Virtual End

Chapter 98 - Conceited

The floater landed at the agreed place.

As soon as Chen She got out of the car, he heard someone say, “Boss Chen!”

Chen She turned around and found that it was Wu Yisu.

Chen She was a little surprised, “Why are you here?”

Wu Yisu naturally said, “Why can’t I come? I am also a second-level member of Dawn City, and I have to contribute to Dawn City.”

Chen She couldn’t help frowning, “This operation is very dangerous, but the Knights of Time and Space to investigate are a group of desperate lunatics.”

Wu Yisu smiled and leaned over to lower his voice: “Boss Chen, I have heard that this investigation of the Temporal Knights is just a routine matter, and in fact it is not too dangerous.”

“Not to mention that several major consortium masters have arrived, with such a huge difference in strength. As long as we honestly follow the back of the team, what is the danger?”

“What’s more, although I don’t have a corporate army, I bought platinum security services from the Icefield Defense Group. Look, there are three level 4 energy fluctuation masters following me, personal protection!”

Wu Yisu proudly pointed to the three people behind him.

I saw that they were all wearing the standard equipment of the Icefield Defense Group, and their bodies had also undergone prosthetic modification. Although they looked like ordinary genetic or mechanical transcendents, they were said to be level 4 energy fluctuations, which should not be fake.

Wu Yisu added, “Boss Chen, don’t worry too much. You see, those people actually have the same idea as me.”

Chen She followed Wu Yisu’s perspective and found that quite a few ordinary congressmen have also participated in this investigation.

Some of them brought personal bodyguards, some chose relatively capable men from their own corporate army, and others simply, like Wu Yisu, bought personal security services directly from large consortia such as the Icefield Defense Group.

Chen She was a little speechless.

These people take it seriously, do they really think that there is no danger in investigating the Knights of Space and Time?

I was really sold, and I didn’t forget to count the money for others.

Chen She was very clear that in terms of the original combat power of the Temporal Knights, this action would definitely be particularly tragic. Assuming that Grantham was able to bring those knights back to the branch of the Space-Time Knights, then after a period of cultivation and adjustment, it will inevitably become a very threatening extreme force.

The security forces of these ordinary congressmen represented by Wu Yisu were not enough for the Knights of Time and Space to see.

But these people, headed by Snow Ley, deliberately told the members of the news that the Temporal Knights were already very weak, and asked them to voluntarily contribute money and people to participate in this investigation. Whether you treat them as cannon fodder or smoke bombs, they must have some special purpose.

But now, it’s useless to say that.

Some congressmen realized the danger of this matter and did not participate at all; those who really came to participate were like Wu Yisu, who made this muddy water decision after weighing the risks and benefits.

Chen She still has his own things to do, and naturally he can’t take care of other people.

There are more and more floating vehicles at the assembly point. Chen She noticed that large consortia such as Icefield Defense Group, Fujitang Group, and Melon Bank Group have participated in this investigation.

These large consortia also did not send all the corporate troops over. The Fujitang Group has the most people, with about 20 people. Both the Mellon Bank Group and the Icefield Defense Group have only a team of more than 10 people, which is similar to the number of members of Lishan Technology. As for the Weimu Technology Group, no one came at all.

It seems that Weimu Technology Group is not interested in this matter at all.

After seeing that these big consortia only brought a dozen people, Wu Yisu was a little guilty. He whispered, “Boss Chen, how come these big consortiums brought so many people? I thought they would bring at least a hundred soldiers. “

Chen She asked, “Why, I’m afraid? If you’re afraid, it’s too late to exit now. When you really enter the underground, it won’t be so easy to exit again.”

Wu Yisu thought for a while, and finally gritted his teeth, “It doesn’t matter, these big consortia are not afraid, what am I afraid of? Anyway, what really happened is that they are in the front.”

Seeing that more and more people arrived, a senior police officer wearing a DCPD uniform began to count the number and strength of ordinary congressmen in this area.

Most of the people here brought 3 to 4 bodyguards like Wu Yisu, and their strength was basically around level 4 energy fluctuations.

Of course, there are still many congressmen who didn’t plan to come at all. They were afraid of danger, so they just sent their security captains or corporate army commanders to lead them.

But this does not mean that people like Wu Yisu are stupid. Because it makes a big difference whether to be there in person.

If the MPs do not come in person, then the person sent must be handed over to other people to direct them, which is tantamount to making wedding dresses for others. If the congressman is present in person, as long as the entire investigation can be carried out safely and smoothly, then the congressman will leave the impression of courage, responsibility and active activities on the higher-level figures.

In short, if you want to be safe, you won’t have too good gains, and if you want to gain reputation, prestige, contacts and other substantive gains, you must take certain risks.

This senior police officer was one of the persons in charge of this event. He came to count the number of members brought by each member. In fact, he did not actually count the number of people. Instead, he took this opportunity to understand the actual situation of each member.

