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Chapter 192 ~ Quest

Peter began with explaining the job he and his party would like to take on along with Yuuji and the others. 


To put it simply, it was monster hunting. Specifically, the monsters that appeared around the town. 


It was a common and standard type of work adventurers, especially newer ones, would take on. It was relatively safer than having to investigate a monster’s nest or subjugate a monster deep within the forest, while still being more profitable than simply gathering herbs, doing deliveries, and the various odd jobs copper or silver-ranked adventurers take on. 


It also allowed them to stay close within their current base of operation or their homes, and keep the area around the town safe from monster threats, while they polish their own respective skills and their teamwork. 


There was truly no downside. For a silver-ranked party of adventurers, they would be able to accumulate experience and improve their skills in a relatively safe environment while also gaining some silver for their daily needs and saving them for the future. 


And for many with a more pessimistic view or those who had came to a realization that they could not improve anymore and had no other skills worth mentioning, it was… a way of living they could accept. 


The silver they would gain from killing low level monsters and taking minimum risk was much better than becoming a laborer or a huntsman in a small village somewhere in the outskirts. At the very least, it’d allow them to save up faster for their eventual retirement when they could live comfortably with their family. 


Of course, Peter and the Swords of Darkness were doing this job for the former reason. They wanted to improve their skills while also gaining some nice silver from the monster bounties and save up little by little to, perhaps, upgrade their equipment and raise their quality of living. 


The plan this time would be simple. The two parties would simply be searching for monsters in a nearby region, on the outskirts the forest bordering the Slaine Theocracy to the south. 


The only creatures in that region that could hit the backlines were some goblins with arrows, which shouldn’t pose too much of a danger. 


They won’t be, however, entering the forest, since the monsters there would either be too difficult for them to fight in their skill level, or too strong for them to even think of defeating. 


Proceeds of the hunt would be equally divided amongst both parties. 


“I understand. I have no problems with this arrangement.”


In fact, the arrangement Peter had proposed would be overwritten by the quest they would soon receive from Nfirea, if everything went according as Yuuji and the others expected. 


So, Yuuji readily agreed with him. 


“Then, let us fight shoulder to shoulder and make sure we all return here in one piece.”


Yuuji extended a hand to Peter, who’s eyes light up in relief and excitement, and took his hand. 




The young, blonde-haired man could not help but feel a sense of security and awe from the mere act of shaking hands with the armored man. 


His handshake was firm, purposeful, and strong, and even though he could not see it, Peter could feel a strong gaze from beneath the helmet directed towards him. 


He was not overwhelming or overbearing, but his presence was unmistakably that of a great person. That was the only way Peter could describe the feeling of awe he felt upon shaking the hands of the white armored warrior. 


“Well then, since we will be hunting together, it would probably be good to get questions out of the way at this point or get to know each other a bit more. Do you have anything to ask us?”




A hand shot up to the ceiling. It belonged to Lukrut, whose eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as he leaned forward from his seat and onto the table.


“Of course. What would you like to ask, Mr. Lukrut?”


Yuuji nodded at him, gesturing to him to continue. 


“Ms. Lupu! May I ask what is your relationship with Mr. Alexander!”

The room was immediately filled with silence. 


Yuuji, Aika, and Momonga, albeit having seen him do it in the anime, didn’t actually expect him to do it now, with the four of them here. 


Moreover, they were also quite surprised that Lukrut went for Lupu instead of Aika. After all, even though most of her face was hidden beneath her fox’s mask, her figure and the slight glimpse of the lower part of her face was enough to put her beauty even above Lupu, who had turned into a succubus.


Perhaps… he was intimidated by Aika’s aura? 


After all, compared to Lupu, who was sporting a friendly smile, Aika’s immense beauty and the mask she wore made it difficult for others to even start to approach and talk to her. 


Lupu turned to the vulgar little insect and looked at him for a moment before answering.


“Hm~? He’s… my leader.”


In truth, she was quite unsure how to describe her relationship with Yuuji. He was the master of his heart, body, and soul. However, while they were acting as adventurers, such a thing must be kept a secret. 


In the end, she gave a vague, yet still true, answer to him. 


After Lupu answered, Lukrut’s next few words threw the room into an uproar. 


“I’ve fallen for you! It was love at first sight! Please go out with me!”

Peter and his friends all looked at Lukrut in pure shock, while Yuuji, Aika, and Momonga simply watched in silence while silently praying that the little, lithe man wouldn’t be squished down like a bug by Lupu.. 


“Oh~? Love? Did you really, now~?”


Lupu narrowed her eyes as her lips curled into a wide grin, sending a shiver of pleasure and shock to the nervous Lukrut. 


She looked… absolutely bewitching. Dangerously so. And the fear mixed with lust and interest simply made him tremble in place as Lupu gazed down at him. 


“Heh~ But that’s too bad~ Don’t put anyone who’s not even as strong as Alex and half as handsome as he is in my eyes~ So you can try again never~!”



The Swords of Darkness, as well as Lukrut, couldn’t help but turn towards the man in white and gold draconic armor in both shock and curiosity. 




Yuuji kept his silence. But before he could deny it and drive the conversation away, Aika stole the march on him with her giggles and spoke. 


“Fufu~ They all seemed curious, Alex. How about you take off your helm and show them~? After all, it’s only courtesy to at least show your face to those you’ll work together with, right~?”


Yuuji could not believe he would be betrayed by Aika like this… But once again, before he could reject her, Aika quickly turned her attention back to the Swords of Darkness. 


“I would show my visage as well if possible. But unfortunately, I can’t remove my mask. Lest a disaster I can not control would come.”


