Chapter 23: You are just too nice!
Aiden was feeling pretty high on the happiness when he left for home around seven in the evening.
He honestly didn't feel like cooking and when he called Philip? Yeah, so take out it was.
Everything was going great until he saw Mia on the door of the restaurant and everything became nauseating once more.
"Don't worry, I'm not staying for long. I'm just waiting for my order" Said Mia casually hugging herself tighter with the hoodie. Just when someone wants to disappear, and another Ex comes in.
"I have to talk to you at some point" Said Aiden leading them to the counter where he ordered and went to the vending machine.
"So, you are gay" Stated Mia with a smirk.
"That really feels offensive though I don't think it's a lie. I love him, Mia" Replied Aiden sincerely, "He makes it so easy to love"
"Don't worry, you'll get over it" Said Mia with a bitter laugh before she pointed at herself, "I know that part by heart"
"I know it's not a good thing to be friends with you but, I need to know why you chose Ernesto over me?" Asked Aiden expectantly.
Being cheated on wasn't the problem but, siding with a person like Ernesto? What was Mia thinking?.
"And please tell me the truth" Begged Aiden as he bought them a beverage subconsciously before handing her, her favourite.
"This. What's happening now. Is exactly why I did it" Said Mia seriously with a shake of her head.
"Meeting at a restaurant?" Asked Aiden clueless making Mia chuckle.
"See? You're just too goofy and just too nice for my taste. There wasn't anything you could ever do wrong, how was that fair?" Asked Mia frustrated.
"I have of short comings" Said Aiden in a deadpan tone.
"Oh yeah? Like what?" Challenged Mia.
"Let's start with the fact that I never made you cum... Also why didn't you say anything? We could have_" Aiden left it mid sentence due to Mia's panic interruption.
"That's enough" Mia whisper yelled when she saw how many more people were now looking at them. Doesn't he know how embarrassing that is for a man?
"But I..." Tried again Aiden but, Mia was relentless.
"Let's just drop it" Begged Mia, "Please"
"I just wanted to understand" Said Aiden dejected. He didn't want to make the same mistake he did to lose Mia on Philip.
"Well, it's not because of that or anything, so you can relax. I just got bored being with you" Said Mia dryly with a dismissive wave.
"I see" Replied Aiden absent minded.
"Don't worry. He's the luckiest to land you in this life" Said Mia meaning every word, "I hope and pray that, this happiness you are will never end for you"
"Thanks Mia" Said Aiden, grateful.
"You don't have to thank me" Dismissed Mia with a dry laugh.
"So, by the end of this week, we would be moving to our house and I'm here to tell you that you can have the apartment" Said Aiden after swallowing his nervousness. Mia was a prideful person so, anything that feels like charity? That's a no go.
Mia felt like she couldn't hear Aiden well. Just when everything went downhill too soon, really fast, It was once again Aiden who came to her aid.
"Are you sure, I can have that? I thought you were leaving it for Tina when she starts college here next year or is in the city" Reminded Mia just to make sure.
"Tina is going to our college?" Asked Aiden, shocked. How come Tina never told him anything?
"You didn't know?" Asked Mia biting her lower lip nervously.
"No" Said Aiden dejected, "I thought she was into fashion"
"Well, she still is but, as a hobby. Something to do with your Dad's opinion on her life" Said Mia before closing her eyes. Why did she always tend to over share?
"Some parents we have" Mumbled Aiden with a bitter smile.
"At least you still have people to call parents" Muttered Mia, offensively.
"You'll tell me if I screw them up, right?" Asked Aiden seriously not really knowing how cryptic and vogue that sounded.
"Who?" Asked Mia, confused. Since when was she the expert in relationships? Any kind.
"Our baby" Said Aiden warmly.
"Like that would ever happen" Scoffed Mia at that.
"So, then what's your plan for the next semester?" Asked Aiden when found a place to sit at that restaurant.
"I actually don't know. And honestly if you didn't suggest me living in your apartment? I'd have been homeless in about two weeks" Replied Mia with humor. She was the type to laugh in pain.
"With our child? What happened with Jenny?" Asked Aiden, concerned.
"A lot actually" Said Mia taking a sip of her juice.
"Are you guys alright?" Asked Aiden afraid of what he'd know.
"I mean I... Ernesto was her boyfriend at the time?" Explained Mia with a shrug.
"Mia" Gasped Aiden horrified, "Tell me you didn't know!"
"I actually did it out of spite" Said Mia casually with a swirl of the juice in her cup. She didn't know what or how to feel.
She was angry, sad, confused, bitter... All acting at the same time. Was it worth it? Of course not. Is she satisfied? Well, not in the way she'd like but, yes. She's very much satisfied.
"What's going on with you?" Asked Aiden baffled.
"I lost my scholarship and I'm at that point in my life where I don't have a point to save my life" Said Mia with a sad laugh, "I don't know what I'm doing till this day"
"Don't get so hard on yourself. You are alright little mama" Said Aiden flicking Mia on the nose, teasingly before the realization hit and they both froze.
"Does he know?" Asked Mia as an afterthought, "About you giving me the apartment"
"Well, yes. He's my boyfriend so, he has to know" Replied Aiden like that was the most obvious thing ever.
"But, I didn't know you were looking to buy a house though and that's a one bitch process. That didn't cross your mind to tell me?" Pressed Mia with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm sorry" Said Aiden meaningfully.
"I was never it for you and I get that plus, You look disgustingly happy right now, that I feel like puking" Teased Mia making Aiden smile fondly.
"He's just perfect!" Bragged Aiden but, for the first time ever he had points to back that up! The only thing missing was someone to probe.
"And what was I?" Retorted Mia deadpan
"My girlfriend?" Replied Aiden cautiously. You never know with Mia when they heard a number from the counter.
"You disgust me and that's my order so, I'll be going then, and thanks for the closure" Said Mia standing up to get her takeout and vanish from the door.