After all, science and technology in this world are very advanced, and various relevant data can be counted in an instant.

The reason why this senior police officer had to check again was mainly to get in touch with these congressmen to understand their true state, and to have simple communication with them to ensure that the subsequent operations can proceed smoothly.

Wu Yisu whispered to Chen She: “This is Sergeant Vaorlet, the deputy leader of the DCPD Special Operations Group. He is very experienced, and he himself is also a level 5 peak energy fluctuation powerhouse.”

“With him leading the team, I think the action this time will be pretty stable.”

Chen She sighed silently in his heart.

Whenever a strong person with level 5 peak energy fluctuations leads the team, he can make the action stable. It can only be said that Wu Yisu still hasn’t seen much in the world. He doesn’t know how deep the water in Liming City is, and completely underestimates the danger of this operation.

Soon, Sergeant Vaolet came to Wu Yisu.

Wu Yisu hurriedly reported: “Wu Yisu, with three people, all have level 4 energy fluctuations.”

“Sergeant, this action will take care of you.”

Sergeant Vaolet nodded slightly, “Mr. Senator, please rest assured. Our DCPD special operations team has recruited the most elite police officers to participate in this operation. We will surely be able to catch all the rats hidden in the gutter. , Not only to ensure the safety of the deputies, but also to avenge the parliamentarians who were unfortunately killed in the last attack.”

He looked at Chen She again, and he hesitated for a while before saying: “Mr. Senator, this operation is underground. The venue is very small and there are not many people carrying it.”

“I think most of your people’s strength is around the third-level energy fluctuations. I don’t think it is necessary to bring so many people. You only need to bring four or five people with stronger strength.”

“The main force of this operation is our DCPD’s special operations team and the corporate elites of the major consortia. You only need to follow and cooperate, and you will not encounter any great dangers. You can rest assured of this. .”

Chen She waved his hand, “I don’t think so, because there are many people and powerful.”

“Moreover, more people can feel more secure.”

Sergeant Vaorlet was a little helpless, but he didn’t persuade him anymore. After all, how many people each councilman brought belonged to the freedom of these councillors.

He continued to count the number of other MPs.

After Sergeant Vaorlet glanced away, Chen She looked at him twice more.

He can see that this sergeant Vaolet is indeed insufficient. Although the level 5 peak energy fluctuation does not sound too great, the sergeant Vaolet has rich combat experience and his true strength is roughly equivalent to the level 6 energy fluctuation. The strong.

But this time, Sergeant Vaolet should have received some advice from the top, and he has a certain grasp of the inside story of this operation. That’s why Chen She did not need to take so many people with him.

Soon, the investigation team for the Temporal Knights was assembled.

Chen She glanced over and found that there were at least two to three hundred people in this team. And basically they are very elite forces, among them there are some masters with 5th and 6th energy fluctuations.

As for whether there is a stronger one, Chen She can’t tell for the time being.

This is also normal. After all, this operation is all underground, and the underground space is relatively narrow. Even if a corporate army of tens of thousands of people is really brought in, it will not be able to be carried out at all.

What’s more, this operation is not just for investigating the Knights of Time and Space. Snow Ley probably has other purposes, the more the number, the more difficult it is to control, and the higher the possibility of change.

In short, after making a grand-sounding statement, the investigation team officially set off.

This investigation team was divided into two different teams, each with more than 100 people.

The first team is the main force composed of DCPD’s special operations team and masters drawn from the corporate army by major consortia. This team is at the forefront and is most likely to be the first to encounter risks.

This team was led by Snow Lay himself, but Chen She could see that Snow Lay should be accompanied by a few strong masters.

In addition, Sergeant Valolet is also in this team, he is mainly responsible for the command of the special operations team and cooperation with Snow Ley’s orders.

The second team consisted of a mob composed of people brought in by various councillors. However, Chen She was a little surprised that those people from the Fujitang Group were also included in this group and were not in the first team.

Chen She can vaguely feel that Snow Lay seems to be repelling and guarding the Fujitang Group to a certain extent, and does not want the Fujitang Group to be mixed into the first team.

Of course, the name is to let the Fujitang Group lead the members of these other small consortia and let them take on the command of this team.

In name, this reason is very legitimate.

After all, the people brought by these parliamentarians are uneven, and they have not undergone uniform training, so there must be a uniform command. And these small consortia do not agree with each other, and may not be able to command.

After all, the Fujitang Consortium is a large consortium, with more masters. The leader is an old commander who has very rich combat experience in the corporate army. It is reasonable to let him lead these people to carry out the outer exploration and clean-up work.

But for Fujitang Group, they are obviously very reluctant to accept this arrangement.

The two teams passed through the underground passage one after the other and entered the huge underground city of Dawn City.

Obviously, even for Snow Ley and Sergeant Vaolet, the direct commanders of this operation. They also don’t know where the real hiding place of the Temporal Knights is, they only know that it is in a certain area underground.

