Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 929 Fifi’s Advice

Chapter 929 Fifi's Advice

"If I was going to die, I wanted it to be with the one thing that would never break my heart — my strength." Fifi chuckled lightly, as if amused by her own words, before continuing, "Yet, on the brink of death, he descended from the sky like lightning and stood in front of me, protecting me with his life even though he could barely stand against a two-star Vylkr vine."

"He stayed by my side even as his strength diminished by the second. For the first time in my life, someone came to rescue me, not because I was Fifi, a three-star warrior or the well-woman, a valuable individual in the Village, but simply because I was 'Fifi.'"

As Tala absorbed Fifi's every word, gaining insight into her experiences and understanding more about Fifi's relationships, she noticed Fifi slowly drifting away from their conversation.

"That was a moment I'll never forget, even if I tried. He desired me so much that he wanted to feel every inch of me. We all know Orion's weird habits that disregard the Village's norms, but why should we care? Some women gain privileges due to their physical attributes, but since I was born this way, if Orion wants to appreciate and fondle my large breasts and suck on them, why should it matter?"

"If he wants to explore my body with his tongue across my toned stomach and thighs, he's free to do so. He surrendered himself to me, and I did the same also," Fifi stated boldly, realizing after a while that she had veered off course from her original point.

Clearing her throat, she continued, "What I mean is, Orion won't hold you back. It's your responsibility to understand when he's acting for your safety, considering he's unsure of his survival. Don't stress him with reckless judgments. Know when to be assertive and go after what you need." She pointed to the Vylkr Fusion Armlet on her wrist. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand," Tala nodded, exhaling deeply. Fifi's words made her realize how short-sighted she had been. Orion's decision wasn't about underestimating her strength but because he loved her.

"Alright, let's join the others. I'll fill you in on who to watch out for if you want to stay out of trouble," Fifi suggested, turning and heading towards the manor.

Tala fell into step beside her. "Who should I be careful of?" she couldn't help but ask.

"You might have already been warned by Fiona, Vivian, and the others, but aside from Lyra and Derry, I've heard that Whisperwing has joined them, falling for Derry's schemes. So, be cautious around her," Fifi warned as they entered the manor.

Tala nodded eagerly, her attention focused as she absorbed every word, feeling a sense of belonging now that she was officially part of the family.


Two days later

"That's everything," Seraphina said.

Orion nodded and handed the box to Fifi, knowing they would need to use it soon.

He was dressed in a black shirt and trousers adorned with various intricate golden patterns, some of which were his wives' favourites, embellished with precious stones. The entire outfit had been enchanted, making it deceptively simple yet highly durable.

For the first time, Fifi was wearing armour. Initially, the women had insisted on her wearing a fully formed, fitted enchanted armour, but Fifi wasn't ready to give up her tulga attire. They compromised on an armour design that incorporated elements of her traditional clothing.

Check here for a complete picture of the armour.

He had convinced them he wouldn't wear armour because of the Vylkr artefact. It could mimic anything, including armour, so he had an immensely powerful artefact hidden beneath his clothing, taking the form of a full-body suit armour.

"Everyone is exhausted; you two should leave before they notice," Celeste advised, stepping forward to embrace Orion. She pressed her lips to his for a few moments before pulling away. "Remember, you're my son and partner, so take care of yourself."

Reena, Greta, Ingrid, Maeve, Fiona, and Elysia stood behind her, all agreeing with Celeste's words.

Although they had already said their goodbyes over the past two days and weeks, they understood Celeste's emotions, especially since she had given birth to Orion.

Orion nodded and pulled Celeste into an embrace, kissing her once more. "With everything Seraphina has given us and the power of the Vylkr artefact, I promise we'll be fine," Orion reassured her, releasing her from his embrace.

Celeste nodded, her heart heavy with emotion as she watched Orion and Fifi walk a short distance from the door. They held each other's hands and vanished in a brilliant flash of bluish lightning.


Third Border City

A brilliant bolt of bluish lightning crackled atop the towering walls at the edge of the Third Border City, revealing Orion and Fifi.

As they stepped out, they faced an assembly: Stronghold Leader Zogar and Seth, flanked by ten three-star Vylkr warriors, stood nearby. Captain Seig, his lieutenant Evadne, Leif, and the gods' chosens of the Four-eared Elves were also present. To the sides stood the Former Village Chief and Chieftess, along with other key figures who had come to bid them farewell.

Upon their arrival, Orion and Fifi greeted each person individually.

Orion took the box from Fifi and called Stronghold Leader Zogar and Seth over.

"What's inside?" Stronghold Leader Seth asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

"It's something Seraphina made for us. It will be beneficial during our exploration," Orion explained. He opened the box, revealing four masks: black, blue, grey, and fiery red.

Stronghold Leader Zogar listened intently, aware that anything Seraphina and the Healers Association Leaders created was worth investigating.

Orion chose the black mask adorned with Vylkr vine designs, accentuating the vines' beauty and fierceness to their fullest. As he placed it on his face, he felt the familiar sensation, the mask expanding to cover the back of his head and under his chin before sealing completely.

Fifi picked up the blue mask and donned it, experiencing the same sealing process as it adhered snugly to her face.

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