Virtual End

Chapter 59 - Prototype of field base

After thinking for a long time, Fujido Hiroki looked at the staff around him: “What do you think of the two new products of Lishan Technology?”

The staff have been prepared, and after a little thought, said: “These two products cannot be said to be relatively failures, but they can only be said to be useless.”

“I even wonder if Chen She has completely inflated because of the success of “The Embers Will Extinguish” and let himself go, thinking that someone will pay for any product he makes.”

“I really don’t see any possibility of success for these two products.”

“If the Hi-Tech Group does not cut off their chip supply, there may be some hope, but now…”

The staff did not continue to speak. Obviously he believed that the next result was already doomed, and it didn’t need to be so clear.

Fujido Yuki nodded slightly: “Normal people should think this way.”

“From a conventional point of view, these two new products do not have any appeal. Compared with the bracelets and game cabins we produce, it can be said that there is no advantage in any respect.”

The staff tentatively asked: “Then you mean you can ignore it.”

Fujido Yuki shook his head: “Of course not.”

“In the next month, all of our bracelet products and game cabin products will be reduced in price for promotion. We will fight for a wave of Lishan Technology Group’s two new products.”

The staff was stunned for a moment, and seemed a little bit unrecovered.

Doesn’t it mean that these two new products pose no threat? Then why bother trying to kill them all?

What’s more, Fujido Yuki just ostensibly just shook hands with Lishan Technology. He said that he would no longer be out of line, so how did he change his mind?

Fujido Hiroki smiled slightly: “The so-called handshake is only to say that gray methods can no longer be used, but normal business competition is not related.”

“I just said that these two new products are really not attractive from a conventional point of view, but what if you look at it from an unconventional point of view?”

“I noticed that Chen She said at the press conference that this is not only a press conference, but also an art exhibition. Maybe you think he is bragging, but I did see a strong artistry from the sculpture, including the entire venue. The layout of promotional materials inside is obviously well planned.”

“Combined with the previous experience of dealing with several times, I can roughly draw a character profile for Chen She.”

“From the current point of view, Chen She’s understanding of art seems pretty good. This is one of his few strengths. And he is very proud of his artistic talent.”

“But it is precisely because he puts all his energy on considering artistic talents, so he is not very good in terms of company management, development of super dreams and strategic decision-making. As a leader, his performance is still somewhat weak. .”

“The position that is more suitable for him should be the art director.”

“However, if you seriously consider the artistry of these two products, and think of the super dream of “The Embers Will Extinguish” for the driving effect of the game cabin, I think it is likely to become a niche product, turning over within a certain range.”

“Therefore, there cannot be such a risk of raising tigers. We must decisively kill them. Otherwise, Lishan Technology will gain a firm foothold in the field of bracelets and Super Dream game cabins, which will be a major business for our business in Liming City. loss.”

“I always feel that there are high-ranking people in the Chen Consortium. Otherwise, with Chen She’s weak leadership, how could it have grown to the current scale? It would not be pure luck, right?”

“So you can’t let it show signs of turning over. It’s better to start.”

The staff was a little speechless, thinking, I will let you talk about the pros and cons.

Okay, who made you the boss?

Although this is a bit unethical, there is no morality at all in the business war. The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself.

Any careless ignorance may cause the tiger’s legacy. Although Fujido Yuki takes the threat of Lishan Technology so seriously, he is a bit too cautious, but there is some truth to it.

So the staff nodded: “Okay, I will inform the sales department of the bracelet and the Super Dream game pod to arrange a promotion, and the promotion will start next month.”

Fujido Yuki nodded.

The staff said: “By the way, Long Night Entertainment Group sent a communication request again, saying that they want to continue cooperating with us.”

Fujido Yuki’s face instantly sank: “Rob Ryan is embarrassed to come back again, do I really think I’m as good as a three-year-old kid?”

“Last time I was bewitched by him and almost made a big mistake. If the development of the Naraku Project was delayed in order to tie a Super Dream producer, the head office would be held accountable, and I would have to kill myself.”

“Tell Changye Entertainment Group to do it yourself if you want to deal with Lishan Technology. We don’t have time to accompany you.”

