Villain’s Hero Life

Chapter 63


Iron Gun couldn’t help but wonder what had happened before his eyes.

The ceremony he knew was because he was willing to sacrifice himself for his colleagues.

That’s why I didn’t expect to be able to complete this test.

But the results are very shocking.

“What the…!”

Rather, Operation Chief of the Association, who was not very interested in the ceremony, smiled favorably at his unruly behavior.

“Haha!! That madman. Yes…, Iron Gun. Now I understand why you have such high hopes for him.”

“Yes? No, Chief, that’s…”

I was embarrassed, but I tried to open my mouth.

White Orb raised his hand to stop him.

Meanwhile, the general’s eyes stared straight through the ceremony standing in front of the desolate building.

“… It’s just too bad he’s rotting in the Academy if it’s not for this project.”

* * * * *

For some reason, the sturdy face approached the ceremony after all the tests were done.

“Educator Kim Chang-sik, well done. I’ve passed all the tests, but I’m having some internal discussions, which makes it a little hard to talk about right now.”


The ceremony tilted its head to the story of iron.

He said, “Don’t get me wrong.”

“Suddenly, it won’t come back or anything. On the contrary, I think the chief of staff is planning something else, because you’ve shown too much imagination in the test.”

When he received confirmation that the results would not change with the test clears, he nodded his head.

And I was fortunate as if there was something I wanted to ask you.

“Well, but…”


However, after checking the weary face of the ceremony, he sighs a small sigh.

“It’s nothing.”

“… Well, I get it. Can I rest a bit, then?”

The ceremony seemed to collapse shortly due to extreme fatigue.

Iron Gun nodded and showed the founder a temporary place to stay.

The ceremony turned to the temporary residence he guided us to.

‘Hmm…. Still, I’m glad to see the physical growth.’

Originally, when I used Awakening skill once, I felt that the ceremony was very significant because I had fallen asleep for two days.

As soon as I entered the accommodation, I put myself into bed.


I suddenly remembered Han Woong who left the ornament on the fluffy bed at the Academy.

‘… should I call you later?’

Somehow, he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep, thinking that they were worried about him.



When he woke up, it was already the middle of the night.

After closing his eyes for a moment, he slowly unwraps his head.

And during the test, he began to reminisce about his growth and deficiencies.

‘… Agility has become really plausible. If you use it at one time, it really won’t go anywhere.’

I thought I could avoid any kind of attack because my physical strength is so good at fighting.

So what is the problem with creativity today?

He glances back at Carl Axius, floating round him.

‘… Carl Axius must be a powerful artifact that can reverse a battle with just one Awakening Skill. However.’

On the contrary, it was so powerful that the chaos that followed was holding onto the ceremonial ankle.

‘I also need a longsword that can save 100 percent of my battle sense….’

And there were many ways to supply him with useful longswords.

Firstly, an unused Academy Artifact Storage Pass.

‘And as long as you join the Steel Gun team, you will also lend me the artifacts you can use right away….’

In addition, the ceremony agreed to grant each other a wish just before the test and even made a bet.

‘I’m a child of the family Hero, so I can get a proper sword.’

The Ceremony of Liing Back with the Thoughts to the End.


“Well… there are many ways, so let’s think about it slowly.”

And a giant teddy bear suddenly emerged from the comfort of the bed.

‘Oh, right. Han Wong.’

Before I went to sleep, I thought of trying to contact the Academy guys, and I went straight to the handset.

There have already been numerous calls and texts from them.


[Wong Han] + 7

[Narrator] +18

[Dental] + 1

[Yi Jisu] + 3

The one who sent the most messages.

The ceremony peeked at his messages and pressed delete.


He then simply looked at the message of Cheerios and looked directly at the message that the index sent.

[Lee Ji-su] and 3 others

Sweetheart, you should have told me. Kim Chang-sik, the children were so embarrassed.

Those who she described as’ Kim Chang-sik Child ‘sighed a little.

‘… What’s wrong with Kim Chang-sik’s child?’

Next was Han Wong.


Why are you silent?

I heard from Gu Chi Sung. When will he be back?

━ (;;?

д?) !

After that, she sent an unknown message as a gesture of “Why haven’t you been contacted?”

She tilted her head because she was a woman who didn’t have much to worry about, even though she didn’t know the name of the ceremony.

‘… What are you throwing away?’

And the lady’s most recent message is:


Chang-sik Kim… I have to say something… Where did he go…?


The cute bear emoticon that resembled him was Dum.

A quiet smile was put on the mouth of the ceremony, thinking that the woman’s grim tone would be a voice support.

He immediately called Han Wong.

I thought he might be sleeping because it was quite late.


“… Oh, I got it right away!”

She answered the phone even before the tone had passed.

Chang-sik Kim, where are you? Why didn’t you tell me?

“… I get it. Ask me slowly.”

I felt sorry that the voice of the confused bride would make me feel better.