The Temporal Knights have always been cautious, and all their communication and movement in the ground are completed through special time and space imprints. These imprints are like miniature time and space rifts, which are a kind of portal with special rules.

If you do not master the corresponding synaesthetic abilities, you will not be able to move through these portals at all, and you will not even be able to realize the specific meaning of these portals.

The straight-line distance between two space-time fissures may not be very far. Sometimes it may be only a dozen meters, but it is underground in an intricate way. This short distance of more than ten meters may take a lot of setbacks to find.

If it hadn’t been for Chen She to directly seize Grantham through Epsilon’s ability, and to find out the usage of these special marks and the location of the Temporal Knights from Grantham’s memory, then Chen She would only Can catch the blind underground.

The first team quickly entered the ground.

Chen She noticed that some of them seemed to possess synaesthetic abilities, who would decipher the marks left by these time-space knights.

These people with synaesthetic ability can also move through these symbols, but the large units behind them do not have this ability, so they can only locate a specific location underground through these symbols, and then use other means. Open the way and let the large forces arrive.

Although no large-scale equipment is needed in underground battles, these strong men are still armed to their teeth, especially the guns, ammunition and various micro-missiles and other equipment carried by the strong men in mechanical ways, which are simply mobile. Armory.

They constantly cut thick walls under the ground, and constantly moved towards the core area of ​​the Knights of Time and Space.

Chen She’s second team followed far behind.

This is only the peripheral area. When the core area is reached, the underground space will further expand. At that time, there will be some open areas similar to squares. Don’t look at the crowded people now. When you get to such open areas, what everyone has to worry about is how they won’t get separated.

The corporate soldiers of the Fujitang Group were filled with impatience, especially the commander headed by them.

Obviously, they participated in this event going deep underground and had their own plans.

Wu Yisu whispered in Chen She’s ear: “Boss Chen, that seems to be Fujido Yusuke, a very powerful commander in the Fujido Group’s corporate army. I didn’t know that he had already arrived in Liming City.”

“At first, I was a little worried. The strong people are in the first team. We may encounter some dangers. Now it seems that there is no need to worry. Our team is not weak.”

Chen She couldn’t help but express in his heart hehe.

The people in the Fujitang Group are strong, so don’t worry. Is your logic uncomfortable?

The Fujido Group dispatched Fujido Yusuke and some powerful corporate soldiers this time not for soy sauce. They must have their own goals.

Chen She guessed that it was mostly to find the whereabouts of Naraku’s plan.

The news of the upcoming success of the Fujido Group’s Naraku Project must have been reported to the headquarters, and the corporate army sent by the headquarters was one step late. When it arrived, the Fujido Group’s field base had no scum left.

They tossed the Fujitang Group’s base many times and found no useful clues, so they could only aim at the Knights of Time and Space.

It is impossible for people from the Fujitang Group not to participate in the action against the Knights of Time.

It’s just that these big consortia have their own ghosts. They are still on the periphery and have not encountered members of the Temporal Knights. Of course, they can still maintain the surface peace.

However, once the violent spatiotemporal activity occurs after really deep underground, it may cause all communications to be completely interrupted. It’s hard to say what choices these big consortia will make when they can’t communicate with the outside world.

At the same time, Fujido Yusuke was also chatting secretly with his men through the encrypted channel in the helmet of the combat uniform.

“We are placed on the second team. Some people don’t want us to get in touch with the Knights of Time and Space too early.”

“Snow Ley’s acquiescence to this is very unfavorable for us.”

“So after entering the core area, we immediately acted on our own. We must first find the people of the Temporal Knights and find out the truth of Naraku’s plan!”

As a top consortium, Fujitang Group certainly has a lot of information that Chen She doesn’t know.

Snow Ley is a big man on the silver star, and everyone dare not offend. Whether it is the Icefield Defense Group, the Fujitang Group or the Black Umbrella Group, they can only act at orders and cooperate fully.

Therefore, whether it is the final elimination of the Time and Space Knights or the achievement of Naraku’s plan, it must be handed over to Snow Ley on the bright side.

But for the Fujido Group, the best result they can think of is that they secretly obtained the results of the Naraku Project without knowing it.

The worse result was that they got the results of Naraku’s plan, but when they were discovered, they had to hand it over to Snow Ley, so that they could at least get some benefits.

The worst result was that Snow Ley took the Icefield Defense Group, the Black Umbrella Group, and the Merron Bank Group and other large consortiums to attack the Knights of Time and Space, and got the results of Project Naraku first.

For Fujitang Group. This time it was tantamount to a trip in vain, and the Naraku plan, which was completed at such a high price and invested so many resources, did not win any benefits for the Fujido Group.

That is definitely an unacceptable thing.

Therefore, these people in the Fujitang Group can’t always lead these mobs to make soy sauce on the periphery with peace of mind. As long as they get the chance, they will go directly to the core area and get ahead of the first team.

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