When doctors have a simulated operating room

Chapter 45

The two directors blushed in the dean's office because of fighting for Zhang Yi? ?

This was something Qian Zhenggang never expected...

"Stop, stop, stop! Two directors, stop for a moment!"

Qian Zhenggang stood up to persuade them to stop fighting:

"It's hard to say which department Zhang Yi is suitable for now. After all, Zhang Yi has great potential and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Qian Zhenggang wanted to be vague.

But Huang Meiying and Liu Juan didn't want to.

"Dean Qian! Just tell me whether you agree to transfer Zhang Yi to the gynecology department?"

Lv Jing also stared at Qian Zhenggang.

The meaning in his eyes was: I don't agree!

"Hey!" Qian Zhenggang was in a dilemma.

After a sigh, he said truthfully: "The reason why I arranged Zhang Yi to go to the emergency department before was actually because I felt that the emergency department was more suitable for Zhang Yi."

"The emergency department needs doctors with strong judgment, analysis and observation skills, and Zhang Yi just has all three of these."

"Gynecology is relatively easy and suitable for other young doctors. It is better for geniuses like Zhang Yi to stay in the emergency department."

"But don't worry, if you need Zhang Yi's help in the future, just call him. The emergency department cannot refuse."

Huang Meiying and Liu Juan were really angry.

Doesn't this mean that gynecology is simple and suitable for some doctors of average level.

And the emergency department is difficult and needs a genius doctor like Zhang Yi.


Doesn't our gynecology department deserve a genius like Zhang Yi? !

But the dean has already spoken.

Huang Meiying and Liu Juan had to walk out of the dean's office with tears (hate).

Seeing the two people walk away, Lu Jing silently breathed a sigh of relief.


Zhang Yi's defense battle was successful~~

"Director Lu, what's the matter with you coming to see me?" Qian Zhenggang asked.

"Oh, right." Lu Jing just remembered the business.

"The Imperial Capital Ping An Hospital will hold an academic seminar on coronary artery bypass grafting next month. They invited me. I plan to take Zhang Yi to study with me. What do you think?"

"No problem. Zhang Yi is currently the most outstanding young doctor in the hospital. It will also be good for the hospital to take him out to study more."

Zhang Yi is growing fast, and the hospital has an extra living signboard.

How could he not agree?

Emergency Department.

Zhang Yi and Chen Fang are sitting in the emergency clinic again today.

Lu Jing originally wanted to inform Zhang Yi about this, but seeing that the clinic was busy, he decided to talk about it next time.

In the clinic, a woman in her forties was sitting at the moment.

She came to the emergency department for treatment because of worsening black stools for more than three months accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Chen Fang was asking about the medical history in detail.

But Zhang Yi looked heavy at the moment.

Because this person has cancer again, and it is cardia cancer.

A polyp with a diameter of about 0.5 cm grew at the cardia.

The human stomach has two openings, upper and lower.

One is the entrance connected to the esophagus, called the cardia.

The other is the exit connected to the duodenum, called the pylorus.

Food enters from the cardia, and after digestion and absorption, it enters the intestine from the pylorus.

If there is a problem with the cardia, in addition to abdominal pain, blood in the stool and other digestive tract reactions, there will also be very typical dysphagia.

The treatment effect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy for this disease is not ideal.

And the mortality rate of cardia cancer is also among the highest in China.

The only way is surgery.

Radical resection of gastric cancer.

"Auntie, have you eaten very spicy food recently? Do you have other chronic diseases? Have you ever had a gastroscopy before?" Chen Fang asked.

The old lady covered her stomach and shook her head:

"I haven't done it... I haven't eaten spicy food. My stomach has always been uncomfortable, so how can I eat spicy food... As for chronic diseases... I don't know, I haven't checked it..."

Zhang Yi: "Did you often have diarrhea before the blood in your stool? Did you feel acid reflux and heartburn in your stomach?"

"Yes, it happens often..."

Zhang Yi sighed softly: "Auntie, you should have done a gastroscopy earlier."

This way it won't develop into cancer until now.

And it's already advanced gastric cancer.

The success rate of surgery is much lower.

The old lady looked embarrassed: "I... I don't want to... But I used to support two children in school, I saved as much as I could, how could I have extra money to take care of my own health."

Alas, another parent who gives for his children without asking for anything in return.

"Let's do this, this time we have to give you a comprehensive examination to see if it's a problem with the intestines or the stomach."

"Then... how much does a comprehensive examination cost?

? "The old lady asked cautiously.

If she hadn't been in so much pain today, she wouldn't have come to the hospital.

Because she only had 530 yuan in her pocket.

And she had to hold on until next month's salary...

Zhang Yi knew from her embarrassed expression that she must be thinking about the money.

"Well... it might cost two or three thousand to do all of it, but each one must be done because we suspect that your blood in the stool may be related to gastric cancer."

Chen Fang turned his head and glanced at Zhang Yi.

This guy suspected it was cancer so quickly?

Don't keep it a little?

What if it turns out not to be...

Talking about cancer is terrifying.

When the old lady heard this, her face turned pale in an instant!

She knelt on the ground with a plop in front of Zhang Yi and Chen Fang!

