When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: So Fragrant

Chapter 27 Too Fragrant

Holding a touch of sadness, he tried to click on the empty skill slot.

It’s not that there are no available skills, but he jumps to the “Warehouse” interface that he is more familiar with. There are three cobblestones that seem to be lingering with blood, but they have a fruit-like appearance and are also like a heart. It’s beating, and every beating seems to be exhaling demonic power…

is the trophy he obtained before, the ghost’s soul core, which is essentially the core of the essence of power solidified.

Two of them were dropped from the ancestral hall of Shisanying Village, belonging to the ape ghost and an ordinary ghost respectively, as for the third one is the soul of the last horse-headed ghost who died miserably The nuclear is the loot he picked up in a hurry to clean the battlefield before taking the girl down the mountain.

“Hmm… Can the soul core be directly used as skill badge equipment?”

Gu Mo’s eyes flickered. This is very similar to the performance in the game. The ghost’s soul core is attached to the guardian spirit, so that the guardian spirit has the skills of the ghost, and because he is attached to the guardian spirit, he can use it. The power of the guardian spirit, so he also indirectly mastered the skills of ghosts.

He tried to switch back to his skill page, clicked on the empty skill slot, but found that the soul core could not be operated…

He tried to remove his only skill badge, put it in the warehouse, and switched back to the skill page of the guardian spirit just now, and found that he could only select the soul core, not the one he had just removed.” Life Potential” skill badge.

So, the use of the ghost’s soul core “can be used as a skill badge” in the system’s annotations actually means that it is used on the guardian spirit? In your own skill bar, you can’t do this, and only regular skill badges can be equipped.

And vice versa? Guardian spirits can’t use the skill badges provided by the system, and can only choose soul cores to equip?

Clear this point, Gu Mo felt a little regretful, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt that he was not greedy enough. Not to mention anything else, just saying that the guardian spirit can attach to the soul core, allowing him to indirectly master the skills of those ghosts, seems to have a considerable degree of value.

Because if there is no way to increase skill slots, then according to the current situation, Gu Mo can install up to ten skill badges. …

The damage-type skills should be brought, otherwise, how can there be output methods? You should also bring defensive skills to strengthen your own survivability.

Then there are control, gain, displacement, use of props or production, etc. He brought into the classic game idea and thought about it, and found that if there are only ten slots, then the skill selection is really nervous. The function of the guardian spirit is equivalent to nearly doubling the number of his skill slots all at once.

Even if the skills that can be selected are limited, as long as they are well matched, it is possible to make his own skill slots have more freedom, instead of being so nervous.

Gu Mo, who had figured it out, suddenly felt a lot better. He moved his eyes and looked at the lower left, where there were two label-like patterns. Just as he focused his attention, the label slipped out. to display the hidden sub-page information.

——”God’s Asylum: After being protected by the guardian spirit, it can bring powerful permanent protection and special abilities to the host (fire resistance +20, luck +70, fire attribute damage +15%).”

——“By Summoning: Actively summon the appearance of the guardian spirit, or let the guardian spirit possess itself in order to use its powerful power (consumes 1 energy value per second, and cannot be used if the energy value is less than 10).”

This seems to be the inherent skill of the guardian spirit itself, and the other is the constant effect of the protection blessing, which acts like a halo at all times, although he does not quite understand the level of protection provided by those numerical values. , but it’s a good thing after all.

And the second inherent skill is also in his expectation. In this world, people who can be protected by guardian spirits are not simple people. Maybe not everyone can realize this, but those who can realize it. , often can actively stimulate the power of the guardian spirit, rather than just have passive permanent protection.

It seems that Sunichi Zaga gained the ability to fly through the possession of Yatagarawu;

There are also Shibata Katsuya and Asai Nagamasa who fused themselves with the guardian spirit, resulting in themselves turning into powerful monsters;

And Yoshimoto Imagawa, the first archer of the Tokaido, was actually the one who created the abnormal weather with dark clouds and thunderstorms during the battle of Okaha, and summoned the thunder to attack the enemy on the battlefield. He also used the guardian spirit Six Teeth. The mighty power of the elephant.

“But if you need energy…” Touching his chin, Gu Mo pondered for a while, and felt that there might not be a big problem. After all, in the examples of actively using guardian spirit power, not everyone has spiritual power and demon power. special power.

When you have a chance, you can try it yourself. Maybe physical strength, mental strength, etc. are also one of the blue bars?

He opened the upgrade page again, and found that it was different from what he had imagined. There was only one guardian spirit level, which was currently LV1. The progress bar was also empty, and there were four very special attributes below, respectively. It is “life”, “demon power”, “armor”, “resistance”.

