Watching the Dawn

v2 Chapter 26 - Nasika 1

Nasika is a city without walls.

Bode’s Gate, one of the two greatest cities in Jianwan, stands on the north bank of the Jossa River, about twenty miles from the entrance of the latter into the endless sea. His position happened to be halfway between Am and Deepwater.

And Naxikai is located one-third of the way from Aam to Bode Gate.

Relying on the golden business road of Am-Bode Gate-Deep Water City-Winter City and the local rich iron ore deposits, Nasika also gradually prospered. Because it is located between the two, although Nasika actually belongs to the Bode ’s Gate, many locals—especially the miners—are from Anm, who also has a great influence in the local area.

On the mainland of Feren, the population is relatively thin. Although it has an agricultural level beyond the Middle Ages, sanitation, disasters, etc. still limit the birth of cities with a population of more than 100,000. A big city like Bode ’s Gate has no more than 50,000 people. Naxikai, a place like urban-rural junction, has a population of 2,000, which is enough to be called a city.

The east-west direction of the Nar River divides Naxikai into north and south.

The north bank of the River is the most prosperous place in Nasika, where there is a tall and magnificent helmeted temple, as well as the mayor ’s official residence, business district and military camp. Soldiers patrolling day and night separate the miners on the south bank from the rich on the north bank. To the north of the barracks and shrines is the rich area. There are some merchants’ houses there, as well as the holiday villas of the nobles of Amm and Broadgate. Of course, since the mining of the Naxikai Iron Mine began, the influx of a large number of miners has made the style down. The aristocrats’ homes, except for one or two care servants and country relatives, almost said goodbye to their owners. Too.

And the south bank is where the miners gather. The three schematic houses in the game are actually hundreds of large and small buildings huddled together! In these chaotically built houses, there are 70% of the population of Naxikai. There are only two kinds of people here, miners and their families.

Miners go to the mines to mine, and their families do some work such as washing clothes, baking bread, planting some vegetables, etc.

On the west side, along the banks of the river, on the side of the town, this is a settlement of aborigines, people who lived here before the discovery of the iron ore. Indigenous people are mainly engaged in agriculture, the sale of local small commodities, guards, tax collectors, noble housekeepers, compradors of churches, etc., and belong to a group of people with high status.

Lu Yuan ’s past home was there.

Uncle ‘s house was originally there, but in recent years, with the rise of William, he moved to the rich area. They value things like identity, status, etc.

The house is now a young man of the city guard. He just helped look at the house and borrowed it by the way. After confirming Lu Yuan’s identity, he took the twenty gold coins given by Lu Yuan straight away and moved away.

He settled down here.

Walk on the street every day, chat with “Nini” in a small voice, casually browse the street scene, and recall the past. As the days passed, even the magic was less practiced, and it was inexplicably depressed.

As a result, at noon, Nini appeared sweating with a letter from Twilight.

In the letter, Muxing spoke happily about other things afterwards. At the end of the day, he encouraged him not to be slack, and he still had to fight when he met. The loser was … below.

Then Lu Yuan’s morale was greatly boosted. I bought a few big head fish that night and made a big pot of fish head cakes. The meal was divided into three parts, Nini ’s smallest one, followed by Lu Yuan ’s, and nearly half of the remaining amount was put into the ring to feed the goddess.

Received a return gift the next day, a big fish growing alone!

Do you dislike me? Or should I make this bigger for you? Looking at his pot, Lu Yuan decisively took the fish to the market and sold it, harvesting 1.7 gold coins.


Twilight walked on the northward mountain road to drive out a group of disgusting goblins.

She listened to something with her ear, and then said to herself, as if to answer, “Finally cheer up! Then I will work hard!”

Finished speaking, calling on the Holy Power, a white brilliance was injected into her body, and she rushed out with her double swords.

Recently, Ms. Elona frequently appeared in the church to spread the oracles. Although none of them are important content, the activity of the goddess still boosted the morale of the church.

The new costume of the forest goddess has become a popular topic. It is said that many religions of the goddess are beginning to seek new clothing designs, and a new round of clothing armaments is being opened.

