What To Do If The Heroine Escapes From The Book

Chapter 59: Different Abilities

Qiu Wuji didn’t need to think to know what Chu Ge was thinking at the moment.

Since criticizing him wouldn’t work, she might as well embrace it and act indifferent. Let her think that it’s a completely normal thing in this world. That would be the end of it… Maybe there’s even a hint of flirting in it. If she keeps seeing those things and gets used to them, wouldn’t she also consider casual touching and bumping as normal?

So Chu Ge was even willing to increase updates for this!

“Never a good intention!” Qiu Wuji cursed bitterly in her mind, partly cursing Chu Ge and partly cursing herself. Why did she have to look at those things…

Recalling what she had just seen, Qiu Wuji felt that her values had been greatly shaken. The devil realm was indeed the devil realm, to think that such things could be drawn and spread around for others to see? Even the demonic path in that world didn’t go to such extremes. It was too exaggerated, but everyone in the group considered it normal.

Qiu Wuji could tell that it wasn’t a group full of perverts, but rather a genuine perception that they didn’t find it uncommon…

On the other hand, someone like Zhang Qiren, whom Chu Ge considered to have turned bad, had a complicated mood and their relationship wasn’t the same anymore. But in her eyes, it was still quite normal.

There were significant differences in beliefs between the two worlds. Even though she had been trying to understand this world and appeared to be quite modern on the surface, deep down she still didn’t fit in.

It was interesting to note that Chu Ge’s way of thinking was completely different from the world of immortal cultivation, but that world happened to be created by him.

Did it mean that the world depicted by an author’s pen and the author’s personal beliefs might not necessarily align? Or did it represent… that Chu Ge inherently resonated with the realm of immortal cultivation?

Not fond of constraints, transcending laws, wielding swords, traversing the world.

However, due to the limitations of reality, he had to smooth out the edges and pour out his thoughts in the world of novels.

Qiu Wuji suddenly remembered Chu Ge’s question: “How much do you really know about me?”

She drifted away in her thoughts for a while and suddenly chuckled. Why should she understand this person with his mind full of lascivious thoughts?

“Miss… Miss.” The bus driver called out in exasperation, “We’ve reached the terminal station…”

Qiu Wuji snapped back to reality and realized that the entire bus was empty, and she was sitting there alone, looking foolish. Her face turned slightly red, and she hurriedly got off the bus.

The driver watched her figure in silence as she ran out of the bus stop. He thought to himself, even with a mask on, this girl is so beautiful. It’s a pity that even the mask couldn’t hide her blushing face. It’s obvious that her mind is filled with thoughts of someone.

At this moment, Qiu Wuji’s mood was surprisingly relaxed because the terminal station was already in the outskirts. She moved for a while and finally saw the green mountains, vast rice fields of this world.

The road was still paved with asphalt, reminding her that this was still another world… But at least it wasn’t filled with tall buildings, glass windows, overpasses, and metal cars everywhere. Finally, there was a hint of familiar scenery, and even the air felt much fresher.

As a result, her heart slowly approached a state of naturalness.

Looking around, she tried to find the beautiful flowers in the wild but couldn’t spot any. There were only unknown wildflowers and dogtail grass. Qiu Wuji wasn’t disappointed either. She casually plucked a piece of dogtail grass and played with it in her hand, leisurely strolling while admiring the rice fields.

In the summer morning, the sun was already scorching. A young person was working in the field, their thin shirt drenched in sweat.

Qiu Wuji stopped and watched for a while, nodding slightly.

It’s said that this world is impetuous, and people are unwilling to endure hardships. But in reality, there are still many hardworking individuals. The common people depicted by Chu Ge also collectively exhibit these qualities. Thus, the two worlds once again found some common ground.

The world depicted in the book is ultimately just a reflection of reality, based on the creator’s understanding.

This is also one of the reasons why Qiu Wuji always wanted to leave Chu Ge and act independently. Only by distancing herself from him can she fully immerse herself as a top cultivator, exploring and contemplating the world without unwittingly succumbing to his influence every day.

