When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 39

Chapter 39: Version Answer With Lucky Increase

Chapter 39 Version Answers and Lucky Increases

Gu Mo felt that he understood the true meaning of a mage, the core concept of how to be a “battle mage”.

Oh, it seems that it is not right to say “Battle Mage”. After all, it is the so-called “do as the locals do”. Considering that he is currently practicing and mastering onmyoji, the official name of the practitioner is also Onmyoji, so the correct statement should be…

——Yin and Yang warriors!

– That’s right! This is it!

Gu Mo’s expression was very subtle. He remembered some strange things, and couldn’t help feeling that he already knew the right path, but he couldn’t react immediately. Sure enough, history is an upward spiral, and human beings are always repeating the path they have traveled.

That’s right, he is very familiar with the path of Yin-Yang martial artist, and it can even be said that he is very skilled.

The most typical onmyoji warrior in the game, Saito Toshizo, gives a deep impression… Let’s say he is an onmyoji, the big sword is faster than the big sword, and he shoots the hegemony body with instant combos; Martial arts, infinite instant onmyoji, rubbing light cannons when distance is widened, and often smashing people in the face with a yin-yang technique that doesn’t talk about martial arts in the gap between melee knives.

In addition, the amulet is always in place to reduce damage, the blood is thick and the energy is high, and fighting with him is to seek death; the wind-repelling charm reflects all long-range attacks, not to mention bows and muskets, and cannons bounce back on the spot.

All in all, it is an extremely disgusting fairy and humanoid monster in the game. I don’t know how many players have drunk hatred under this onmyoji countless times. They died in the end and became confused. They smashed the keyboard and threw the handle, and then surfed the Internet.


The later version of the answer gave a very subtle result.

Hundreds of soldiers and martial arts, both profound and righteous, destroy everything! Minor in yin and yang, proficient in magic, unlimited battery life!

——Everyone hates yin and yang warriors, but in the end, everyone became a yin and yang warrior, even more extreme than Saito Risan.

But this is also something that can’t be helped. The answer in the version is this. This path is strong, and it is a universal solution… and people are double-standard. What I hate is that the enemy disgusts himself as a yin and yang warrior, and he disgusts the enemy as a yin and yang warrior. not conflict.

Gu Mo felt that he gradually understood everything.

So, it turns out that this is indeed the version answer! In fact, it has already been revealed in the game, it really is that art comes from life!

Under the one-sided slaughter, the battle soon came to an end. Youxiu Chiyo led the audience, not only accounting for more than 90% of the damage of the violent output, but also always maintaining high speed and efficiency. While killing, always pay attention to other movements on the battlefield and prepare to save the field.

Therefore, the soldiers also let go of their hands and feet. After the first wave of the iron cannons hit the raid damage, they were temporarily unavailable, so they simply went directly to the cold weapons. Yes, but not now.

Even Tokichiro was holding a tachi, rushing in front, and shouting so loudly, it was hard to make people not notice his hard-working appearance.

Sure enough, there is a reason for this kind of person to be able to stand out.

Gu Mo twitched the corners of his mouth, and slashed a little hungry ghost who was fiercely pounced on his face with a knife, but at this moment, a ghost on the other side was already charging at him with his teeth and claws roaring. Like a wild bull with crazy hair!

This is not a joke, that burly body that is a circle larger than a normal person, red as tanned leather skin, full of blue veins and muscles, arms close to the thickness of an adult’s thigh, such a monster is brutal and fierce The power of a direct collision is not much worse than that of a heavy cavalry charge.

Gu Mo didn’t have time to put away the knife, he was in the middle of a little stab at the knife. If it was him before, he would probably be very flustered, but this time is different, he was beaten for an hour yesterday…cough, it took an hour. training is not meaningless.

He may not have really mastered and mastered those skills, but he at least firmly remembered one thing with his body.

At that time, Yuan Laiguang’s attack was like a violent storm. It was fast, urgent and fierce. People were in the shadow of swords, lights and swords. When they heard the shrill sound resounding in their ears, they felt that it seemed to wipe the tip of their cheeks and nose. The attack in the past, looking at the afterimage that seems to be whizzing past in front of his eyeballs… It is inevitable that he is very flustered.

Subconsciously, he would want to close his eyes, step back to distance himself, raise his arms to protect his body instinctively, and then he was beaten harder and more painful.