Obviously, although Fujido Yuki still maintains his vigilance and desire to annex Lishan Technology, he does not intend to cooperate with Long Night Entertainment Group, and intends to do it alone.

Long Night Entertainment Group is really unreliable.

Fujido Yuki feels that as long as the Naraku plan is successfully completed, he can immediately mobilize the resources of the branch, and it will not be easy to swallow a Lishan Technology at that time.

Fujido Yuki remembered one more thing, and exhorted: “By the way, did you find Mr. Guanqi?”

The staff shook his head: “Not yet. This Mr. Guanqi is more cautious. We still need some time to find out, but it should be soon.”

Fujidō Yuki’s face sank, and he said, “Find him out for me immediately. It’s obviously in Liming City. After searching for so long and haven’t found it, are you all a bunch of rice buckets?”

“Now the things of Naraku’s plan have spread to a small area because of his time and space broadcast. Although we suppressed the information in the first place and did not cause too much impact, it is not a long-term solution to continue this way. In case it causes something Pay attention to the big consortium that is hostile to us, this matter is in trouble.”

“Naraku’s plan must not be missed. If the fruit is picked by another large consortium, everyone in the branch will wait to cut their belly together.”

Feeling the pressure, the staff nodded hurriedly: “Yes, I will urge, by the way, contact the DCPD to ask them to cooperate with us in the arrest, and strive to find the location of the Master Guanqi within a few days.”

Fujido Yuki nodded: “Remember, be a little dexterous, let him die naturally, don’t leave a handle.”

After Fujido Yuki finished his instructions, he rubbed his temples.

High-intensity mental activity made him feel a little tired.

Each of these staff members is not up to the task, and every time he encounters a problem, he has to evaluate him personally, which really makes him tired.

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

“Mr. Fujido, there is news from the base that the Naraku Project has made significant progress. It’s just that the next process requires a lot of computing power and space-time particles, and the base is not enough, so what should I do? “

Fujido Yuki stood up suddenly: “Immediately transfer all the space-time particles from other warehouses to the base of Project Naraku, and at the same time strengthen the security nearby.”

“No matter what the price is, the Naraku plan must be completed.”

The staff reminded: “Mr. Fujido, if we suddenly invest a lot of computing power, it may have a certain impact on the hash space. There will be violent fluctuations at that time, and I am afraid it will be difficult to hide.”

Fujido Yuki had prepared for a long time: “This is easy to handle. If you go to the media to hype it, you will say that the mining tide is coming again. Mining may cause the entire network to be tight and chip shortages.”

The staff hesitated: “I’m afraid this reason is difficult to conceal.”

Fujido Yuki said coldly: “You don’t need to cover the past, just confuse your eyes and cover the smooth completion of Naraku’s plan.”

May 3rd, Saturday.

Chen She still sculpted in the experience shop while thinking about problems.

Zhang Sirui, who was sitting next to him, raised the bracelet to take a look at the data every once in a while, then sighed silently and put his hand down again.

Obviously, he was looking at the sales data of the handcuff bracelet and the game pod from the coffin.

Since the press conference last Tuesday, these two new products have entered the sales stage, but the situation is not optimistic.

It can not be said that the sales are sluggish, it can only be said that no one buys it at all.

Although the atmosphere on the day of the press conference was very hot, and after the press conference, there was also heated discussion on the Internet, and many people were discussing it, but everyone was generally in a playful mentality.

On the surface, many people are recommending this product, but in fact no one really buys it.

Those who are a little bit more knowledgeable regard this product as a kind of tidy work, and the discussion is very lively, but they will never take their brains to buy this product.

Those who do not know how to do it, although they don’t know so many configurations, they at least recognize the brand and the chip, so they still won’t buy it.

In short, up to now, the batch of bracelets and Super Dream game pods produced are all piled up in the warehouse, and no one cares about them at all, and none of them have been sold.

Zhang Sirui must see it in his eyes and worry about it.

Other employees of the company, even some customers in the experience store, were anxious for Chen She.

For example, Ji Yongkang was very nervous, and he wondered whether it was because the promotional materials he made were too underworld, which led to the tragedy of cold sales. Chen She also comforted him by telling him that the atmosphere at the press conference was very good, but that everyone had not yet discovered the excellence of these two products.