Aika’s little giggle entranced them for a moment. But soon, they snapped out of it and began wondering what she meant by those words. 


Did she not donned her mask to simply hide her beauty? Was it some sort of magical item that suppressed her power? 


They’ve heard rumors about one of the members of an Adamantite ranked adventurer party based in the royal capital of Re-Estize always wearing a mask. 


There were speculations that she wore it to hide her true powers. Perhaps, she was the same?


Meanwhile, seeing their reaction, Aika began giggling inwardly. 


Yes, it would indeed be a massive disaster. A disaster for the guys who saw her, since they won’t be able to love any other woman in their lives. 


Yuuji sighed helplessly at Aika’s little shenanigans. But since she said it, it couldn’t be helped. He raised his hands to his helm, and raised it, revealing his visage. 


He had turned back to his original human form, but his appearance still stunned the entire Swords of Darkness. 


Especially the lone female disguising as a male. 


Yuuji quickly put his helm back on and stood up. 


“Well then, since our discussion is over, let us begin preparing for our trip.”


“E-Eh…? A-Ah, yes!”


Peter was the first to snap out of his shock, and the rest of the guys followed suit, albeit still taken aback from seeing Yuuji’s true appearance. 


The last to snap out of it was Ninya, whose cheeks were blushing redly as her heart beated chaotically for the first time in her life.


Upon returning to the guild hall, Yuuji noticed that the number of adventurers had increased. And their attention was focused on a certain, blonde-haired teenager before all eyes turned towards them.


Yuuji, Aika, and Momonga recognized the boy instantly. He was the entire reason why Momonga did what he did yesterday. 


Nfirea Bareare, a talented Alchemist with a relationship to Carne Village with the Talent for using any magical items. 


He was someone Yuuji would like to have under the Nazarick banner. 


The boy went to the receptionist, who’s face slowly morphed into an expression of shock. 


Their eyes met, before the receptionist’s gaze fell onto Momonga, and made her way towards them. 


“Excuse me. Momon-san, there is a job asking for you by name…”


The girl said towards Momonga, and instead of Yuuji and the others, the Swords of Darkness were the ones shocked by the news. 


Momonga slowly turned towards Nfirea, most of his face still cloaked by the hood of his robe. 


“Are you the one who asked for me by name?”

“Yes. Pleased to meet you. I was the one who put out that job.”


The boy nodded slightly, and Momonga returned the gesture. 


“I see… However, I apologize. My party and I have already made arrangements with someone else for a job, so we won’t be able to accept your request right away.”


Yuuji nodded in agreement to Momonga’s words. However, seeing their reaction, Peter and the Swords of Darkness’ reaction became much more intense.


“Momon-san! Alexander-san! He asked for you by name!”

From Peter and his friends’ reaction, Yuuji could more or less understand the gravity of being requested personally by name by someone. 


They, of course, planned on accepting Nfirea’s request. However, they were tyring to build an image of a righteous, powerful, and noble party of adventurers worthy of being called heroes. This was a necessary display. 


“That may be so. However, I  believe we should carry out the job we’ve been requested to do earlier. Don’t you agree, Alex.”


“I agree.”


The adventurers around them, who heard their conversation, nodded their heads in admiration. They couldn’t help but look at the party in a new light. 


“But… our job is hardly a request. iF we don’t meet any monsters, there won’t be any pay to speak off…”


Peter’s words to Momonga and Yuuji trailed off, and he sounded reluctant to speak them. Being hired by the boy with the famous grandmother was a far cry from wandering around the place trying to kill monsters. That was why Peter sounded like he wanted to give up on the job.


“... Then show about this, Peter-san. We shall hold out any decisions until after Bareare-san tells us about the job’s details, payment, timeframe, and so on.”


“I’m alright with that, of course.”


With that, the Swords of Darkness joins Yuuji’s party, after his encouragement, and Nfirea to discuss the job he wanted to give them. 


Upon entering the same room they just came out from, Yuuji and the others, including the Swords of Darkness, introduced themselves to Nfirea, and vice versa. 


Then, he began explaining his request. 


“I see… Bodyguarding.”


It was a simple request. To guard him as well as helping him harvest some herbs within the danger-filled forest. 


“Compared to the usual amount, the payment will be-”


“Please wait a minute. The task of bodyguarding suits the Swords of Darkness well. Peter-san, how about we take you on instead?”




“If it is a job that involves bodyguarding and harvesting herbs, I believe it would be more effective with Lukrut-san being the ranger and Dyne-san the druid.”


“Oh, good-eye, Alexander-san!  As a druid, I can show my true ability in the forest,

perhaps even more so than Lukrut the ranger!”


The druid and ranger began arguing over their prided field of expertise. But in the end, both of them agreed. 


“I’ll take that to be an agreement, then. If we see any monsters on the way, we’ll kill them and claim the reward when we get back to town. As for Bareare-san’s payment, what if we divided it equally, Peter-san?”


“If you’re fine with it, then I have no objections, Alexander-san.”


“Bareare-san, sorry for the wait. If it’s alright with you, could you permit everyone here to accept the job that you just offered?”


“I don’t mind that. Then, I’ll be counting on all of you. Ah, you can just call me Nfirea.”


Yuuji nodded. 


There was no more need for him to confirm Nfirea’s strange action of requesting a mere copper-plate adventurer personally whose names he only ever heard once before. 


It was obviously to get closer to them and specifically Momonga, who gave out the blood-red minor healing potion to the adventurer girl in the inn the previous day. 


Everything went according to plan. And now, it was time to establish a close relationship with Nfirea, bringing him under Nazarick, while also stopping the conspiracy that loomed over the city of E-Rantel.







AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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