 100, waiting in the main conference room next door.

Here, Camille, as the head of the EU side, and Genbu, as the head of the Asian Union side, face each other across the desk.

“Once again, I am pleased to meet you. I am Camille, and you may take my words as the EU’s words. I don’t have a moment to spare right now.”

Camille makes short introductions as if in a hurry.

She was a talented woman, a glasses-wearing in her late 40s in age, a diplomat at the top of the EU’s political establishment.

“Yes, you’re right, we don’t have much time. We have one week, you know, to take advantage of that country.”

And then Genbu. speaks up.

The world knows.

The Asgar Empire is deciding who will be the next emperor at the Imperial Sword and Warrior Festival, a martial arts festival.

And that the battle has just begun, with the Knight of the Lord and the Knight of Odin deciding the emperor in single combat.

“Odin, who says he will wage war against us, the Asian Union, and”

“Lord Asgar, who has destroyed nearly half of our country. Either one of them would be a disaster to have as emperor. Odin would still be better if possible, but Lord Asgar’s is truly a monster.”

The representatives of both sides nodded.

Time is running out, that’s why they are hurriedly setting up this meeting and essentially skipping the yearly discussions to make a decision with just the representatives.

“So, as we have notified in writing, can you tell us again? That the Asian Union wants to merge with the EU.”

Camille gets down to business.

Hearing this, Isshin and the others nod, and Genbu opens his mouth.

“We have taken a resolution and then a decision on that as the Asian Union. We welcome all states belonging to the EU to join the Asian Union.”

Hearing the answer, Camille stands up and shakes his hand.

“Well then!”

“Yes, as of this day, the Asian Union will change its name, after its merger with the EU. To the World Federation!”

“Thank you, Gen! This will save the world from a future dominated by that Empire!”

Representatives of both sides shook hands stiffly.

Today, a gigantic federation of states, surpassing even the Asgar in terms of land area, has been born.

Both nations have only one objective.

“Defeat the Asgar Empire!”

A counterattack against the Asgar Empire, the world’s largest monarchy.

A federation of states as a counterbalance to a single emperor who wants to dominate even billions of people on this planet.

The World Federation was born.

But there is one more thing on today’s agenda.

That is why the representatives were hastily assembled for a meeting.

“So far, as written, but now that the Imperial Sword and Warfare Festival has started, we should turn the tables and go on the offensive. That country will surely launch a war, then there is no reason not to aim for this opening now.”

Genbu’s suggestion that.

“And we have set our target. The occupied Japan is to be retaken by the World Federation Forces.”


Kaguya leans forward when she hears this.

Isshin calms Kaguya down, but Isshin himself is also nervous inside.

After all, this had been decided last night.

The first deployment as the World Federation.

The EU is not yet aware that the target country is Japan.

“Japan… may I ask why?”

“Yes, single-mindedly. Will you come?”


Isshin then steps forward at Genbu’s call.

He stands next to Genbu and makes eye contact with Camille.

“He represents Japan. Kurokami Isshin. A general of the former Japanese army and leader of the largest resistance ‘Amaterasu’.”

“I am Kurokami Isshin. Pleased to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you too!”

Camille and Isshin return the courtesy.

“First of all, there are several reasons, but the most important is probably geographical factors. That country is surrounded by the sea, which makes it difficult to attack and easy to defend.”

“I understand that, but… well, is it because of the time of year?”

“Yes, we are attacking Japan with a large army at the same time as the Imperial Sword and Warrior Festival is being held. It will be difficult for the Empire to respond with the Emperor absent and the chain of command in disarray.”

The proposal by Genbu is to target the emperor’s absence during the Imperial Sword and Warfare Festival.

Although Odin is currently in command, neither Odin nor Lord will be in command during the Imperial Sword and Warfare Festival.

Taking command means taking command of the war, which means that they will have the same power as the emperor until the war is over.

Neither side would allow that to happen.

The priority, then, is to decide which side will be emperor first, even if that means abandoning Japan.

That is why a lightning invasion is necessary.

Taking into account the preparations, the decision is.

“On the morning of the Imperial Sword Festival, we’ll start the sortie, then.”

“I see, indeed, if we can take that country, it will become the largest natural fortress in the war against the Asgar Empire that is about to happen.”

Camille agrees with this idea.

“And the main goal of our Federation is to overthrow the Asgar Empire, and to do so, we aim to liberate all the special districts 1-13 that are currently controlled by them. Then let’s take them back in order from 13, and if the Japanese are here, we have a great cause.”

“A great cause… a plausible reason to convince the people, but this is important. The people will be convinced, that this is not a war of aggression, but a war of liberation, for independence.”

Camille is convinced.

In addition to the geographical factors, he says, it is a battle that can be labeled a war of liberation.

“So, today. I will take a resolution with the representatives of the countries of the World Federation, if you don’t mind. Since the cause is on our side.”

Gemba then proposes that the resolution be taken.

“Of course.”

Seeing Camille nodding, Genbu shifts his gaze to Isshin.

