Violent Sweet Wife: Young Master Di keeps delivering to your door

Chapter 97 Stepping on Su Elegy

Liu Qing'er grabbed Suki's wrist, and when Liu Qing'er broke away, Suki saw a bruise on her wrist, her eyes fixed, and she stretched out her hand to hold Liu Qing'er's hand.

Liu Qing'er flinched in pain, Suki asked sharply, "What's going on?"

Liu Qing'er's eyes flickered unconsciously, she withdrew her hand, and pulled down her sleeves to cover up the bruises on her wrists, "It's nothing, I accidentally dropped it!"

Suki frowned. She didn't believe a word of Liu Qing'er's explanation. Regardless of Liu Qing'er's resistance, Suki pulled up her sleeves forcefully, and the bruises on her white skin became more shocking.

At this time, Suki suddenly recalled the time when he was in the studio, the few times Han Yuchen had visited, his attitude towards Qing'er was not polite at all, even indifferent to the extreme.

Before this, it's not that Suki hadn't heard of Han Yuchen's reputation as an extremely flirtatious person outside. Suddenly, Suki's heart sank to the bottom, and she stared at Liu Qing'er closely, not allowing her to escape.

"Is it Han Yuchen? He did something to you?"

Liu Qing'er trembled all over, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, "No... I really accidentally hurt it!"

Suki's expression was cold, and he was extremely angry with the members of the Han family.

"He treats you like this, and you just endure it? Liu Qing'er, are you crazy!"

Liu Qing'er's lips trembled slightly, "I thought it would get better after a long time..."

She tried her best to smile, but the smile suppressed too much bitterness, and Suki's eyes were slightly sour.

"This Gu's contract is really important to me. You know, I regret it. It doesn't matter if I am alone, but I have to think about my daughter. She shouldn't live in such a family." Liu Sunny lowered her eyes.

"I originally wanted to stabilize my career and then divorce Yu Chen, so that I could guarantee a stable future for my child, but, in a single thought, I still did something I shouldn't have done, right?"

Liu Qing'er's smile was mixed with too much sadness, Suki's nose was sour, and he regretted not being able to help her.

Liu Qing'er raised her eyes, tears fell silently, "I really regret, how did I choose to marry... him!"

Suki's heart was soft, and he couldn't help hugging Liu Qing'er, giving her the greatest comfort with a hug. The idea of ​​leaving after the game had disappeared before he knew it.

Where she could not see, a light flashed in Liu Qing'er's heart.

She is familiar with Suki's personality, and after knowing that she copied Su Elegy's design, it is impossible for her to stay and help her. However, Suki is emotional, and in this case, this is the only way to keep her.

Liu Qing'er's mind was spinning all over the place, from anger at Han Sixue's unfavorable handling of affairs, to anger at things getting out of control, and in the end, she was thinking about the future countermeasures.

Thinking of Gu Moxuan, Liu Qing'er had a faint smile in her eyes, thinking of Gu Moxuan's various differences with Su Elegy, if she wants to be in the top position, the first person she needs to step on is Su Elegy!


The next day, Gu's contract was sent to Su Wange, but Su Wange just glanced at it and put it aside.

Yun Duo smiled slightly, "Boss Su, if you don't sign the sky-high contract, you don't want to make money anymore? Isn't it your personality?"

Su Yange twitched the corner of her mouth, "Who said I won't sign anymore!"

After spending so much effort, and even going through several twists and turns, the money in front of me is not worth it, but...

"I'm not in the mood right now!"

Su Elegy's expression was somewhat indescribably arrogant.

Yun Duo was overjoyed at the side, "Okay, you are the boss, so whatever you say counts!"

It's just that I thought that the matter of the game would come to an end, but the development of the matter was beyond everyone's expectations.

Taking care of his feelings, Gu suppressed the rumors of the competition at that time, and only announced the result that Su Yange won.

However, I don't know from which day, a rumor gradually spread.

It is said that Su Elegy used disgraceful means to win the competition. At the same time, the contract signed by Su Elegy and Gu Shi was also leaked, and the staggering amount on it added fuel to such rumors Plus the fire.

Su Yange is so proud that she became famous after returning to China, but she has already cooperated with many well-known companies at a young age.

She has a flamboyant personality, never knows how to compromise, and even occasionally takes orders according to her own personality, and she has offended many people in private.

Especially this time the rumors were originally aimed at her. The so-called revelations on the Internet were posted one after another, rendering Liu Qing'er an innocent and pitiful victim.

Someone took the lead in making a fuss. People who didn't like Su Elegy or were jealous of Su Elegy swarmed up. On forums and Weibo, wherever Su Elegy was involved, the abuse was horrific.

Compared to the people in the studio who were worried for the past few days, Su Elegy didn't take this matter to heart, and his casual and leisurely attitude made people grit their teeth with anger.

"Wanwan, can you have some snacks?" Susan sighed and looked at her helplessly.

Su Elegy nestled comfortably on the sofa, turned on the computer on time and tuned the channel, which happened to be the interview with Suki's design exhibition.

