Chapter 6: The White One
"Poor thing... Is it that cold out there? Come here... I'll warm you up"
The ripples of fire created a warm and quiet atmosphere, the darkness of the night was illuminated by the light of the fire so dark it was like a mystery, the breath was burning, the voice was muffled, the cold smoke was frozen.
The smell of warm water was clearly visible, piercing the nose, creating calm, at that time a figure I could never recognize, his white hair flowing like snowflakes, his clothes so thin, but still warm. His fingers, the sensation, so warm, so comfortable, his fingers moved to gently rub my face, cleaning something I never thought of.
I couldn't recognize, the view was always blurry, but the smile was soft, so softer than anything in this world.
"What happened to you... Poor thing"
Warm, soft, her hug made my heart melt like ice, her warm and soft voice, her cheeks that were beautifully flushed, like... A moonlight of hope.
Slowly spooning the warm soup cooked over the fire, so warming, so delicious, but more than that, her beautiful smile that remained, my eyes were glued, the world is silent in togetherness, but then I think, is this right for me?
The gentle caress of her hands, every time she rubbed my head, all the beautiful words that came out of her mouth, a warmth, a deep affection.
"And what is your name?"
"Kamada Elinson..."
A beautiful smile spread across her lips, every loving caress was never-ending, the warm ripples of fire kept her company, and the silence of the night was reluctant to leave.
"Kamada... That's quite a funny name."
She chuckled lightly, sounding like a typical innocent girl, This time she brought my body to sleep on her lap, her supple hands gently rubbing my head, giving me a feeling of comfort and sleepiness at the same time.
"Kamada... No matter how difficult your problem is, never blame yourself, you have fought, you have worked hard. I don't know what made you become like this..."
Her hand gently caressed my cheek, giving me a warm feeling in my heart, making me feel like I was burning, my heart was pounding, and my hands slowly tried to reach her face, trying to see her more clearly. But slowly my tears fell, so unreachable, so unseen, only her smile was so warm.
"Why do you care..."
Slowly my hand managed to reach her, feeling her soft, but so cold skin, even though her smile still gave me warmth, my tears fell, my chest felt tight feeling the sobs that were being held back.
It was dark, and it was getting darker, my vision was getting blurry, my mind was spinning, an unimaginable feeling of tiredness and sleepiness.
"That's right.. close your eyes Kama, you don't have to always try to be strong..."
"... I love you."
The voice was faint, heard by my subconscious, but I could feel it, the tears that belonged to her, as if we would never meet again, the warmth of her soft lips as they touched mine.
At least... If I have the chance.. I want to know you, I want to be close, I want to feel your warmth again, and more than that, I want to know your name.
Slowly my eyes opened, looking at the ceiling of my room, then I let my feet touch the cold floor, walking towards the window, opening it gently to welcome the morning world, accompanied by the chirping of birds, My eyes traced the thick billowing morning clouds, while the typical urban morning smell was smelled softly and clearly.
Sometimes at certain times, I like to dream of strange things, things that are like memories, like an incident that I remember, but I also can't say I remember specifically.
My hand rubbed my cheek, feeling the puddle of water there, as usual, I would always shed tears every time I dream about that woman with snow white hair. It was like a call of destiny that bound me.
"Hey it's morning, ohh you're awake?"
Ariz was standing right at my door, his hands on his hips, while the other hand holds a spoon that is still emitting smoke. His eyebrows raised in confusion, looking at me who was still frozen staring at the sky, not moving at all from my spot.
"Hey, I'm talking to you!"
Ariz's tone rose, while his face began to show annoyance, his breath slightly growled like an engine that was being warmed up, his feet began to take steps closer.
I turned to look at him, and found his expression changed drastically, his shoulders began to relax, and all the emotions stored in his head just disappeared. His lips opened, trying to say.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"Ah? This? It's just something in my eye, I'm not crying."
Ariz narrowed his eyes, while his expression began to change back to being more serious, there was curiosity and worry hidden there.
"Be honest with me, what's wrong? Are you being bullied at school?"
"What? Me? I've never been bullied, never mind, I'm fine, I told you, it was just something that got in my eye."
Ariz's face still looked disbelieving, but he finally nodded, even though his heart was still screaming with a strong sense of worry and more than anything, he tried to keep his voice steady.
"I've prepared breakfast, eat before it gets cold."
I nodded, then I started to get up from my place, took a towel and wiped away the rest of my tears, Before Ariz really came out he stuck his head out again and pointed at me.
"Don't forget to take a shower, you still have school for a few days."
"Yeah, yeah, I know, don't always remind me, I'm a grown man and you know that."
"Well... To me you are still like a helpless little baby."
I pursed my lips, feeling annoyed by his comment, while my mouth started to grumble while glancing at him sharply.
The clink of spoons and plates accompanied our time enjoying breakfast, even though I hate to admit it, Ariz's cooking is always delicious, I can't deny it, then I glanced at him, still eating with focus on the food, like a snake that has failed to coil around its prey.
"Hey, is there something bothering you?"
Hearing my question, Ariz gasped in surprise, his eyes widened slightly for a moment, but he then tried to hide it even though it was still vague in my eyes.
"No, it's nothing, hurry up and eat, you'll be late!"
"Huh, okay."
Leaving by car as usual, talking about small things, and then arriving at my school, it all went by very quickly, I looked at my watch, ak arrive at school on time.
Everyone gathered at a cafeteria table that we had deliberately made in a circle, the students' attention was diverted to us, looking at you with confused looks, while and there are also those who stare cynically like an audience who is not entertained by the comedian's jokes.
Some new faces also appeared with nervousness and confusion, while others wore serious faces.
"Are we here for free food?"
I banged the table, staring at the man with slightly dark skin, his hair flushed with a pink color that looked artificial, but it was an undeniable natural color. He smiled bitterly, while his hands began to rise to indicate that he was surrendering.
"That's right Genta, we're here to eat free food."
Hearing that, Genta's eyes widened and sparkled brightly.
"True, but I'll fill your mouth with a big plate and make you swallow it in one gulp."
Genta swallowed heavily, his bones felt like they were shaking at the thought of that terrible moment happening, this time he laughed bitterly, wiping the back of his head with beads of sweat dripping down.
"So? Why did you call me and everyone here Kama? Oh and by the way, it's nice to see you again after so long"
This time the calm looking male figure spoke, it was Fizen, one of those who had an aura of calm that was almost tangible.
"Hold off on the sweet words of the meeting, there is something important that I really have to tell you guys."
"And what is that?"
Lyzky, crossing her legs and placing both hands on her chest, asked me, her eyes showing confusion and clear curiosity
"It's about X"
Some of their faces widened, their breath stopped in their throats, as if their lungs stopped working for a moment, their hearts stopped pumping blood, their faces turned pale, Only Jerry, who had known from the start, kept a straight face, even though there was a hidden worry in the corners of his eyes.
Silence fell, no one really dared to say anything, their lips were numb, leaving only a silence that came quickly, and was reluctant to leave.