What Should I Do If I Have a Bad Start After Crossing Over?

Chapter 29

Chapter 28:


“Mr. Xia”

As soon as Jiang Yuchu saw Xia Yirou who came back, he immediately said hello.


“Aunt Xia~”

Two tender and crisp children’s voices followed Jiang Yuchu and shouted.

Xia Yirou put the sweet soup in her hand on the table, touched Jiang Zhengnuo’s head, and said gently to Lin Yueyue, “Yueyue is good~”

“Come and eat sweet soup” Xia Yirou opened the packaged sweet soup.

When Xia Yirou went to pick up Jiang Zhengnuo today, she only saw Yueyue alone. Usually, when Xia Yirou came, either Yueyue had been picked up by her mother, or Yueyue and her mother were there with Jiang Zhengnuo and waited for Xia Yirou to pick them up.

Jiang Zhengnuo wanted to stay with Chen Yueyue and wait for her mother to come and pick her up, because Chen Yueyue used to accompany her to wait for her mother to pick her up.

Xia Yirou was afraid that the two children would be hungry, so she picked them up first. The teacher knew that Jiang Zhengnuo and Chen Yueyue had a good relationship, so she agreed to let Xia Yirou pick up Chen Yueyue first.

Jiang Yuchu put the two little girls on the chairs so that they could eat sweet soup.

Because Xia Yirou had never paid attention to Jiang Yuchu and regarded her as a transparent person, Jiang Yuchu realized that she might have made Xia Yirou angry.

Jiang Yuchu thought that Xia Yirou was angry because she was discharged, but she didn’t tell Xia Yirou.

She also wanted to tell Xia Yirou, but she didn’t have Xia Yirou’s contact information. She originally wanted to go to the teaching building to find Xia Yirou, but she met Xie Gu.

Xia Yirou was angry, but not what Jiang Yuchu thought. She was angry that Jiang Yuchu did not take her own health seriously and did not care for her body at all.

Can’t keep it. Jiang Yuchu had no common sense at all.

Jiang Yuchu was thinking about how to apologize to Xia Yirou, when a sweet soup appeared in front of him.


Jiang Yuchu felt extremely guilty all of a sudden, Xia Yirou’s character that thinks about people everywhere, can she say that she was warmed by Xia Yirou?

Xia Yirou bought four sweet soups in total. She originally planned to take one to the hospital for Jiang Yuchu.

“Thank you”

Jiang Yuchu picked up the spoon and planned to eat it, but when she saw what was in the sweet soup, she suddenly felt that she had no appetite. People who like this kind of wine like it very much, but those who don’t like it can’t accept it at all. She is the latter, and letting her eat wine is equivalent to a long sentence.

“Don’t you like to eat?” Xia Yirou asked Jiang Yuchu’s difficult expression.

Jiang Yuchu just wanted to go down the steps and admitted that he didn’t like it.

“But I remember what you liked to eat before?” Xia Yirou looked puzzled.

Jiang Yuchu saw Xia Yirou’s expression and her first reaction was a guilty conscience. She recalled it crazily, but she had no memory of the original body liking sweet soup.

Jiang Yuchu subconsciously believed that Xia Yirou would not lie, so she confused herself, thinking that there was a mistake in her memory.

“Huh? I, I like to eat.”

Jiang Yuchu scooped a mouthful of sweet soup into his mouth, swallowed it quickly, and tried to shorten the time it stayed on the tip of the tongue as much as possible.

“It’s delicious.” Jiang Yuchu boasted with conscience.

Xia Yirou felt more and more suspicious when she saw Jiang Yuchu’s painful face but pretended to like it.

She just wanted to try Jiang Yuchu on a whim just now. She actually didn’t know whether Jiang Yuchu liked sweet soup or not.

If she is wrong, she can say she is wrong. But Jiang Yuchu’s reaction was very thought-provoking.

When Jiang Yuchu heard what she said, her first reaction was panic and her eyes were blank, which made her have to think more.

She didn’t know why she just said that out of nowhere. She regretted it after she said it. What kind of mess is she thinking about, just because Jiang Yuchu has changed too much?

Xia Yirou didn’t expect to find Jiang Yuchu’s wrong side by accident… All the seeds of doubts about Jiang Yuchu that she had planted in her heart before broke out.

