Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 204

< Refreshing morning greetings. (2) >

rainy day.

The shoes are smashed into the puddle of rainwater. The entrance to the St. Petersburg stock market was covered with black umbrellas.

Investors went to work on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange. The secretary of the Ministry of Finance entered the St. Petersburg stock market with such investors.

It was because I was able to collect information for the next operation only by understanding the market situation.

Secretary Morgan’s morning greeting was quite spectacular.

“The reply from Count Sheremetev will probably be sent to the US embassy through the Russian Post Office in a few days…”

I did not see the contents of the letter to the Count.

But an analogy can be made. Minister Morgan tried to use Sheremetev to the fullest, so I could imagine that it was quite positive.

Count Sheremetev was a person who had to be included as the central figure of the Russian Empire.

Maybe I wrote something crazy about refusal?

No, it might be possible if it’s Secretary Morgan somehow…

‘Umm…but if Count Sheremetev reveals this to Minister Morgan even in the slightest. What about then?’

“You wouldn’t be swayed by Secretary Morgan’s personality…”

As an ominous thought came to mind, I shook my head and erased the thought.

From Mr. Morgan’s point of view, the chess piece called Sheremetepra is nothing more than a lubricant that facilitates the execution of operations.

However, from the point of view of Count Sheremetev, it is the same as Gyeryuk. But in a state of panic, Count Sheremetev is probably the only one who can get a hold of Morgan.

The British Empire or the German Empire would not join hands just because they were crazy.

France…there was France.

“By the way, what is France doing these days?”


I opened a slightly damp Russian Empire newspaper.

St. Petersburg articles were lined up. Newspapers with condensed conversations intermittently describe the situation not only in St. Petersburg but also in Russia as a whole.

[The Tsar’s Wrath, Archduke Mikhail’s Convocation of the State Council.]

[St. Petersburg Stock Exchange on the 5th day, -3% Bilbil on the Stock Exchange.]

[Russian Empire’s market capitalization No. 1, Branovel’s +5% performance. Creating a rebound atmosphere.]

[St. Petersburg stock market passionate about Branovel’s aggressive mergers and acquisitions and fierce market monopoly. The Donbas coal field and the Baku oil field are virtually owned by Branovel.]

[Chairman Emmanuel Nobel, ‘Bra Nobel will continue its expansion policy. I will try to realize a great Russia that has seized the energy hegemony.’ A declaration of patriotism.]

[Treasury Minister Sergei Vitte convened the Trade Committee prior to the meeting of the State Council.]

[France is silent, an ally of Russia struggling with huge loans and deflation. Is it okay like this?]

“France is silent…”

The French Ministry of Finance arbitrated with the Deputy Minister.

When I say to the secretary of the Ministry of Finance the French Ministry of Finance, I can think of one place.

French Central Bank.

In effect, it was the bank that controlled the French Ministry of Finance and Economics. They were taking control of the French economy. They will also have the de facto decision on the Russian loan.

“France ruled by 200 families is not for nothing.”

200 families.

It’s pretty famous in France. It is said that 200 French families controlled the board of directors through a general meeting of shareholders and took control of the French Central Bank. The theory that they rule France.

It’s not a lie to some extent.

In fact, the fifteen directors they appointed monopolized the financial power of the whole of France.

“France should have already provided a huge loan for the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, but will it invest again in the deflationary Russian Empire?”

‘I don’t think I’ll invest.’

The secretary folded the wet newspaper.

For financiers, treasury staff, and investors during this period, deflation was the prelude to panic. A panic may be seen as a sudden collapse of the stock market, but in reality the economy as a whole is harpooned.

The failure of the French central bank to lend a hand is also calculating the Russian Empire’s panic risk.

The Russian-Russian alliance is also important, and the desire to rule out the possibility that France will also be caught in a panic seems too clear.

“Russian treasury will also lose hair.”

If France confiscates even the loan that it lent, even if it cannot help, the Russian Empire’s economy will be ruined.

late 19th century, early 20th century.

The foundation of Russia’s industrialization was undoubtedly France, which provided huge loans.

If the foundation is removed, the pillar will collapse.

