What Are We??!

Chapter 17: Move on

Aiden was going way over his head with worry afraid to even ask aloud if all of it were true with Philip. That he existed.

The new clothes didn't faze him because, he's a big spender when he's happy so, them clothes proved nothing.

"Will you chill the fuck out?!" Bellowed Grayson annoyed, "The fuck is wrong?"

"I... Don't laugh okay?" Started Aiden making Grayson worry more.

"Just say it, bro" Urged Grayson crossing his fingers that it won't be him not having time to assist him on the project.

"I think I made up Philip" Said Aiden in all seriousness.

"Yes. This day really took a toll on you. First, Philip with his side dude drama, The mass talking about homosexuality, Coming to the meeting late, the house not being completed even though it's been three months post the date and then coming home to an empty house" Listed Grayson before patting Aiden on the back, "That's a lot for one day"

"And he's not picking up my calls or reading my texts!" Complained Aiden gesturing to his phone.

"We have gone through this for three hours already. He's his own person with a life outside of you" Said Grayson holding his temples, "For two years you guys lived separately, give him time to adjust to this"

"He could at least text me his location. What if he's out there hurt or dying or worse..." Rambled on Aiden, worried.

"What could be worse?" Asked Grayson dryly.

"What if he got lost on his way back?" Aiden thought aloud making Grayson scoff at that, "You think he's you?"

"That was one time!" Defended Aiden with a glare.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night" Said Grayson standing up from the couch.

"You are leaving?" Asked Aiden holding Grayson back

"You want me to watch you fuck all night?" Asked Grayson making harsh of a situation so, he could make a clean goodbye.

"I don't_" Aiden was cut off by the screaming Grayson, "Don't make me picture it!"

"But, you were the one who asked first!" Retorted Aiden.

"I said what I said. Don't hurt me with them visuals at least" Said Grayson waving to dismiss the visual.

"Let me take you back at least" Suggested Aiden feeling guilty.

"And spend another hour driving around the city to look for him? No..." Trailed off Grayson when he heard Aiden's phone ringing, "That must be him"

And good thing, it really was Philip calling. "Baby are you okay?" Asked Aiden as soon as he accepted the call.

"See you at campus tomorrow then" Said Grayson earning nothing from Aiden. Literally reduced to air in the room. Which was a good thing that he was so focused on listening to the other side of the call.

Paint him a pessimist but, he could feel that bond breaking someday and how it'll kill his friend. He can't protect him from it nor control him but, he could at least be there for him when shit hit the fan. Philip was a bad situation.

Aiden was trying really hard to make out, sentences from all the slurs he was getting from an upset Philip. He couldn't help but chuckle. He's cute

"Where are you now?" Asked Aiden after two minutes of Philip's monologue.

"Its a secret! I'm not telling you" Said Philip before going far from the from only to come back with Jake, "He's not telling you!"

"What are you guys doing?" Aiden heard Tristan ask from afar. Where the heck were they? The place where he picked him up that day? Should he just hack his phone and get it over with?.

"We are putting Aiden in his place!" Said Jake before Philip started laughing leaving Aiden speechless. That was him being put in his place?

"What did I do?" Asked Aiden confused

"You made my bestie cry" Said Jake with too much of a loud voice.

"No I didn't cry" Denied Philip strongly followed by a whining Jake, "I saw you when you thought I wasn't looking!"

"When were you not looking?!" Asked Philip annoyed. He couldn't even cry in peace!

"I was just maki..." Trailed off Jake but, it wasn't because he stopped talking the phone was getting and further away from them.

After putting a distance between them and the phone Tristan was looking for blood. "What the fuck Aiden! I believed in you out of the lot of men out there"

"What's going on?" Asked Aiden thanking his stars for someone sober to talk to.

"Stop acting clueless. You hurt Philip and he's been down ever since" Said Tristan with gritted teeth, "Either you man up and handle him or leave him the fuck alone. He could move on from this one too"

"Move on from what?" Asked Aiden still feeling lost, "Put Philip back on the phone"

"He doesn't need anything from you" Said Tristan determined.

"I understand. And even though, I don't know what I did, I want to apologise to him" Explained Aiden making Tristan treating that day as a misunderstanding. So, he returned to the living room.

"Phi phi" He called out Tristan to the crying Philip. The duo was emotional drinkers.

"Yes?" Replied Philip sniffing his tears away,

"You want to talk to Aiden?" Asked Tristan and to his surprise Philip's whole face light up, "Yes!!"

Who was it that was putting Aiden in his place before? Lovers are the worst.

"You coming home tonight? I miss you here" Said Aiden sincerely making Philip miss him more.

"Christe! See you guys never!" Said Philip tumbling to stand on his two feet but, prove that to be the hardest part when they went on a journey of looking for Philip's legs together with Jake. Chaos is an understatement with them two.

"What's going on there? Is he alright?" Asked Aiden who was confused and worried. He can't let Philip sleep there that's for sure.

"Making a fool of himself. Come take him or he sleeps here tonight. I can't risk it" Said Tristan and his words were final before hung up on him.

Good thing the roads were quite vacant and safe for he was driving at the speed of a fire truck or an ambulance on an emergency. The distance that usually took forty five minutes, he took only seventeen minutes to get there.

Aiden would have never be to that part of the town if not for Philip. And he had a feeling that place was one of which he wasn't supposed to forget anytime soon.

"Where is he?" Asked Aiden as soon as Tristan opened his door.

"Asleep on the sofa bed" Replied Tristan making way for Philip to get in. And there he was sleeping so soundly on top of Jake who was practically naked. Sleeping so peaceful.

"Don't worry. They'd never be a thing" Clarified Tristan making Aiden raise his eyebrow at him.

"Now I'm worried" Said Aiden kissing Philip on the cheek, "I don't really get him sometimes"

Aiden had too many questions that the internet couldn't answer him at all, "What does he prefer to be?"

"To be treated as... Like a boy or girl?" Explained Aiden when he got no reaction from Tristan.

"What are you comfortable with?Asked Tristan instead.

"I'm not sure" Replied Aiden tracing his finger on Philip's lips.

"Well, even though I'm the last one to ask about him but, I'll tell you this" Started Tristan, "Treat him as you like"

"What?" Asked Aiden confused. He didn't want to offend Philip but, what if he does unknowingly?

"Even he himself is not sure" Said Tristan with a shrug, "Now, take your guy and make haste with it. I need to catch on sleep"

"Thank you for being with him tonight" Said Aiden as they were out of Tristan's apartment.

"I cash in kind all my 'thank you'S" Replied Tristan in a joking manner but, Aiden was alright to be indebted to him.

It was already past midnight when they arrived all tired, sleepy and very much sweaty.

He couldn't even believe himself that he was sleeping like that but, he was. And with a drunken person who was practically a stranger he was obsessed with.

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