Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 51

< The Apocalypse of Hell. (4) >

[ A military hospital that far exceeds its capacity. However, food poisoning patients are pouring in. What the hell happened to them? ]

– The New York Times.

[ The medical field is far short of even thousands of Red Cross medical volunteers. Medical volunteers from all over the country are not enough. ]

– Washington Post.

[The War Department is silent. But the pouring testimonies and the revelations of the Red Cross. ]

– New York World.

The beef scandal quickly flared up.

Although it was difficult to identify the victims of the machine gun victims due to their disfigured limbs and bruised faces, the identities of food poisoning patients with intact limbs were quickly identified.

In addition, the military hospital exploded, reaching the point of setting up a tent and setting up a temporary treatment center.

Unofficial casualties from food poisoning.

3,000 people.

When they were annihilated, they were reorganized and reorganized into the rear again, and when they were pushed back into the hellish trenches of the Spanish army, the physical strength of the American soldiers ran out and the endemic disease spread. As a result, the damage caused by food poisoning has also increased exponentially.

About 70,000 soldiers were dispatched, of which 10,000 were shredded by machine guns, and 30,000 were shredded by canned garbage.

Ironically, the damage caused by the military misappropriation of the Ministry of War was even greater.

Surprisingly, the machine gun issue did not immediately elicit a reaction from the American people.

At that time, the U.S. Army did not adopt dog tags as a formality, and the bodies of numerous army soldiers who had been slashed by machine guns were recorded as unidentified.

Is that all? The administrative system of the US Army was also outdated, so the official number of casualties was not yet properly calculated.

“It’s rather good.”

“But, Master. Weren’t we originally designed for the machine gun issue?”

“No, it’s fine the way it is now. It would be the cleanest way to put the beef scandal in the corner and end it with a machine gun issue.”

It was only a matter of time before the machine gun issue was revealed anyway, and before that, the beef scandal had to be cleaned up.

“Today, it’s the Wall Street Journal morning.”



I opened the front page of the Wall Street Journal.

[The Horrible War Department’s Beef Scandal. ]

[ The enemy was inside. ]

– The Wall Street Journal.

The trigger was pulled.

Well, it will split and destroy itself anyway.

“Let’s start by cutting off Jack Morgan’s limbs.”



Washington’s Congress was overturned.

Right now, most of the personnel in the War Department were held by Republicans. Democrats wanted this time to start biting Republicans.

“This is canned beef from the army’s supply depot. Oh my God. A musty, rotten smell vibrates just by holding it. Did you guys feed these to the army soldiers?!”

“On this day alone, about 400 people died in military hospitals. And that’s because of food poisoning!!! It wasn’t that he was shot dead on the battlefield, is it reasonable to say that he died eating food provided by his country!!!”

In the middle of a parliament where two camps are fighting.

There were several cans of beef for army supply. Although it had not yet been opened, the formaldehyde, which had been coated with rice cakes for preservative treatment, smelled of rotten corpses.

The seated lawmakers grabbed their noses.

The canned food swelled up like a dangerous substance.

“This is the rotten canned food that the soldiers are said to have eaten. It was so shocking that I brought a few. You too must see the atrocities of the War Department with your own eyes!!!


With everyone’s attention focused, an army medic stood in front of the canned food with a mask on. Then, with his skillful hand, he plucked the cans with a knife.

Soon after, the cracks in the canisters cracked and a musty smell leaked out, and when they were fully opened, the gates of hell opened to the council.


“Wow, wow!”

Smell only causes gastric juice to reflux.

Perhaps he did not know that it would be this much, and among the Democrat-affiliated lawmakers, one after another were nauseous, and the Republican-affiliated lawmakers’ faces became white and tired.

What was in the can?

There were green and brown sticky lumps in it, and it was a toxic substance that could hardly be called meat.

To say this as ‘meat’ would be an insult to cattle and humans.

Members of both camps thought at the same time.

How the heck could these bastards of the War Department ever think of putting that satanic filth in a man’s mouth?

Is the old water flowing? I feel like I’d be better off just eating human flesh.

“…According to the testimonies of the soldiers, this canned food was almost the only food to eat in the middle of the battlefield, and they had no choice but to swallow it while vomiting. It was like eating decomposed boric acid, causing diarrhea, vomiting and seizures.”

it is satan

What kind of satan did the logistical personnel of the War Department shove these harmful substances into the camouflage of the army soldiers?

