When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: I’M Seriously Injured, Take Me To The River

Chapter 20 I was seriously injured, take me to the river

Maybe it’s a life-or-death crisis, because of the adrenaline burst.

Maybe it’s because the horns of ordinary ghosts have a certain degree of hardness, otherwise, human beings will have no way to survive.

Therefore, only a crisp sound was heard, the golden essence was scattered in the air like a golden powder, the ghost horns snapped off, and the vicious ghost screamed in an instant. It was as if he had lost the strength to support the weight.

But before that, its claws slashed down almost at the same time.

In an instant, Gu Mo felt that he had lost half of his life. He wondered if his chest had been cut open and his heart had been exposed. His entire brain was blank. Although he seemed to have no other feeling, he quickly felt the cold and A sense of powerlessness flooded my body, and my eyes began to darken…

But all this is an instant thing. Before the instant of birth and death, he suddenly felt that everything he had just felt was gone, whether it was blackness in front of his eyes, cold body, weakness in his hands and feet, etc., etc. As if it were an imaginary hallucination, it was replaced by a feeling of vitality.

His whole body is full of energy, and it seems that he has an inexhaustible energy. His heart is also beating vigorously.

Gu Mo was stunned for a moment, but immediately came to his senses. The knife that had just cut off the ghost’s horn was swung fiercely in his hand again, and the tip of the knife precisely pierced into the left eye of the ghost who was powerless because of the horn just broken. , Blood spurted out, and the monster that was soft like noodles suddenly let out an extremely painful roar!

It didn’t know where the strength came from, and it went crazy in an instant. Its sturdy arms waved wildly, and its sharp ghost claws scratched around. It is also scratching the soil and stones, leaving deep ravines and traces.

Gu Mo crawled and rolled in a bit of embarrassment, pulled the distance dangerously and dangerously, turned around and looked at the crazy ghost in the original position, confirming that the other party was not chasing, but after going crazy in the same place, he quickly lowered his head to check Take a look at his injury.

It’s okay not to look at him. He was stunned when he saw him. It didn’t seem to be an illusion just now. The clothes on his chest were indeed torn apart. I can see the pale color that belongs to the bones…

Are you kidding me? ! Can such an injury still be able to move and jump? How is this possible?

Is this the return to light?

Wait, it seems that he is currently equipped with the only skill… In an instant, his thoughts turned like lightning, and he remembered one thing, the golden quality that he did not know how to sign in. skill badge.

I was equipped at the time, and I didn’t take it off.

The skill “Life Potential”, the effect is triggered passively. The condition is that it can be activated after the loss of more than 30% of the health value. It can temporarily increase the upper limit of the health value scale by 100%, and strengthen the vitality and physical endurance to a certain extent. , increase the pain limit, prolong the dying state, enhance the life recovery rate…

is usually a useless skill, and the effect is equal to no effect. At that time, he was still a little disgusted, but at this time, it played a very crucial role.

It seems that as long as there is no time to trigger the skill, he will be instantly killed, then when Gu Mo enters the residual blood state, the skill effect will take effect…

Temporarily increase the upper limit of the health value scale by 100%. If the original residual health value is added, then the health value will exceed the normal full value. That is to say, if this skill is activated after being injured, his health bar will be higher than normal. Even longer, which is outrageous…

In addition, it can strengthen vitality and physical fitness, increase the pain limit, prolong the dying state, etc. After this series of effects are superimposed, it will undoubtedly greatly improve his ability to survive.

The only disadvantage of    is that all this is temporary. If the situation does not improve or continue to deteriorate in a short time, then it can only delay the arrival of death, but cannot really prevent it.

Gu Mo quickly clarified the current situation, and also felt that his own state similar to returning to light was quickly becoming sluggish again, and there was a hot and severe pain in his chest, which made him want to gasp. Cool Air – Health and vitality are rapidly draining every second because of the injury, not a pause in the count.

According to this situation, he might not be able to last for a few minutes in the next few minutes. Even if the current health bar is longer than normal, it will probably only take a few minutes to drain it.

