Waifu Card Summon

Frog Hunting Quest

I had a thought that was never properly explained in the light novel or the anime that I've seen and now is a perfect opportunity before we left I leaned in close asking Luna, "Um Luna? How does one change their class?"

"Hmm? Could you repeat that?" Luna blinked not sure she heard correctly but wanted to make sure.

"Yeah, how does one change their class? Like from a mage to a fighter or some other class?"

"Why'd you ask?"

"I forgot to ask last night and was curious if anyone had second thoughts about it before."

"Oh. It's a simple process, but one not many people want to do because you can't get back any spent skill points from your previous class. Unless you could only use the Adventurer class to raise your base stats and use said skill points for that desired class," She paused making sure I understood correctly, which I did. She then took out a blank card and turned it around, "It's on the back of your card at the top right corner, here. You press and hold it for 10 seconds before letting it go. After that, it'll show a new screen with a list of jobs that correspond to your base stats. Then you pick your new job, notify us at the guild so we can have the file on hand and that's that."

"Huh, that's simple. What's to stop random people from changing other people's jobs against their will?" Kanae asked. 

Luna's scowled lightly at the question, "It's not something talked about but it could only be used by that person alone. Skill points on the other hand can be used by anyone so make sure your card is safe."

I nodded and we both stepped back and left with our group to the frog's breeding ground.

'Hey system, would anything change if I change my job class on the card?'


{Will the new class be a sub-class that I need the experience to level up with my mage class?}

{No. It would be similar to your mage class but you will need to add skill points to learn them instead of automatically gaining those skills.}


I stared up at the blue sky wondering what atrocity I did to who or whatever to witness this unspeakable horror. I looked back down ignoring the scene in front of me to my group and a simple thought popped into my head, 'Did our luck have anything to do with it? Three, well now two of our members have low stats in luck after all.'

I took one last look at the scene and figured I'd take my chances in the forest. I didn't expect this to happen so I walked away saying, "Nope. I'm gone. Bye everyone, happy hunting. Let's go Kanae."

"Yes! Bye~ everyone."

Celestine, Kalawarna, and Yomi said and waved goodbye as I planned to lead Kanae a little further into the forest not wanting to hear what was going on over here.

Celestine looked down from the small hill they were on, regretting that she decided on staying behind. She looked back at them enviously wondering if it was not too late to go with them when she saw what the frogs were doing. Yomi on the other hand simply ignored it and Kalawarna found the situation hilarious. 

Luna did say it was the frog's mating season after all and they were expecting at least 10 or maybe 20 frogs searching for a mate. What they weren't expecting was over 30 frogs big and small spread out over the place croaking loudly doing... things... to each other.

What she meant to say was, that the frogs were hopping about mindlessly in the open plain. Yup, just hopping along even if one lands on another frog causing them to make some very weird, wet, and loud noises. Yup, nothing is going on there.

Even if the frogs were bigger than they thought they would be, there's nothing awkward about seeing them in their natural habitat and doing such activities aggressively.

"Can we do it another day? There are a lot more frogs than I thought there would be. I also feel a little uncomfortable doing this." Celestine said looking enviously at the forest. She put down the frog bait and stretched her arms.

"Nope, I can easily take them even if there were more than a hundred of them." Yomi arrogantly stated twirling her scythe before she stomped it on the ground next to her with the sun glistening off the weapon's blade.

But before she took her first step she was pulled back by someone holding her collar, "Guh! Hey, what's the big idea?"

"Hold on Yomi," Celestine told her before turning to Kalawarna, "Can you thin them out until there are a little less? It might be too much for Yomi to handle by herself. Even with the bait we have, there's more than we expected," Celestine voiced her concerns, ignoring Yomi's indignant squawk of anger. She gave her a look that caused Yomi to pout quitely looking away.

"It's fine. Yomi said she got it handled, so let her do it. They wouldn't eat her... probably." Kalawarna replied with Yomi nodding in agreement, but she changed her mind when she saw Celestine turn her glare on her. She huffed in defeat, "Fine. I'll target the ones further away, but that's it. I'll only help her out if she gets into trouble. She needs the experience after all and fighting multiple opponents is good training."