When you obey your flustered instincts and conditioned reflexes, you will be beaten, and the beatings will be particularly painful; but if you overcome your instincts, force yourself to calm down and observe carefully, and look for opportunities to deal with counterattacks, you will be less beaten… Pain is indeed the most painful. Effective body memory.

The panicked instinct to dodge and block is meaningless, it will only disrupt your movements, and closing your eyes is even more of an act of courting death, but it is an ostrich mentality that hides your ears and steals the bell, handing over the opportunity to the enemy completely… His is such a simple truth.

So at this moment, Gu Mo didn’t panic immediately, lost his senses, and didn’t know what to do, but subconsciously quickly thought about the way to deal with the counterattack.

This demon’s offensive seems to be very arrogant and fierce, but compared to the shrewd woman Laiguang Yuanyuan, she is really too understanding and too childish, and it is simply a gift.

With his other hand, he threw out a fireball talisman. The talisman paper quickly burned out after he left his hand. Only a mass of condensed flames took on the shape of a sphere. Hit the forehead of the demon who just rushed over.

It looked as if this monster rushed over and caught the firebomb with its head.

There was a muffled sound, and the demon wailed. Although the horns on the top of the head were still flashing with a faint golden yellow essence, it didn’t seem to be affected much, probably because the damage of the fire bomb was not enough, and the main damage type was attribute damage, physical shock. It is only incidental and cannot cause fragmentation.

But it just hit the face door, and the whole face burned at once, and in addition to the extremely hard horns, the eyes of the demon are also weak points.

When it was howling, waving its claws, and slapping the flames on its face, it was Gu Mo’s turn. He retracted the blade and quickly turned to meet the demon, and then slashed through the air with a brilliant arc. He chopped off his head and a pair of arms.

Gu Mo flicked the bloodstains that did not exist on the blade of Qinghui’s circulating blade, looked at the light spot of the props that fell on the ground, and quickly picked it up, then turned and walked directly to the other direction of the battlefield.

His strength is actually not that great. Even with the full blessing of 12 points, it is actually very difficult to cut off the head and hands of a ghost with a single knife. After all, bones are very hard things. It’s not that easy to chop ribs on the back, let alone this case.

The main hero is the enchantment of the entanglement talisman, which brings about the effect of purifying the filth and removing the efficacious power of the eternal life, so that the blade in his hand has the power to attack ghosts. The hard skin that was originally like tanned leather , Under the blade of the knife, it is as simple as a red-hot wire cutting solidified butter.

The enchanting time is long, and the damage of attribute restraint is greatly increased. Sure enough, the net wrap is the **** of cost performance!

Therefore, it is the correct way to use onmyoji to assist and support, and then draw a knife to chop.

Gu Mo thought so, walked forward, and killed two little hungry ghosts. Today is different from the past. Although he feels that the growth rate is very small, compared to the embarrassment in Shisanying Village, these little hungry ghosts are no longer a threat at all.

When the last big hungry ghost was also surrounded and killed by a group of iron cannons, Ashikaru, and his head was in a different place, the battlefield was cleared up.

Toujiro was also a little out of breath. He not only shouted hard along the way, but also worked hard when killing monsters. However, after taking a deep breath, looking at the tragic scene of corpses lying all over the place, and counting the number of corpses of demons, his expression became a little surprised—

There are so many ghosts just halfway up the mountain here, how many will you encounter if you continue to go up to the mansion of the three men, and how many are there in the mansion of the three men?

This number of ghosts suddenly appeared on this mountain, which is not normal.

Because most ghosts are the result of the breeding of desolate spirits, death and blood, as well as hatred and resentment and other people’s evil thoughts, are all breeding grounds for them. Tokichiro, who travels all over the world, knows very well that if a large number of ghosts suddenly appear in a place, it will either be a brutal battlefield with countless casualties, or it will be a prosperous place with many people.

sounds contradictory, but it is. Needless to say, on the battlefield, it is normal for countless deaths, the essence of life to dissipate in large quantities in the land of blood, and to breed or attract countless ghosts. Where there are many people and prosperity, there may be filth and filth behind the prosperity, and hidden under the bright and bright are the blood and tears of an unknown number of people.

When hatred and resentment accumulate to a certain level, it will naturally erupt, and a large number of desolate spirits will breed, which will attract ghosts, spawn ghosts, and make the original human existence degenerate into ghosts.