So is it a second personality? But why did Jiang Yuchu feel flustered? Generally speaking, people with dual personalities are unaware of their other personality.

The second personality destroyed the first personality? Schizophrenia?

Or does Jiang Yuchu have other secrets? What is she trying to hide?

Is it the selective amnesia caused by stimulation? Lost part of your memory? But don’t want to be discovered, so try to cover up?

Xia Yirou’s mind was in a mess, she couldn’t figure out why Jiang Yuchu had such a series of strange behaviors.

Some habits and traits are cultivated since childhood and difficult to change, but even these habits and traits have been changed in a short period of time. It’s really incredible, at least she doesn’t believe it.

Jiang Yuchu thought she had successfully avoided Xia Yirou’s suspicion, but she never thought that it was because of her unusual behavior that Xia Yirou’s suspicion was aroused.

In fact, there is no need for Jiang Yuchu to panic, she is Jiang Yuchu, and no one can show evidence that she is not Jiang Yuchu.

She subconsciously thinks that she is not Jiang Yuchu, so she feels flustered when facing Xia Yirou’s questioning. In fact, if it were someone else, Jiang Yuchu might not be so abnormal, but When facing Xia Yirou, she obviously lost her mind.

Jiang Yuchu adhered to the attitude of not wasting food and forced herself to eat all the sweet soup. After eating, she drank two glasses of water before she felt better. The illusion of wanting to go to the toilet.

Jiang Yuchu poked Xia Yirou’s arm and said, “I’m going to the bathroom”

“En” Xia Yirou answered absentmindedly.

After the four of them finished eating, Yueyue’s mother hadn’t come yet. Xia Yirou and Jiang Yuchu talked about Chen Yueyue’s situation and suggested that Jiang Yuchu go back first.

“I’ll wait with you.”

I have nothing to do, Jiang Yuchu pulled Xia Yirou to play word games with the two children.

“Mom~” Chen Yueyue called out with joy as soon as she saw Feng Zhenzhen coming here, and immediately jumped off the chair and ran towards Feng Zhenzhen.

Feng Zhenzhen didn’t see Chen Yueyue at the door when he arrived at the kindergarten, and the whole person was scared into a cold sweat.

“Mom Yueyue, why did you come! Mother Zheng Nuo said she was waiting for you at the sweet soup shop next to her to pick up Yueyue.”

Xia Yirou said hello to the teacher in advance: She was waiting for Yueyue’s mother at the sweet soup shop next to the kindergarten, and asked the teacher to talk to Yueyue’s mother.

“Trouble teacher.”

Feng Zhenzhen gave the teacher Chen Yueyue’s tuition in the bag, and then walked quickly towards the sweet soup shop.

Feng Zhenzhen was the last to pay the tuition, because it took a long time for her to get together. Her mother-in-law Cao Lanfen did not agree with Chen Yueyue’s going to school, so she was unwilling to pay a penny, but her mother-in-law was in charge of their family’s money.

Cao Lanfen doesn’t think that Chen Yueyue can be differentiated into alpha at all, so even if Chen Yueyue is her only child among her grandchildren, she can save money on Chen Yueyue’s expenses. She thinks: Chen Yueyue is going to marry anyway, so spending money on Chen Yueyue is a loss-making business.

But Feng Zhenzhen really hoped that Chen Yueyue could read more books, not like her… So she secretly went out to do odd jobs to earn money for Chen Yueyue to go to kindergarten.

Seeing Feng Zhenzhen coming, Xia Yirou immediately stood up and walked towards her.

“Sorry, I took Yueyue out without your consent.” Xia Yirou saw Feng Zhenzhen’s panicked look, and guessed that Feng Zhenzhen should not have seen Chen Yueyue, so she was frightened.

“No, no, I should thank you” Feng Zhenzhen returned timidly with his head down.

Jiang Yuchu also came over with Jiang Zhengnuo in her arms. She was a little surprised when she saw Feng Zhenzhen’s face: the woman had a delicate baby face and a petite body, looking like a high school student.

Sure enough, sometimes you can’t judge a person’s age just by looking at it. Jiang Yuchu thought in his heart.

Jiang Yuchu could feel the obvious cowardice and inferiority mentality in Feng Zhenzhen. Feng Zhenzhen lowered his head the whole time, not daring to look at them.

Xia Yirou saw Feng Zhenzhen’s nervous and restrained state and offered to leave.

