Wall Street of the third generation chaebol

Chapter 17

< Shadow of Panic. (1) >

“The New York Times and New York Tribune didn’t respond as well as I thought.”

The New York Times and New York Tribune, who had predicted a strong protest, recently published articles defending the Wall Street Journal.

Inside that obvious look, I raised the corners of my mouth.

‘These creepy newspapers.’

Apparently, he did something with just a few newspapers, and the $20 million hedge fund behind the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) seemed to have controlled his anger.

James was also quite surprised.

“Master, this is…”

“This case will be quietly passed, so it’s probably a courtship performance to get along.

By nature, journalists are people who are as addicted to politics as they are to politicians. I don’t know if it’s because I’m only dealing with giants with my head hanging on a scoop, but I have a high level of intelligence.

The moment they beat the Wall Street Journal, they must have calculated that they would not be safe.

“Still, the New York Times is quite large, so I was a little worried, but it seems to have been the case. It seems that Charles Dow is friendly with the editor-in-chief.”

“The problem is the newsboys.”

James’ eyes narrowed.

Newsboys who were sent to eight prestigious universities in the northeast, including Harvard, were being beaten by public opinion because of the previous bombing incident.

I read the Newsboy condemnation on the front page of the New York Times.

“Hey, that’s bloody.”

Don’t think of modern Korea.

The United States is literally a country of militia who can carry a gun and run. All Americans had the right to self-defense with a gun, and the use of guns was free.

Newsboys who spread newspapers to the slums were literally threatened with their lives.

James lowered his voice.

“Bocchan. Newsboys who have been criticized by public opinion will surely fall for the Wall Street Journal. Why don’t we rather hit the player first and file a lawsuit?”

“James, your vision has narrowed.”


I frowned as I laid down the folded newspaper roughly on the desk, and tension crept across James’ face.

But I was sticking my tongue out.

‘First, let’s start with the lawsuit, I’m afraid that someone is not from a hateful country.’

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

Occasionally, the shadow of hate that pops out of James’ abyss makes my timid bird’s heart thump.

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com

Of course, if the abhorrence method is valid, there is a willingness to use it. However, it was obvious that this newsboy case would be caught in the future if the abhorrence method was resolved.

“James, think about it the other way around. Doesn’t it make a bigger difference if we provide free legal aid, such as lawyers, to newsboys who are going to be sued by Harvard or a prestigious university?”

James raised his eyebrows as if he didn’t know. As if it would be better to file a lawsuit, he gently touched the complaint that had been prepared in advance.

…No, pretending not to know where this uncle is.

“It is most effective to sue the newsboys. But if we work with Harvard and sue the newsboys, I think it’s going to be a huge blow to the Wall Street Journal.”


Besides, there are a lot of newsboys.

The huge yellow media, including Pulitzer’s New York World, suffered serious damage from the strikes of the newsboys, and even shook hands with anger.

Rather, it would do much better to shape the Wall Street Journal’s opinion if we shield them from the raging lawsuits of Harvard and the top Northeast universities.

They know where the talents who will be responsible for the future of America are hiding.

“‘I thought he was a bad guy, but he was actually a good guy.’ The key is to make us like it. I think a reputation is a more valuable asset than a notoriety.”

“The name… is it?”

“Well, somehow I feel like I’m going to have a date with Chris. James, isn’t your heart pounding already when you think of meeting him, who is of Irish descent, from London?”

“… My thoughts were short. I will contact a large law firm right away and take immediate action.”

“Yeah, let’s be their white knight.”

Finally, with the white flag, James made a brief bow and walked out of my office.

I chuckled.

Surprisingly, the tiki-taka with James and this uncle was quite fun.


‘By the way, I couldn’t sleep last night.’

I’ve been busy lately, so I got tired quickly.

I got a little sleepy, so I leaned back on the chair and closed my eyes.

Follow me-!

“……Oh really.”


Annoyed by the loud ringing of the phone, I picked up the handset nervously.

Contrary to the arrogant frown on my face, a soft voice came out of my mouth.

“I’m Detroit Morgan’s Director of Hedge Funds”

“I’m sorry, sir. I have a really urgent case, so I’m calling you urgently. This is Charles Dow of the Wall Street Journal.”

I was awakened by Charles Dow’s urgent voice. He quickly pulled up his lying upper body and took out a fountain pen and a notepad.

This novel was posted at https://readwn.com


“Mr. Dow, please calm down and speak slowly. It’s an urgent business, what’s going on?”

“A letter has flew away…it seems like a whistleblower against accounting fraud.”


