Chapter 2: Thunder & Sunder Divine Art
"Wang An Leiji, today is the day you begin cultivating. So come and choose the art you begin with." Feng Fei Qiang said, sipping the fragrant tea that filled the room.
"This one won't delay! Thank you Master Feng!" I said, cupping my hands respectfully. It was only right to go by this world's rules.
I walked up to a small table that had several different techniques laid about in a neat and orderly fashion. There are many of these kinds of things. None screamed out, "PICK ME PLEASE." I mean seriously with names like "Legendary Shart Method" & "When In The Forest Use A Leaf" & "To Train Your Man". Seriously, WTH was this. Then I found one. And I saw what the one was for me... "Plasma Pee Cannon Method" Ahaha. No, while that method was also on the table, it was not the one I saw that I had wanted.
There had been other methods on the table. However, compared to one, I felt a connection with... Kekeke can pound and split apart. Can't think of anything more fitting for this new young body to practice. A few Honorable mentions were "Heavenly Lover Art," "True Fist Lord," & "Flaming Twin Sword Dance." However, these three seemed like they would need separate skills and didn't interest me in the slightest. So I chose "Thunder & Sunder Divine Art".
"Master, this disciple would like to choose this art to practice." I said, presenting my choice.
She sighed as if she knew I wasn't going to pick any of the other ones. "I knew those other old fogies were simply being dumb, or childish for putting things like 'To Train Your Man' and the others. So you chose this one? Hmmm, go and begin. If you have questions, just come and ask your master. I think you'll like this method, it's... suitable for your body." Master Feng said.
"Then this disciple will begin training at once." I said, paying proper respect. This was the famous Sect Master's Daughter. and she was about to inherit the position. A true 3rd Order Emperor. From what I knew of this world, that was the peak within Void World.
However, kekeke, I know there was a realm beyond. But I can't remember what exactly it was called or how to reach it. Perhaps that nauseating experience of having my soul tugged through a spacetime reality warping worm hole sucked some of my memories away. This makes sense since memories are stored as biological data. It's honestly a miracle I retained anything about myself.
I left to go practice on my own like the master said. a small space used for all the new disciples. There were many small rooms here. I decided to choose a small private garden instead of being cooped up inside the room. The air here was something that should be enjoyed. From what I remember, the world I came from had the same air quality as my rear end after eating Supa hot cheesy foods.
These rooms came pretty stocked with 10 days worth of rations. This was how people just starting out like myself would... well... Survive. This was because up until the Immortal ascension Realm food and sustenance is still just as important as before.
I took the bound book out and tried studying. Oddly enough it wasn't nearly as esoteric as one might think. It simply detailed a series of movements that are used to strengthen the body. An essential part of becoming a Cultivator. I took the top portion of my Light Purple Hanfu off and folded it the way I had been taught. It was time to train.
I began practicing the movements in what would be called a primitive book of sorts. And Instantly realized something was different... You, see the methods in this book were no different than simple martial arts. Yet With each repetition... I felt more exhausted and yet exhilarated as well.
This would simply be unheard of in the world I came from. Yes, practicing for a long time would eventually lead one to exhaustion and need time to rest. However, I was in that state with each motion. Yet recovered enough to perform the next motion in just a few breaths of time.
Each time was more amazing. This continued for most of the day. However there were sometimes the occasional 2 motions each breath. The Improvement was massive. "Hmm, I'm still not a first layer yet. I wonder how long it will take to improve to that and beyond." I said now looking at my tiny little body covered and drenched in sweat. Guess it's time to wash, eat, and rest.
The second day began with a crack of the neck at the crack of dawn. I continued to perform and refine these moves until I could manage 3 motions. It was surprisingly easy after I got used to it. At this point it was merely a matter of performance. Something that I certainly wouldn't want rumors spreading that I couldn't perform in the future. That would be downright embarrassing.
Each motion was a chain of sorts. All began with the performance of the first motion. Each one after this caused a chain reaction. Amplifying the effects of the Art. It wasn't half the morning gone when I mastered the motions up to a chain of 4. I could manage this and recover in 4 breaths.
Was this growth too fast? It seems a little bit rapid. I thought. So I peeked outside the private garden and saw that people were leaving their rooms with cultivations in the 6th and 7th layers of the Body tempering realm. I must be going slow then, Right? Either way, I can further refine this method and continue to grow stronger and faster.
Let's try a few different things. This is the "Thunder & Sunder Divine Art." It would be foolish if it was as simple as just following everything that had been laid out for me.
Ah! I see it. How the hell did I miss this before? That reality warping really screwed with me something fierce. Each of the motions can be a starting position, and by extension any of them can lead into each other. Since I can perform four different moves. And I know 4 different moves. That gives my 108 different series of motions I could perform. Interesting this number has some sort of significance but I can't quite remember it too well. I really need to form a Knowledge Sea before I forget everything. That is if I am to have a greater advantage over others.