Virtual End

Chapter 109: Naxin

After leaving the training ground, Chen She entered his own world of consciousness again to check the risk changes on the pendulum.

“Huh? The profit risk has been reduced so much?”

Chen She was a little surprised and found that the current risk index of the pendulum has become optimistic again!

After Chen She discovered Snowley’s true identity before, the pendulum’s attention risk had increased, but this time, it turned out that the profit risk has dropped, and it has dropped a lot!

“Is it because the gap in space-time particles has been relatively large recently, so the profit risk has decreased?”

Chen She considered that these recent inventions, including the Defender’s sniper rifle, consume a lot of space-time particles. In addition, the Space-Time Knights also need a large number of space-time particles.

Because the gap in this area is large, and the resistance fighters are training every day, so even if they make money, it will not stimulate their fighting intentions too much, which reduces the profit risk.

“It’s a blessing in misfortune. But the situation on the Knights of Time is still a bit difficult to handle!”

Chen She felt a little sad.

Previously, he had issued a military order with the red priest. Within three months, he must train 10 knights or priests with level 4 energy fluctuations, train 50 congregants with level 2 energy fluctuations, and create 6 for Dawn City. A wave of space-time beasts with level energy fluctuations, obtaining 2500 units of space-time particles.

As a result, one and a half months have passed since I looked at it. Not only did the space-time particles accumulated by the Space-Time Knights not increase, but more than half were used!

Originally, the Space-Time Knights Division had only 900 units of space-time particles, and even the space-time particles snatched from the Fujitang Group branch were only about 2,700.

But for this underground operation, Chen She consumed a large amount of space-time particles to create space-time rifts and summon space-time beast tides. Basically, the 900 units of space-time particles in the Division of the Space-Time Knights were exhausted.

As for the Lishan Technology Headquarters, space-time particles are also constantly being consumed. After all, space-time particles are all used in the construction of the entire base and the production of weapons.

This made Chen She feel very desperate, where to get so many space-time particles to deal with each other!

As for other requirements, such as 10 knights or priests with level 4 energy fluctuations, it is somewhat difficult to handle. After all, the knights or priests of the Time and Space Knights are all synaesthetic channels, and although Chen She can use the method of taking homes to add people to the Time and Space Knights of Dawn City, there are people of any way.

Most of the original synesthetic pathways have been consumed.

Just when Chen She felt a little headache for this, a communication request came from the shackles of Du Guanqi.

“Captain, there is already a list of the first batch of newly included Resistance fighters.”

Chen She nodded: “Okay, I’m here now.”

Chen She had previously told Du Guanqi specifically that he had to personally check the final step of the rebellion against the army’s recruitment.

At present, there are many links in the recruitment of the Resistance Army. First, the foundry in Liming City absorbs the homeless and gangsters in Liming City, and then selects suitable candidates to be included in the field base of Lishan Technology. In the field base, there is Duguan Chess Club. These people are educated and trained to cultivate their spirit of resistance. Eventually, those talents recognized by Du Guanqi will be selected and become new resistance soldiers.

As for those who do not meet the requirements, they can only remain as ordinary workers in the foundry of Lishan Technology.

But there is one final step in the entire screening process: Chen She wants to use Epsilon’s special ability to see if there are any inner ghosts among these people.

The inner ghost may have come because of the sky-high rewards for reporting the rebels, or it may have been inserted by other large consortia or other forces, but anyway, once these people grasp the secrets of the rebels, it will be very dangerous.

Of course Chen She didn’t want to have such a person. If there were, he could only quietly disappear.

After all, there are too many secrets in this field base of Lishan Technology, and this kind of people is a time bomb after all.

Chen She came to the barracks where Du Guanqi was located and found that there were more than 30 people neatly lined up, waiting for his arrival.

And Zeng Hailong was in the front row.

Seeing Chen She coming, these people including Zeng Hailong immediately became serious. After all, this is the final interview for the boss!

So far, they don’t know that the Lishan Technology Field Base is the base camp of the Resistance Army, but as long as it is a little smarter, they can feel that Lishan Technology is completely different from the general consortium.

For example, the working atmosphere of the foundry here is completely different, and outside of work, Du Guanqi will organize them to experience another possibility, this super dream, and explain to them the roots of inequality in the super dream and in reality.

How could other big consortia talk about this?

They definitely don’t want their troopers to delve into these things, and for the sake of the salary in front of them all their lives, they will blindfold and go around in circles like a donkey.

