When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 61

Chapter 60: Be Your Own Director And Share Your Cool Moments!

Chapter 60 Be your own director and share your cool moments!

Revisited his clips, and Gu Mo suppressed the strange sense of discord in his heart.

There is no way out. After all, even a professional actor, when he first sees his performance translated into the results on the screen, he will probably feel this way. Especially since he is not a professional yet, seeing his “performance” or “performance” now, it is naturally even more impossible to be an exception.

glanced at the sharing icon in the lower right corner, Gu Mo hesitated slightly, but he was a little moved. He doesn’t deny that he has some ideas, but he also thinks that the mentally retarded system should not be aimless, so he still pays more attention to this function.

Maybe the mental retardation system has a deep meaning. You have to try it to find out. In case, if you share the experience of being able to water every day, or accumulate some lottery opportunities, or give a valuable achievement… I don’t even try it myself. Just ignore the past, isn’t it a loss of 100 million?

Especially the last achievement, which he values more. Judging from the achievement badges he has obtained so far, they are not like the achievements in ordinary games. Most of them are just numbers and have no practical significance.

It is more memorable and at the same time, it will also give extremely powerful bonus effects. For example, the achievement badge of the beginner can increase the experience gained by any method by 25% before reaching level 10 at any level, and the upgrade speed will be increased by 25%. Equal to a quarter increase.

There is also the achievement badge of the first drop of blood, which limits the experience gained through combat to be doubled directly. If it weren’t for the addition of these two items, Gu Mo felt that he might have been promoted to two, three or three levels at most. Looks like four.

So we really can’t ignore the past…

With this idea in mind, he browsed it again, watched the entire video in earnest, and slightly revised all the details. The whole process of the village’s Houshan ancestral hall…

It only goes so far, that is, the black-haired girl walked into the ancestral hall single-handedly, slaughtered, chopped melons and vegetables, and then the curtain came to an end. , quietly holding the sword upside down, with a “calm as water” expression…

——Actually, this was because of her bloodline of the monster at the time, and it was probably because she managed to suppress it, and it was also because she didn’t have time to rescue Gu Mo who was attacked outside in time.

It is that Gu Mo himself was reviewing through the game records, and seeing details that he hadn’t been able to notice before, he roughly guessed what was going on. It seems that it started from Chang An of Minotaur, and then to Chang An of Houshan Ancestral Hall. Xiu Chiyo showed something wrong when he entered Chang An twice.

Then, when he encountered Chang An of the horse-headed ghost again, he finally couldn’t hold back his demonic nature and completely transformed into a monster.

Combined with the information I have, such as in the constant darkness, the power of the monsters has been strengthened, and the power of the monsters has become active; there is also a story about Hidechiyo who only lost control in Shisan Sakura Village once, and nothing like that has happened since then. , you can even freely manipulate the power of monsters for your own use…

It is not difficult for Gu Mo to speculate on the specific situation, and he probably understands that the loss of control that time was like a coming-of-age ceremony for her. After that, the girl began to continue to grow like a broken bamboo, and the progress was made by leaps and bounds, and it seemed to be as natural as breathing and blood.

From the very beginning, even the power of his own blood was difficult to control, and the half-demon who had the risk of being eroded and out of control, gradually became the number one monster in the Warring States Period in the past few decades——

The two big monsters of the Demon Sealing Hall finally broke the seal, and then Shuten Douji, who wanted to make a fuss, was beaten to death by Hidechiyo on the spot. Only Tamamo-mae ran away because of her decisiveness… and Dayue later. Maru, who turned into a ghost of a nightmare, was still hammered in the last battle, and it was completely explained who was the real demon king with the record.

With a light breath, he completed the final inspection and confirmed that there should be no problem.

Of course, the real process took a lot of work in the middle of the night, from the middle of the night until the dawn of the morning, but the current content is about the length of one episode after his editing and post-production… Mainly It’s from start to finish, basically many of which are Hide Chiyo’s shots.

It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have the chance to play, but most of them are talking points.

For example, under Ye Sakura, he pretended to be a serious acquaintance with the girl, showing that he knew the village well, and even seemed to be the dominant player in his relationship with the girl…

The main reason is that the battle materials related to him are quite difficult to deal with. After all, he was a pure newbie at that time. He had no upgrades, no skills, and no experience and awareness… Only a heart that loves learning and works hard Take advantage of the opportunity at that time and do your best to improve your brushing experience.

This sounds very inspirational, but if you really want to broadcast it as a screen image, it will be a very boring shot.

