Wanzu Atlas: Do you call this an F-level talent?

Chapter 203

Today's first change: Chapter 203, the end of the month, I'm still eight thousand words away, and it's finished before twelve!

"The last one..." Xu Kun turned his head and looked at the archway.

Intuition told Xu Kun that the effect of Zhu Rong's right arm brought by Wu Hui's sacrifice to Zhurong was far more terrifying than the Doomsday Thunder Waterfall!

The Doomsday Thunder Waterfall can be said to be a natural disaster, and that Zhu Rong Burning Heaven belongs to the power of the god level!

Previously, in order to fight against the Doomsday Thunder Waterfall, Xu Kun could be said to have exhausted his means, and he barely delayed for a moment!

Zhu Rong Burning Sky is only stronger than the Doomsday Thunder Waterfall, and now Xu Kun has no skills that can compete with him head-on!

If he wants to resist, he can only try it by sacrificing Yuehua to open the protection of the moon!

But this is not a good way, because when Xu Kun moved this idea, there was still a faint sense of crisis!

His intuition seemed to warn him that even if he opened the Yuehua form, he could not completely stop the damage of Zhu Rong Burning Heaven!

Because Zhu Rong Burning Heaven, just like Changqin said, is already beyond this level, and also beyond cognition of a type of injury!

Even the Moon Hua Form, which could not even take effect from the Heavenly Tilt Saint Judgment, might lose its original role in the face of the power of the gods!

Therefore, Xu Kun decisively gave up the choice of sacrificing Yuehua in exchange for his life!

As for the second one, to solve him before Wu Hui unleashed the ultimate world-destroying level move, Xu Kun certainly could do it, and there was more than one way!

However, what he couldn't estimate was that even if he killed Wu Hui in seconds, whether Zhurong's right arm, which had been compressed to the extreme, would dissipate with the death of the caster!

What's more, Wu Hui was not his last enemy in this trial!

Combining these, Xu Kun also gave up this second thankless way!

The ultimate destination is also the wisest and most appropriate path among the three choices that his intuition has given him, that is... Cross that archway!

Wu Hui is the younger brother of Yan Shen, and Changqin is the son of Yan Shen, and even the two of them can only stand in front of the archway as SS-level difficulty guard bosses!

What is after the torii is already self-evident!

Although this is the best choice given to Xu Kun by intuition, it does not mean that the archway will be completely safe after that, which can only be said to be a relatively wiser way!

Changqin and Wu Hui also knew what existed behind the archway.

Therefore, when Xu Kun's eyes fell on the archway, the two reacted at the same time.

Changqin's eyebrows sank, and he admonished: "I advise you not to cross this archway too early, the means you have have already consumed on my uncle, and now cross the archway... Death is certain! "

As an SSS-level Awakening Secret Realm, the ultimate challenge under normal circumstances, behind the archway, it is naturally an SSS-level boss that is more powerful than Wu Hui!

In the face of Wu Hui, who exerts magical powers, Xu Kun can only adopt roundabout tactics, and how powerful the final SSS-level boss is, it is unimaginable!

Who can be sure that even Wu Hui has such an ultimate move as Zhurong Burning Heaven, and the final boss who is a grade higher than him will not have it?

Changqin's words are reminding Xu Kun to stay outside the archway and wait for your skill CD to improve before trying the challenge!

Otherwise, the enemy after that will have no chance of victory!

Can Xu Kun have a choice?

If you don't pass, you will face Wu Hui, who is about to storm away!

Is it to face SSS-level bosses, or to resist Zhurong Burning Heaven?

Almost without thinking about it, Xu Kun chose the former!

The moment Xu Kun made his decision, Wu Hui's reaction was even more brutal and direct!

At the right arm, that little Mars turned into a singularity that burned out the world, and after being compressed to the extreme, it was exchanged for unparalleled flame power!

Half of Wu Hui's body, under the power of such a terrifying god, instantly burned to ashes, and not even a drop of blood flowed out!

The endless flames, with a cathartic momentum, soon spread to the entire space!

Xu Kun jumped up and used his fastest speed towards the archway!

Three seconds!

This is the answer given by Xu Kun according to the distance between himself and the archway, combined with his own movement speed!

In just three seconds, he could cross that archway and avoid the power of Zhurong Burning Heaven!

