What Are We??!

Chapter 32: I love you so much

Philip's body froze and Aiden's heart sank at that incident. Was Aiden rushing things? He did promise to go at Philip's pace before but, those words weren't his fault. They just came out.

On Philip's side, his body freezing like that wasn't on him. He was scared for Aiden. Everybody in his life told him that he was impossible to love, maybe not in those exactly words but, when you know, you know. Their thoughts and feelings were clear to see.

Philip heard that he was too needy. Too attached. Too sensitive. Too girly. Too loud. Too bossy... What exactly did Aiden see in him? Was it really the amnesia talking?

"Hey, hey... There you are" Said Aiden in a whisper as he trailed his kisses down Philip's neck.

"Aiden" Called Philip breathlessly. Aiden knew how to make him want to abandon his fears and just feel the moment.

"What?" Replied Aiden with lips on Philip's skin. He loved the texture of it. So smooth. So rich, makes want to bite and brand him somehow. Philip was his.

"You must know that I'm a scheming lying manipulative bitch!" Said Philip sadly but, only earned a kiss on the shoulder from Aiden. He was down bad.

"Then, I'm a selfish, sex addict, control freak who would want nothing more than to fuck you right here, right now" Said Aiden in a tone that made Philip believe his statement.

If someone would have told Philip that the sweet guy he met that night was that wild sucking beast under him, he would have laughed at their faces.

Philip remembered how he was so angry, hurt and humiliated that night when he had a showdown with Stanley's legal wife. He just wanted to serve Stanley the poison he fed him.

It wasn't a pretty sight but, it would have been okay if Stanley took his side on that fight. He needed to win that but, no. All he heard from the guy were accusations and suggestions. Like he was the crazy one for wanting to be more after more than a decade together.

Though it was degrading and Philip felt like dying but, when the announcer called up his name on the stage? The tears were long forgotten for he had a resolve. Dancing his sorrows away and finding someone to hurt Stanley with.

And there he was. A good white boy, grimacing with every drop of the cocktaills. Drunk out of his wits in the VIP section. He didn't look anything like that place and when Philip decided to brush him off, their gaze met.

So he decided to give his best performance that night. He had a one person audience to entertain.

Though his heart was ripped open, head a mess from revenge plans but, Philip felt excited each time he looked at the crowd and saw the good boy looking intently at him. It was like he was the only one there.

After his performance, he couldn't wait to walk to the guy who smiled at him so brightly. He had a nice smile, soothing even not like those creepy one that he was used to.

"You are exotic" Slurred the good boy, standing up to greet Philip who was more or less touched by that.

"I believe so too" Replied Philip pushing the boy back down, "Need a private show? I can think of a way to make that happen"

"Your voice... is so deep and warm" Slurred Aiden with a chuckle, "You can even dance in heels! Mia hates them"

Philip didn't know how to respond to that but, if his experience there taught him anything, was that, the clients there loves a bad bossy bitch.

"Who's Mia?" Asked Philip seductively.

"My Ex. Just got dumped... Turns out, she prefers anybody else but, me" Explained Aiden with a bitter laugh.

"You wanna know a secret?" Whispered Philip leading the boy's hands towards his flat chest and the boy jumped at the touch.

"What are you doing? I can't touch your boobies like this!" Insisted the boy, feeling hurt, in turn making Philip not sure if he should feel offended or touched.

"Are you saying you don't want to touch me?" Questioned Philip curiously.

"I don't even know your name!" Said Aiden pointedly, "Do you know mine?"

"Phi phi. New in town?" Asked Philip gesturing around the club. There was just no soul in that club that doesn't know Philip. He was kind of a big deal so, for the boy to not know him? That threw him off his game a little.

"Yes, Uhm... My name is Aiden and I came with a friend" Said the boy only to realise how alone he was which was a good thing to Philip.

"You want me" Observed Philip aloud making Aiden blush, hiding his face. Cute.

"I do. You are very pretty" Said Aiden just peeking at Philip like a fool in love.

"You have a place to go back to?" Asked Philip when he ruled out if the boy was the type to fuck in the public bathrooms.

"Yeah. Why? You need a place to stay?" Asked Aiden in concern, which surprised Philip. How on earth did Aiden get to that question?

"Kind of. My landlord is being a dick and a cheating bastard" Replied Philip with a shrug. He was never one to talk with strangers in that club but, the boy felt different. He was engaging.

"That's a bad person. You wanna move in with me?" Inquired Aiden hopefully making Philip hard to deny the request. He just wanted to have sex with the guy and take some pictures with him to spite Stanley.

"I would love to!" Replied Philip, trying to understand how he didn't say no to Aiden back then.

"Hey" Philip heard Aiden's voice too close to his brain, returning Philip's brain at the present, "Let's go eat and we'll talk later, yeah?"

"I love you so much Aiden" Said Philip out of nowhere and it was the truth. He loved the guy since their first meet.

Philip knew he was done for the second Aiden looked at him, smiled at him, stood up to greet him that night, patting on the chair for him to sit. He loved the innocence of that boy but, he'd never live without this beast side.

Aiden was so happy to hear Philip say those three words that he forgot to breathe for a few seconds.

Aiden never felt like he deserved to be that happy but, now that he was feeling just that? He was scared to lose it.

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