Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic

Sequel Teaser

The Sequel to 'Welcome to the Charlotte Family' taking place in the world of My Hero Academia. It is not going to follow the timeline nor is it going to follow plot by plot and make no differences.

My type of story is canon crushing and OC empowering. You have been warned.

I'm still planning on taking a break before I post the next story but here's the teaser.

Hope you enjoy!



Chapter 1


Falling into nothingness is nothing like anything I’ve felt before. It felt like…nothing. True oblivion. Absolutely nothing at all. In fact, it’s amazing at how I’m even able to think at all right now.


There is no pain, there is no sound, no light…simply nothing except my mind. I’ve lost my body long ago which still confuses me as to how my mind can operate without my head which I know too is long gone.


Transferring Worlds


Oh? Is something finally happening? I’ve been stuck inside this nothing for too long. Even these boring bold words can serve as entertainment right now. Would be nicer if they gave me more of an explanation.


Besides, that Supreme Being that just chucked me in here…personally I want to beat her up but I know that it’s impossible. After all, I saw it with my own awakened eyes. The chains and the contract. The reality and all that is held together by a single entity. Her.


Location Determined: Hidden World


Hidden world? That didn’t sound good…wait, I guess she did mention something about separating me from the rest so her sister doesn’t find out or something. Honestly…being inside this darkness for so long, my memories are a bit hazy. I think I’ve reached a new level of laziness where it’s getting annoying to even think.


Begin Scanning: Loading… Loading… Scan Complete


Name: Charlotte Syrup (Original Name: Emma G—#@-error—)

Titles: Cook of Death, Sweet Commander, Backstabber, Admiral’s Nightmare, The Lazy Prodigy, Sadistic White Witch, etc…

Age: Body does not match Mind. 8 & 16

Mentality: Unstable from Void…Stabilizing…stabilizing….Stabilized


Body Origin: Origins Root to One Piece Designate World #831Ae82d

Supernatural Abilities: 3 Devil Fruit Abilities (Body Specifically Designed to Handle more than 1 fruit) + 1 Gift from ??

  1. Kitchen Kitchen Fruit - Highly Dangerous Paramecia, Awakened
  2. Snow Snow Fruit - Logia, Awakened
  3. Luck Luck Fruit - Mutated. Time-Related Ability Added.


  1. Mimic: Gift from ??


Standard Abilities:

  1. Superhuman Strength: You have trained your body beyond human limits through years and years of training. You can bend steel with your bare hands…easily
  2. Superhuman Endurance: Through countless fights, you have learned to endure what comes your way. Bullets merely tickle
  3. Superhuman Speed: You have taken the word fast to another level. You might be able to dodge Kizaru’s Lightspeed kick…if you use haki
  4. Superhuman senses: Through countless life or death experiences, your senses have evolved to catch and react to anything. Your speed is unbelievable but your senses even more so.

… … (Interruption Detected: Diana Vanir Fujitora has hijacked the automatic reincarnation system)

  1. Haki: Congratulations…you’ve got all 3 you cheat character. Who the fuck gave you all of these abilities? Oh wait…that Old geezer, I forgot. Tell him to fuck off if you see him will ya?


Why wouldn’t she leave me alone? Wasn’t she satisfied enough with sending me off right after I’ve fought my way through everything to get my freedom? I’ve already suffered enough in a World filled with nothing but bloodshed…okay maybe I like fighting but I’d rather go on easy mode.


Even after reaching the pinnacle of my strength, there were others stronger than myself always in front of my path of freedom. The Marine Admirals ( and Sengoku), Whitebeard, and finally even the combined might of my family.


I would not like a repeat of that.


I see I see. No worries, because this should be an easy world for you and Spade.


Who’s Spade?


Whoops, I meant Ace. Sorry, always called him Spade so it slipped my mind that he’s Ace to you.




World Determined: My Hero Academia


I don’t know that world.


Doesn’t matter because I do. Bye! (Authority has been restored)

Scanning for Quirk: … scanning… None.


You have a 80% Chance of receiving a Quirk!

… … Luck Luck Passive has been activated. You have 100% chance of receiving a Quirk


Rolling… Matching Quirk will be given.





All alone you have seen the truth to the world.

A secret so sacred you hide it even from your blood

You seek freedom but first you accumulate power

Then at last you strike at the last hour

You held the strength to shatter your chain

But for family and love, you chose to endure the pain

But alas, for in the end it was all in vain


Your Quirk is… Sans of Undertale

(A.N: I used Comic Sans as the font but unfortunately it seems the platform here doesn't allow that. Shame)


…excuse me?