But how fast was the flame wave covering Zhu Rong Heaven, Xu Kun only ran out for a second, and the scorching fire snake was about to climb his eyebrows!

Xu Kun's face sank, and he did not dare to have a trace of contempt!

"Liuding Divine Fire!"

With a loud snort, he held back the pain in his mind that seemed to be pricked by thousands of fine needles, and in a short period of time, he once again summoned the divine fire that he could not fully master!

With Xu Kun's current strength, driving the Six Ding Divine Fire, even if there is only one fire, he still has to endure endless pain!

When he used it to threaten Jiuxiao Yanyang before, Xu Kun had felt this kind of pain as if his soul was torn apart, and at that time, Xu Kun just summoned a wisp of fire at his fingertips!

At this moment, in order to resist the power of Zhu Rong Burning Heaven, he gave him enough time, he had to cover his whole body with six divine fires!

The flame of the Liuding Divine Fire appeared in Xu Kun's eyebrows, and under Xu Kun's desperate urging, the fiery red flame came down from above, as if putting a red holy robe on Xu Kun!

At the same time, the terrifying Zhurong Burning Heavenly Power also impacted Xu Kun!

The red holy robe turned into a divine fire swayed for a while, as if it could be extinguished at any time!

Xu Kun was so nervous that his forehead was full of sweat, but before it dripped, he was dried by the extreme high temperature, and above the moon, it had even begun to flash with milky white light!

Always be ready to sacrifice yourself and protect your master!

But although Xu Kun, who was wearing a red holy robe, was as weak as a fallen leaf in the sea in the face of such a divine power, the Liuding Divine Fire still tenaciously protected Xu Kun from the Burning Heaven Fire!

Between the Zhurong Fire and the Liuding Divine Fire, it is difficult to distinguish a high and low, and from the conversation between Wu Hui and Changqin, it is not difficult to hear that the right arm of this flame that Wu Hui mastered is from the power given by the Yan God!

This should not belong to the power of the gods that Wu Hui can grasp at this level!

Wu Hui can master and use it, but he also has to pay a terrible price for it!

At this moment, Wu Hui was in the flames of the sky, and his body was constantly being eaten away by the flames, but his face did not show a trace of pain, but stared at Xu Kun who was walking through the sea of fire!

"On him, there is a flame that resists the Zhurong fire, no wonder my brother will choose him!"

"Very good, compared to the Nanming Separation Fire cast by that Suzaku, this flame mastered by this kid is still very weak, but in terms of level, it is superior!"

"My power was given by my brother, burning my right arm to exert the power of burning the heavens, although these flames are far inferior to the Zhurong fire cast by my brother himself, but the victory is great!"

"Boy, can you survive this fire alone?"

At this moment, Wu Hui had affirmed Xu Kun in his heart.

Since they slept underground, only two people have been able to come this far!

One is Suzaku, who is revered by all races as the god of southern departure, this is an ancestor-level figure who can be compared with the first strong man of the Terran race!

The second place is naturally Xu Kun who bravely broke into the sea of fire at this moment!

The same point between the two of them is that they both hold extremely strong flames!

In terms of level, from the analysis of Wu Hui, the second-generation Zhurong, it is not difficult to see that although the Liuding Divine Fire mastered by Xu Kun is only a fire, it is still better than Suzaku's Essence Fire Nanming is far from the fire!

This is a qualitative victory, Wu Hui is very clear about the Zhurong Fire he is in charge, the flame he can drive has not yet reached the level of divine fire, at most it is a pseudo-divine fire!

In essence, Nanming Separation Fire that is not as good as Suzaku is naturally inferior to Xu Kun's Liuding Divine Fire!

But in terms of quantity, Wu Hui, who inherits the position of Zhurong and masters the right arm of Shentong Zhurong, is definitely the No.1 among the three!

Contrary to the qualitative ranking, Xu Kun had to endure great pain even for this fire that urged the Liuding Divine Fire, let alone make this Divine Fire stronger!

And the predecessor Suzaku who came here, even if he was limited by his growth time, Nanming was not particularly powerful from the fire, but at least he could do whatever he wanted!

Therefore, the ranking of the quantity is Wu Hui first, Suzaku second, and Xu Kun Lao Mo!

"Huh? Is it so painful? The

fire of Zhurong had already burned to Wu Hui's cheeks, but looking at Xu Kun, who was struggling to move forward in the sea of fire, Wu Hui's brows frowned slightly.