Not only did Chen She not look anxious, but he urged the production line to continue to accelerate the production of more products.

Chen She also took time out of the headquarters and rubbed a batch of chips and communication modules to ensure the supply, so the foundry is still continuing production.

In addition, Chaomeng has already entered the filming and editing stage, and it may start the publicity warm-up next week.

After Li Yunhan joined, the efficiency has been significantly improved. I have to say that the resistance army generally has the characteristics of workaholics. When Li Yunhan works, he often does not take a break for 20 hours and maintains a highly concentrated work state. This makes Chen She see pain in his eyes.

I can’t wait to order him to go to sleep immediately, because every hour of Li Yunhan’s shift, Chen She felt that it would turn into a risk on his pendulum.

The base vehicle has been dragged into the wilderness by Zhao Zhen to carry out construction. Now, a few residential barracks, a collection field for collecting space-time particles, and a high-energy electric field to provide energy should have been initially constructed at the original location. A batch of materials were transported from the headquarters, and a batch of resistance troops were stationed there.

The base in this wilderness has been initially constructed.

But Chen She hasn’t been there yet. He plans to find a suitable time to take a look in two days.

After sculpting another sculpture, Chen She stood up and said to Zhang Sirui: “Third brother, don’t be bored, go out and walk with me.”

Zhang Sirui is not in the mood to go shopping now, but still stands up to accompany Chen She. After all, he is responsible for protecting Chen She’s safety.

Two people left the experience store and wandered around in the neighborhood.

Chen She found that the environment in the neighborhood had improved visibly.

The original generation was messed up by the fighting between the shark gang and the jungle gang. The business of the shops on both sides of the street was seriously affected. There were no customers. Many shops were smashed and closed.

But now Zhou Lei and the others have completely eliminated the gang problem, and this area has become a paradise for many small vendors. There will be no protection fees for setting up a stall here, and there is no need to worry about safety issues. The business environment is good, and it can also rub the traffic of experience stores and bars.

Therefore, both the roadside stalls and the surrounding shops are booming, and the rents of some shops have also risen.

Chen She asked Zhou Lei to maintain the surrounding environment by the way. Although it did not completely change the dirty appearance of the neighborhood, at least the public security problem has been completely improved, and it is clearly different from the surrounding neighborhoods.

These experience stores are like huge umbrellas, covering an entire area nearby.

Zhang Sirui asked: “Mr. Chen, we have produced so many bracelets and Super Dream game pods. If you really can’t sell them, what do you plan to do?”

Chen She smiled and said, “Then we will just digest it internally. I just want to put all the staff on the new bracelet and new game pod.”

Zhang Sirui nodded helplessly: “Let’s do it.”

In his opinion, this is obviously not a solution. The hard-produced products are all internally digested. The first batch is fine, but if all employees have replaced these products.

After all, the entire manufacturing department cannot become a service for itself. If there is not enough profit, it will be water without a source, and there will be no way to enter a virtuous circle.

But Zhang Sirui didn’t understand these issues, so he could only listen to Chen She.

At this time, Chen She was wandering around while paying attention to the situation in the neighborhood, especially the beggar on the side of the road.

No one is too strange about Chen She’s behavior.

After all, most people in the neighborhood know Boss Chen, and they also know that Boss Chen has a hobby, that is, he likes to greet beggars.

Since Xia Lirong, some beggars and homeless people in other neighborhoods have also come to try their luck. As a result, a few of them were really taken by Boss Chen and got a job in the factory.

The people nearby have also become quite familiar with Boss Chen’s visit to his territory.

Many people took the initiative to say hello.

“Good afternoon Boss Chen.”

“Boss Chen, I can’t wait when New Chaomeng will be launched.”

“Boss Chen, our store has just launched a new product. Would you like to try it?”

Chen She smiled and responded one by one. He didn’t worry that these people would be detrimental to him. After all, he would establish a certain degree of temporal and spatial contact with these people after meeting him. As long as there were no dark oranges, it meant that these people were not threatening to him.

Don’t say that, under Chen She’s inadvertent management, this street has a somewhat human touch in this cruel society.

As Chen She was walking, he suddenly saw a passerby with a light blue light on his body.

