Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 33

< Support from Rockefeller. (4) >

– So far, Detroit Morgan’s design has been followed, so why not let him preside over the interim Federal Monetary Commission?

Everyone nodded at President Morgan’s suggestion.

In fact, although the Federal Monetary Commission was organized, it has not yet been officially launched because it has not yet passed the Senate and House of Representatives.

However, the Federal Monetary Commission, which was temporarily organized by members of the secret meeting room, was steadily fulfilling its role.

I was at the center of it, and there was no big backlash from the new chairman as the meeting was originally going according to my design.

Thunderous applause echoed in the conference hall.

“thank you.”

The actual work hasn’t changed, but the power of my words has changed significantly now.

As interim chairman, the first agenda item was a solution to the also depressed New York stock market.

“First, to save the New York Stock Exchange, we need to choose and focus.”

“Choice and focus?”

“Yes, businesses that need to survive should be saved, and businesses that should be killed should be killed.”

Even though JP Morgan Bank and the Rockefellers have great cash mobilization power, they cannot save all the railroads that account for 50% of the New York Stock Exchange.

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On Thursday alone, they decided to make a big buy, but nevertheless, 25 poor railroads suffered a downward circuit break.

Therefore, the railway companies to be killed should be delisted and go through the process of closure or corporate rehabilitation.

“In addition, it is suggested that the governance structure of Continental Railways be reorganized around holding companies and that the holding companies be listed.”

“To list the holding company…”

“It is the holding company of the Continental Railroad that divides the United States into four. The New York Stock Exchange will probably survive at once.”

BNSF, Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR), Grade Northern Railroad, Union Pacific Railroad.

The new railroad era in the United States has been reorganized into a top four power system, and its size has grown incomparable to that of the existing railroad industry.

In particular, in the case of the Pennsylvania Railroad, large railroads in the eastern United States merged and their size was no joke.

“And it will probably be more beneficial to you to list the holding company of the four railroads.”

“What the hell is that good for?”

William Rockefeller, who was listening quietly, frowned and asked.

Certainly, there is a lot of information to be disclosed when listing on the New York Stock Exchange, and there are quite a few risks, such as having a credit problem whenever the stock price is swayed.

‘But wouldn’t that be much better than being ripped apart by a single teddy bear?’

In fact, as it was originally, I didn’t care whether the railroad company was disbanded or not.

However, since the Rockefeller family, who obtained the Pennsylvania Railroad, turned to us, it was unacceptable to see the dismantling even if dirt got into our eyes.

I have to keep the link with Rockefeller.

“What do you think of the Sherman Antitrust Act?”


As I spit out the magic word, to my surprise, not a single one of the giants gathered in the secret meeting room frowned.


In particular, Secretary Gage broke the glass he was holding to see if he had anything to do with Sherman, and fiddled with the desolate scalp.

“If you list the holding company of the four major continental railroads on the New York Stock Exchange, no one will be able to touch you.”

“Why are you telling me?”



I smiled triumphantly.

“Yeah, the moment the four major railroads are dismantled, America’s economy will fall into hell.”


William Rockefeller’s eyes popped open.

In fact, this is a fact proven by the original historian.

US Steel, the largest steel trust in the United States established in 1901 under the leadership of JP Morgan, monopolized two-thirds of the steel in the United States and avoided the mace of ‘the’ Theodore Roosevelt.

At that time, US Steel, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, was the first company in the United States to exceed a market capitalization of over $1 billion.

‘By the way, are you dismantling this? If you want to become a second Hoover, I won’t stop you.’

Will politicians be able to bear this obvious risk?

The US economy is in hell?

“…This is a graveyard. Using the New York Stock Exchange as a shield, we will survive. If even one axis of the Continental Railroad collapses, the New York Stock Exchange will fall into hell.”

“If Continental Railroad is listed, how big will it be?”