For a moment, I almost missed the receiver without realizing it.

Holding on to the leash, he picked up the receiver again and put it to his ear.

“Are you talking about accounting fraud? Where the hell did it explode and how big was it?”

“that is…..”

Dow sighed over the receiver.

But at Charles Dow’s next words, my face hardened in an instant.

“A major scandal … might explode.”

“Are you at headquarters now? I will run there right now.”


After throwing the receiver, I grabbed my coat and kicked off the chair.


February 1898, Manhattan, New York.

The Wall Street Journal headquarters.

“‘A Study on the Problems of American Railroads and Trust Companies.’ This isn’t more of an essay…it’s a part of a university thesis.”

“Are college thesis so bloody these days?”

“Yeah, it’s written as a thesis on ‘panic’ as a subtitle, so it can’t help but be bloody.”

Charles Dow lifted the crane and shook the pile of evidence. A large amount of accounting data for American railroads and trust companies was attached to the supporting data cited in Paper X.

I skimmed through the brief report compiled by Charles Dow.

“Non-current assets … real estate. This seems to be a hammock while constructing the transcontinental railroad, while receiving the land for the railroad from the state. It seems like he was playing with bonds.”

“As you can see here, the train car item is also a non-current asset. We also wish for a significant amount of money in depreciation.”

“What kind of candy is this? In the process of recently merging with the trust, the railroad companies must have devoured cash equivalents like pigs due to lack of funds.”

It smells awful.

Dozens of companies I’ve looked through. It’s been a few days since the recruitment notice was posted, and large rice cakes have already started flying one after another.

Charles Dow arranged the additional essays centered on the X thesis into a single report. The empty or erroneous material in the X thesis was raged like rags by other writers.

“By the way, Mr. Dow, the X dissertation itself does not deal with accounting fraud. How did you know it was accounting fraud?”

“In the meantime, in order to provide useful information to investors, we have been pulling all the accounting data published by listed companies as they are available and storing them all in the basement storage.”

“By the way, are you saying that there is a gap when compared with the accounting data attached to this letter?”

“That’s correct.”

My long-time hedge fund manager was growling and screaming that accounting fraud was right.

The reason for the difference between the disclosed accounting data and internal accounting data was mostly accounting fraud, but now it is the end of the 19th century.

In an instant, I remembered the fact that a small ball fired by a reporter had dismantled Rockefeller’s standard oil into 34 pieces.

‘This is not to say that it is not impossible at all.’

In the Gilded Age, the railroad companies that wielded uncontrollable power are now aging and dying, so there is enough room for loopholes in their security.

In addition, the end of the 19th century was a time when railway companies on the verge of bankruptcy risked their lives to collaborating with the economy only to survive.

Against this background, the accounting fraud of railway companies was sufficiently credible.

‘Considering that the corruption of trust companies is also the fuse of a huge explosion that later led to the panic in 1907, they are also 99.99% correct in accounting fraud.’

“It’s accounting fraud….”


It is a good target for short selling.

As I imagined that my bankbook was already thick, I shed a smile of insidious capitalism.

‘Thinking about it, we should also increase the security personnel in preparation for the railway company’s Terror.’

Railway companies are legally allowed to have their own police force.

How dangerous they are, they project three troops at the workers calling for strike.

The first is its own police force.

The second is the Pinkerton National Detective Agency.

The third was the military.

The end result is slaughter.

If you want to make huge profits from short selling, you need to be prepared for their ruthless violence.

I circled the joyous and blissful circuit and gathered up the materials.

“First of all, Mr. Dow. I will entrust this accounting data to the hedge fund secretariat and the accounting team to verify it.”

“In the meantime, what should I be doing?”

“Please mobilize all your contacts in New York or Washington DC where Dow is located, especially in the media world, and gather them all.”

The war of revelation is, after all, a war of speed.

We need to gather all the big credible newspapers and spread them all over New York and Washington as quickly as possible. If you report such a large scoop by yourself, you will be buried in an instant by railway companies.

“If the accounting fraud is true, the Wall Street Journal will die of starvation if we eat alone. If we want to deal with the Trolls, we need to make as many allies as possible. As many as possible.”

Charles Dow’s eyes widened.

“Leave it to me. Even if you look at it like this, I’m pretty good at it in the newspaper industry.”

I laughed out loud at Charles Dow’s rant. Since he came out, it was as if the New York Times had been secured.

As long as Pulitzer’s investment proposal in me was valid, it was as if New York World was secured.


I suddenly had a question.