He had been energized for a while, thinking that this was Mr. Guanqi. But he soon realized that it was wrong, because he was not wearing a beggar’s clothes, and he didn’t seem to be waiting for someone. Instead, he had been looking around, seeming to be looking for something.

Chen She couldn’t help frowning slightly, thinking, is this the number 6 person?

But the light blue light emitting from his body clearly shows that he comes from the Knights of Time and Space.

That is to say, the previous guess is correct. No. 6 is definitely not Aunt Li, but a person with synaesthetic ability and is very likely to be a time-space knight.

Will it be Grantham?

Chen She was not sure, but he vaguely felt that Grantham and No. 6’s image did not match.

This member of the Time and Space Knights did not react to Chen She. Obviously not every member of the Time and Space Knights has the ability to see the connection between time and space like Grantham.

So far, as a peripheral member of the Temporal Knights, only Grantham and his followers know about Chen She, and the one sent to rescue Mr. Guanqi this time is an ordinary member. He obviously doesn’t know about Chen Shehe. The relationship between the Knights of Time and Space.

Chen She turned around again calmly.

Just when he thought he was going to get nothing again this time, he suddenly found a light blue light in a garbage dump on the corner of the street.

Chen She lifted his spirits and walked over with Zhang Sirui.

This location is some distance away from the experience store, so Chen She didn’t notice it for the first time. At this time, he looked at the tramp and found that although his clothes were shabby and lying beside the garbage, his eyes were piercing. It seems to have a sense of arrogance.

His age seems to be more than 30 years old, but the whole person has a weather-beaten feeling, revealing a kind of philosophical thinking.

Chen She almost instantly confirmed that he must be Mr. Guanqi.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but sigh. Sure enough, the changes brought about by his thoughts were difficult to hide. Although he was acting as a beggar, his temperament was nothing like that.

Fortunately, Chen She found him one step ahead. If the Fujitang Group found him first, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Chen She pretended to be nonchalant and approached him, not sure if there was the eyeliner of the Fujitang Group or other large consortiums nearby. He just bent down like other beggars and said, “Come with me, I can give you a job.”

Mr. Guanqi looked at him, and there was a low electronic voice in his throat: “Thank you, but no need.”

Chen She was stunned, because Mr. Guanqi was not talking with his own voice, but with a special device installed in his throat. He seemed to be a dumb.

Chen She couldn’t help but suddenly.

No wonder he calls himself Mr. Guanqi. It was because he was a dumb boy, so he used the meaning of watching chess without saying a word.

At this time, Chen She was more sure of him, bent down slightly, and said in a low voice: “Mr. Guanqi, if you want to survive, follow me. I can protect your safety.”

Sure enough, Mr. Guanqi’s eyes shrank instantly. He looked up and down Chen She seemed a little uncertain. After experiencing some psychological struggle, he finally nodded and stood up.

Since Mr. Guanqi has come here, it means that he has almost reached the point of exhaustion, and there is no way to get any help from No. 1, so he has no choice but to choose No. 6, which is not the best choice.

Chen She couldn’t ask him what happened to him for the time being. He just took Mr. Guanqi back to the experience store with Zhang Sirui, and then took a special car, immediately preparing to return to the headquarters and then send Mr. Guanqi to the base on the wilderness.

More than an hour later, Mr. Guanqi completed a comprehensive inspection at the headquarters of the Chen Consortium, took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and formed a small motorcade with Chen She, Zhang Sirui, and a dozen rebel fighters. , Go to the field base.

The reason for a comprehensive inspection is mainly because Mr. Guanqi has some eavesdropping or positioning devices on his body, threatening everyone’s safety.

During this process, Chen She saw that the blue light of watching chess diminished slightly, and some light golden background appeared, which showed that the trust between the two people was gradually building.

Obviously, when Mr. Guanqi decided to go with Chen She, he also made great determination after some ideological struggle.

The initial establishment of his trust in Chen She should be due to the fact that after entering the headquarters of the Chen Consortium, he confirmed that this company was the company that produced “The Embers Will Extinguish”, and thus developed a good impression of Chen She.

Of course, the two people still have too many questions to ask each other, but they both chose to remain silent, because the crisis has not been completely resolved.

Until the convoy left Dawn City far away, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Sirui asked: “Mr Chen can tell me now, what is going on, right?”