Gu Mo quickly took out the small spiritual stone before, and chose to use it decisively. The small golden-yellow crystal in the shape of a prism shattered, and the essence inside dissipated into the air. Then, under the traction of some invisible force, The faint firefly-like essence rushed towards his body, converging on the shocking wound on his chest.

A cooling sensation came, the burning pain was slightly relieved, and then…

is gone.

It’s really a small spirit stone. The limit of the health value that can be restored is estimated to be unable to cope with this level of injury. At least a large spirit stone is estimated to be effective. The current small spirit stone can only give him a little blood transfusion. But there is no way to stop the bleeding…

He twitched the corners of his mouth, but he was not too disappointed. First of all, he had expected this. The little spirit stone itself is the most **** of all the spirit stones. Even if it can be used as the location of the red and blue medicine bottle, it is estimated that Not to mention how exaggerated the effect is.

Secondly, he has another way, which should be the only self-rescue plan that he can choose at present—

There is no longer any hesitation, because every extra second is a step closer to the second way of getting out of the dungeon. With the strength of the whole body, he is like a cheetah sprinting with all his strength, going crazy towards that The ghost rushed away.

The demon who had one eye pierced was mad in pain. After frantically messing around on the spot, it stopped at this moment. The face of the hideous ghost was so ugly that it was like a skinned frog. His face was bloody, and the other eye was full of resentment. staring at him.

resentment, hatred…

Ordinary people would be frightened when faced with such a monster, and an injured and mad ghost is undoubtedly more dangerous than a normal ghost.

But Gu Mo can’t think about it at all. Maybe it’s because of the pressure of survival that every minute counts, or the fatal injury in his chest is stimulating his nerves all the time. In short, he doesn’t have time to think too much, and he doesn’t have the conditions to look forward and backward. It is not blank, but there is only one purest thought left, and the instructions turned into neural reflexes drive the body.

At this moment, he strangely felt like a bystander. There was some kind of separation between the spirit and the material. His body seemed to be acting on his own, like a calm and ferocious beast, attacking without hesitation. To significantly more dangerous prey!


The demon also roared, as if a bull was charging, and rammed into it.

It must kill this hateful bug and devour his flesh!

The sharp monkey cry resounded, full of resentment and despair, and then stopped abruptly at the highest point.

seems to herald the fate of the owner of the cry.

Pulling the blood-stained sword out of the body of the ape ghost, the black-haired girl turned around and rushed out of the ancestral hall. Her white teeth bit her lip tightly, and there seemed to be a trace of pain hidden in the depths of her eyes, as if she was exhausted. She suppressed something with all her strength, and as the surrounding darkness faded away, she suppressed the restlessness of the monster’s bloodline.

But that violent instinct was still unwilling to move.

It’s just that Hide Chiyo didn’t care so much. She crossed the corpses of ghosts and ghosts on the ground with an anxious face and rushed out of the ancestral hall on the mountain road.

She didn’t expect this sudden situation, is that person okay now? Shouldn’t it be… something has happened, right?

The next moment, her running footsteps stopped abruptly, and her pupils shrank suddenly—

Not far from the courtyard of the ancestral hall, a place outside the mountain road was in a mess. Many trees with thick bowls were broken due to the huge force, and those thicker trees stood firm and did not fall down, but several nearby trees. There are deep claw marks on the trunk of the tree, and it is three points into the wood.

It is like the beasts such as bears and tigers have been grinding their claws on these trees for a long time, but the traces are very new, obviously they have just been tossed out.

The culprit behind all of this is also obvious. It is a burly demon with a scarlet body that is two times bigger than that of a mature man, but at this moment, he has lost his voice and fell on his back to the ground, with the ghost horns on his head. Broken, with blood all over his face, and only a **** hole in one eye.

And what took its life was the injury to the other eye. A short knife was deeply inserted, and it was estimated that it came out from the back of the head.

Demons have strong vitality and extraordinary physique, which can be compared by non-ordinary people, but ordinary demons still have weaknesses.

Weaknesses in a broader sense like ghost horns will not be mentioned. Similar to ordinary ghosts, most of their predecessors are humans, so parts such as the head and heart are also still fatal weaknesses. Naturally, you can’t survive a single blow.

The terrifying characteristic of being killed without dying is not something that every cat and dog can possess.

