Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 27

< Black Wednesday. (2) >

Late on Tuesday, February 15, 1898.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) headquarters.

Tak Tak Tak Tak-


The communications room at the Wall Street Journal’s headquarters was shocked when it received a telegram from the USS Maine’s special investigative team.

The USS main ship sank.

It is also a US Navy warship in Havana Port, Cuba, which is the front yard of the Spanish Empire, where foreign relations have deteriorated in its midst.

The Wall Street Journal headquarters was immediately divided into two groups, and Petergy entered the debate.

– If you guys reported this news the way the yellow press did, it would be war! You are determined to plunge this United States into the madness of war!

– Nearly 50 years have passed since the Civil War ended. Fifty years! There is enough room for war on the western frontier, and the free Americans have a duty to liberate Cuba from imperialism!

Yellow press and journalism.

The yellow press camp to drive the Spanish Empire’s atrocities and mislead it into the atmosphere of war,

Journalism camp that dryly reports only the sinking of the main ship or hits its own embargo.

Rather than narrowing the differences between these two camps, they widened.

– A press release has been issued from the superior.

Until the hedge fund’s reporting guidelines fell to the Wall Street Journal headquarters.

The two camps choked their hearts out and listened to the secretariat’s instructions from the hedge fund.

– Press is free. It is a guideline to report freely, regardless of whether it is dry or irritating.

– Wow!!!

– Hurry up and write an article! It should be covered with simple and provocative phrases as much as possible. Hurry!

Hedge funds, which had been in favor of journalism, sided with the yellow press this time.

Their reins were loosed.

The next Wednesday morning.

Articles about the sinking of the USS Maine were spread across New York and Washington, and public opinion began to rage.


Wednesday, February 16, 1898.

New York Stock Exchange.

– Remember the Maine!

In the morning of Wednesday, reports of the sinking of the USS Maine were reported, and public opinion criticizing the Spanish Empire rose sharply.

But before the New York Stock Exchange opened, investors and crowds gathered in Federal Hall were heartbroken and read editorials from The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), New York World (NYW), and New York Journal (NYJ).

– The front yard of the Spanish Empire, the sinking in Cuba. Is the Spanish Empire clean in this case?

– Is it related to the sinking of the Maine, the relationship between the United States and the Spanish Empire, whose foreign relations collapsed in the Cuban War of Independence?

– A U.S. Navy official said, “It is extremely unlikely that such a massive sinking will occur naturally.” Say it. Possibility of artificial flooding?


“Damn children. I must have been sitting down at a time like this.”

“Isn’t this the work of the Spanish Empire?”

“Is that so? There is no way the Cubans will sink the Maine.”

The crowd gathered in Federal Hall crumpled up newspapers and frowned.

Reading the detailed article, it was said that the cause was unknown, but the sinking of the Maine was fatal at this time when the atmosphere was going back and there was discord with the Spanish Empire externally.

Even more so for the New York Stock Exchange at this point in time when the railroad scandal broke out.

“Can the New York Stock Exchange withstand this risk?”

“I have no choice but to trust the cash mobilization power of the railroad company. I wish I could just hold on to you.”

However, even before the opening of the New York Stock Exchange, an unusual atmosphere of war was flowing.

“Whoa… it’s been a while since the New York Stock Exchange.”

I was sitting in a corner of Federal Hall. Veyron was at Wall Street Journal headquarters, so he brought only James.

“Master, the atmosphere…”

“Oh, it’s not serious. I’m sure today is a market day as we expected.”

The defense was safe.

Around me, there were dozens of guards from the US Marines in plain clothes. Police officers from the New York Police Department were intermittently stationed throughout Federal Hall.

“Haha, the railroad tycoons also visited today by themselves, not their agents. Centipedes also read dangerous air, right?”

“Brother, the New York Stock Exchange itself is three or four times more crowded than usual. I noticed earlier that brokers of securities companies entered the New York Stock Exchange.”


He took out his pocket watch from his pocket.

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

One minute until this Wednesday, the New York Stock Exchange opens. The crowd gathered in Federal Hall slowly began to gather in front of the New York Stock Exchange as their hips grew hot.


The doors of the New York Stock Exchange opened, and, as usual, employees of the exchange poured out. Safeguarded by New York Police Department cops.

They opened their mouths.

“I will open.”

Simultaneously with the opening of the New York Stock Exchange, a tsunami of crowds gathered in Federal Hall began pouring into the New York Stock Exchange.

