Chapter 931: He's Trying To Transform His Way Out
I watched the Off-Worlder get beaten by the Marchioness for another hour before she seemed to have finally gotten a little tired from it.
She turned to me, "Aster! Beat him up for me! I want to see how you fight this one!"
Eh? Wait… Why does she want me to get involved in this?
"Come on, Aster! Don't tell me you never wanted to smack him in the face! This is the time to do it!"
Well… If she put it like that… Of course I was going to say yes.
I think Unerolia now wants to see two Off-Worlders duking it out or something?
Anyway, I left the table and leapt out into the arena, taking Unerolia's place and standing in front of the idiot who was currently laying on his back on the ground making pathetic groaning noises.
Then again, I guess getting smashed into the ground repeatedly by a wooden sword does result in such a sight.
I picked up the wooden sword that Unerolia had stuck into the ground for me and faced the Off-Worlder.
"Hey, you heard her. I'm taking over for now so let's go."
He looked up and groaned again, "You… Wait… You?!"
He suddenly regained his energy and leapt up on his feet to point his finger at me.
"You! You're the reason why I'm in this mess! You bitch! Where did you disappear after you got me involved in this?!"
What the heck?
I pointed at the stands, "What are you talking about? I've been here the entire time you know? Who did you think was healing you after she kept smacking you around like some garbage?"
He looked at where I was pointing and frowned, "What are you talking about?"
I turned to look at the stands, wondering why he was asking such a question when I realised that from within the arena, it seemed like the audience stands were wrapped in some kind of dark fog that hid the viewers from the participants.
If you just concentrate on it, you could sort of see through it but the people there look more like dark silhouettes.
So I guess he hadn't realised that there were others in the audience stands this entire time…
I sighed, "Whatever, I don't care to explain either so let's just skip to the fighting part. Pick up your sword."
I nodded at the discarded wooden weapon laying by his feet and he quickly snatched that up to point at me.
Oh? That stance… Seems like he will be going at me seriously right from the start. Probably because he has a grudge against me right now.
Guess I should do the same as well…
I lowered myself into my own stance and watched him carefully, fully preparing myself to deal with whatever attack he might start off the fight with.
Unlike Unerolia, I decided to play this a bit more defensively since I wanted to see what he might be capable of instead of shutting him down before he even had a chance to show off his skills.
This isn't me being nice to him, mind you. I was hoping that he might show me some sword skills that I could learn from and increase my own proficiency in it.
What? I wasn't going to let a chance like this to become stronger slip past me! I'm making use of every opportunity that comes my way, ok?! Look how difficult it is to raise any skill to tier three naturally at this point! It's an absolute grind!
The both of us continued to stare at each other for several minutes more until the Off-Worlder could not take it anymore and decided to launch an attack on me first.
I watched as his sword was pulled back to his side and I instantly knew that a diagonal slash from that direction was coming.
I didn't even attempt to block it with my sword as I kicked out my leg and intercepted the blade with the bottom of my heel.
He looked quite stunned at my response but he didn't get to stay stunned for long because my sword was thrust into his abdomen the very next moment, sending him skidding back.
If that was a real sword, his guts would be spilling out by now so that would have been a fatal blow.
"You're going to need to do better than that…" I remarked, bringing my sword back down to my side.
He growled at me while hugging his stomach in pain, "You… You're also looking down on me, huh?"
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, kind of. What are you going to do about it?"
"Fine! Then I'll stop holding back! Take this!!"
Really? You were holding back before this? Whatever, let's see what you got.
He raised his hand and his body started to change.
Oh, looks like he was planning on using his Somatomancy magic to try and shift things to his advantage. Maybe he's going to make himself physically stronger or larger to compensate?
Just as I thought of that, he spun around to reveal that he had changed into… Unerolia.
Err… Ok?
He… Err… She grinned at me.
"This is the face of your superior right?! To hit me right now is akin to hitting her! I dare you to--"
I dashed forward to swing my wooden sword at his face, smacking him across his cheek and sending him rolling away.
I'm gonna be honest, it was really creepy to see him grinning with Unerolia's face like that so I couldn't help but to go and smack him just to get him to stop.
"Yeah! Smack him harder, Aster! How dare he use my face like that!" The real Unerolia cheered from the stands.
I think you're enjoying this a little too much, Sister Rolia… What is Esmeral going to say about this? Heck, does she even know that you're here doing this?
On second thought, I don't want to know.
I turned my attention back to the Off-Worlder I had knocked away and gave him another [Heal] to restore him back to fighting health.
He… Damn it, I mean she got back up on unsteady feet while still in Unerolia's form and glared at me, "How can you hit your superior like that?!"
"Number one, she's not my superior. Number two, I'm able to differentiate between you and the real one and hitting you is different from hitting the real person. I'm not stupid like you are."
"You bitch!!!"
Really? All I did was insinuate that he was stupid and that was enough to set him off like that?
I lowered myself into a defensive stance once more and caught his enraged downward swing with the flat of my blade.
Naturally, there was no way for him to overpower me since his strength wasn't on par with mine, thus I was able to shove him back to deliver another sword thrust aimed at his… God damnit, I mean her chest.
Hard not to pay attention to that fact when she has two really big things hanging there reminding me that this guy transformed himself.
Surprisingly, she actually managed to react in time to deflect my sword away, moving to follow up with a pommel strike aimed at my face.
Oh~ That's surprising… Maybe this was her instinct responding that allowed her to pull off a move like that?
I ducked underneath the blow and checked her with my shoulder, smashing my weight into her and shoving her back a few steps.
I tried to bring my sword up in a diagonal slash aimed at her side but somehow, she managed to avoid it by using the momentum of my earlier shove to take a few more steps back to avoid the blow.
Huh… Maybe she's really getting serious now.
Or was this because she transformed into Unerolia and she got some of her skills? Does Somatomancy even work like that? I don't think it does, does it?
She then switched to the offensive and did a sword thrust of her own aimed at my throat.
I spun my sword in an arc and deflected her blow to the side but instead of pulling back, she leapt towards me and tackled me to the ground.
I braced myself and prepared to throw her off until her body shifted once again which made me lose my grip on her for a split second.
That split second was enough for her to roll us for a couple of rounds before I finally managed to break free from her and shove her away from me.
When we separated, I realised that the Off-Worlder had transformed herself into someone else again.
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That someone else being me.
"Everyone! Help! She transformed into me! I'm the real… The real… Astar! Yeah! She's the fake one! Hurry up and take care of her!!"
Dude… You're still wearing your own clothes… And you also got my name wrong… Who the hell are you trying to fool?
Unerolia suddenly leapt into the arena and gasped, "Oh no! One of you is a fake! I can't tell who is who! Whatever shall we do now?!"
Are you all being serious right now?!