Chen She looked at Zhang Sirui, then looked at Mr. Guanqi and said, “I’ll introduce you to the two. This is Mr. Guanqi. You should have heard some of his thoughts.”

“Mr. Guanqi, my name is Chen She, and he is Zhang Sirui. You can also call me number 7.”

Mr. Guanqi was taken aback for a moment: “No. 7? Shouldn’t you be No. 6?”

Chen She smiled and shook his head: “I cut my Husband. I don’t think this person on the 6th may be trusted. You’d better be safer with me.”

Mr. Guanqi was silent for a moment and said: “Well, I don’t know the specific identities of the two of you. At this point, I have to hope that the boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge.”

“But as the president of a consortium, why should you save me? I can’t think of any reason other than handing me to the Fujido Group as a bargaining chip.”

Chen She smiled and said: “Re-recognize, our true identity is not the Chen consortium, but the rebel army.”

Mr. Guanqi’s eyes widened in an instant, and it was obvious that Chen She’s identity made him completely unimaginable.

Yes, according to normal thinking, even an ordinary small consortium in the old soil can be a domineering existence, and what motivation is there to risk being completely annihilated by the enterprise coalition to become a resistance army? ?

Just watching chess and observing the expressions of these people, they found that what they were saying turned out to be serious.

Zhang Sirui was also a little surprised. He didn’t expect that the captain picked up a tramp from the street. It turned out to be the famous Mr. Guanqi in the time-space broadcast.

Many of Mr. Guanqi’s remarks have had a wide range of influence on the Internet, and of course he is also a figure that major consortia want to get rid of. Although his philosophy is not exactly the same as that of the resistance army, they are enough to become firm comrades in arms in terms of the goal and courage to resist the big consortium.

Chen She asked: “Mr. Guanqi, have you always been hiding in Liming City?”

Mr. Guanqi said: “Captain Chen, you can just call my name directly from now on. My name is Du Mo. Or you can call me Du Guanqi.”

“Yes, I have been helped by No. 1 and have been in Dawn City. No. 1 is a powerful figure in a certain consortium, but he is a good man and has been helping me secretly.”

“It’s just that after the Fujitang Group assassinated four of my disciples a few days ago, it gradually found my position, and even DCPD was cooperating with them.”

“Originally, No. 1 arranged for me with a flight ticket and a false identity. I wanted to escape to the Western Federal District, but on the way to the airport, I changed my mind and felt that I could not take this risk.”

“I thought of what No. 6 said, so I dressed up as a beggar and hid in that block. I didn’t have much hope. I didn’t expect to meet you.”

Zhang Sirui said: “Your choice is correct. If the Fujitang Group really wants to catch you at all costs and has basically determined that you are in Liming City, then it is difficult for a false identity to be confused.”

Du Guanqi sighed: “It’s just a pity.”

“I destroyed all the data before leaving. 1 also said that he would help me clean up the aftermath and burn the place where I lived. Maybe there will be news of a fire coming out tonight.”

“It’s just that I spent so much effort to establish the truth broadcast, and the results accumulated over such a long period of time are probably going to be ruined!”

Chen She smiled: “It doesn’t matter, the important thing is that you can be safe. As for the time-space broadcast, you can rebuild it at any time.”

“By the way, bring this, and you can use it to keep in touch with the rebels in the future. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time, don’t worry about being tracked by the Fujitang Group.”

While talking, Chen She threw an unopened shackle bracelet to Du Guanqi.

This time the small convoy carried a lot of shackles and bracelets, and the cargo truck behind was also loaded with several uncovered coffins and lifted up the game cabin.

This was prepared by Chen She for the rebel soldiers stationed at the field base.

The rebel fighters in the Chen’s financial group headquarters will gradually replace these two types of equipment.

In the eyes of most rebel fighters, this is a helpless move. After all, the products cannot be sold and they can only digest the inventory internally.

But Chen She knows that these two products are still meaningful, especially the shackle bracelets, which can perform basic communication functions without relying on the spallation space. In some extreme environments and combat environments, they will exert unexpected effects.

If the Resistance is to succeed, all its equipment must be autonomous. Otherwise, a backdoor left by a large consortium in the product may cause the Resistance to be destroyed.