“As it is a transcontinental railroad, it will be over $500 million by default. In the case of Pennsylvania Railroad, which merged the Eastern Railroad of the United States, I think it will rise to $1 billion.”


Bankers gathered at the secret meeting envisioned four continental railroads worth at least $500 million listed side by side on the New York Stock Exchange.

If a total of US$2 billion of Continental Railroad stocks were listed, they could survive the mace of dissolution by using the New York Stock Exchange as a shield.

2 billion dollars.

60 trillion in Hyundai Hanwha.

Considering the economic level of the United States at the time, it was a crazy size that could affect a whopping 600 trillion to 2,000 trillion won.

Dismantling? It’s just going to be a goal.

“Well, the New York Stock Exchange will definitely come alive.”


After Black Wednesday.

The rail bubble could end in just one day, thanks to dollars poured in by members of the secret meeting on Thursday and Friday.

However, supporting the New York Stock Exchange from collapsing and revitalizing the New York Stock Exchange are completely different areas.

– I’m glad the stock market didn’t crash, but it’s half-zombie.

– There was a big good news on Friday, but it only went up 5%.

– Is the New York Stock Exchange in a recession for the time being?

– I want the big banks on Wall Street to save the New York Stock Exchange.

Investors at the New York Stock Exchange were eagerly waiting for something special from the big Wall Street banks.


And I had been waiting for the opening of the New York Stock Exchange in Federal Hall after a long time.

“Even if the new railroad industry has changed to a four-power system of continental railroads, investors do not seem to be feeling well.”

“But when the Wall Street Journal comes out today, wouldn’t it be more enjoyable than anyone else?”

James said firmly.

Around that time, newsboys roamed the Federal Hall and started selling the Wall Street Journal.

“Outside, outside!”

“The big banks on Wall Street have issued a joint statement! Outside!”

“Is that true? Give me one copy!”

“Two cents!”

At the newsboys’ cries, Wall Street investors bought the Wall Street Journal and opened the morning.

About ten minutes later, Federal Hall in front of the New York Stock Exchange began to heat up.

[ JP Morgan Bank, ‘I am ready to start a new railroad era.’ New York Stock Exchange’s Hot Potato BNSF, Is It Listed? ]

[ The Rockefeller family announced that they were reorganizing the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) into a holding company form. ]

[ Experts, the newly reorganized Class 1 Continental Railways, highly likely to be listed. ]

[ Treasury Secretary Gage, ‘The US economy will enter a new phase.’ notice ]

“Are you going to list the Continental Railway?”

“A Continental Railroad? Oh, are you talking about the Pennsylvania Railroad, BNSF, Great Northern Railroad, and Union Pacific Railroad I mentioned before?”

“Then what is the market cap of Continental Railways? It’s so big I can’t even imagine.”

“Isn’t it basically over 500 million dollars?”

For a moment, silence fell in the Federal Hall.

What would happen to the New York Stock Exchange when four $500 million railroad companies were listed in their heads? Only that calculation was running fast.

But the answer was soon reached.

“It’s on fire!!!!”

“If it’s the Continental Railroad, you can’t miss it!!! If it goes public, what the hell is the market cap, will it survive soon?!”

“Long live the Continental Railway!!! Long live Wall Street!!!”

“Sleep, wait! Isn’t it over yet?”

🥳- 🥳-

An investor frantically opened a newspaper, followed by an article about hedge funds.

[‘Heroes of Wall Street’ hedge fund. This time, a railroad fund was established. ]

[ Railroad Fund, an unexpected start. ]

[ Securing part of the right to claim priority for the 4 railroads. Is it possible to secure stocks at a lower price before being listed? ]

“Woah, whoa, whoa!!!!”

“Wall Street Hero has done it again!!! From short selling funds to railway funds!!! Oh, you should buy this!!!”

“By the way, isn’t this… first-come-first-served basis?”

For a moment, the cheers dropped and hung up.

