Chapter 2: Two
Thornin held his face and looked down.
"I am sorry, I just wanted to save her." he said softly.
"Wow, let's give a round of applause for Hero Thornin." Akkhi said sarcastically.
"What are people going to say about me? Lady Amara Rattanakul, keeping a murderer in her household."
"well technically, she didn't kill her, so she isn't a murderer." Nam told his mother.
"Oh shut up! The girl was in coma and barely survived." Lady Amara replied.
"Well Hero Thornin must have a death wish." Akkhi said laughing.
"I can't believe this, you, a servant we picked from the gutters daring to marry someone, a criminal for that matter."
She raised her hand up to hit Thornin again.
"That's enough Amara" a loud voice said.
Lord Adisorn Rattanakul walked into the room.
"Do you have any idea what your servant has done?" Lady Amara asked him, her voice was a bit low this time.
"Yes, he married Arya." Lord Adisorn replied.
"And you don't see anything wrong with that? He brought a criminal into my home?"
"Amara, it's okay. I will speak with him, you shouldn't get so angry because of your health."
"I wouldn't get so angry if he behaved like the rat that he was." she looked at Thornin angrily.
"That's okay Amara, Nam take your mother inside. Akkhi and Phayu, don't you have things to do?" he asked.
"Come on mother, let's go." Nam held his mother and took her inside.
Akkhi and Phayu went outside, Akkhi shoving Thornin with his shoulder.
"You, take Arya to Thornin's room so she can freshen up and get her something to eat." Lord Adisorn told a servant who stood in the corner.
The servant nodded and gently took Arya to the servant quarters.
"Thornin, come with me." Lord Adisorn instructed.
Thornin followed Lord Adisorn to his study.
"So you married Arya?" he asked Thornin.
"Yes sir."
"I just thought she deserved a second chance."
"She stabbed that girl with the intention to kill. The girl survived with a narrow chance, what makes you think she won't do the same to you?"
"I don't think she would do the same, I believe so."
Lord Adisorn smiled. He opened a box on his table, took out a small container and approached Thornin.
He rubbed the paste in the container on Thornin's cheek, gently massaging the spot where Lady Amara had hit him.
"Your Lady just cares for the household, you understand right?"
"Yes sir, I understand."
Lord Adisorn patted his cheek.
"Go be with your wife."
"thank you sir."
"and sleep with one eye open" he teased.
Thornin smiled and left the study.
Arya came out of the bathroom, the only thing in the wardrobe was Thornin clothes. She picked out a shirt and a pair of trousers.
The trousers were bigger than her and she had to use a belt to hold it together.
She heard a knock on the door.
"Come in"
The door opened and Pim, the servant walked in.
" you look much better."
"Thank you." Arya replied.
Pim set the tray on the table.
"I tried to make it fancy for you."
"It's okay Pim, it's much more better than what I was given at the prison."
"Well,enjoy." Pim replied awkwardly.
"Is Thornin okay? He won't be in trouble right?" Arya asked worriedly.
"As long as Lord Adisorn is around, he won't be in trouble. Lord Adisorn really cares for Thornin."
"Ah! I see."
"Don't worry Miss Arya, Thornin is a kind man, I am not surprised he saved you. He doesn't even let us kill the rats that the traps catch."
"I suppose that is good to hear, and Pim you don't need to call me Miss Arya, Arya is fine."
"Oh but I couldn't do that, I am just a servant and you are....." Pim trailed off.
"A disowned daughter and a criminal who narrowly escaped being hanged, I am not anything."
"well, you aren't going to kill anyone again, right?" Pim asked worriedly.
"No, of course not" Arya assured her.
The door opened as Thornin came in.
"I will get going, but I will come check on you later." Pim said and left the room.
Arya looked at Thornin, he looked okay, so maybe he hadn't been punished much by Lord Adisorn.
"Do you like the food?" he enquired.
"that's good."
"you weren't punished much, right?" Arya asked.
"Not really, Lord Adisorn understood why I did it."
"Thank you for saving me." she muttered.
"It's nothing, don't be afraid. I won't do anything to you, after the mandatory year, I will divorce you and you will be free to what you want."
"Thank you."
"stop thanking me, now you are already friendly with Pim, I will ask her to bring you food from the kitchen when I am not home. I assume you don't feel like going out yet?"
She nodded in response.
"You can stay in as much as you like."
He took a pillow from the bed and arranged it on the couch.
"I will stay on the couch and you stay on the bed."
"But..." she tried to protest.
"No buts..."
"Thank you"
"Remember, I said no thanks either."
He disappeared into the bathroom.
Arya arranged the plates and went to the bed to lay down.
Just some hours ago, she was almost dying and now she was safe.
She touched her neck as she remembered the feel of the noose around her neck. Arya had put on a brave front earlier but she had been so scared.
She remembered the look of hatred on everyone's face. Her own parents couldn't even be bothered to come.
She remembered Saran holding Wanna and sobbed. The pain in her heart was much.
She was so tired that she slept off while sobbing.
Thornin came out of the bathroom and saw her asleep.
He put the blanket around her and gently wiped the tears away.
"Everything will be okay soon." he whispered.