Should I have left a message? ‘

The woman who was conscious of the words of the ceremony took a deep breath.

Yeah, I get it. Hmm… What should I ask first?


An imaginary ornament shed a bloody smile on the one wiggling his fluffy fingers.

What? What? Why are you smiling?

“No, it’s just nothing.”


Han Wong became mute who ate honey at the words of the ceremony.

Her attitude made me tilt my head.

“Han Wong?”

Did something happen to you?

Higher voices than before.

The ceremony scratched the cheek and thought of excuses.

“Well…. Just personal stuff?”

… When are you coming back?

“I honestly don’t know.”

Huh? Why?

The dead grassy bride somehow relaxed the mind of the ceremony.

“Don’t worry. When we’re done, we’re going back to the Academy.”

At the words of the ceremony, the woman who had been speechless for a while answered hesitantly.

… Okay. Everyone’s waiting. Come on.

“Okay, I get it.”

So, after hanging up the phone with her, she got up and slowly approached the window.

The window opens while gazing at the dim darkness.

Cheer up, Saaaa.

The cold night breeze cooled the ceremony.

A lot of people’s worries towards themselves that they had never felt in their previous lives.

And the ceremony, which I thought I was going back to, felt strange.

‘… is it changing?’

The ceremony smiled at my mouth.

Then I looked up at the dark night sky again.

“… I don’t feel bad.”

* * * * *

Late at night, the ceremony took a step into the Association Operations Chief Executive Officer’s office on a call to self.

As soon as he entered the office, Iron Gun, who was waiting in advance, was decorated with a stiff face.

“Well, are you here?”

His stubbornness, for some reason, tilted his head.

Next to him, Baekbeom who was sitting on the couch opened his mouth first.

“First of all, congratulations on successfully completing all of our admissions tests.”

Ceremony where white-haired people glide over the visible white slope.

Soon, I was awkwardly confused with John Doe.

“Th-thank you.”

I stared at the ceremony with surprised eyes.

And Baekbeom, who didn’t know the style of the ceremony very well, was just looking at the ceremony.

“… I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to do the final test without hesitation. When I first heard about you from Team Leader Steel Gun, I knew you were a man who cared a lot for his poison.”

His words narrow his eyes and he looks at what that sounds like.

He lets out a small sigh as if he had realized.

“Well, there’s been a misunderstanding.”


“At that time, I knew that the hostages were not real people.”

The categorist who was making a grumpy face to his words leans against the chair as if he had taken a punch.

“…… huh. That feeling again or something?”

The ceremony nodded and the basket shook its head in excitement that it was no longer surprising.

And the one who was excited to hear the words of the ceremony was iron.

“Well, are you sure?!”

“Huh? Oh… well. You’re acting a little weird, aren’t you?”

“Haha! Somehow I thought I was different from the trainee Kim Chang-sik.”

Iron Gun had a peculiar opposition to his behavior at a time when it was far from the ceremony he had imagined.

Realizing that everything was his misunderstanding, Iron Gun tapped the shoulders of the ceremony with pride.

He sighed a little as he looked at the iron ball.

“Well…. Even a bio android can find the awkward part if someone with good eyesight looks closely….”

He pauses and looks at the ceremony with serious eyes.

“But I never imagined that I would take a closer look at them one by one in an absolute time shortage, such as a second test. Such sharp eyes and calm judgment….”

You nod as if you admire him.

Then I glanced at the ceremony with a big smile.

“And with that kind of capability, you can be part of the project that we’re planning right now. No, I want to ask you. I want you to be a part of this project.”

The ceremony staring at him was smiling and answering.

“… because I took the test to do that.”

The system rang in the ears of the ceremony with good timing.


“True Hero’s Path: Ninth” (Complete)

Attribute with Clear Reward, ‘Mod +1’ will be upgraded to the next level.

[Additional contribution]

It caught the eye of Operation Chief of the Hero Association, Baekbeom District, on an extraordinary hike.

(Contribution Rank: A)

[Bonus stat for achievement reward A: 1 more…]


At that moment, Baekbeom Ball said to Chang with a serious face.

“Now I’m going to tell you about this secret project.”

At the same time, the system hologram, which was visible only in the eyes of the ceremony, breaks and shakes.

Patzón 51611;!

‘… What is this?’

The eyes of the ceremony were overwhelmed with embarrassment on the first day.

Within a few minutes, the windows of the system were shattered and shaken.


[System Mission “True Heroes Path: The Ninth” is being renewed by the “Unexpected Incident”.]

(NEW!) You can receive your rewards immediately before they are renewed, or you can clear renewed missions to earn a “higher reward”.

‘… a higher reward?’

The ceremony immediately confirmed what a ‘one-dimensional higher reward’ was.

“True Hero’s Path: Ninth (Renewal)”



1. Characteristics, “2nd Awakening” of “Modification”.

“Do you want to renew?


‘… 2nd Awakening?’

Bilbon’s Hero Life

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