Because Xia Yirou also came by bicycle, Jiang Yuchu decisively turned Jiang Zhengnuo into his car, and then rode home two in tandem.

As soon as Jiang Yuchu entered the gate of the community, a group of men in black came up to stop her.

Jiang Yuchu was directly stupid, she was running fast in her mind: Has the original body ever offended the black society?

Jiang Zhengnuo was so frightened that he buried his head in Jiang Yuchu’s arms. Jiang Yuchu forced himself to calm down, and at the same time patted Jiang Zhengnuo on the back to comfort her.

Xia Yirou, who came later, was also startled by the situation in front of her, and she looked at the group of men in black in front of her for unknown reasons.

“Jiang Yuchu, is that Miss Jiang?” The leader said first.

“Is something wrong?” Jiang Yuchu looked at them vigilantly and said.

“Our boss wants to chat with you, I wonder if Miss Jiang can show her face?” The leader could say the most polite words and the most rude expressions and actions, As if Jiang Yuchu would beat her if she disagreed.

Jiang Yuchu could only agree, no one around stood up to help them, and she was really afraid that those people would do it, she was fine, and it didn’t matter if she was beaten, but Xia Yirou and Jiang Zhengnuo were still there, She can’t implicate them.

“You and Zhengnuo go up first.” Jiang Yuchu said, holding Jiang Zhengnuo to Xia Yirou’s car.

Xia Yirou gave Jiang Yuchu a worried look and said, “Be careful yourself.”

“Aunt Jiang” Jiang Zhengnuo cried out in fear.

“Zhengnuo is not afraid, be good, auntie will come back later” Jiang Yuchu said comfortingly.

As soon as Xia Yirou left, she immediately called the police.

The group of men in black took Jiang Yuchu to a car.

Only a young man sat in the car, leaning on the back of the car seat, with his eyes closed, his legs covered with blankets, his face was exhausted.

Good guy, is she meeting a cold, taciturn, black-and-white novel boss? Jiang Yuchu complained in his heart.

The man didn’t even look at Jiang Yuchu, and said directly, “I’m here to find Miss Jiang to buy the milk tea formula, Miss Jiang, please make a price!”

Threats her, rude, perfunctory attitude, arrogant tone, and the attitude of Xu Yi who came to her cooperation before is a thousand miles away.

Jiang Yuchu thought he had provoked the black society, but he was looking for her to cooperate.

“Priceless, don’t buy it.” Jiang Yuchu didn’t want to have such a partner.

“What? Is this gentleman trying to grab it? But I regret to tell you that my formula is protected by law.” Jiang Yuchu applied for an invention patent as soon as possible.

Shen Qingfan squinted, astonishment flashed in his heart: Isn’t Jiang Yuchu just a thug? Why do you know these, this is not the same as what is shown on the data.

Because patent application is a policy that has just been introduced recently, it is not yet popularized, so people in small counties should not understand it, let alone small counties, some cities have not yet popularized.

Shen Qingfan didn’t speak for a long time, he thought that Jiang Yuchu could handle it easily, so he didn’t take her to heart at all, just read Jiang Yuchu’s information hastily.

“So, may I go?”


Jiang Yuchu was surprised, only she and Xu Yi knew about the profit sharing, how could this person know?

It is impossible for her to have a problem. She has not shown the contract to anyone. It is only possible that there is a problem with Xu Yi.

“The franchise fee is 200,000 yuan, and the profit is 73%. I’m 70% and 3%. Like Xu Yi, I use the name of zero-degree milk tea. Open your mouth.

Shen Qingfan’s face turned ashen after hearing this, thinking of the pressure the board of directors had put on him and Xu’s recent momentum, although he was resentful, he still compromised, Shen Qingfan gritted his teeth and said, “Okay, Miss Jiang, it’s a pleasure to work with.”

He urgently needs his own business now, and he has to take advantage of the fact that he is still in the Shen family to create his own business territory.

He knew that he would be kicked out of the Shen family sooner or later, it was only a matter of time. He had naively thought that as long as that person left, Shen shi would belong to him, but later he found out that he was too naive… Whoever Shen shi would belong to would not be his.

The author has this to say:

This chapter is so difficult to write [cry] If you have any questions, please point out!

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Lianghuan 3 bottles; 176224331 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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