"It seems that this kid is not yet proficient in this divine fire!"

"Maybe, originally I was a little unconvinced, such a sneaky and slippery brat, how can he take over his brother's divine position, now it seems that this kid still has a lot of means!"

There is no harm without comparison, looking at Xu Kun, it is inevitable that Wu Hui will compare him with the Suzaku back then!

Also a good hand of fire, Wu Hui fought with Suzaku back then, but it was a real hard fight, one person waved Zhurong's right arm, a bird spewed Nanming away from the fire, and finally tried everything, in the end, Wu Hui failed to take Suzaku in a limited time, and was helplessly burned by Nanming from the fire!

Although she lost to Suzaku, Wu Hui felt that she had lost well, and also affirmed her strength, and even expected Suzaku to gain the approval of his brother and let them complete their mission!

Therefore, he did not choose to sacrifice this Zhurong right arm at the end, but calmly accepted the result of the defeat and sent Suzaku across the torii to begin the final trial!

But Xu Kun's appearance gave Wu Hui the feeling that... The means are endless, and people can't be prevented!

But it gives people a kind of miscellaneous and unrefined and does not have the purity that is as strong as Suzaku!

You know, the existence of the Yanshen cemetery is to screen out suitable Yanshen heirs!

From beginning to end, Xu Kun and Wu Hui's battle did not display any pure fire system skills, which inevitably made Wu Hui a little doubtful of life!

Why did you take over the position of the Flame God?

Another point, Xu Kun actually put it on a rotten after a round of battle with Wu Hui!

Relying on its own strong mobility, if you say you don't fight, you won't fight!

This made the hot-tempered Wu Hui feel as uncomfortable as eating a nine-turn large intestine!

But he didn't have any way to do anything about the slippery Xu Kun!

Fight and can't fight, chase and catch up, so uncomfortable~

If you let this stinky boy pass easily, Wu Hui feels that even if he dies, he will not die steadily!

This made him worse than killing him!

In addition, no matter whether Xu Kun can succeed this time, people like Wu Hui have already reached the end of their lives!

The Divine Power of the Yan God was no longer enough to support them and wait for the arrival of the next inheritor!

Therefore, after a psychological struggle, Wu Hui finally chose to burn out the last light of his life!

Let the fire of Zhurong burn the world!

If you can carry it, I will die without regret!"

If you can't bear it, then it's not a pity to die!

It is by no means the kind on the surface, as if after being humiliated, losing his mind, anger manifestations!

At the beginning, the powerful Suzaku could not be recognized by the Yan God, so in Wu Hui's opinion, only Xu Kun showed a fire power stronger than the Suzaku, and he had the slightest chance to successfully take over the position of the Yan God!

If Xu Kun knew that Wu Hui thought so in his heart, he would definitely cry out for wrong!

Fire system skills of S level and below can't do the slightest damage to Wu Hui, who has opened the body of real fire!

There is even a possibility that his Zhurong right arm will control the mutiny!

As for the S rank and above, the same real fire body is on the CD, and the anger is also on the CD, and the only thing that can hurt is the golden eye ray of the fire eye!

You tell me, let me fight you with what fire skill?

The blame can only be blamed, Xu Kun is too anxious, within one day, he wants to string 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 layers, plus a tenth layer gate - awakening secret realm!

Totally just... Inappropriate people!

If Wu Hui knew Xu Kun's results within this day, it was estimated that he didn't want to fight for a long time!

It's a pity that he doesn't know!

Therefore, when he saw through Xu Kun's intention to avoid Zhurong Burning Heaven and cross the archway, Wu Hui released his power without any hesitation!

Three seconds, for some people, can be a shame, because it's too short, so short that it doesn't feel like it, it's over!

But for a battle situation like Wu Hui and Xu Kun, three seconds is too long, so long that both of them can destroy each other!

When Wu Hui saw the Six Dings Divine Fire burning on Xu Kun's body, his eyes lit up again!

Good boy, after fighting for a long time, and hiding such a hand?

Wu Hui's heart had hope for Xu Kun again, hoping that he could succeed!

So, what action will be taken for Xu Kun, who is struggling to support in the sea of fire, and Wu Hui, who has little time left?

It is to use his last strength to converge the flames and let Xu Kun go

... Or do you say....

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