"Doctor... please save me! I can't die! I have two children at home who are still studying! The two children have lost their father since they were young, and they all rely on me, please! Please save me! "

The old lady burst into tears.

Zhang Yi and Chen Fang also frowned.

Chen Fang pulled the old lady up: "Aunt, go get checked first and see the result. Don't worry, our hospital's technology is still very good. As long as the surgery is radically cured, the survival rate is still very high."

"But...but how much does the surgery cost? I...I...I don't have money..."

After struggling for a while, the old lady finally told her difficulties.

Chen Fang: "Depending on the type of surgery, it's about 50,000 to 100,000."

"What? ! Between 50,000 and 100,000? ! "

When the aunt heard the price, she started crying again.

Now Chen Fang didn't know how to start.

Gastric cancer surgery, including hospitalization, would cost at least 60,000 or 70,000 yuan.

How can you have surgery without money?

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yi remembered a line from a movie.

'There is only one disease in the world that is the most difficult to treat, and that is poverty.'

Although the aunt cried miserably, Chen Fang still said that he could do nothing to help.

Turning his head to look at Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi also frowned and looked thoughtful.

After a long time, Zhang Yi asked:

"Do you have other family members? Call them first to see if you can borrow some money. At least you have to do the examination first."

The aunt cried and shook her head and said:

"No... Our family is poor, who is willing to lend us money... My relatives have blocked me a long time ago..."

"But I still have 500 yuan on me... Can I do the examination? ”

Five hundred yuan can only do a routine blood test and gastroscopy, and can't even do HP.

But it's better than doing nothing.

Zhang Yi immediately wrote a prescription and said:

"Okay, you go to draw blood first, and come to do gastroscopy tomorrow morning."

"By the way, you'd better contact your two children. The gastroscopy needs to be done on an empty stomach tomorrow morning. When the anesthesia is given, someone will be needed to take care of it."

"Ah? The children have to come?"

The aunt didn't seem to want to contact the children.

But Zhang Yi seriously refused: "Yes, the family members must come! ”

The old lady had no choice but to agree and took the form to go outside to draw blood.

Blood drawing is mainly to see if the blood in the old lady's stool has caused a decrease in hemoglobin or anemia.

Gastroscopy is to observe the patient's stomach condition.

After the patient left, Chen Fang sighed:

"Hey, in fact, I have met many patients who can't afford to see a doctor. Every time I can't help them. This feeling is really bad..."

Then he looked at Zhang Yi and comforted him:

"I know you feel bad, but there is no way. Everyone has a different fate. We can help one person but not a group of people. We can help for a while but not for a lifetime."

Chen Fang patted Zhang Yi's shoulder again: "Relax."

"I understand. "Zhang Yi nodded.

Most doctors are kind-hearted.

Because the profession of doctor is a derivative of kindness.

Just now, seeing the old lady crying so miserably, Zhang Yi almost wanted to help her pay for the surgery.

But then he thought again.

After helping this one, will I help the next one?

After helping the next one, will I help the next one?

In this way, everyone who is short of money will come to him for help.

There are so many sufferings in the world that Zhang Yi can't help them all.

So he held back.

If you really want to help her, there is actually a way.

Waterdrop Fundraising or Red Cross Charity can all think of ways.

The next morning, the old lady came to the hospital for a gastroscopy.

There was also a girl in a high school uniform next to her.

The girl had a pretty face and fair skin.

It was her red eyes that seemed to tell others that she had cried all night yesterday.

An hour later, the old lady brought her gastroscopy report to Zhang Yi.

In fact, Zhang Yi knew it was gastric cancer without even looking at it.


But he still gave it to Chen Fang to take a look.

Chen Fang was stunned. Wow! It's really gastric cancer? !

Then he said solemnly: "Auntie, be prepared. Your polyps and mucosal lesions in the lesser curvature of the stomach may indicate cancer."

As soon as Chen Fang finished speaking, the girl next to the auntie choked up.

Tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

"Doctor, is there any cure for my mother's disease?" The girl asked with a sob.

"It's hard to say. We need to do further examinations to see which stage to determine..."

"There is a cure. Immediate surgery to remove the stomach, and then chemotherapy and radiotherapy will be hopeful."

Before Chen Fang finished speaking, Zhang Yi interrupted him.

Chen Fang glanced at Zhang Yi again.

Zhang Yi, don't talk nonsense!

What if this auntie is in the late stage?

Even surgery in the late stage may not be able to cure it!

As a result, the girl knelt down to Zhang Yi again with a 'dong' sound!

"Doctor, please save my mother! My father is a policeman. He was stabbed and died when he was catching a criminal. My mother raised me and my sister alone. She was really hard!"

"But my family has no money... We can't take out so much money..."

"Please... Save my mother... Please..."

"I kowtow to you! I can kowtow as much as I want! Please save my mother..."

After that, the girl bent down and slammed her forehead on the floor again and again.




This sound made people feel sad.

The doctors in the office were all shocked by this scene and hurried over to persuade the girl.

Zhang Yi frowned, pulled the girl up and said:

"Okay, I'll help you, you get up first!"

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