What Holy Grail War? Let's Play Cards!

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: I Want Soul Crystals, I Want Cards, But I Want Matou Sakura Even More!

Duel Zone Activated

Matou Zouken LP: 4000Jiang You LP: 4000

"Since I am the true master of this place, I shall take the first turn. I activate the Field Spell Card [Insect Magic Workshop]!"

The scenery shifts to the underground magic workshop of the Matou family. The sound of writhing insects echoes from all directions.

"Ugh, the stench of bugs is ruining my gaming experience." Jiang You covers his nose in disgust.

"Criticizing another's magecraft so lightly—has no one taught you proper etiquette? I activate [Insect Magic Workshop]'s effect! Once per turn, I can Special Summon one [Blade-Edged Insect] or [Engraved Insect] in Attack Position from my Deck!"

[Blade-Edged Insect] ★★ ATK: 1000

"Next, how interesting—it appears the future stands before me. Let me see how far your Noble Phantasm can go. I Normal Summon [Matou Sakura]!"

[Matou Sakura] ATK: 1200

A violet-haired girl descends onto the field, her gaze slowly sweeping the surroundings. Seeing Matou Zouken and an unfamiliar young man, she merely bows slightly, standing quietly. Only the flicker of confusion in her expression reveals the unease in her heart.

"Sakura, correct?"

Matou Zouken's voice comes from behind her. Sakura obediently lowers her head. "Yes, Grandfather."

"I ask you, who was the victor of the Fourth Holy Grail War?" Zouken taps his cane against the floor, attempting to discreetly invoke his insect magecraft—only to realize he cannot access any mana. Accepting the duel's rules, he plays along.

Though puzzled by Zouken's question, Sakura answers as she knows: "According to the Church, the victor was the Einzbern Master—Emiya Kiritsugu. What wish he made is unknown, but on that day, Fuyuki City was engulfed in flames. Later, Emiya Kiritsugu worked hard to rebuild the city and settled there."

"Hahaha! So that useless Kariya still lost. No surprise. But to think Tohsaka Tokiomi was defeated by the so-called 'Magus Killer'… That man is indeed formidable." Zouken scoffs, as if he had expected this all along. Watching Kariya struggle had been nothing more than idle amusement to him.

"Wait, let me clarify something. Tohsaka Tokiomi wasn't killed by Kiritsugu. His own apprentice, Kotomine Kirei, stabbed him in the back." Seeing two lore characters discussing the original timeline, Jiang You couldn't resist joining in.

"Oh? How very… fitting for a magus. And you, Servant, seem to possess a kind of foresight into the future." Zouken eyes Jiang You with growing interest. After briefly analyzing Sakura, he realizes she exists in a state similar to a Servant—like a soul bound to another time. The ability to transform people into Heroic Spirits and travel across timelines is something Zouken deeply covets.

"You are a powerful Servant. Truth be told, the Matou family had little hope in Kariya as a Master. If our future defeat is certain, we could withdraw from the Grail War now and assist you instead."

"No thanks." Jiang You waves both hands in refusal. "I don't care about the Holy Grail War. That useless cup? Anyone who wants it can have it. I'm just here to farm materials."

"You seek magecraft materials?" Zouken chuckles. "The Matou family has an ample supply. If that is what you desire, we can cooperate."

"Oh, then how many Soul Crystals do you have?"

"You must be joking." As one of the Three Founding Families, Zouken knows full well the Einzbern's obsession with the Third Magic. If he possessed Soul Crystals, he would have achieved immortality long ago. "The Third Magic's miracles have eluded even the Einzbern for centuries. How could the Matou possibly possess them?"

"No Soul Crystals? Then I'll just take them myself." Jiang You scoffs, thinking there's no point in bargaining with a loot drop. "Hand over the cards, the Soul Crystals, and Matou Sakura!"

Hearing her name, Sakura lifts her lifeless gaze to glance at Jiang You before lowering it again.

"If you are so insistent that I possess the Third Magic's relics, then someone must have misled you. I suppose we'll have to settle this through a duel!" Zouken says, seeing no point in further persuasion. "I activate [Matou Sakura]'s effect! When this card is Summoned or Special Summoned, I can add one [Matou] or [Emiya] Servant card from my Deck to my hand!"

"So, even in the future, Sakura will remain entangled with the Emiya family. Youth should expand their social circles, after all." Zouken chuckles, his expression twisted into something resembling kindness. Sakura merely lowers her head further. "The card I choose to add is [Makiri Zolgen]!"

"Now that's a name I haven't heard in years. But age has dulled my memory… No matter. I activate [Makiri Zolgen]'s effect from my hand! By sending this card to the Graveyard, I can search my Deck for [Five Hundred Years of Obsession]!"

Zouken briefly reminisces, but whatever he has forgotten, he doesn't care.

"Now, allow me to witness the power of your Noble Phantasm. I activate [Five Hundred Years of Obsession]! By offering [Matou Shinji] (★★) and [Engraved Insect] (★★) as Tribute, I Ritual Summon [Matou Zouken]!"

[Matou Zouken] DEF: 2400

Now in Defense Position, Zouken's form shifts, resembling that of a Heroic Spirit. Just as he suspected, as long as sufficient mana is supplied, this state could be sustained indefinitely. The prospect of taking control of Jiang You intrigues him greatly. "What a fascinating sensation… If I could decipher this magecraft…"

"Due to [Five Hundred Years of Obsession]'s effect, I cannot activate effects or attack this turn. But that hardly matters—no one can attack on the first turn anyway. I Set my last card in the back row and end my turn."

As Zouken's gaze burns with excitement, Jiang You feels chills running down his spine. He silently curses the game designer before drawing his next card.

"My turn! Draw!"

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