Especially with the comparison of Xiu Chiyo Pearl and Jade in front, this is even more so. Even he felt that he tried his best to fight wits and courage with the little hungry ghost. After a few fights, he would stop to take a breath and take a break. His performance was really not good, and he felt irritated when he looked at it.

What else can I do, so I finally lost the pass decisively.

Also rejected was the scene where he was attacked and killed by a ghost, which was not cut in. Not only was it too embarrassing, but it was also too bloody. Even the clothes were torn at the back, and the elements such as naked blood and blood were all available, and I was afraid that it would not pass the trial.

and the battle of the horse-headed ghost in the back is also the same, the tragic scene of the river of blood is too amazing.

After completing this, Gu Mo clicked the share icon in the lower right corner with some uncertainty.


A new pop-up window appeared in the center of the interface in his eyes, displaying a line of text information – “Uploading”, and below it was a circle-shaped pattern that seemed to represent the network, and it kept spinning. Gu Mo was stunned for a moment, then started uploading directly?

Shouldn’t there be more detailed further operations?

Of course, his doubts were not answered. The pop-up window remained the same, and the circle-shaped pattern continued to rotate. Even if he clicked to close the page, it would not stop. When he opened it again, it was still the same. Gu Mo couldn’t help sighing. Tone, now I can only wait patiently for the operation to be completed…


As time passed for more than ten minutes, there was still no change, and his expression slowly solidified. This is… the mental retardation system has begun to fall ill again?

At present, there is no good way, he can only make himself wait for another half an hour calmly, which adds up to more than an hour. However, the interface is still the same, it is still the same, it can’t be turned off, and the operation has not been completed.

! Waste of emotion… Gu Mo didn’t know if he should feel lost, or he breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn’t help staring at this interface for the time being.

It seems that the mentally retarded system is indeed stuck because of this. It is hard to imagine how many bugs there are in this thing. He can’t find any function keys for restarting, and he also dare not try the logout function. There is no way to solve the problem, and in the end, I can only stare at me for a long time.

Forget it, I’ll check it out tomorrow.

It’s all over now, it’s time to take a rest…

After tossing for a while, he still didn’t know how to solve this problem. Gu Mo could only grit his teeth. He glanced at the current time and found that it was already past three o’clock in the morning and it was four o’clock in the morning. I haven’t slept since I returned before, and I have used the power of the guardian spirit many times. Not long ago, I spent my energy making a dozen spells.

And he stayed up all night to cut a video for the whole night. Even with his spiritual attributes, he felt very tired at this time. If he didn’t rest, he would die suddenly.

took a quick shower, and then threw himself on the bed.

Gu Mo didn’t need to use the incense secretly made by the Onmyoji this time, and soon became tired and fell into a sweet dreamland.


The next day, close to noon.

Gu Mo woke up after a long sleep, lying on his bed, looking at the ceiling, he was still a little confused for a while, he subconsciously felt that he should still be in Lushan City, why did the room become like this …Bewildered for a moment before reacting.

Sitting up from the bed, he stretched hard, recalled what happened before, and immediately jumped out of bed without wearing shoes, went to the half-length mirror in front of the cabinet in the room, and opened the system page facing the mirror. , and then find that everything has stopped.

The    pop-up window has disappeared, the circle-shaped pattern no longer appears and rotates endlessly, only the lower left corner of the previous clip file shows a label.

——”Upload complete.”

He pursed his lips, opened his mailbox to check the system log records, and found the latest pieces of information:

“%¥#@&…confirm upload, permission verification passed, open…preparation…”

“$#%&@…searching for default channel…while locking…%¥#@&…signal…”

“Locked…%¥#@&…Send target coordinates 27658, start sending information…”

“Send completed.”


That’s about it.

Because the log record has always been garbled, Gu Mo was a little bit confused, but he was still startled because of the order of magnitude that appeared in it.

seems to be more than 27,000 recipients? If I understand correctly…

No way, what an international joke? Could it be that the upload progress was stuck for so long last night, and that was the reason? The mentally retarded system directly sent nerves and hijacked the entire real-world network platform? Gu Mo felt that his scalp was about to explode, so he immediately rushed back to the computer desk and sat down.

Start up and enter, immediately open the browser, and enter keywords to search.


Input again, search again, but still nothing. At least the push is invisible. Whether it’s a direct search keyword, or today’s real-time hot news, he turned several pages all the way and still couldn’t see the relevant news.