Behind each attribute is a row of neat progress bars divided by rectangular grids, most of which are dashed blank grids, only the first grid behind each attribute is a bright entity, like It’s like being “lit up”.

The guardian spirit level should be to choose to upgrade these attributes. Initially, all attributes are only one level. Later, you need to choose the corresponding route for specialization?

Gu Mo nodded wisely, but he still wanted liver.

As for the final interface of “equipment” and “appearance”, there is nothing to say, there is really nothing. After groping for a while, and having a certain understanding of the functions of the guardian spirit, he switched back to the initial interface at the beginning. .

I remember that I seem to have achieved something else, but where should I look?

He browsed around and found that he couldn’t find the relevant button to choose to enter the page. Finally, his eyes slowly moved down, and he looked at the row of garbled options under his own reflection. It seems that these are the only ones that are more suspicious. , but it is temporarily malfunctioning and cannot be accessed at all.

He thought so helplessly, he tried to click one by one randomly, and found that the garbled options that had no response before, actually responded this time-although the display was still garbled, but he was able to click in! After being stunned for a while, Gu Mo’s eyes lit up in an instant.

Sure enough! Isn’t the mentally retarded system hanging in the background all the time, but also trying to repair itself?

That’s great, it’s not worth trusting it so much! From today onwards, it is my most trusted golden finger again!

Holding back his excitement and anxiety, Gu Mo quickly browsed the first page and found that it was a very simple interface layout, with only “friends”, “blacklist” and “mailbox”…

So the first option below is actually the friend function?

Gu Mo didn’t have time to explore carefully, after all, the presence of the friend function in the game is just that, it doesn’t seem to have much effect. So he just browsed it roughly, and immediately tried to open the second option, so the new page replaced the page of the friend list and appeared in front of his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the second one seems to be the achievement list. In the interface layout filled with dense gray question mark patterns, two patterns at the top left corner are lit up, and the content is also revealed.

The first pattern is a copper-tin badge called “Beginners”. I don’t know when it was obtained, Gu Mo has no impression at all. Although it is an achievement, it is also a title. The badge effect is activated by default, and the description is—

“Beginners (Bronze): A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Before the life level or occupation level reaches level 10, the experience gained by the player in any way increases by 25% (active).”

And the second achievement is the golden pattern, which is also the achievement he had impressions before.

“First Blood (Gold): All great works need sacrifice to forge, your enemies do not need to understand, but they will obey. Players gain 100% more experience through fighting and killing, and cannot be compared with other The limited type bonus effect takes effect at the same time (active).”

Gu Mo suddenly became excited, this is a good thing, and it is indeed the reward he needs most right now.

For a budding player like him who has nothing and nothing, everything is really empty, only the efficiency of upgrading and upgrading is the last word! If he had risen to level 20 before, no, even if it was only level 10, would the scene in Thirteen Cherry Village still be so embarrassing and thrilling?

Resisting the excitement, he browsed the other gray question mark patterns again, knowing that these should be other achievements or title badges that have not yet been unlocked, perhaps corresponding to some particularly useful buffs, but unfortunately they can’t be seen or touched now. Tried clicking and getting no response.

After    tossing, he could only sigh and exit first, and continue to browse other options.

In the next test, the opening operation of the third and fourth options failed. While the harsh current ran through the nerves, a line of prompts flashed on the interface reflected on the water surface, clearly Tell him clearly what the reason is—

“You can’t use this feature in quests.”

This did not disappoint Gu Mo, but made him even more imaginative.

After the fifth option is clicked, it works normally, but there are several different sub-options that appear in front of him – “graphics”, “audio”, “game”, “display”… And in these sub-options Under the options, there are numerous sub-options.

What ‘sharpness”, “resolution”, “background sound effects”, “dialogue sound effects”, ‘subtitle switch”, “language used”…

The interface of    is too familiar and too classic, which makes him look like a jerk, and he doesn’t know what to say for a while. He can only confirm that there is something serious about this mentally retarded system.

With inexplicable hope, he clicked on the last option.

– “Do you want to end the game?”

was a bit cold and surprised at the other prompts, telling him very clearly what this option corresponds to.

Hesitating for a while, Gu Mo’s expression changed inexplicably. He wasn’t too sure whether this quit the game meant aborting the mission, quitting the current dungeon, or completely ending the entire “game”. If it’s the latter, how does it all end?

When you wake up and find yourself in reality, everything in the system and the copy no longer exists, as if you had a strange dream?

