Villain: The Play of Destiny

Chapter 427

Chapter 427

"What was that about?" Feifei asked as soon as Keith and Qingyue entered their car and drove off.

"What?" Rouxi curiously looked at her and watched her dear friend extend her hand forward in reply.

She understood what she was talking about and sighed in her heart, and outwardly, she smiled and drew her hand forward to shake hands with her.


"Hello? That's it?!" Feifei narrowed her eyes at Rouxi, and she frowned some more when she found her dear friend subconsciously looking down at their hands. "Now what?"

"His hands are softer and warmer." She curiously answered.

"Wow. And you must have found them very beautiful and they must have smelt heavenly as well." Feifei rolled her eyes, taking her words as an attempt to tease her, and Rouxi did not bother to explain herself.

However, out of curiosity, she did bring her hand close to her nose and smelled it.

Her eyes widened a little in surprise, and Feifei's mouth dropped open at her actions.

"You can't be serious!"

"It does smell nice." Rouxi ignored her words and shoved her hand near her friend's face, and though Feifei put up a disgusted front, she eventually leaned in and took a sniff.

"What kind of a scent is this?" She frowned after she found out that Rouxi was not messing with her.

It was a very faint scent, but it was intoxicating and unlike anything she had experienced before.

Feifei found herself taking a few more sniffs off of Rouxi's hands, and then her eyes turned to look at the wolf that was standing by their side.

"Don't move." She told the wolf as she leaned in.

Eira gave her a side glance and growled a little, but Feifei knew that she would never harm her, and so she did manage to safely take a few sniffs off her fur.

She had long known that, unlike all other wolves and dogs, Eira did not smell at all, and she frowned a little when she found traces of the same scent on the wolf's head and pelt.

"Hmph! Is that why you like him? Because he smells so nice?" She complained after Eira walked away and started rubbing her body against Rouxi's legs, and received a very cold bark in reply.

Though Feifei did not speak the language of wolves, she understood that it was a hard no, and it irritated her some more.

"Why then?" She asked again, and this time, Eira ignored her.

"Why did you call him a bad person?" Rouxi diverted her attention and asked a question that made Feifei look her in the eyes.

The two of them were not best friends for nothing, and just a glance in each other's eyes could tell them how serious they were at that moment.

Feifei knew that she could not get away by ignoring the question and answering it half-heartedly, so, she honestly told the truth to her friend.

"He is someone who can do anything to get things done and he likely has blood on his hands. He is alarmingly dangerous, Rou."

"Even more than your Grandfather?" Rouxi curiously raised her brow when her friend nodded to her in reply. "He holds ill will towards us?"

Feifei frowned at her question but eventually shook her head.


"He deeply cares for you."


"Yes." She nodded. "I told you he's interested in you, didn't I?"

"Like Wang Zemin?"

"No, not like him. That despicable man only lusts after you and me. He doesn't care about us. Keith is... I don't know how to put it, but he sincerely cares for you, and..."


Seeing Feifei hesitate at her question, Rouxi frowned a little.

She could tell that there was something that was bothering her dear friend a lot.


"It's nothing." She tried to brush it off but sighed when she looked again into her friend's eyes.

"Say it." Rouxi insisted, and Feifei pouted at her words.

"I don't know why but I have this feeling that I belong to him..."

Rouxi was surprised at her words, but remained quiet, knowing well that Feifei was really not comfortable talking about it and would stubbornly refuse to talk if she raised any questions.

"Oh, and it isn't just for me. I feel the same for you, like how you belong to him as well." She rolled her eyes when she saw the surprise on her friend's face.

"So, you are annoyed at him because you feel like you belong to him?" She could not help but ask and sighed in her heart when Feifei immediately nodded her head.

"I am not some slave!" She pouted and folded her arms on her chest.

"We need some sleep." Rouxi finally sighed and grabbed Feifei's hand as she led her inside the Villa.

"I am serious, Rou!"

"I know." She lightly smiled as she found Eira following them. "He's handsome, isn't he?" She teased her a little and earned a glare in return.

"Oh, don't pretend that I did not see it."

"See what?" Rouxi curiously asked.

"You smiled a lot today, and your smile when you talked to him was not fake." Feifei narrowed her eyes at her as she said those words, but Rouxi did not seem flustered about

"You really do need some sleep, Fei."