“Hey, wait, this is…”

At this time of entanglement, Gu Mo finally saw a familiar search result, which was the title of the file he uploaded——

“Heroes in the world, only Axiu and Moer”…

Emmmm… This is his custom title for playing memes, mainly because after reading the results at the time, he found that he didn’t play any role in reality or in the edited video, so he made fun of it with this. Self-deprecating.

The intention is just like that joke. The wealth of Ma, Wang, and Li together is enough to shake the whole of Asia. In fact, there is no “I” in it. It doesn’t matter at all. affected. So what he meant at the time was the same, Axiu and himself together could push the world horizontally…

With these thoughts spinning in his mind, Gu Mo clicked in and found that it was no coincidence, it happened to be the update posted by his account on a certain video website last night, probably due to the power of the mental retardation system. However, just as his account itself is dead, because there is no heat, this video is also tepid.

There are not many    messages, and the viewing data is less than three digits, which is as dismal as ever.

“What is the real world…”

Gu Mo raised his eyebrows, but felt that a big stone had fallen in his heart, but he didn’t let go, and continued to search the Internet without giving up.

After half an hour like this, he was really relieved, but at the same time he couldn’t help feeling puzzled. He opened the system’s log record again and looked at it again. There are more than 27,000 sending objects.

But no matter how I look for it, I can only find updates from the only release channel under my name. Besides, there is no push or popularity on the Internet, and I can’t find any other channels… Where does it come from? Sending object coordinates and still not getting any blisters?

I sent a lonely one, where did I send it… Or was it because I got stuck in the middle of the night, most of them failed to send in the end?

Gu Mo frowned, feeling quite puzzled.

may be stories that happened in different worlds at different times.

“It’s still not right, it’s not these, it looks suspicious, but it can’t be them…”

threw the thick stack of documents in his hand onto the table, the man with striking white hair and a black blindfold sighed.

A period of time has passed since what happened that night, and the mysterious person has not reappeared.

But Wutiaowu did not take it lightly. During this time, he has been investigating this matter. Basically, he has investigated the entire world of magic spells. All registered, unregistered, registered, wild spellers or related The person or thing he investigated, but the result was disappointing.

“It’s really strange, is it really a very old super old monster that no one knows, or is it a rising star who was born suddenly, without any rising process? Otherwise, it is reasonable to say that it is impossible. You can’t find fame or clues…”

There is no way to easily catch that person. This Gojo Satoru is still mentally prepared, but he has already tried his best to search all the places he can find, but he can’t find even a single clue. This is a bit scary.

Either the other party is hiding too well, or they don’t exist at all. There are only two explanations, but either one is extremely terrifying, because there are so many things that can be extended behind.

At this moment, the phone rang.

The man wearing the blindfold made a glancing motion, then copied the phone and pressed the switch button. At the same time, he leaned back lazily on the back of the chair, his feet on the table in front—

“Moxi Moxi, why does my dear student have time to call the teacher, is there anything wrong?”

“Teacher…I…Huzhang he seems to have found some clues about that mysterious person that night.” The voice of Fu Heihui came from the opposite side of the phone, and his tone was calm with some strangeness.


Wujo Satoru made a humming sound with a rising end. He frowned, and his tone was no longer so frivolous and kind: “You guys go to investigate this matter? Didn’t I tell you not to intervene, that person might be dangerous, no? You can handle it now…”

“No, teacher, we didn’t pursue this matter.”

Fu Heihui emphasized in a more serious tone: “We just found a clue by accident, that is, he happened to see the knotweed…”

“I discovered it by accident? It just happened to be seen by you?” Gojo Satoru suddenly felt a little amused, “Why did I accidentally discover that he happened to be on TV and was seen by you?”

I have been investigating all this time, and I have searched the entire magic world, but I still have no clue. And his two students did not take the initiative to investigate, but just happened to encounter clues by accident? Is this what anime plot unfolds?

Looking for a reason should also find a qualified one, this kind of unconvincing excuse is too clumsy.



“Why didn’t you speak suddenly?” Gojo Satoru yawned lazily, listening to the silent breathing of his student opposite him.

“Although…it’s not that person on TV, but it feels similar…” Fu Heihui, who was opposite, seemed to be very difficult to speak, as if he didn’t know how to explain this matter, “Teacher, you can go online now. , you go look for the latest TV animation broadcast on Kyoto TV…”

“Huh? Why am I going to see this?”

“It’s the latest Warring States theme, and it’s already in the fourth chapter…”

Fu Heihui ignored his teacher and continued to talk to himself, and at the same time his tone became very strange: “I don’t know if this is a coincidence, but this is really weird and ridiculous, That person…that person seems to be a character from an animation…”

(end of this chapter)

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