I got up too.

“Let’s go in.”


Wednesday, February 16, 1898.

The New York Stock Exchange opens.

The beginning was quiet.

Just as the tickers of railroad companies vibrated for two days in a row, the ticker movement was not great at the start of Wednesday.

Just like the sky clears on the eve of a storm.

The crowd that had gathered at the New York Stock Exchange held their breath and held tight railroad securities in their hands, and tension was flowing.

– New York Central sold for 4 weeks.

– 10 shares of New York Central have been signed.

In an atmosphere like a piece of thin ice that could explode if touched, I sat in the back seat of the auditorium behind the New York Stock Exchange and looked down at the situation in the New York Stock Exchange.

“James, which railroad company do you think will go down today?”

“Isn’t that New York Central?”

“It’s New York Central…”

As I was recalling the fraudulent accounts of the Delaware-Hudson Railroad that Franklin Roosevelt had given me, suddenly the mood of the New York Stock Exchange began to take a strange turn.

A man in a black suit went to the stockbroker with a briefcase, and opened the briefcase with a bang.

However, the papers in the briefcase were not dollar bills, but railroad securities, that is, stock securities.


The stock broker took a breath.

From the man’s mouth came a gruesome spell that would calmly bring an end to the New York Stock Exchange.

“Place a sell order for 100,000 Delaware-Hudson shares.”

“Delaware-Hudson 100,000 shares sold!”

Para la la lak-

When the stock broker placed a sell order, one ticker on the stock price board fluttered and 10% of the stock price flew away at once.


An eerie silence fell within the New York Stock Exchange as the stock panel of the last stock market fell and the shock of a -10% decline struck the New York Stock Exchange.



Me and James, who had been watching the state of the New York Stock Exchange for a while, were stunned by the sudden bomb of 100,000 shares.

“What the hell is this…”

“Master, Master Roosevelt over there.”

As James pointed to the corner of the New York Stock Exchange, Franklin Roosevelt was standing there with his father, James Roosevelt.

Their agent, who had just tossed 100,000 shares, was walking towards Roosevelt.

Roosevelt smiled and waved his hand when our eyes met.

‘…that scary guy.’

Roosevelt, at the most terrifying moment, you put the most terrifying move.

“James, when the signal comes, you’ll get rid of all the short selling funds. Roosevelt cut it off instead of starting.”


murmur murmur.

When the 100,000-week bomb was dropped, fear spread through the crowd in an instant. They jumped out one by one and started running to the broker.

– Delaware-Hudson 1000 shares were sold.

– 9000 shares of Delaware-Hudson have been sold.

– 15,000 shares of Delaware-Hudson have been sold.


Delaware-Hudson’s ticker dropped to -10% due to the continuous throwing of the giants, and railroad companies were pouring cash to protect the stock price so that it did not exceed -10% somehow.

As the stock appeared to stabilize at -10%, investors breathed a sigh of relief.

“Eh, ah. Maybe.”

“In an instant, my heart almost fell.”

“Will it end like this?”

“Ha…haha. I thought I was having another panic attack.”

However, the fear of war risk far exceeded their cash mobilization power. On a whim, JP Morgan Bank began to publish deteriorated earnings reports from rail companies for Big Bath.

I tapped James on the back.

“James, now. Soak them in order.”


When James released his agents all at once and started pouring funds from the short-selling fund into the New York Stock Exchange, the stock price, which seemed stable at -10%, plunged to -14% in an instant and then returned to -10%.

But a daunting line of -10.9%.

I clenched my fists.



Eventually, when the -10% level was about to pass, the New York Stock Exchange began to panic.


A man went crazy and, unable to withstand the pressure, ran to the broker screaming.

“I, too, sell mine first!!! I’ll get out of this hell quickly!! Delaware-Hudson Sold 100 Shares, Sell!!!”

“Delaware-Hudson 100 shares have been sold.”


Investors’ hearts sank when it crossed the -10% line below.

“Oh no. It’s collapsing!”

“My, I come first!!!”

“Get out of here!!! I think the Delaware-Hudson I’m holding more!!!”

“Ahhh!!! no! The -10% line has already been broken!!!”


Soon, the New York Stock Exchange turned into a chaos, and investors roared and screamed, sprinting to the brokers.

With the crowd of investors rushing in like a tsunami, the stock price board also lost their mind and started to rage like a para-ra-rak hurricane.