“If even the last bastion is shaken… This is a disaster for the Russian Empire. The stock exchange continues to fluctuate after the shock of Black Thursday.”


The sound of going over the black panel.

The secretary looked up the stock price board.

The black panel didn’t sway, but the tickers still displayed grim numbers.

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Ordinary investors were buzzing.

I hear the voices of the stock market.

– Still, Bra Novel is doing well.

-Is the bra novel hope? Did they eat all the donbass and baku? Then, in fact, the energy sector must be regarded as monopolized by Bra Novel.

-Maybe it’s still undervalued.

-I don’t know about other sports, but if it’s a bra novel, it looks fine.

Bra Novel is definitely a blue-chip stock.

As a recent rising star, it achieved the No. 1 position in market capitalization. This was also possible thanks to the breath of Secretary Morgan and the British government. It was like watching a well crafted play.

The secretary slumped down on the chair.

“I heard that Branovel transfused quite a bit of money on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange, is that true?”

Aggressive mergers and acquisitions require huge amounts of money.

There were plenty of ways to raise funds from the stock market, such as listing on stocks and capital offerings. It was not surprising that Branovel transfused funds on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange.

Major shareholder of Bra Novel.

It seems that the funds of the British government and the Rothschilds alone could not devour the Donbass coal field and the Baku oil field.

“The fact that the British government approved the collapse of the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange means that Branovel has already taken this into account.”

great game.

The poison of the British government was beyond imagination.


St. Petersburg Stock Exchange.

There were two spaces.

First of all, ordinary investors were immersed in stock price information while dripping water from their wet coats, staring at the stock price board with all their heart.

“There doesn’t seem to be any more information to get from ordinary investors…”

The secretary turned her head.

There was a space where the air flow was clearly different from those of ordinary investors.

– Branoval is running like a crazy pony these days. The gap between the No. 1 and No. 2 market cap is widening.

– All the money seems to be going there.

– Call the agent. Tell them to keep the stock price within 1% today. Black Thursday’s blow is too great.


These monopoly capitalists were ruling the dictatorship of St. Petersburg.

it can only be

Initially, the only tickers listed on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange were monopolies and large commercial banks.

It was a much more favorable condition for them to manipulate stock prices, and the bourgeoisie of monopolies governed the law by colluding with the aristocrats.

The St. Petersburg Stock Exchange is, therefore, ruled by the bourgeoisie.

“Even though it’s fair to Mr. Morgan, it’s true that they control the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange.”

The secretary grinned and unfolded the wet newspaper. This time, he laid out the newspapers in a sitting position.

There were big events ahead.

“You must listen to the Ministry of Finance Trade Committee or the State Council meeting, but there is no way.”

The city hall is a feeling of war.

If there is any other way…there seems to be nothing but the help of Count Sheremetev.

“…Are you going to the US embassy?”

US embassy.

Soon a letter from Count Sheremetev arrives.

It seemed like it would be better to open the letter that arrived, reply directly to Minister Morgan, and ask Sheremetev Bekzak in the name of Minister Morgan.

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Or it might be faster to go directly to the Count’s mansion as an agent.

“In order to minimize the influence of monopoly capitalists, the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange must be scraped down to the point of being closed during the day.”

Sweep the monopoly capitalists with a broomstick.

The order the secretary received from Secretary Morgan was simple. Although sequential and specific directives are issued through the US embassy.

Ultimately, it points to one goal.

[Clean the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange.]


US Embassy in Russia.

The secretary of the Treasury was staying at the residence of the US embassy in St. Petersburg.

The secretary was in the telecommunications room to receive a reply from the US Treasury Department.

“Telegram is coming.”

said the carrier with the headphones on.

The U.S. embassy had already installed a new telegraph facility at the request of Secretary Morgan, and the Ministry of Treasury Intelligence was heavily involved.

The secretary swallowed.

‘Originally, civilians cannot use these facilities, but…’

It was approved by a high-ranking embassy with the breath of the Ministry of Finance’s intelligence service. It was also great that he was a member of the Ministry of Finance in the first place.

A few days after the secretary dropped a bomb on the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange. Count Sheremetev’s reply has arrived.

