Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

“The crusade is to be crusade, just…”

The Warring States were silent, and the corners of his mouth stopped talking, and it seemed that there was something unspeakable.

“Let the old man say it.”

The yellow ape took the initiative to take over the conversation: “Vegapunk seems to have no chicken power, but he actually has a very dangerous ability, and if left alone, his harm is even greater than that of the four emperors.” ”

“What Vegapunk is best at is undoubtedly his rich creative ability, and almost all the inventions of the navy are from his hands, such as the sea lou stone warship, including pacifists.”


The yellow ape paused, he obviously knew more about Vegapunk than the Warring States: “There is also the SSG of secret research, an upgraded version of the pacifist. ”

Most of the people present looked confused.

ssg? Most people have not even heard of it, and only a few high-ranking naval officials understand it.

Barbos, who has just joined the Navy, actually doesn’t know, but as a crosser, SSG can’t hide him.

What really surprised him was that the SSG special science class, which was put into use two years later, made its first appearance in Vegapunk’s lair, Future Island.

Is it coming out now?

“There are more secrets than I thought.”

Barbos muttered in his heart, looking at the sad look of the Warring States, the SSG seemed to have a problem.

“The supreme control of the SSG was originally subordinate to the five old stars of the world government, but before the five old stars called, claiming that they could not control the SSG.”

Sengoku slapped the table in annoyance: “This is not a hot-headed decision, apparently Vegapunk planned it in advance, that cunning old man!!” ”

“In other words, the current right to use SSG is completely in the hands of Vegapunk.”

Barbos held the back of his head with both hands: “This is very tricky, each SSG has a good combat power, coupled with the defense power of the future island itself, if the navy wants to invade, it is estimated that it will have to pay a heavy price.” ”

In the original work, in order to get Vegapunk, the five old stars were dispatched, as well as the general Yellow Ape, in addition to nearly a hundred warships, the scale is equivalent to war.

The crusade against Vegapunk was very important, and the first meeting did not produce good results.

The Sengoku ended the meeting in desperation.

Barbos also went to his admiral’s office at the headquarters of the navy, and was pondering to rest for a while, when the guard suddenly came in with a phone worm, claiming to be from Future Island.

“This is the headquarters of the Navy, and I am Barbos.”

The tone of Barbos’s official manner.

“I didn’t expect me to run away, Barbos!!”

A gloomy, hateful voice came from across the phone worm.

Barbos raised an eyebrow, Monchi D dragon?!

“Why don’t you say anything, the Navy didn’t expect Stussy to help me, after all, it was CP0, hahaha ~~~”

“Barbos, I’m on Cake Island at the moment, if only you came, this must be your burial place!”

The dragon loudly provoked, completely losing his former composure, and also broke the news: “Vegapunk is here to conduct various illegal experiments, including the text of history. ”

The humiliation suffered in Mary Joa really blackened the dragon, what revolution is not revolutionary, it doesn’t fucking matter! Barbos must be made to pay first!!

If it weren’t for him, how could he have been captured alive? And how can you become a eunuch?

Barbos is the root of all evil, the culprit of everything.

Facing the angry dragon, Barbos smiled and replied with only three words lightly.

“Duke Long.”

The other side of the phone worm immediately died silent, Barbos could hear a heavy gasp, although he couldn’t see the dragon’s expression, but the phone worm’s eyes were bloodshot, you can imagine how angry the dragon was.

Barbos took the opportunity to mock: “Three words will let you break the defense, Duke Long still has to exercise the city government.” ”

“Less nonsense, the future island will fight to the death!”

The dragon hung up the phone worm angrily.

Barbos looked up and looked at the ceiling with a little doubt.

The dragon is deliberately leading himself to Cake Island, and even the study of the historical text of Vegapunk is exposed.

“It’s kind of interesting, I’ll play with you.”

Barbos got up and left the office.


On the far future island, a large mechanical control room.

The old man with a head as long as a telephone pole shouted: “Dragon, are you crazy, why did you tell the navy about the main text of history!!” ”

The old man is Vegapunk, and his strangely shaped brain is also because of the brain fruit.

“I’m sure the Navy will come soon.” Long Du said.

“But what’s in it for us? Our forces are completely inferior to the world government and navy, and a head-to-head confrontation will only kill itself, you are too impulsive. ”

Bega was hugely disappointed, could it be that without his younger brother, he really changed the dragon’s heart?!

Vegapunk really didn’t want to see the man who was enough to lead the world revolution fall, and comforted: “Dragon, you don’t have to be inferior, I can help you regain the dignity of a man, and the things cut off by the Draco, with my technique, can be completely transplanted.” ”

Monchi D Dragon moved: “Are you sure?!” ”

Although there were already children, it was always a bit of a shame that the object was cut, and when it was passed on later, everyone knew that the boss of the revolutionary army was a eunuch, which damaged the image.

“No problem at all, but you know mine – against unscrupulous experiments that harm others, so I can only pick you up animals, such as orangutans close to humans, what do you think?”

Vegapunk assures: “It is no different from human use. ”

The corner of the dragon’s mouth twitched, if it weren’t for the strong relationship between the two, he would have gone up with a fist.

Pick up the orangutan for Lao Tzu? You have such a big head and grow white, how can you say such stupid things?!


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