"That's all I ask and thank you," Celestine said before pausing for a moment. She didn't want to do this but it was important for them to grow stronger. She reached behind her neck and took off her necklace, "Here, take this,"

"What's it for?" Kalawarna asks, taking it and inspecting it for a few seconds before putting it on around her neck.

"It's an item to help gain more 'experience' for each kill or that's what John said. I want it back after you are both done. Don't lose it."

"Interesting," Kalawarna muttered to herself. She narrowed her eyes picking her targets and forming a light spear that grew thicker. She aimed it in the air throwing it up high and watched it explode into a barrage of smaller spears that rushed down on the unsuspecting frogs and the surrounding area. It punctured the frogs and they waited for the other frogs to retaliate but nothing happened.

{Killed 18 frogs (2,400 Exp) + 1,800 Bonus EXP} 

[Level Up! x8]

Kalawarna Lv 9 [600/900]

"Mnnn~, damn this feels amazing," Kalawarna moaned in pleasure as she felt an intense tingling sensation went through her body. She could feel herself getting stronger as she looked at her hands. She definitely wanted more of it. She nodded in thanks to Celestine for letting her borrow it and took the necklace off before giving it to Yomi next.

She put it on quickly, impatient to get started ignoring the bait that was prepared. She picked her first target which was 12 meters away from them who was coincidentally on top of another frog. She started walking for a few steps before sprinting with the scythe held behind her.

A few seconds later, Yomi was close enough to the pair that she used her power over the wind to sharpen the blade as she grabbed the pole with both hands moving forward slicing the frogs diagonally to the right.

They didn't even have a chance to croak out as they died, the top half sliding down in a wet thump. "Hmph, that was too easy. I didn't even have to use my power for that." Yomi scoffed to herself looking down at the remains before looking up at Celestine wanting to prove that her cautiousness was unwarranted. The blood coating the bladed edge was flung off with a swift motion, as she looked for her next target.

A few feet from her, a frog noticed her when it was looking at the mating pair enviously and croaked out loudly alerting the group to her presence. It jumped up soaring into the air, towards her causing Yomi to turn around and simply slash her weapon upwards releasing a blade of wind, killing the frog as it dropped down covering the ground in its blood and guts.

The frogs near her stopped fucking and moved to target her. Yomi slashed in multiple arcs, the blood coating the bladed edge flung off with every swift motion, her body twisting and dodging them.

Pretty soon more and more gathered towards her location, but she simply smirked. She ran towards the frogs, creating a gust of wind with her scythe when some of them were airborne throwing them off course. Some landed on their backs or sides undamaged but dazed from the impact.

When Yomi reached them, her scythe moved in arcs, slicing and dicing as she laughed crazily at the feeling of her power growing stronger as they die. Her body moved with speed surpassing her previous movement, dodging their tongues easily, cutting off a few that were too close for comfort. Her legs propelled her through the air as she kicked down a few with her heels where they belong.

Yomi jumped back a few meters trying to get her breath back, sweat dripping from her brow. She looked around the battlefield as the remaining few were hopping away in fear.

She panted tiredly letting down her guard as she slid down to the ground. She sighed slightly in disgust at the blood she was covered in and the smell of the dead bodies. She got back up and started walking while daydreaming that her ashikabi will hug her and kiss her telling her that she's a good girl. He'll softly tell her that she deserves a nice bath for her hard work and he rips off his shirt before picking her up...

Unknown to her two frogs were lurking in the back underneath a few corpses stealthily waiting for the perfect chance to attack. They were different than an average frog thanks to one being a coward and the other a pervert. They kept an eye on her and one rose to its full height letting the corpse fall while the other stayed down. It spat out the tongue at her in triumph.

Hm? Why did she feel something was coming at her? She turned her head ready to defend herself while criticizing herself for letting down her guard on the battlefield. She watched in shock as the frog's tongue landed on her before yanking her inside its mouth.