Hundreds of hands holding railroad securities clenched the stock broker’s throat.

“Broker 10, sell 10 weeks!! Hey, because I came first!!!”

“Get out of your way, you bastard!”

“Uh-! Push the author! You are pushing with your size!!!!”

“Sell 100 shares!!!! 100 shares have been sold!!! Please stand in line in order!!! Aww-!!!”


Stock brokers at the desk were dragged out by investors and thrown to the floor.

Police officers from the New York Police Department rushed to stop him, but were only swept away in the madness of hundreds.

beep profit-


When the horn sounded once at the New York Stock Exchange, investors’ attention was focused on the stock price board.

“Hey, did you stop? What is this siren sound?”

“Look at the stock price board!!!”

“Delaware-Hudson is down!!!”

– 15%.

Delaware-Hudson shares were down 15%.

Eventually, the Delaware-Hudson stock price took a circuit breaker and the ticker was frozen.

When the Delaware-Hudson collapsed, the tickers of the major railroad companies began to crumble one after the other.

Like a free fall on a cliff without a parachute, the panel of the stock price board swept up and down.

Beep profit-!

Beep profit-!

Beep profit-!

– Southern Railway Company -15%

– Lehigh Valley –15%

– Philadelphia-Ladding –15%

– Jersey Central –15%

– Chesapeake-Ohio –15%

“Sell, sell!!!”

“Someone please sign my sale!!! I will place a sell order at a 10% discount!!! please.”

“It’s already dropped 2% more!!”

“This can’t be compensated with just a short-selling fund, you bastards!!!”

“Please, please, sign my sell order!!!!”

I was looking down on the chaos of the New York Stock Exchange from a bench in the back. There were already over 30 railroad companies with a -15% score.

‘It would have been terrible if the circuit breaker had not been introduced.’

I leaned against the back of the chair.

“You did a good job of pushing the New York Stock Exchange president to introduce a circuit breaker for each ticker. He said he didn’t like the entire circuit breaker, so I suggested a circuit breaker for each ticker, otherwise the New York Stock Exchange would have collapsed.”

“Have you looked at the Delaware-Hudson stock market? It plummeted from -5% to -15%.”


With a heavy expression on my face, I chin at the stock price board.

“New York Central is collapsing.”

At that time, the president of the New York Stock Exchange was entering the New York Stock Exchange, escorted by bodyguards.


Beepy profit-!

The New York Stock Exchange has stopped.

A siren sound different from before. Investors, who were soaked in madness, creaked their eyes and turned to the stock price board.

– New York Central –15%.

New York Central collapsed.

When the emperor who reigned in the railroad industry, called the Five Rivers of Railways on the New York Stock Exchange, collapsed, a cool silence fell.


The president of the New York Stock Exchange, who had just entered the New York Stock Exchange, wiped his beard with his hand, his face turned white.

1 second static.

As time passed longer than any other second, the faces of investors began to discolor, and the madness of selling drove the New York Stock Exchange.

Black Wednesday.

February 16, 1898, 3:30 p.m.

Finally, the New York Stock Exchange closed, and a total of 100 railroad companies, including New York Central, one of the five railroads, closed the market on that day with a circuit breaker.

A total of $1 billion was evaporated in one day alone.

The end of the gilding age.

Since Black Wednesday, the era of railroads has come to an end.

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

On that day, more than 40 executives at the railroad company who attempted suicide by suicide on the New York Stock Exchange and Wall Street.

America was on the verge of a panic in 1898.


New York, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.

secret meeting.

Black Wednesday.

At a time when the New York Stock Exchange was in the midst of a panic, giants moving the American political and financial world were entering Waldorf-Astoria one after another.

CEOs of large American banks such as JP Morgan Bank, Citibank, Chase Bank, First Bank, Wells Fargo, and senior executives of railroad companies, from the Minister of Finance and high-ranking government officials to university management and economics professors.


I also left the New York Stock Exchange and took a seat in a secret meeting.


Morgan Chairman John Pierpont was sitting at the top of the conference room where the secret meeting was taking place, smoking a cigar. With hawk eyes, he made eye contact with the faces in the conference room one by one.

“…the main characters seem to have all gathered.”


As he raised his upper body, silence fell for a moment in the chattering meeting room.

“Now let’s remodel the worn-out American railroad industry.”

< Black Wednesday. (2) > end

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