And the church announced a new style of armor for the church, and granted the first batch of thirty powerful priests, druids, warriors, and rangers, with very good results.

In this situation, Twilight, who was previously asked to stay in the temple, was able to leave and continue to do what he wanted to do.

“Hey, I’m Nobo, this place is not bad, eh?”

“Have we seen it before? Maybe a brother who has been separated for many years? Brother, what do you think?”

“Ah, the guy in front is just as annoying as the kobold. Show your courage and cut him!”

“It is said that some people hate me, will you? Will you? Will it? Will? Well, I haven’t finished talking about how you left?”

Lu Yuan held his forehead in his hand and accelerated his pace. It was really bad luck today, and actually encountered that word of Nubo. Regarding this guy, there are few people nearby who do not hate him. He looks like Zhou Zheng, his IQ … and I still see it in the past, the only problem is talking! Nagging can nag the Bodhisattva to death!

“Tom Liver lost two front teeth yesterday at South Bridge! Hahaha! It ’s so funny, of course, that stone was n’t put on purpose … Do you know who Tom Liver is? I guess you must not I know. The tax officer at Bozhizhimen, he still has relatives at home. What should he call me, hell, who knows … “

“Do you know where you can buy a good steel ingot?” Lu Yuan saw that he couldn’t get rid of this guy, so he just asked for directions.

“When he came to my house that time, I saw … what did you say?” Nubo blinked and looked at him innocently.

“Where can I buy a good steel ingot!”

“How much do you need to buy? Then you need to go to the barracks and ask, large quantities of steel ingots can only be bought from there. Of course, the permission of Mayor Gestge is essential.”

“No, I only need a few per month, but the quality is better.”

“Then go to my house.”


“Go to my house, is it hard to understand my words? My father is the person in charge of iron ore smelting in this city.”

“Then why do you have steel ingots?”

“For some reasons, the best steel ingots cannot be used to make military weapons, so they are all in my house now!”

“I don’t understand, is it necessary to use the next-level steel ingot to build weapons?”

“Ah, bureaucratic problems, batch problems … damn, why should I explain these to you ?!”

“Don’t you like talking?”

“But I don’t like being asked a question !!! I start to think you are annoying! Shut up now! Annoying bastard!” Nubo blushed anxiously, snarled and turned to lead the way angrily.

Lu Yuan raised his head to the sky silently, you know, this is the victory of Goku, Bodhisattva, did you see it? !

“Is your home far? My home is also in that direction ~ ~ Just turn left, turn left and then turn left, and then you are here!”

“You just said that you and I are brothers, are you elves? Half elves? Quarter elves? Eighth elves? Sixteen … Alas, you wait for me.” Lu Yuan asked enthusiastically Road.

“Ah !!! I can’t stand it! Who will save me!” Nubo jumped and shouted a few times, turning his head and running.

The place where Lu Yuan lives is in the southwest, and Nubo ’s home is in the southeast, although it is also a community of indigenous people on the river side. The current mayor, Bron Geiste, is also an aboriginal. After taking office, he relied heavily on the support of the aboriginal forces, so the environment of the aboriginal settlement is much better than that of the miner ’s area.

As a person in charge of the local smelting industry, the Nubo family has a courtyard similar to the Beijing Siheyuan. Nubo led him directly to the warehouse behind him, and then seemed to be very uncomfortable without saying a word, standing beside him sulking.

Lu Yuan brushed the dust off the steel ingot, picked up a few pieces and observed it carefully. These steel ingots are really good. It should be the first or last part in batch metallurgy. Some are soft but have excellent toughness, some are very hard but some are brittle. The steel ingots are already alloyed. These steels are not suitable for mass-building weapons. Only by designing separately according to the characteristics of each steel ingot is the correct method.

And the lower dozens, dark and inconspicuous, Lu Yuan took it right and felt wrong. Wipe carefully, the deep and bright purple luster appears on the surface of the metal ingot, which turned out to be a black steel ingot! This thing is not something from the Xikai Mine, 80% came from Amm.

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