Investors picked up the Wall Street Journal and read the articles slowly and carefully.

“Securing ‘part’ of the right to purchase preferential purchase?”

Hazard lights went on in their heads.

I didn’t want to go to the New York Stock Exchange right now, but I had to buy a railroad fund first. The asses of Wall Street investors are starting to heat up.

“Uh, where can I buy it?”

“It must be JP Morgan-affiliated banks like short selling funds!!!”

“That kid is running!!! Follow me!!!”

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One by one, keen investors were pulling out of their ranks and already running towards the bankers on Wall Street.

As the rest of the investors followed them towards the bank, a massive exodus unfolded on the New York Stock Exchange.

I put a smile on my face as I watched the entrances of major Wall Street banks explode.

“If you’ve suffered this much, can we shoot the cannonballs?”

“It is natural.”

I got up, brushing my ass, and exiting the Federal Hall. However, when I looked at the direction of the hedge fund’s headquarters, a large crowd had gathered and retired naval forces were blocking it.

“Haha….the firepower is no joke.”

Is it because investors flocked to the big banks on Wall Street?

The New York Stock Exchange had several delisting issues as soon as it opened, but there were no major shocks other than a handful of desperate investors.

“You should buy it now when it’s cheap!!!”

“Abandon the delisted railway companies!!! We only see the future!!!”

“Let’s go to the fire!”

No, on the contrary, the New York Stock Exchange soon received a very good news of the expectation of listing in the top four railroads.




The railroad companies jumped 15% upwards and hit the circuit break. In a completely different pattern from Black Wednesday, investors fell into a crucible of cheers, scattering ticker tapes in the air.

– Wow!!!

So the last of the week. At the close of the fire on Saturday, the New York Stock Exchange declared a complete revival.


Washington DC White House.

ministerial meeting.


President McKinley turned off his cigar and looked around the conference room. Several ministers were seated in the spacious conference room, and dozens of secretaries were busy coming and going next to them.

Secretary of War, Secretary of Navy, Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, etc. All the deputy ministers of the administration, which are key today, were convened.

The atmosphere was as cool as walking on thin ice.

“They said the New York stock market went down to hell and then resurrected.”

Also, this is the first topic.

Ministers were tensed by President McKinley’s cool voice.

If the New York stock market had gone straight to the goal, President McKinley’s term would have been severely scratched, and if he did it wrong, he would have been re-elected, naval, and almost ended his political career.

Perhaps it was closer to President McKinley personally than the main ship.


Treasury Secretary Gage fell straight down.

He knew that the New York Stock Exchange would resurrect, and he knew that the New York Stock Exchange would fall. However, at the strong ‘request’ of Chairman Morgan, he had been locking the zipper in his mouth.

President McKinley waved his hand.

“no. You don’t have to apologize. The report has already been submitted through the State Department.”

‘The State Department?’

Secretary Gage swallowed his saliva.

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

On the other side of the seat, Secretary of State Sherman, who passed the Sherman Antitrust Act, was seated wildly exuding the momentum of a veteran.


“He’s the hero of Wall Street…”

President McKinley threw the papers on the desk.

In the ‘Black Wednesday’ report, the entire incident was investigated in detail from start to finish.

In particular, the items for hedge funds were described more closely.

However, the more I read, the more it seemed like a heroic epic rather than a Doomsday report called ‘Black Wednesday’.

“Only 16 years old… the face of the author who succeeded in this ridiculous operation. I want to see you sometime.”


President McKinley took out a second cigar and lit it.

A candle flickered in his two black eyes. Despite the few reports ‘that’ Sherman wrote, the hedge fund’s performance was as dazzling as the young King Arthur who elected Excalibur.

Even though it’s been nerfed quite a bit.

“Did you say your name is Detroit Morgan?”

Detroit de Morgan.

It was the moment when the eight letters of the full name of Detroit were engraved in the ears of the White House.

< Support from Rockefeller. (4) > end

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