The car was quiet again.

Du Guanqi’s eyes narrowed slightly, it was obvious that the spirit that had been tight these days finally relaxed a little. He wants to take a good rest.

While looking at the white snow outside the car, Chen She thought about the true identity of No.6.

“It seems that No. 1 should be the real power figure of a large consortium in Dawn City, but this consortium does not seem to do whatever it wants like the Fujitang Group and the Icefield Defense Group, and No. 1 is not arbitrary in this consortium.”

“Otherwise, he can protect Du Guanqi very strongly, and there is no need to think of a way to send him away.”

“And No. 6 is a member of the Time and Space Knights. Although he has shown a certain degree of kindness to Du Guanqi, his motives are uncertain. After all, what are the people of the Time and Space Knights doing with Du Guanqi? Anyone? It’s hard to say, these lunatics still can’t absolutely believe it.”

“But since No. 6 is related to the Temporal Knights, then maybe it can answer the questions that have been in my mind.”

“That’s why the Truth Broadcasting chat room has been open for so long, but only our two lucky listeners have entered the chat room.”

“Even if the rules of time-space broadcasting are very metaphysical, this situation should be a kind of small probability event. Is it possible that after entering this chat room on the 6th, he rewritten the rules of the chat room through certain means, so that there are only specific People can enter.”

“If No. 6 has a strong synaesthetic ability, then it can make some changes to the space-time broadcast to a certain extent, which is also very reasonable.”

“In short, the identity of No. 6 is very mysterious, so be careful.”

Unconsciously, the convoy continued to penetrate into the wilderness, and the outline of Dawn City was no longer visible in the distance.

Chen She looked out of the car window, and there was a vast snowfield outside. There was no time snow at this time. There was no weird time and space activity, and the blue sky, the cloudless sky shining on the vast white earth, still had a sense of beauty.

Chen She suddenly understood why many wanderers would rather survive in crisis-ridden wilderness and spend their lives in precarious settlements.

Because there is indeed a big city here, there is no openness and freedom.

At this moment, the convoy came to a halt slowly.

Zhang Sirui said: “We are here.”

Du Guanqi, who had just fallen asleep, woke up. He glanced out of the car window with a dazed expression on his face.

Where is the base?

This is obviously a vast snowfield.

Could it be said that these people are the killers invited by the Fujitang Group, and they want to abduct themselves to the wilderness and get rid of them?

Du Guanqi instantly panicked.

But he quickly saw a small mound in front of him, and a door had actually opened on it. The vehicles in the convoy started slowly again and entered one by one.

Du Guanqi realized that he was thinking too much. The base of the Resistance Army paid great attention to concealment, and it was really difficult to be discovered in the middle of nowhere.

At this time, everyone entered an underground secret base, which was the former stronghold of the rebel army in the wild.

There were many broken down vehicles parked in the underground garage. Zhang Sirui used these vehicles when he went to grab supplies from the Fujitang Group.

The small mounds surrounding the underground base are in fact the base vehicle and barracks, space-time particle collection field, high-energy electric field and other facilities after unfolding.

The Resistance has built a total of 6 barracks here, each of which is about 3 to 4 stories high, and can accommodate about 200 Resistance soldiers.

Of course, there have not been so many resistance fighters stationed here, and only more than 100 people often live here for pre-construction and security work.

Zhang Sirui began to greet these resistance fighters, unloading the shackles from the truck and connecting the coffin to the game cabin. They replaced their original bracelets and arranged the Super Dream game cabin in one of the barracks as a training room.

These rebel soldiers have nothing to do in the wilderness. After these super dream game pods arrive, they can go to “The Embers Will Extinguish” and “Desperate War” for daily training.

A resistance army soldier took Du Guanqi to settle in one of the barracks. Chen She specially prepared a game pod for him to uncover the coffin and set aside some space-time particles so that he could pass through this game pod. Continue to listen to the space-time radio.

It’s just that special equipment is needed if you want to broadcast the time-space broadcast. Chen She doesn’t currently have it, so he can only find a way to get it after a while.

But for Du Guanqi, these are not important. The important thing is that he is temporarily safe and can sleep well, and finally he does not have to worry about the Fujitang Group coming to him.

