War Online

Chapter 405: The Divine Dragon wakes up

The next day, 14:45;

*Welcome to War Online*

Eighteen minutes before the deadline, Wil logged in the game and found himself on the same spot he logged out, the floating island where the rainbow dragon is still sleeping.

However, the island was packed with several dragons, belonging to different factions. As most of them are infatuated with the Giant Dragon before them, very few people around placed their attention on Wil who is not at the level that they need to focus on him.

Looking around, Wil mumbled to himself, "It looks like many competitors passed the trial. But then again, this will turn in my favor. The more princes/princesses will die here, the less trouble there will be for Lucius, later."

Wil didn't free Lucius right away as this place wasn't a No-combat zone. Who knows who will ambush who... That's why he waited until the last minute before taking out his gourd and freed Lucius who seemed very pale due to spending nearly 36 hours in complete darkness.

Before Lucius get to speak anything, Wil grabbed him and turned him around to face the front where the dragon is sleeping. "It's almost time for the divine dragon to wake up. Take deep breaths and calm down."

As an understanding individual, Lucius did as Wil told him. For some reason, all of his frustration and negative feelings were dispersed once he glimpsed at the sleeping rainbow dragon.

Very soon, the guardian of the dragon island opened its eyes and stood up. Wil saw its eyes were just like her feather, a beautiful rainbow in color. A barrier suddenly appeared around the floating island, preventing anyone to enter or escape.

*Ding! You resisted the Velkazar's Charm.

*Ding! You are locked in the abode of Velkazar. Dying will resurrect you at a random location within the premises of the barrier.

Even without doing anything, just by looking into its eyes, including Lucius several people standing around fell into a daze. Only high-level dragons managed to resist it.

Meanwhile, Wil was even more ready with the usage of his skills to save Lucius just in case he'll fall into danger. As for the Rainbow dragon's presence, he doesn't trust it because when he killed the Dragon King, it didn't appear to save its king. So, why it would bother to protect Lucius?

At the same time, he wasn't sure that it will interfere too. If he knew for sure that it won't interfere, he would have used heavenly push right there and kill everyone apart from Lucius and the dragon.

The Divine Dragon slowly opened its mouth and spoke in a normal tongue, "greetings warriors, I'm called Velkazar, the keeper of this world. Can the inheritors of the Dragon throne come forward and the remaining get back? I would like to take a closer look."

"Lord Time Traveler?" Lucius looked at him nervously. Wil nodded with a smile and patted his shoulder.

He started to walk forward. Adding him, Wil saw a total of 13 candidates that came forward. That means the other eleven failed. It made him wonder whether someone brought too many members with them.

Meanwhile, everyone was checking out the inheritors of the thrones. Of the ones that made it to the abode, along with Lucius, there were three people who are below level-200 with all of them being the illegitimate children of the Dragon King.

The rest of the candidates are above level-300. And finally, the favorites to the throne, the legitimate heirs who were standing together on the left were even above level-400.

Wil's eyes shifted to the Ice Dragon, Prince Frost; the Platinum dragon, Prince Reuben; The Pure Silver Dragon, Princess Kyla; and finally the strongest of them all, the Black Dragon, Prince Iamrar.


Level: 450

Grade: Legendary+

Species: Dragon

Bloodline: Black

Status: Humanoid

Description: The second prince of the Dragon Island, son of late king Owen Draconus and twin brother of Egan Draconus. As a black dragon, he was cruel to the core and is the type to sacrifice anyone to fulfill his goal.

Remark: Not recommended as an Ally.

Just like the other three, Wil saw an additional remark during an inspection. Maybe, it's because he's embroiled in this specific situation. While this kind of situation isn't new for Wil who fought wars even in his past life, maybe, it's because the targets are of legendary+ grade or so he thought.

"With level-100, Lucius is undoubtedly the weakest here. Also, he doesn't possess any sort of combat skills. I hope there won't be one vs one challenge between them." When such a thought arose in his mind, Wil coldly swore in his heart, "If such a case arise and I fail to protect him, then, I will make sure hell descends on the Dragon Island even if I had to make an enemy out of this rainbow dragon."

Meanwhile, Lucius stood straight in the line as the Divine Dragon is examining each of them.

His trust in Wil was so high that despite seeing stronger people all around, he never felt that he would die under Wil's watch. Perhaps, this is the effect of 100 favorability points.

Spectators have various thoughts running through their minds while staring at the candidates. Some people are thinking about how to beat the royal children while some people fixed their targets on the weaker candidates. And some are wondering who this level-100 teenager is standing in the middle.

After taking a close look at each of them, the Divine Dragon suddenly transformed into a frail-looking old woman in pure white robes. Unlike its beautiful appearance earlier that attracted everyone, this humanoid appearance was quite a contrast. Not only her hair was long and white, but there were also wrinkles on her face too.

Reuben and Iamrar who know the secret of the Divine Dragon wondered whether it is almost the time for her death. As for the others who were infatuated with her beauty, they were taken aback and felt betrayed.

However, the thoughts about her new appearance didn't last long enough with a dazzling crown and a staff summoned in her hands.



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