The Ping An Jing was like this in the past. Flowers were covered with brocade, and fire was cooked with oil. However, after it was extremely prosperous, it turned into a magic capital overnight. In the inner world, **** changed, hundreds of ghosts walked at night, and demons danced wildly. Finally, the fire started from the southeast, spread to the northwest, and burned to the Suzaku gate. After one night, the capital turned to dust.

But now, Tokichiro looked at the surrounding environment, this is a desolate rocky mountain, no matter how you look at it, it does not meet any of the conditions.

Wait, there seems to be another reason…

After hesitating for a while, the monkey buried his doubts in his heart. He thought of something, but he was not sure. He planned to take a look at it later. Otherwise, if he guessed wrong, he would have exposed the plan of the three masters for no reason. is not so good.

“Pack up, clean the battlefield, check the barracks for anything, and then we’ll move on.”

Gu Mo looked around, then nodded, and ordered.

“By the way, if some of the corpses are in good condition, I suggest you make up for the knife… Just don’t go there immediately, stand away and shoot a shot in the forehead, don’t be stingy.”

The fire speed of the arquebus is very slow. Even if you have time to stand in place and shoot, most of the iron cannons are good enough to shoot two rounds a minute. Looking at the battle just now, it should be difficult for the enemy to stand in place and be shot, and he queues up to be shot in a hurry.

You can only prepare the first round of reloading in advance, hit the first wave of raid damage first, and then directly draw the knife…

In this way, the consumption of ammunition is not really a big problem. Gu Mo will not hide it and be reluctant to use it. Anyway, when playing normally, it is not always possible to hit the gun. It’s not a waste to have two shots, and it’s much more useful for these soldiers to survive than to save a bullet or two.

In the fog-shrouded camp, the Iron Cannons Ashgaru divided into multiple teams in groups of three and five, and began to clean the battlefield in different directions.

This weird fog did not dissipate with the sun, and the visibility was still a little low. The scenery a little further away was blurred and hazy, and it was a little unreal. The mountains and forests in the distance could only be seen. A rough outline of the shadow can be seen.

Gu Mo looked around. Under such conditions, he was also worried that his eyes would ignore any details, even if he could see the blood strips. But if the line of sight is not right, the health bar will not necessarily be displayed, so he will ask the soldiers to make up their own swords if they feel that something is wrong.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the black-haired girl standing beside him, looking at the battlefield as if he didn’t know what to think, he blinked.

“Axiu, you’ve worked hard, come here, have a drink and have a rest…” Gu Mo leaned over and picked up the water bag hanging on the horse to show his hospitality. This is a real thigh, and her task in this line is up to her. . “I’m tired of talking, do you want to squeeze your shoulders? Don’t you need to, ah, that’s a pity…”

Under Hidechiyo’s helpless and resolute shaking of his head, he sighed a little regretfully, not knowing what he was pity for.

In the process of waiting, he also leaned on the black tame old horse, put his palms into the pockets of his clothes, felt the existence of the “item column”, and began to count his gains.

In the battle just now, I am not sure how many ghosts I killed, and I have not counted them, but there are as many as seven or eight light spots of props dropped… Gu Mo subconsciously looked in the direction of the warmth and heat that only he could feel. Glancing at it, in the air beside him, the invisible big fox was standing beside him, and its nine tails fluttered slowly like a flame.

It has been a while since I obtained the guardian spirit. It seems that there is no special change. It seems that it is difficult to feel the effects of those constant shelters. There is no direct comparison between before and after.

Until now, he realized that shelter does exist. Although he didn’t understand what the term “lucky +70” was, he felt that the drop chance of killing monsters had indeed increased significantly.

He quickly browsed the newly added items in the inventory, and found that more than half of them are still materials such as spirit stones and ghost horns. Probably even with luck, these trash fish can only increase the drop rate, but not burst out. Good stuff that doesn’t belong in their hierarchy.

But there are two novelties that seem to come in handy.

– “Powder bombs.”

One is a dark-looking clay pot with a match rope wrapped around it, which looks a little familiar… Well, it’s a Warring States grenade, the so-called gunpowder bomb. Gu Mo sighed, anything bizarre can explode, but it’s better than nothing.

And the other is a bamboo-shaped container, the opening is well sealed…

“Royal Shenshui”.

He finally saw this familiar item. It was obviously a regular item in the game, but it seemed to be rare in this world… Speaking of which, it seemed that he had never seen “celestial medicine” before. It seems that there is no such common and common thing that can directly save lives.

(end of this chapter)

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