“Then, Isshin. I’m going to ask you to do it. You are the right person for the job. That’s why I’ve called you here.”

“Yes! Leave it to me!”

The meeting then flows to an end and they go to the main conference room.

Genbu, Camille and Isshin go up to the platform.

The delegates from each country watched with bated breath.

More than 200 representatives gather in number: royalty, presidents and prime ministers of nations large and small.

Then Genba opens his mouth.

“I announce what we have just decided. We, the Asian Union and the EU, have agreed to step together and join hands to confront the Asgar Empire.”

“Is that…”

There is a murmur in the hall.

Everything that is to be decided today is known in advance.

But whether it would be confirmed or not was not known until this day.

“In other words, we will be comrades as of this day. We have different principles, different cultures, different political, and economic forms. We know that we still hold grudges, both against countries that have met in the past and those that have been robbed of what we love. But now we are in a difficult situation.

The worst enemy of all is about to take over the world and conquer us, the world, with eternal subjugation. But we will resist! By this greatest coalition of nations, unparalleled in history!”

Genbu then proclaims in high spirits as he raises his fist.

“I hereby declare the establishment of the World Federation!”

The representatives of the nations rose in unison to applaud and congratulate him on his decision.

“And today, we would like to make our first vote as the World Federation! Now I ask you to explain the first agenda item.”

Then Genbu steps up to the podium.

All eyes in the world turned to Isshin.

Isshin takes a deep breath, regulates his breathing, and speaks slowly.

To put everything he is thinking now into this place without hiding anything.

“I am Kurokami Isshin. I am Japanese.”

The audience buzzes at this Isshin’s podium.

On the platform of a race of a nation that has already perished.

“My country, six years ago. We were invaded by the Empire. For no good reason, just to expand their lands. And the people were overrun. My family was killed. My wife, my sister, my son… and the country of Japan is gone.

Tens of thousands, millions of our people died, and most of the survivors were taken as slaves to the Empire, where they are still being treated in a way that makes them wish they were dead.

I am a soldier. I was ready to fight and die. But they killed all those who had nothing to fight for. They took everything from us, children, and women alike. After the defeat, I was so angry and despairing that I considered suicide many times.

But I stayed on because I had only one thought in my mind. Those who are left behind, my men, and the people who are still suffering. And…”

And a single thought looking at Kaguya.

“This child. The only remaining family member. My proud and beloved daughter, now one of the 13. For all those Japanese, I want to take back Japan. I want to take back the country and the future where these children can live laughing!”


“What I am talking about is the past. It is a story of hell that has definitely happened and that I have seen with my own eyes. But this is now about to become the future. They are trying to take over the world!”

Many saw Odin’s speech.

Odin’s speech in which he said he would be dominating the Asian Union, comes to mind.

“That’s why!”

Isshin’s heartfelt cry echoes through the hall.

“We must resist! We cannot imagine how much misery our defeat would envelop the world! We must fight! Not for waiting, but for freedom!

Today the World Federation was founded. Never in the history of mankind has there been an organization of this magnitude. This force will surely be able to overthrow even that empire!”

The delegates in the hall gradually change the color of their eyes.

Their minds turn to understand what Isshin is proposing.

“So what I will give as the first agenda of the World Federation! It is to retake Japan!”

Isshin then bows his head.

He tells all the thoughts that have been closed in his heart.

The delegates stand up and direct their applause towards Isshin.

Isshin steps down from the platform and Genbu takes his place.

“We can do it, you of the EU will understand. You, a country that was once born fighting for freedom! What it means to fight, what it means to resist. The will of our Asian Union has already been decided.”

With that call from Genbu, the entire Asian Union stands up.

All of them look at representatives of the EU side.

In other words, the Asian Union is fully in favor of taking back Japan.

They then.

“It’s a surprise. You’ve asked me to decide the world’s fate right here and now… but it’s been decided since you came here, Gen.”

Camille, the EU representative, slowly stands up.

The conversation has been discussed earlier in advance, but now it’s time for a performance.

“The EU declares that it will not give up all its military power and will fight. That is why we are a world federation.”

Following these words, all the EU representatives stand up.

Camille then looks at Isshin and bows her head.

“Isshin, my sincere respect to you for your continued fight for freedom, I respect you as a representative of a free country and as a human being.”

Isshin also bows his head and returns the courtesy.

Camille raises her head and declares in a loud voice.

“Let us fight. For the freedom of our and our future children. And one day, when it is accomplished, let’s make it a national holiday and call it this!”

Camille turns her smile into one.

“World Independence Day. World Independence Day.”

Isshin bows deeply to Camille and is unable to lift his head.

Kaguya cannot see his face, but she can see tears falling to the floor.

“Majority in favour! Therefore, World Federation Resolution No. 1, passed. The target is Japan, the objective is Japan.”

Genbu then declares in high spirits.

“Retake Japan!”

I dropped this bc there were barely an views but I want to ask If you want me to continue TL? If so please drop the comment to see how many.

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