Chapter 3: WTGC 03: First Day
ding ~ ling ~ ding~
The door chimed rang as we entered the door.
"Welcome to Gatori Cafe!" The three of them collectively recited.
"As tradition, whenever we start our day, we recite that to set our minds on work mode." Jo Han explained.
"You' ll also need to do that." Li am added as he tightened his apron and walk towards the kitchen.
"Since there are no customers yet.. I'm helping Li am" Jo han said and also made his way to the kitchen. Leaving me standing at the doorway with Da mon.
"You'll be shadowing me for your first day and mostly take on register works. " Da mon said as he folds his sleeves. "Let's go to the counter."
"ah... Welcome to Gatori Cafe.... " I mumbled to myself. I can't believe this is how I start my first job.
Da mon explained that Li am is the patissier and main chef, Jo han as the main server and assisstant of Li am. Da mon is the barista and I am the one in charge of taking counter orders and assisting Da mon if he needs help. Most orders are done on the counter but there are occassional cases that Jo Han takes table orders and he will bring the orders to me, to ring it up.
"Also, one of the most important rule, whatever happens, always serve with your most beautiful smile."
Da mon continued to orient me as he brews coffee and prepare other things he needs. I just intently watch his elegant movements as I listen.
We open at 10:00 AM just in time for brunch and will be having 'Dead Time' from 3pm to 4pm. Then we close at 7pm and have until 8pm to clean up. Li am is exempted for clean up duties because he heads home earlier than us to prepare dinner. We have our days off every 4th day of the week. which is Thursday, and every Sunday.
As for greeting customers, Da mon explained that it is Jo han's job but every 4th ring of the chime, we all need to collectively greet the customer. And every 4th customer I should make sure to give a 4 percent discount. I asked why and he just said it is Lady Gum's favorite number.
It's already 9 am and I could already smell the mix of coffee and pastry enveloping the cafe.
"Breakfast time!" Li am and Jo han burst out the kitchen with food on their hands. They set it on the table and Jo han summoned me. Da mon followed with coffees on his hand.
Li am prepared breads and eggs for breakfast. It's simple but looks and smells good.
As I took my first bite, " It's so soft but the outer layer has a crunch. And it even has layers to add texture to the bread. It also has a buttery taste and a hint of sweetness. Haaa... I love it..."
"My oh my.... stop being cute like that Eugene." Liam said as I realized I've been speaking my thoughts out loud. And the three of them were watching me. "I might fall for you if you keep this up." He added.
Smiling awkwardly while looking at Da mon, Jo han offered me a cup of coffee. " Here try Da mon's coffee. I'm sure it will suit your taste more than the bread. Gatori Cafe is well known for our drinks."
As I bring the cup of coffee closer, the heat and smoke from the coffee makes a very fragarant smell which I really love. And I'm sure it's showing on my face how much I love it as I saw Jo Han sighed in relief. I took a sip.
"That's it?" surprisingly, Da mon asked. Li am burst into laughter and Da mon looked more annoyed. "I'm done eating." Da mon stood up. "Finish your food and go back to your stations. It's almost time for opening."
Jo Han explained that Li am and Da mon just have a little rivalry going on and I must have hurt Da mon's pride because his coffees are the cafe's best selling. A lot more than Li am's food. This is the first time they encountered someone loving Li am's food more than the coffee. But they told me not to worry about it and it's not a big deal.
How could I not worry when I can feel the glare coming from Da mon towards our direction. But I could see how Li am and Jo Han is enjoying the situation.
Ten AM arrived and the first door chime can be heard. This is my first ever customer and I can feel that Da mon is watching me intently. I can feel my heart racing as I hear the footsteps of the customer drawing nearer.
My eyes are focused on the screen ready to take his order. Come at me.
" 2 plain Croissant Crunch, 2 Pan au Chocolat, 2 Brioche, 2 cream cheese spread, 2 Chef' s Breakfast Meal and 2 hot Irish coffee."
Isn't this a lot for one person? Must be a heavy eater. And is it just my imagination, but I thought I can hear two different voices while he's ordering. " Got it sir." I punched in all of his orders and he made his payment. "Here's your receipt. You may sit down and we'll just serve you your ord..." I looked up and flashed the best smile as instructed.
But it quickly faded. My eyes widened in fear. Standing before me, the customer has two heads in one body. I quickly looked at Da mon and he was just staring at me. I looked at the kitchen's direction and Li am and Jo Han are also just watching.
Maybe it's just me. I'm just imagining things. I rubbed my two eyes. And nothing changed.
"First Day huh?" The said customer smiled at me.
I can feel my heart beating faster, my hands are shaking and I'm starting to have a hard time breathing. Help. I need help but my voice won't come out. My knees started to feel weak and I fell to the ground.
As I'm gasping for air, a hand covered my eyes and embraced me. "Shhh.... It's okay.. calm down..." are the last words I heard before fainting.