Or will all the power of the rules of gamification simply disappear, and even he has not been able to leave the copy and return to the safe real world? Even more sad, it may be that he “ended the game” and ended his entire life.

Thinking of this, Gu Mo suddenly became depressed. This mentally retarded system always played cards out of common sense, and he really didn’t dare to take risks on this point.

“That, Brother Gu Mo, are you alright?”

Until Toujiro’s eager voice came from behind, calling him back to reality from his depression, and at the same time he found himself squatting by the river for too long. So Gu Mo quickly restrained his thoughts and waved his hand behind him without turning his head: “It’s alright, I just squatted for a long time and my legs are a little numb, so let’s go…”

Forget it, then don’t touch the last option.

At least for now, everything is developing in a positive direction. The mentally retarded system has not been used at all from the beginning, and then it can partially function to a certain extent, and now it has fixed some bugs that still existed yesterday…

Gu Mo thought about it as optimistically as possible, thinking that maybe in a few days, maybe his golden finger will be able to fully complete the self-examination and self-repair, and he may not be able to completely return to normal. So high blood pressure.

He re-equipped his only skill, then picked up the leather water bladder filled with water on the ground, turned away from the shore, and returned to the carriage.


The long night passed, and the night was silent.

There is nothing worth talking about, that is, I was driving all night in the wilderness, and I was inevitably attacked by ghosts and ghosts. However, after a few waves, it was a life-giving experience, and I didn’t even see what the girl’s knife was like. , were beheaded by owls.

The sun rises from the east, then slowly drifts to the highest point in the mid-heaven, and then slowly sets over time.

When the sun was setting in the west and the afterglow dragged all the shadows on the earth, a group of three people who had been traveling for two days and one night finally came to Inaba Mountain Castle on the Mino Plain, built on the mountain. There are three floors inside and outside the city, and the iconic building can be seen from a few miles away.

Looking at everything in front of him, Gu Mo was somewhat emotional. Although there are magical elements, the customs of this historical period are still vivid in his mind.

If it weren’t for the fact that the phone had not been charged for two days, and now it has automatically shut down, he would have liked to take pictures of everything along the road.

When    entered the city, it could be seen that Tokichiro was indeed an acquaintance, maybe he had some status, so the soldiers guarding the city knew him, said a few words, took a few money and then let him go.

“I’m going to visit the three Dao Saito people right now, Brother Gu Mo, Miss Axiu, do you want to come with me? If you don’t want to, you can rest here first, but I still hope that you will be together, at least I can make Dao three people familiar and leave an impression…”

Taking the two to a fairly clean and simple longhouse in the inner city, Tokichiro smiled and rubbed his hands together, while beckoning the two to sit down and take a rest, while saying so. His eyes seemed to be glowing, as if he had seen that he was ready for everything and only owed the east wind, and he was waiting for the Lord of Mino to give him a chance to stand out.



The black-haired girl frowned slightly, looked in the direction of someone, and then looked at Tokichirou.

“Oh, oh, look at my memory… Let’s see the doctor first, come on, Brother Gu Mo!” Immediately reacted, Toujiro scolded himself for not being clever, but he used this reason to persuade Miss Axiu at the time. Come on, why have you forgotten all of a sudden now.

Of course, I can’t blame him. Who let this go down after another day and night, Gu Mo seems to have nothing to do—

Even though I slept for a long time on the way, there was no problem, and I said it clearly before I fell asleep.

“No, no, really no, I know what’s going on with me, you don’t have to worry…” Gu Mo waved his hands again and again, he didn’t want to see any doctor, and he didn’t say that he was fine, even if he was really sick, in this era The medical level is also a bit unacceptable.

“Let’s go see that one first… ahem, let’s meet the three Daoists…”

He said, and then looked at the black-haired girl as if remembering something.

“By the way, Axiu, don’t cover your face when you wait, that’s not very polite…”

Of course, politeness and so on are all rhetoric, mainly in the original plot, Axiu seems to be covering her face, so Saito Michizumi is not able to recognize her… Otherwise, Xiuchiyo and Yilong are actually a pair of twins , How could Saito Dozo not find out.

It’s okay if you don’t know this. If you know it, Gu Mo will of course take advantage of it. After all, connections are also a very important advantage. Axiu is a well-deserved thigh regardless of her strength or her own background.

This is Minong, and Ah Xiu was originally Princess Minong.

Well, it’s not that he wants to eat soft rice all the time, and he only stares at one to eat, it’s really… it’s too fragrant.

(end of this chapter)

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