"Right." She snorted and then stopped arguing about it. "At least, you did admit that he is handsome."

"It's obvious." She shrugged.

"The most handsome person you have ever seen?" She pried, and to her indignation, Rouxi blankly nodded her head.


"Marry him then." She irritatedly said, and Rouxi finally dropped her blank look.

"He's married, Fei. He has four wives, and if the rumours are true, a dozen girlfriends as well." Rouxi giggled as she said those words, and Feifei nodded her head in agreement.

"He's a bad man." She said those words again, and her friend squeezed her hand as she dragged her into the room.

"You don't have plans for tonight, do you?" The Child of Destiny asked after they exited the dressing room, wearing their pyjamas.

"I am thinking about heading to the races." Fei lightly said as she reached for her phone, a little disappointed that Qingyue had not replied yet.

She quickly texted her again to talk to Keith and to let her know if he would be coming or not.

When she put the phone down, she could not help but roll her eyes as she found Rouxi sitting at the coffee table and resetting the glassed chess pieces on the board.

"I thought we were going to sleep?"

"A game first." She smiled at her, and Feifei helplessly sat across her and adjusted her pieces.

"Do you want to come to the races?" Feifei asked as she made her first move.

"What races?"

"Wang Zemin is holding an event tonight."

Rouxi, who was moving her Bishop forward, froze and then raised her head to meet Feifei's eyes.

"What are you planning?"

"I am planning on humiliating him." She flashed a bright smirk.

Rouxi took her eyes off her and placed her piece on the board.

"He's as good as you when it comes to driving cars, Fei." She reminded her friend.

"I know. Which is why I have found someone who can, hopefully, beat him."

"Who?" She asked, not really interested in the races.


Rouxi frowned at her intentions and again raised her head to look into her friend's eyes.

"Why? Do you want to come now?" She playfully asked.

"Has he agreed?" She ignored the question and asked back, and Feifei pouted a little.

"Not yet."


"No what?"

"I won't be coming to the races," Rouxi told her and then put her attention back on the board.

"Suit yourself." Feifei shrugged and then focused on the board as well since the book moves were over, and it was time to exploit her friend's line-up.

At another place, not far away from Qin Rouxi's estate, Keith and Qingyue drove into another Estate in the same neighbourhood.

"You bought this place?" The grey-eyed girl curiously asked as she looked at the trees that surrounded the road, and then at the artificial lake that was situated right next to a Manor.

It was quite clear that whoever designed this place had taken inspiration from some Château in France, and they had done a great job as this place was quite beautiful.

"No, but it is ours for as long as we want to keep it," Keith informed her.

"Who owns it?"



Keith smiled at her surprise and then checked his watch where he had just now received a notification.

He was expecting Qin Feng to show some signs of moving, but the Inheritor of Hades was still sitting inside his Castle on Purgatory Island.

However, he was certain that Destiny would compensate its favoured child in some way after he stole his opportunity to garner the Wei Family's favour by treating Feifei's cousin.

And now, he had even taken hold of this Estate, which, according to the Plan of Destiny, was the one where Qin Feng was supposed to live after he got to know Qin Rouxi.

"Feifei is asking if you would be going to the races tonight." Qingyue suddenly said as she checked the message on the phone. "By the way, can she read through your intentions?"

"If I allow her, then yes." He nodded.

"And did you?"


"Not worried that she would be on guard against you and would even tell Rouxi about it?"

"No." He shook his head.

"Why?" She curiously asked.

"Because they belong to me." He smiled. "Tell her that I will come and that we will discuss the deal on the spot."

"You are going to take advantage of her, aren't you?"

"Of course." He honestly nodded his head, much to her irritation, but she still sent Feifei the message.

"You can have fun. I am not going."

"I know. You can keep Rouxi company if you want. Invite her over tonight."

"You want me to look after your future wife?" She glared at him.

"She does not need to be looked after." He chuckled. "I am just hoping that you will become friends with her. Besides, she will be there tomorrow when you head to the Archery Range with Feifei."

"She's better than me?" Qingyue narrowed her eyes at him.

"No." He chuckled and shook his head, to which she contented nodded her head.

"I will invite her over tonight." She agreed to his suggestion, and Keith chuckled some more.

"I love you." He told her, leaning in to plant a kiss on her cheek.


And she made sure to let him know that she was not exactly pleased with what was happening.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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