“This is an unforgivable atrocity, a waste of the American people’s taxes and a deceptive act. In addition, it has had a devastating impact on national security.”

The enemy was inside.

The 30,000 people that the Ministry of War inflicted harm with this canned food was three times the number of 10,000 people who died in front of machine gun baptism.

Unlike those who died for the country on the battlefield, it was close to dog death.

“The Spanish army is not sure when it will attack the mainland of the United States, and the United States has come to a point where it has to consider defeat in the Pacific Ocean and Cuba.”

click- click-

Lawmakers on both sides were shocked, and reporters twisted their noses and eagerly took pictures of the canned beef.

“That is why I am proposing a Senate hearing.”

The news spread through the media and spread across the United States.


[Captain Shafter, ‘Things he doesn’t know. Those involved in the logistics should know.’ ]

[ Brigadier General Charles Egan of the War Department. ‘I just did what my superiors told me to do.’ ]

[ Quartermasters. ‘It’s something I don’t know. The only sin I have is to faithfully carry out my orders.’ ]

[ Morris Corp., ‘This is a problem with the Army’s transportation. The detailed cause is under investigation.’ ]

[Republican Assemblyman Rosie, ‘It’s just an arbitrary crime of the War Department’s Elsage Officer. It has nothing to do with the Republican Party. But to the bereaved families, as a member of the Republican Party, I apologize.’ ]

– Washington Post.

Washington DC

The army officers belonging to the Cuban Expeditionary Force at the Ministry of Warfare building were consistent in their ignorance, raising their index finger and pointing only at the upper part, evading their responsibility.

Republican executives quickly drew a line and cut off Secretary Elger.

Morris, Amersa, and Swift’s meat packaging companies have shifted responsibility to the Army and started pouring huge sums of money into Congress through lobbyists.

to the top.

to the top.

As a result of endlessly ascending upwards.

All responsibilities had to be concentrated on one person.

“It was all ordered by the Minister of War.”

War Minister Russell Elger entered the chipge, and the Army’s Gendarmerie was patrolling around the Secretary’s residence.


“Rescue our son!!!”

“The war department who drove my son to death, bring my son back!!!! Give it back!!!”

“You bastards!!!”

Angry crowds flocked to the Ministry of War headquarters, and a line of deterrence for the military police had been established, but they ignored it and pushed their numbers into the Department of War headquarters.

Quartermasters of the Cuban Expeditionary Force were captured by the people’s wicked hands, dragged out and lynched.


This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

One binge.

At dawn when there was no one around, the War Department building shook violently once, and flames began to soar into the sky.

[Washington D.C. Department of War is on fire. Fortunately, there was little damage to confidential documents. ]

[Army units deployed in front of the Ministry of Warfare building. You can fire if you cross the line. ]

[ The army’s strengthened civilian access restrictions, citizens want the truth. ]

– Washington Post.


War Minister’s Officer.

– I hope you don’t call me like this in the future.


“Oh no, wait a minute!!! Wait a minute!!! hey!!! You bastard!!!”


Secretary Elser crumpled the phone with his white-washed hands. But no matter how hard I tried to listen to the receiver, nothing was heard.

cut off

Minister Elzer’s face grew more and more red.


tossed the receiver.

“What the f*ck!!! Damn it!!!! Dogs !!! Now come and cut your hand!!!!”

bang-! bang-! Kwajik-!

The El Storage tube stepped on the receiver again and again until the receiver broke and shards were lodged in his feet and bleeding.

All the high-ranking officers and director-level personnel who were riding on their lines made a stoppage and hit the back of the head through evasion of responsibility.

Morris Corp., Swift Corp., and Armor Corp. threatened to file an accusation the moment their name was mentioned on the phone or in a press article once more.

Threatening letters made from cut newspapers poured into his residence every day.

“Jack Morgan!!!”

And just.

Even Jack Morgan, the last bastion, had his face confiscated and sentenced to death in a cool voice. Leaving the threat of being able to handle JP Morgan Bank’s legal team and large law firms.

The property was confiscated by the prosecution and frozen.

Their parents, wives, and children were all summoned to the prosecution one after another.

The moment I left the residence, I could only see the future where I would be shot.


Really f*cked up.

“…the worst is the death penalty.”

Sitting in Edison’s electric chair and roasting like a chicken, or venting through the body through a firing squad.

It’s not a joke, but as long as you feed the army soldiers with such garbage, it’s no less than a massacre.


“Jack Morgan you f*cking bastard!!!”