"Oh dear," Celestine gasped, "It seems that she was caught unaware by that frog." She then turned her gaze to Kalawarna and raised an eyebrow. 

"Haha, that's hilarious. If only I had a camera with me... I mean watch your surroundings, you idiot," Kalawarna shouted towards Yomi shaking her head. "Doesn't she know to not use all her energy in a fight? Nor should she ever let her guard down until she makes sure everything around her is dead."

"I don't think she knows that though. To me, it seems that she's acting like a child playing around." Celestine commented causing Kalawarna to pause and think about it. Well, based on her age it could be true and it shows that she doesn't have much experience even though she could use her weapon surprisingly well.


"Guh, you skink! You disgusting creature! Let me go! Ah, help! Kalawarna! Hey!? Why is your tongue touching that place?! Only my ashikabi could touch that place, you bastard!" Yomi yelled out between the toad's mouth, with both legs kicking before it moved its head back, swallowing the legs until nothing was left.

*Ribit Ribit*

Not long after, the frog's eyes widened in fear when it soon started expanding before it exploded in chunks letting Yomi crawl out covered in blood and slime.

"Ah! You disgusting things! Gah!" Yomi roared furiously and hacked at the frog brutally, digging deep into its flesh and disemboweling the creature. She slashed wildly, her scythe leaving large gouges on everything near her, and forced the last frog to flee. She turned to the only remaining frog that was leaping away for its life. She forms a sharp wind blade before throwing it and taking a leg off. It landed on its stomach croaking in pain trying to hop away before its other appendages were sliced off. Yomi stood over the frog menacingly as it silently pleaded for death. She raised her weapon slowly keeping eye contact and brought it down on its head finally killing it.

"Hmm, maybe letting Yomi fight all the frogs herself wasn't a good idea after all," Celestine muttered feeling a little queasy. She needs to talk to John about this.

"I don't know... I kinda enjoyed it and she did say she could handle some dumb frogs. Though she needs to control that temper of hers." Kalawarna replied remembering someone else that had a temper problem. They never survived long in the war if they couldn't control themselves. 

"Well, she did handle some of the frogs no problem, but she used too much of her energy. Not to mention, she didn't want to use the bait," Celestine commented, flinching each time Yomi mutilate the frog further from her temper tantrum. Pretty soon there was nothing left of that poor frog.

[Killed 15 frogs (2,250) + 1,500 Bonus EXP} 

[Level Up! x8]

Yomi Lv 9 [150/900]

They watched as Yomi sulkily walked up towards them and they stepped back from the god-awful smell. Yomi hiccuped, "Is-is there, a-a stream nearby, so-so that I can wash this off? Don't, don't tell our ashikabi what happened, please?"

"Hmm, I don't know," Kalawarna began, "What will I get out of it, hm?"

Yomi glared before she smiled happily creeping Kalawarna out. She opened her arms wide while inching closer to her, "Come here Kalawarna. I wanna give you a big fat HUG!"

"Fuck that! Bitch, stay back! Fine! I said fine." Kalawarna yelled out dodging Yomi's supposed hugs not wanting to be covered in that filth and used [Create Water] shooting a jet of water to soak her which was dodged.

"Yomi, do you still have my necklace?" Celestine asked calmly, a little too calmly causing Yomi to freeze up. She nodded her head rapidly patting her chest feeling for it when she froze unable to find it.

"Someone's in trouble~," Kalawarna sang happily wishing she had popcorn for this. She watched as a black aura was formed around Celestine with her face being covered by her hair causing Yomi to take off her shirt and see it dropping on the ground. Everyone watched it for a few seconds, one in disappointment, one in relief, and one in reassurance.

Celestine sighed regretfully that she didn't stay in bed and have more sex. She had nothing to say other than this, "You better make sure to clean my necklace thoroughly. Otherwise, there will be consequences."

"Yes ma'am." Yomi nodded meekly.

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