“However, roughly how much is the accounting fraudulent estimated?”


“Mr. Dow?”

Charles Dow’s complexion turned red and died.

He even sent me a slightly resentful look with a face that he didn’t want me to mention.


I was nervous inside with an ominous feeling.

Charles Dow opened his heavy lips.

“It’s just an estimate, but…”

“Yes. I am listening.”

“We estimate it to be around $100 million.”


Is your ear wrong?

I rubbed my ear canal with my index finger. It may be because I’ve been busy with hedge funds these days.

I smiled and asked again.

“100 million dollars? Are you kidding me?”

“……It’s just an estimate.”

100 million dollars, about 3 trillion won in Hyundai Hanwha.

Considering that the United States was a second-rate power at the end of the 19th century, the amount of 3 trillion can be considered to be close to the 30 trillion of the modern United States and up to 100 trillion.

A heavy silence fell for a while. Charles Dow’s hardened face showed no sign of straightening.

I could feel the smile disappearing from my face as well.

“…you crazy bastards.”


Washington, DC, February 1898

Navy regular meeting.

“Everyone, please take a seat. The meeting begins.”


As the man in a black suit puts his documents on the desk in the meeting room, the noisy meeting room became quiet in an instant.

The man put his buttocks on the leather chair only when the meeting room became quiet.

“The Secretary of the Navy, John Long, has an urgent business today, so I, as the Assistant Secretary of State, will hold a meeting. Well, everyone is busy, so let’s get this done quickly.”

The man took out the papers he had put down one by one.

“The first item is about the treatment of Civil War veterans and discharged naval servicemen, do you have any opinions?”

The man looked around the conference room, but no one raised his hand except for a moan.

It is also a problem that the Navy has not been able to solve even though the Navy has been worried about it, and it is an agenda that is considered like a landmine.

Then an officer raised his hand.

“Secretary Secretary Roosevelt. There is a growing number of naval servicemen and officers who are discharged every year, but what institution can absorb them all? Isn’t the naval department’s budget screaming and creaking with the military pension alone?”

“Then shouldn’t the treatment of the Civil War veterans be improved at all? Look at their pensions.

Roosevelt crossed his arms with an uncomfortable expression.

I’m tired of just brushing my teeth with Navy Secretary John Long, who is a moderate recently, and I’m so annoyed that complaints arose from the first agenda.


“No, don’t just say no, don’t just say no, tell me what to do! Isn’t that a regular meeting that’s held for that? How can there be no solution at all!”

After the death of Theodore Roosevelt, the officers in the conference room closed their mouths like seashells and glanced at them.

Roosevelt slumped into his chair.

“Damn. It would be nice if there was a place where they would wipe them all out and use them as mercenaries at least.”

“Even so, using veterans as mercenaries…”

“If the word mercenary bothers you, wouldn’t it be okay to join a security company! At least it would be much better than a monthly pension! Or is there any other solution!”

A tendon was attached to Roosevelt’s forehead.

“Huh, all the people who are discharged from the military are flowing one after another to the Pinkerton. Did you not even think that we are responsible for 50 percent of the robbery aristocrats and monopolies? Our navy is in the hands of those evil slayers. The soldiers are playing!”

Roosevelt hated monopolies to the bone.

Cancer cells in the United States that suck the blood of Americans like pigs and slurp their belly fat. Flippers that grow to a size they can’t handle and that they don’t know when a massacre occurs during a strike.

The Pinkerton National Detective Agency was their sword.

“Should these bastards who have no such honor or justice have their precious US Navy officers play around? Isn’t it our job to get them hired as mercenaries, security companies, bodyguards, vigilantes, and other decent companies? Are you?”


As the atmosphere suddenly became like a hearing, the officers’ faces grew darker.

Roosevelt sighed and sat back down in his chair.

“You don’t need all the other conditions. Just one thing. Just one thing. Find a security company or a job that doesn’t break the law until the next meeting. If you can’t find it… you can look forward to it.”

The conference room was frozen like a slab of ice at the urging of Assistant Secretary Roosevelt.

While everyone was praying with unanimity to move on to the next agenda, Colonel Sampson quietly folded his arms and thought to himself.

In his mind, he remembered the face of a boy he had met at the White House charity party.

‘Detroit Morgan… maybe then.’

The boy running a $20 million fund on Wall Street in New York might be able to solve this problem.

It may be a vague hope, but don’t you know?

Colonel Sampson quietly called his lieutenant and instructed him to obtain Morgan’s phone number.

< Shadow of Panic. (1) > end

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