I promised to take care of everything.

If there is a problem with canned beef, he will mobilize lobbyists to protect himself, and he has promised to make him the governor or mayor of New York.

However, the lobbyists he spoke of were mobilized to kill himself, and the traces of JP Morgan Bank, or even Jack Morgan, were erased from the War Department one by one.

He slowly grabbed his neck tightly.

“…it is not that there are no means of a lesser evil.”


Leaving the room, the storehouse went into a small study with books piled up and opened the desk drawer.

It was filled with documents involving Morris, Swift, and Armor, as well as JP Morgan Bank and Jack Morgan, as well as lists and double ledgers of high-ranking officers of the War Department.

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

Only this….

If only this…

Laziness and blood began to appear in the eyes of the Elsa.

“I can’t be the only one who can’t die… I can’t…”

power was released

Families are caught in the eye

If he commits suicide as a whistleblower and is sentenced to death, life imprisonment, or deportation, then Jack Morgan, high-ranking army officers, and meat processing companies will surely harm his family.

The family will be severed, and the children’s career paths and entry into politics will all be turned upside down.


Jack Morgan’s voice buzzed in his ear.

– Be well behaved. They had six children, one of whom went to Harvard. I’m watching everything.


Woodang! Kwajik! Quad Duck! puck!

Even after throwing away the furniture in the study, this resentment and anger do not go away.

It’s good to see the Department of War and the Three Meat Companies, Jack Morgan and the Republican Party intending to rip me off with all my sins.

It must be a sign that if I hang myself alone, the rest will be fussy. And behind the scenes is Jack Morgan.

Jack Morgan.

Damn Jack Morgan.

“You are killing me!!! I will definitely pick and kill the moss!!! Awww!!!”



At the sudden sound of a mysterious phone ringing, the Elsa Kwan stopped trembling. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the receiver.

Then the phone rang again.


“……Who is it?”

Everyone cut themselves off.

It was sharp and cruel, as if hanging his own neck would solve the rest.

But now, what’s the deal?

Elsa Hall became sporadic, wiping sweat-drenched bangs, and trudging on the phone.


“… it’s Russell Elser.”

– Oh, you got it.

Elsa’s eyes narrowed.

A young, not young male voice.

It is roughly the voice of a young man who graduated from high school and entered university. It was the voice of a freshman who had graduated from college, no matter how well he treated him.

Who is it?

“Excuse me, but who are you?”

– Oh, it’s the first time I’m talking directly to you.

A pleasant laugh was heard over the receiver. Then he introduced himself. With a confident voice, with the conviction that you will never be able to deny it.

he was brave

– My name is Detroit Morgan. I would like to offer you a deal.



The Elsa tube dropped the receiver.

A cool grim reaper’s voice came over the receiver.

– It’s probably not a bad story for you either. There is no other way than this.


New York Midtown.

Detroit Morgan’s home.

“I know it will go that way.”


As soon as I hung up, James asked.

“Did you accept it?”

“It looks like the bomb you have is bigger than I thought. I’ll think about it, but he doesn’t really have a choice. Because the card I gave out will be the only Dong-A line.”


If the El Store accepts it, this case could rip Jack Morgan out of print.

There are far more deaths from food poisoning than from machine gun deaths, and he is a major shareholder in a meat processing company directly.

can never get away

“Dear Master, an emergency meeting was convened at JP Morgan Bank while you were on the phone.”

“Emergency meeting? What is the agenda?”

“It has not been disclosed, but it is said that all executives must attend.”

Former executives are required.

If an executive meeting of that size is to be held,

It’s about Jack Morgan.

There are not one or two things directly or indirectly entangled in this beef scandal, and there is no way that Chairman Morgan was unaware of the lobbyist connections that Jack Morgan has.

“Master, the corners of your lips…”

“It’s your fault.”

But my preparations do not end here. The machine gun scandal was about to explode.

His position at JP Morgan Bank will be broken down into atomic units, and his connections will be absorbed by me.


I got up from my office chair, rubbing my lips with my hand.

I was a little tired, so I stretched out.


“Ouch. Did your father say nothing? With this incident, the military business of JP Morgan Bank was also cut off. The Naval Department business was pretty much the same, Jack Morgan’s bastard.”


James muttered his words.

At the sudden silence of James, I looked at him without stretching.

He spoke hard.

“… they changed Morgan’s last name.”


President Morgan seemed more angry than I had imagined.

< The Apocalypse of Hell. (4) > end

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