However, as she continued watching, Qiu Wuji gradually felt that something was amiss.

The young person working seemed to possess some strange power. This power was extremely peculiar and completely different from her cognitive system, making it impossible to analyze.

Perhaps because she had been staring at him for a while, the young worker turned his head as if sensing her gaze and glanced at her.

Then his eyes couldn’t contain the expression of astonishment, and even his drool seemed ready to fall.

Oh my, a fairy…

The young man’s eyes swiftly turned, and he turned his back, taking out a signing pen from his pocket. He quietly wrote a word on his face: “Handsome.”

Then he turned around with a radiant smile and said, “Hey, beautiful, are you exploring the outskirts alone?”

Qiu Wuji blinked in surprise.

She saw that this person’s face changed and became extremely handsome, so handsome it felt unreal.

However, the word on his face had not disappeared. A very obvious and shiny “handsome” was displayed there, making even the most handsome person look ridiculous.

Someone riding a motorcycle passed by and, upon seeing this, spat and said, “I admit that you’re handsome, but do you really need to write it on your face? Are you showing off, you idiot!”

The motorcycle roared away, and the young man maintained an awkward yet polite smile. “They’re just jealous of me…”

Qiu Wuji found it quite amusing and deliberately said, “Although you’re handsome, I don’t want to talk to someone with words written on their face.”

The young man awkwardly thought for a moment, then turned around and quietly wiped away the word “handsome,” replacing it with “You like me.”

Then, as he turned around, he was met with a high-heeled shoe kicking towards him. “How dare you use the art of seduction on me? Even the Creator God doesn’t dare to influence my mind.”

With a loud “bang,” the young man spun 360 degrees in the air and fell on the edge of the field, groaning. “This isn’t seduction… Who writes seduction techniques on their face… This useless ability is a load of crap… Hey, beauty, don’t tell anyone, I was wrong…”

Qiu Wuji felt both angry and surprised, but she couldn’t be bothered to deal with it and turned to leave.

Internally, she was quite astonished.

She used to think that ablities in this world were similar to singular techniques in immortal cultivation, but now it seemed different, very different.

The young man’s phone rang, and Qiu Wuji heard him answer, “Hello? A gathering? I’m currently doing pest control in the fields… Oh, tonight? I can make it… Someone else is asking us to do work? Which sucker is dumb enough for that? Zhang Zong? There are so many Zhang Zongs, which one is it…”

Seeing that Qiu Wuji had already walked far away, the young man didn’t realize that she could hear all these words clearly. In fact, these few sentences didn’t seem like much. He put away his phone and looked into the distance where Qiu Wuji had left, touching his face with a sigh. “From now on, anyone who says they’re happy to be kicked by a beauty with high heels, I’ll slap them…”

Suddenly remembering something, he opened his mobile QQ app and entered a group chat. “I take it back. Even if Qiu Wuji comes, she shouldn’t kick me with high heels, sob sob sob…”

No one in the group responded to him. At this moment, they were all indignant, “This chapter is too much. Not only is it short, but it’s also fragmented! Brother Chu, you’re truly a dog!”

“I’m going to fight with a network admins. Just wait and see!”

Chu Ge hid behind the screen, feeling secretly delighted. He loved to see these kinds of reactions…

Just as he was thinking that, a virtual image of a fist appeared on the screen and “thumped” him in the face.

Chu Ge: “?”

The power of this virtual fist was weak, and he didn’t feel any pain thanks to his protective barrier, but what was happening?

An illusion?

Ordinary people might think it’s an illusion, but Chu Ge instantly broke into a cold sweat and covered his backside.

Damn, is there really such an ability?

In another distant room, a chubby person huddled up while holding his hand. “Damn, is Brother Chu wearing an iron mask when he writes?”

His phone rang. The chubby person answered and heard, “Do some work for you? Who has such insight… No, which idiot… Our abilities are useless, sob sob sob. Slapped a dog author and hurt my own hand…”

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