– First open the reply and then telegram the content.

“Are you telling me to open the letter of Count Sheremetev?”

sweaty hands

The secretary looked down at the letter and was nervous for nothing.

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Originally, the Count’s letter was a forbidden area that one secretary could not openly. Secretary Morgan would just rip it off, but it was a little heavy for the secretary himself.

He took a deep breath and opened the letter.


As the secretary put the question mark, another telegram came in.

– There will be one blank check.


‘How did know?’

I was full of goosebumps.

How far is the US Treasury from here? At least, the Atlantic Ocean would be as far apart as it is weighted. How did you fit it?

Did you even learn mind reading?


All kinds of delusions came to mind.

trembling eyes.

Trembling, the secretary took out a blank check from the envelope.

– A blank check is just an act of courtship by the earl that he needs me. Because the message in it is more important than the blank check itself.


I was able to realize the position of Secretary Morgan once again.

First of all, I got goosebumps when I hit the blank check, but even after looking at the blank check, Secretary Morgan’s dignified appearance made me feel like a superhuman who strayed from the monetary unit.

‘If it is Count Sheremetev’s blank check, it means that you can draw up to the limit of your account. How much can you pull out?’

The Sheremetev family is one of the richest families in the Russian Empire. If you were the richest of the Russian Empire with a vast continent, you could not even guess how much wealth you had accumulated.

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Of course, even the IRS will be less than Secretary Morgan, who has given up on his fortune, but it will still be enough to blow up the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange.

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One of those people’s accounts?

If the secretary had received it, he would have been carried away with foam in his mouth.

The secretary clings to the side of the news agency.

“What do you plan to do next?”

– Now that I said good-bye, we should start in earnest. Send a reply in my name to Count Sheremetev.

Secretary Morgan had a plan.

– I’m going to be a bit busy from now on.


Washington DC US Department of the Treasury.

“Temporary secretary, I sent you a test, and you’re doing pretty well. Pinkerton’s intelligence performance is beyond imagination.”

Even after the St. Petersburg stock market exploded, I did not know that I would go back and forth at the American embassy at ease. First of all, the secretary’s guts are also guts, but Pinkerton’s skills were better than I had imagined.

When I asked the Pinkerton office what to do if they were found out, they said that they would not release information about their employers, even if they were made up by anarchists and killed at worst.

“It’s not like President Rockefeller used Pinkerton for nothing.”

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Of course, it would be nice to change workers with machine guns, but if it were limited to the field of espionage and counterintelligence, they were capable.

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Originally, counterintelligence was one of Pinkerton’s main duties during the Civil War.

“What did you send to the Count?”

James called me.

He returned to New York with Rolls and Royce a few days ago. I was immediately summoned to Washington, DC and appointed as secretary instead of interim secretary.

As soon as James dropped the Rolls and Royce at the Aviation Complex in Detroit City, he took the private train I had sent and went straight to Washington.

I shrugged.

“It’s nothing. I asked you to put the temporary secretary I sent as the Count’s attendant.”


“If you have the authority of Count Sheremetev, you can actually attend all meetings of the Russian Empire. I told the interim secretary to get that information.”

The current interim secretary was not a full-fledged private bank director. To be precise, it’s a collaborator of the Ministry of Finance’s intelligence agency. It’s just kept confidential by the Ministry of Finance’s Intelligence Bureau.

He was also entrusted with espionage.

“Can you tell me a little bit about Count Sheremetev’s authority?”

“Yes, please.”

James had a serious face.

I thought I’d tell you only part of Count Sheremetev’s powers.

“Romanov imperial court aristocrat to the State Council, and military experience to Moscow provincial governor. Listing only a few, this is the power.”


“If you successfully partner with him, sanctuary espionage is now possible in the Russian Empire.”

The Trade Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, which will soon be held, a meeting of the State Council, a noble society, etc. Everyone can participate as an attendant.

Rather, the interim secretary will have to suffer from the overflow of information.

“What’s the price?”

It’s a natural question.

A price is always necessary.

I chuckled.

“I’ll give you a life.”

< Refreshing morning greetings. (2) > end

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