After setting up Du Guanqi, Chen She comforted him a few more words and told him that he could contact him directly if he had any questions.

Then Chen She and Zhang Sirui put on special combat uniforms and walked out of the camp together to see the whole picture of the new base of the Resistance Army.

Combat services have a good protective effect and can prevent erosion by time snow.

But Chen She doesn’t need this kind of thing, because he has a powerful synaesthetic power, and he also has a passive aura that curses scholars.

After arriving in the wilderness, Chen She took off his helmet and took a breath of fresh air in the wild.

For him, Time Snow is nothing more than a weakened version of space-time particles, and it can even be directly absorbed. Not only does it have no harm, but it also has benefits.

Therefore, the wilderness is the best place for the lunatics of the Time and Space Knights, but they are always planning some dangerous activities, so they have been active in major cities.

The two climbed up the highest hill in the center. This is actually the base vehicle after deployment. Only a few days have passed. The base vehicle has been covered with white snow, forming an effective cover.

Only when you step on it, you can feel the slight vibration of the soles of your feet, which is the normal operation of the base vehicle.

Equipment such as barracks, high-energy electric fields, and space-time particle collection fields are distributed around the base, and they are also very difficult to spot under the white snow.

Chen She nodded and said, “Yes.”

Compared with big cities, this base still makes him more assured and more secure.

Although the headquarters of the Chen Consortium is magnificent, with huge workshops, workshops and headquarters buildings, it is under the noses of major consortia after all.

And this base in the wild is in the uninhabited wilderness. Time and space activities and time snow are the best cover. No matter what you do, you don’t have to worry about being discovered.

However, Chen She felt that such a simple base was obviously far from enough.

If possible, he hopes that the entire base will develop into a huge wilderness city. It is best to have a variety of powerful defensive weapons on the periphery, and the construction is solid, and no amount of enterprise coalition forces can enter, it would be perfect.

It’s just that so far, these are still blueprints in Chen She’s mind, seemingly far away.

A gray-white collection vehicle came from a distance, and it also had the same camouflage color as the base.

That is the collection vehicle in the space-time particle collection field. It will search for space-time crystals formed after space-time activities nearby, and then transport it back to the collection field and refine it into space-time particles.

Some of these space-time particles are used to charge high-energy electric fields, and the rest can be stored.

However, the current field base of the Chen Consortium still has to act in a low-key manner, and can’t do too much fanfare. Therefore, only 3 or 4 collection vehicles have been produced to collect the nearby small-scale space-time crystals.

Chen She liked this feeling of building from scratch, which made him feel like he was playing a business simulation game.

Compared with fighting, killing and intrigue, management and construction can bring him greater pleasure.

Chen She said: “When the threat of the Fujitang Group is resolved, we will transfer our main energy to the construction of the field base. Find a way to build a strong fortress here.”

Zhang Sirui asked: “Captain, how do you plan to solve the problem of the Fujitang Group? Are we going to cooperate with those people in the Time and Space Knights?”

Chen She corrected his statement: “It’s not cooperation, it’s use.”

“The Temporal Knights are too dangerous. Cooperating with them is tantamount to seeking skin with tigers. It’s just that we don’t have a better way now. After all, we can’t fight the Fujitang Group with our strength alone.”

“If necessary, I may put all the rebels on a big bet. Will you support my decision?”

Zhang Sirui was stunned, because in his impression, Captain Chen She’s recent behavior has always been based on security. UU reading www.uukanshu. Operation com even considered putting all the resistance fighters on board. This kind of risky behavior is a bit less like Captain Chen She’s style.

But he still said: “As long as this is necessary, of course I will absolutely support it.”

“The meaning of the Resistance Army’s existence is to eliminate all the big consortia, even if they sacrifice for this goal, everyone will not hesitate.”

“I believe other people should think the same way as me.”

Chen She nodded and said nothing.

If there are other options, he doesn’t want to take such a big risk and pull the entire resistance army up to make a big bet.

But the problem is that he has no choice. If you don’t seize this opportunity, you may never get a chance. Once the opportunity is missed, the Fujido Group will retaliate, and they can only be greeted with worse results.

Chen She looked at the white snow on the wasteland in the distance, and was lost in thought.

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