Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 5 – Meeting Alice and council meeting part 1

The next morning I wake up well-rested, and after a quick shower and a sandwich, I make my way to Forks highschool to take care of everything regarding my enrollment there.

While I was at school I caught a glimpse of Edward but he wasn't with his adopted siblings.

After deciding to leave all that for when I'm actually attending this school, I leave after finishing my business there.

Looking at the time, I still have a few hours left before I'm expected at the reservation. 'I expected that to take a lot longer. What to do now.'

After making up my mind I go for a run in the woods. After 20 minutes going deeper and deeper into the forest, I come across an open clearing filled with flowers.

'Wow, that's quite a sight. This is the perfect place for a little siesta.' I lie down in the middle of the field and close my eyes.

Waking up after a quick nap, I open my eyes and right in front of me, I see two beautiful golden eyes staring straight into mine. Looking at the rest of her face, I quickly notice how incredibly beatiful she is. I can't even put it into words. Alice... She's just so...

'HOLY SHIT! Did I just imprint?! No no no! How can this happen? She's with Jasper, what am I supposed to do now? I'm definitely not some wife stealing piece of sh!t. I can't do that.

I guess I'm gonna have to suppress these feelings until I figure out a better way to deal with them.'

"...ello? Hello? Are you okay?"

"Huh? What?"

"Are you okay? For a second there it looked like you were in pain or something."

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

Realizing I'm still sitting on the ground, I quickly get up and introduce myself.

"Hi, my name.."

"Oh I know who you are, Fenris. My name is Alice Cullen. My adoptive father, Carlisle, used to be with the Volturi. They currently rule the vampi.."

"I know who the Volturi are, Alice."

"Oh, right. That makes this quick then. Carlisle would like to talk to you about a few things concerning your past, and the future."

"Very well, where and when?"

"Tomorrow evening, our house."

"I'll be there."

"Well,it was nice meeting you Fenris, I'll see you tomorrow."

Before giving me time to respond or ask where she even lives, she turns around and runs away at a speed that would be too fast to even see for anyone else, but for me it's kinda slow. Giving me enough time to check out her backside, so nice, full and perky I just wanna gra.. NO! BAD WOLF! Thou shalt not covet another man's wife.

After snapping myself out of it, I leave towards the reservation as fast as possible, trying to keep my mind off Alice.


Meanwhile in the Cullen household.

"How do you think it's going Edythe?"

"I don't know Rose, but she's been preparing for this for 80 years. Most of that time trying to force visions of him to appear, comparing his reactions to different clothes she could wear or different things she could say. I think she's as ready as she'll ever be. Don't you think?"

" Maybe, but I think in this case there might actually be such a thing as being too prepared."


The two quickly look up at the sound of a door slamming shut.

" She's back way too soon, something must've gone wrong. Let's check it out."

Edythe gives a nod in approval and they walk towards Alice's room. When they get there, they hear her crying softly, so they decide to enter.

"What's wrong Alice?" Rose asks softly with a caring tone.

"Hmm.. Sniff.. Everything, it all went wrong. The moment he opened his eyes I got completely lost in them. I only snapped out of it when it looked like he was in pain for a second, but then I completely forgot everything I wanted to say or do. I didn't even let him introduce himself, instead I told him I already knew who he is like some creep."

"That's not so bad, once he knows you can see the future I'm sure he'll just laugh about that."

"Hmm, Maybe... All I had to do was give him a hint, just the slightest clue that I'm single. But I couldn't even do that."

"Wait, hold on a minute. Why would you have to do that?"

"I'm not sure, but in every vision I had of today, the only ones that work out perfectly are those where I do that. It's almost like he's under the impression I'm already committed to someone."

"That's odd"

"It doesn't matter, I messed up. I invited him here tomorrow with a lame excuse that Carlisle wanted to talk to him."

"But he does, so that's not really an excuse, is it?"

"Right.. guess I forgot about that."

"I've got it! Why don't the three of us come up with a plan for tomorrow together?"


"Yeah, we can totally do that. Although maybe we should ask Esme for help as well."

"Allright, we'll do that. Thanks you guys."

"What are sisters for, huh?


As soon as I arrive at the Black residence, I notice everyone is already gathered around the back of the house, sitting around a campfire. I also notice that there are a lot more people than I expected. At least 30 or so. Before I left yesterday I asked Billy if he would invite ANYONE he knows to possess the werewolf gene, whether they know of the existence of werewolves or not. And he accepted my request, although reluctantly.

"Hello Fenris!"

"Hey there Billy, how you doing today?"

"I'm fine thank you. Please come, sit down. Then we can get started."

Walking towards the others I notice they are all staring at me with a wide array of emotions on their faces. Some who knew of my origins looked at me with admiration and some with a slight hint of fear. Those who didn't know just stared because of my looks, some with envy and some with lust. Spotting Harry Clearwater among them, I decide to sit next to him, because I kind of admired him for the way he died in the second film. When Victoria held him up and they both knew she was about to kill him, he just stared straight at her with a look that just said 'do your worst b!tch'.


Clearing his throat, Billy quickly gathers the attention of everyone towards himself.

"The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning, but we have always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors, shape-shifters that transformed to the powerful wolf.This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe.

But this was not always so, our ancestors came to this side of the world 1000 years ago, from Europe. Fleeing from the persecution of a creature that acts and looks a lot like a man, but has skin as hard and cold as stone. They possessed strength and speed at least equal, if not superior to that of our warriors. And only human blood could sustain them. We eventually settled here. And after 600 years of peace, we had almost forgotten all about the cold ones. Some even believed they were just myth.

Until one day our warriors came across a creature that fit the description perfectly. This creature, this 'cold one' had just fed on some of our villagers and filled with rage, our warriors attacked. The first one quickly fell but the second took advantage of the cold one's blind spot and our warriors' sharp teeth finally tore it apart. They lived in fear that the cold man was not alone, and they were right. He had a wife. She took her vengeance out on the village.

Our elder chief Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. His wife could see that he was losing the fight, so she decided to act. She was no magical being, and had no special powers but one... courage.

She stabbed herself with a sharp blade, and the woman was distracted by the scent of blood long enough for Taha Aki to take advantage and destroy her. Her sacrifice saved the tribe.

Over time our enemies disappeared, but one always remains, the cold ones, better known as vampires."

"You have all heard this story before, but what some of you don't know is that every word of it is absolutely true."

"What? Do you think we're stupid?"

"Yeah, you've got to be lying."

"Ey, Billy why don't you stop telling us kids stories and tell us why we're here instead."


As soon as the first word came out of my mouth everyone grabbed their ears in pain, some even started bleeding due to ruptured eardrums.

Scratching the back of my head with an awkward expression I think to myself..

'Damn, I might have slightly overdone it.'

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