"It's not that I haven't been targeted before. If my mouth grows on them, I can still make them shut up? Anyway, what they say, I don't care about it. I just do business and let them do what they want!"

"Wanwan, Liu Qing'er has been doing a lot these days, and has poached a few of our clients!" Yun Duo said with a frown on the side.

Su Yange frowned, she really disliked Liu Qing'er's style, she just copied her not long ago, but now she has the face to grab business.

It's just that Su Yange has heard and seen a lot of things with Su Rongjin since he was a child. This time the rumors spread, Liu Qing'er is probably the most proud, or Han Sixue will gloat behind his back.

"When the cooperation project with Gu's is completed, we are not afraid that there will be no orders." Su Yange said casually.

Yun Duo closed the computer, "What about Han Sixue? What are you going to do?"

Su Yange's eyes froze. She was never someone who could swallow her anger. She had had enough of Han Sixue targeting her again and again.

"You need to hit seven inches to hit a snake, don't worry, take your time!" Su Yange already had a plan in mind.

Susan and Yun Duo looked at each other and smiled wryly.

"Be quiet, Suki is here!" Su Yange sat up halfway, waving at them with disgust.

Looking at Su Yange, a fan girl who quickly entered the state, the two of them were a little dumbfounded.

On TV, the reporter's interview with Suki gradually came to an end. Suddenly, the reporter asked: "Recently, there is such a rumor. I wonder if you know about Suki."

"In Gu's previous contest where you were the judge, some rumors about Su Elegy's plagiarism came out. I think you, as the judge, should be the clearest about these things. Can you give us an explanation?"

Suki was silent for a moment before opening his mouth: "I don't want to say too much, I can only say that rumors are rumors after all, and I hope Gu's Eastern Suburb Phase II plan can be as successful as before!"

At the end of the interview, Su Elegy was slightly dazed, while Susan and Yun Duo couldn't hold back their anger, "Why is she like this, what does this sentence mean!"

Su Elegy came back to his senses, twitched the corner of his mouth, and turned off the TV in a cool manner, "Liu Qing'er is Suki's friend, and the person I admire has a lot of affection, which is a good thing!"

The two of them hated iron for being weak, Su Yange shrugged and started working with a sketchbook.

Seeing them leave the office, Su Elegy stopped writing. In fact, she may not be disappointed, but if it were her today, she might not be able to make a choice so easily.

Su Yange twitched the corner of her mouth, calmed down her mind, and concentrated on doing things...

When it was time to get off work, Liu Qing'er, who had been quiet for a long time, responded publicly on Weibo.

"I have no objection to Gu's choice. I am a novice mother. Maybe the other party will consider that my child will affect my work when choosing me, although I am not a person who does not distinguish between public and private. Therefore, we will not respond to any related questions in the future!"

Su Yange looked at the mobile phone handed over by her staff, feeling more and more bored.

"Young Master Gu!"

Su Yange raised his head and followed the prestige. Gu Moxuan was standing at the door, looking at each other. Su Yange wrinkled his nose slightly, and walked slowly in front of him, "President Gu, what instructions do you have?"

Su Elegy's tone was quite sarcastic, Gu Moxuan's face darkened a little, and the low pressure around made the employees silent.

"What are you doing! President Gu doesn't want to come to my chassis to show his prestige!" Su Yange is quite defensive, and doesn't want others to provoke her.

Gu Moxuan raised his eyebrows slightly, Su Elegy curled his lips, and shook his bag in front of him, "It's off work, what's the job, we'll talk about it tomorrow during working hours!"

After saying that, Su Elegy walked straight forward.

Gu Moxuan took a step to the side and stopped in front of her.

Su Elegy narrowed her eyes slightly, "What is Mr. Gu doing?"

Gu Moxuan raised his eyes and glanced at the people in the studio who were probing their heads, and lowered their heads where their eyes fell.

"I'll take you back!" Gu Moxuan withdrew his gaze and said incredulously.

His overbearing tone made Su Elegy a little upset, and he snorted softly, "Get out of the way!"

Seeing that Gu Moxuan didn't move, the corners of Su Elegy's mouth curled up slightly, and he raised his leg without warning.

However, Gu Moxuan seemed to have foreseen what Su Elegy would do, so he took a step back leisurely and avoided it.

Su Yange gave him a sideways glance, and Gu Moxuan said in a low voice, "I'll take you back!"

Su Yange was a little annoyed, "It's up to you!"

After saying that, she glared at Gu Moxuan.

With Su Elegy's consent, a faint smile flashed across Gu Moxuan's eyes, and he took a step back to the side. Seeing Su Elegy striding forward, he followed suit.

A little far away from the studio, Su Yange stopped and turned his head suddenly.

Gu Moxuan also stopped, looking at her leisurely.

Su Yange took a deep breath, "Gu Moxuan, what exactly do you want to do?"

After saying that, Su Elegy saw Gu Moxuan's expression suddenly changed, and his gaze was cast somewhere like shattered ice.

Su Yange subconsciously wanted to turn around, but before she could react, she was pulled into an extremely warm embrace.

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