Therefore, for a special company like Lishan Technology and a special boss like Boss Chen, these people’s feelings are very complicated.

On the one hand, I am very grateful to Boss Chen for giving them a good job opportunity. On the other hand, I feel that Boss Chen is a person who does great things, making them completely invisible, so there is always a sense of anxiety in my heart.

Chen She didn’t speak, just glanced across the crowd.

Everyone felt a little hairy when they were seen, as if their details were seen by Boss Chen in an instant, and there was absolutely no possibility of concealment.

In fact, they thought too much, Chen She couldn’t see their details at all, only some metaphysical factors.

Well, very good, I didn’t find the inner ghost who was glowing red.

This result is also normal. After all, the first group of people were carefully selected. Most of them were born in punks and homeless people. These people are the bottom layer of the proper, and they have a great influence on the big consortium and the entire social structure of the old land. A certain hatred. Du Guanqi is also a good player in spreading ideas. With some education, their mentality will inevitably be greatly enhanced.

Those who have really passed through layers of screening to this step are all good seedlings who have joined the resistance army.

After confirming that there are no two or five children, Chen She coughed slightly: “From today, everyone has truly become an internal employee of Lishan Technology. As the president of Lishan Technology, I would like to express to everyone on behalf of all employees. A warm welcome!”


Chen She paused: “I have another very important thing to announce to everyone.”

“Yes, our true identity of Lishan Technology is actually the resistance army!”

“From today on, you will become a member of the Resistance Army and become our official partners. Let us work together to change the entire wasteland and overthrow all the big consortia and the Silver Star Federation!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone including Zeng Hailong was confused.

In fact, they had vaguely realized before they came that Lishan Technology is completely different from other large consortia, but when Chen She said these words, they realized that their boldest estimates were still conservative!

Lishan Technology is the Resistance Army!

After a brief shock, Zeng Hailong showed a dazed expression on his face.

It’s right, it’s all right!

No wonder I always felt that Boss Chen was mentally perverted. No wonder Boss Chen has such a strong ability to fight cold weapons, because Boss Chen was originally the leader of the resistance army!

If Boss Chen is not such a peerless and ruthless person, can he quell these resistance forces?

From this point of view, Boss Chen’s personal settings fit his true identity quite well, and there is nothing wrong with it.

These people have different expressions and different thoughts in their hearts.

Some people are very excited because the seeds of resistance and struggle have long been planted in their hearts. They wish they could really take up weapons to smash these big plutocrats, overthrow the current pattern of the entire old land, and reshuffle the entire world.

For these people who are more determined to fight, becoming a resistance army is fighting to change their destiny. What is there to be afraid of?

Others are very worried. After all, they have just lived a relatively stable life. Becoming a rebel means taking great risks. Maybe they will soon live a life of precariousness. An inattention may even Let the life go in.

But even so, they quickly adjusted their mentality.

Because on the one hand, they have nothing. The current life is given by Lishan Technology. They also strongly agree with Lishan Technology. They neither want to expose Lishan Technology nor dare to disclose it. On the other hand, at present, Lishan Technology is in a very well-disguised state. They see that Lishan Technology does not frequently launch wars, and the casualty rate is actually not high. It is still very safe here.

Of course, it will take some time for these people to completely change their mentality. They will continue to train under the leadership of other resistance fighters, and they will also continue to carry out ideological education with the help of Du Guanqi.

After all, thought change is a long process and cannot be accomplished overnight. The previous resistance fighters were all elite forces left behind after countless setbacks, and they were absolutely determined, but the number of such resistance fighters was too limited, and it was difficult to make up for the losses.

It is an unavoidable process to further expand the army of resistance fighters.

Chen She once again confirmed that after he announced the true identity of the rebels, the orange-red color still did not appear among these people, which shows that they can basically rest assured.

After leaving the barracks, Chen She returned to his studio again.

The most troublesome thing for him now is the matter of space-time particles.

With the profit risk greatly reduced, it is time to think about making money.

But the problem is that although many industries in Lishan Technology are making money at present, they are also expensive. At the current rate of making money, it is too difficult to earn more than two thousand space-time particles within one and a half months!

After all, Chen She couldn’t turn over all of these space-time particles to the Knights of Space-time. He had to leave more than a thousand units of space-time particles for the daily operation of Lishan Technology.

At this moment, his mind suddenly moved, and his consciousness instantly and seamlessly switched to Grantham who was still underground in Dawn City.

Because he discovered that the Temporal Knights headquarters is trying to contact this branch!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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