I didn’t have time to think more on the matter as for the first time in what seemed like forever, I felt a force. A force pulling my mind in a direction as I began to lose focus.


As if falling into a whirlpool my mind began becoming dizzy as it began to become harder to think clearly by the second until all of my thoughts were muddled and unclear.


Transferring in 3…2…1…


As a powerful suction began vacuuming up my mind, it felt as if I was squeezing into a tiny tiny hole before stretched out painfully for miles.


I could have held on and stayed conscious but my instinct told me that the remainder of this darkness would not be pleasant. I took the easy solution and shut off my mind and let the darkness enter my mind.


Waking up with a hangover would be preferable to how I woke up. At least with a hangover you would usually wake up in your bed or somewhere you know. Or at the very least still be in your world.


I woke up in a shady back alley (which was gross) still in patient clothes that were three sizes too big for me.


Me: *groan* Freaking cosmic entities doing whatever they want with little poor me


Looking down at the muddy floor beneath me (which I was thankfully not in), I got an idea.


Summoning forth an armful of snow I let them fall onto the floor before watching it melt nearly instantly from the natural heat. Thankfully, the muddy floor prevented the water from simple drying up, creating a small puddle.


Looking into the reflection, I sighed in relief as I saw my familiar yet now strange face.


Nearly white but pink hair, check. Light orange eyes, check. My features…? Quite different. I was back to when I was a child…if I ever even had the opportunity to really be one anyway.


A pudgy small face with slightly chubby cheeks. Overall cute and adorable features. Losing all of my feminine charms…*sigh* It sucks to be a child again.


Yet despite being a child, I knew I didn’t simply travel back in time. The strength which flowed through me was too great to be a complete rewind of my body.


At this age, I should still be learning basic swordsmanship and training my body to become stronger, to endure blades and bullets, yet…


I punched the concrete wall next to me, no haki, and watched as the concrete gave way as a hole formed before the edges crumpled away. My hand? Perfectly unharmed with not even a scratch.


I moved my arms in the familiar stances of the 6 Styles. Not actually performing them but moving them in their preparatory stances. My body automatically responded to my wishes as in an instant I was ready to shigan, geppo, soru, kami-e, tekkai, and rankyaku.


Me: Interesting…


It wasn’t simply my head ordering my muscles to move in a specific way but rather complete muscle memory. There was no awkward or inexperience in this young body. It was a body of a killer, warrior, and feared Pirate simply turned young but not rewinded back in time.


Sure, my muscles weren’t as physically developed as I was a week ago but with the foundations of my muscles already in perfect place, I would be overtaking my old strength in no time should I make good use of the growth spurt.


I slammed my foot into the ground as the mud splattered away revealing the broken and shattered cobblestone path.


Me: So the Laws of Physics can be broken here as well. That makes things all the more convenient


Feeling more confident in my abilities by the second, I let loose my mind as the color of observation flared around me. Almost overwhelming my young brain for a moment before my experience and knowledge balanced, filtered out the information.


The first thing I sensed was the city around me. An actual city. Not like Water 7 or Alabasta or even any islands but an actual city that closely resembled my original and first world.


Me: Is this earth?


It seemed likely as I continued to sense the air, sky, and the architecture build around me. There were no skyscrapers but houses and buildings several stories tall without the all-too-familiar food themed building material.


I was about to burst in joy of being back to where I was before another fact shocked me out of my mind.




Creatures that could not be classified as humans in any sense. I sensed humans, yes, however it was so obvious I stopped focusing on them…a big mistake.


Monsters roamed the streets together with the humans. I saw frogs and other animals standing upright casually strolling around mingling together with humans. Absolute elderich abominations like octopuses and devil fishes inside buildings typing away on computer, computers, no…no…focus.


No way this could be my earth. Perhaps a parallel universe or dimension? What did that Diana-being say? My Hero Academia? That sounds like an anime title.




While I was mulling over these thoughts, a realization hit me like a truc—no, that’s not strong enough. The thought hit me like one of Mama’s hunger pangs.


Me: Ace…?




The Feared King’s Blood Walked Alone

A Monster he was called, though few ever known

Family he found in foe’s embrace

And love he found in an enemy’s place

Defied death through luck and will

Determination flowing through him still

A Hero’s Spirit buried deep inside

To Freedom’s will, his strength shall provide


Your Quirk is… Undyne the Undying.

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