And next to the fallen ghost’s corpse, there is that strange young man. He was breathing heavily, and half of his body was almost stained red with blood. I don’t know how much was his own and how much was on the ground. That monster.

The black-haired girl stood there, rather bewildered, she opened her mouth but couldn’t make a sound.

She knew that she was still late, because this person’s injury was too serious—

The **** piece on his chest is a fatal wound, and it was a fluke that he didn’t take his life on the spot…

And now he has multiple wounds on his body, and half of his body is covered with blood…

The entire left arm hangs down weakly, showing a weird twisted posture…

“Hey, Axiu, you solved it too…” The man raised his head and showed a smile when he heard the voice, and said with a haha, “Fortunately, I have just solved it here, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing, obviously there is only one The little monster is still playing so slowly…”

is still something she doesn’t understand at all.

The girl bit her lower lip, doesn’t this person know how bad his situation is? Or is it really able to face life and death so freely? She wanted to say something. After all, it was the first time for her that she did not protect her client well, and it was inevitable that she would feel sad and blame herself.

But she couldn’t say anything, which made it even more uncomfortable.

And the other party didn’t blame her, not to mention harsh words, not even complaining and lamenting… It seems that she is calmly facing her own destiny and accepting it calmly.

“Well, can you come and help me…” Gu Mo said at this time, reaching out and beckoning to the girl, “Let’s go down the mountain now and go back to the river just now…”

The temporary health bonus brought by the activation of the skill has now passed by seventy-seven-eighty-eight. Once again, he felt the faint appearance of that weak feeling, his hands and feet began to get cold, and his vision was faintly black. Understand that your blood bar is endangered.

At the same time, Gu Mo also understands that, fortunately, he had added two points of physique before, which strengthened his basic vitality and physical strength, and was much stronger than ordinary people. Otherwise, he might even meet the current conditions for living in death. don’t come out-

If it weren’t for the increase of two points, the physical strength must have been much worse. It is estimated that it will not be able to withstand the first round of attacks by the ghost. If it is directly killed by an instant, then there will be nothing after that.

If it weren’t for the fact that the basic vitality was improved to a certain extent, then the length of the false health bar that was temporarily increased later might not be enough for him to last at this time.

These details are the key to success or failure.

But now, he has to go to the last step of self-rescue, because the stupid mental retardation system must see his own vertical drawing model in real time from a third-person perspective, and then he can trigger the interactive options on the upgrade page. , he didn’t carry a mirror with him, and his mobile phone just tested it… he could only rely on the reflection on the water.

Back to the river?

The black-haired girl didn’t quite understand why.

“Yeah, go back to the river, I’m going to wash my hands. You see, I’m covered in blood and sticky now…” Gu Mo seemed to see Axiu’s confusion. Urging her, “Hurry up, hurry up, I can’t stand it for a quarter of an hour…”

Hide Chiyo walked forward in a daze, supporting him, feeling the weakening of his vitality.

She still wondered if she had heard it wrong. This person would fall to the ground and die at any time, but she asked herself to take him to the river to wash her hands?

At Gu Mo’s strong request, the black-haired girl took him to the river as quickly as possible.

In the red and black vision, he panted hard and looked at his reflection in the water, reached out to touch the water surface and opened the upgrade page at the fastest speed.

As he expected, the previous experience bar is almost the same. After killing a ghost higher than the little hungry ghost, his experience can just raise the life level to the level of LV4… This is his Method.

Without any hesitation, he decisively pressed the plus sign behind the constitution attribute, and then confirmed.

Although there is no shining beam of light, no sweet music, and no dazzling upgrade effects, Gu Mo did LevelUp instantly! He closed his eyes slightly amidst the heat flow in his body, as if feeling that every shriveled cell in himself was rapidly filling up.


The black-haired **** the side of    had a sluggish expression, the Sakura mouth under the mask was also slightly opened, and the pupils were full of shock.

She noticed that this person’s weakened aura of life, like a candle in the wind, began to rise again at this moment, not only quickly returning to its prime, but even stronger than before.

But he obviously didn’t do anything, he just reached out and stirred it in the water, and just washed his hands…

(end of this chapter)

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