Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Aura.
"Did something happen?"Park Seung-ho asked in a concerned tone. He knew how annoying his brother could get at times and most definitely Roh Yoon-ho had become one of his victims.
"No everything is alright,"Roh Yoon-ho denied curtly.
When the tour was over it was almost lunch time and they were called to the dining room to have their lunch.
"Yoon-ho hyung, let's go have lunch,"Oh Ji-hoon said clinging onto Roh Yoon-ho's arm. No matter how hostile Roh Yoon-ho looked ,Oh Ji-hoon found him the most comfortable to hang around with probably because they were almost the same age.
"I'm not going. I'm not hungry.,"Roh Yoon-ho said grumpily
"Oh,"Oh Ji-hoon mumbled in disappointment pouting his lips.
While the rest headed to the dining room to have their lunch ,Roh Yoon-ho headed to a different direction
"Where is Yoon-ho-ssi?"Park Seung-ho asked and the others looked at each other in search of the mentioned boy.
"He said he's not hungry,"Oh Ji-hoon informed them.
"I'll leave you guys to enjoy your meal,"Park Seung-ho left after making sure everyone had been served their meal.
The trainees then started chatting amongst themselves.
"What did you guys audition for?"Moon Ji-hoo,the most talkative among them started.
"Rap ,"Kim Minsu answer.
"I also rapped. And you Hyun-jun hyung?"
"I'm guessing the other three are vocalists?"Moon Ji-hoo speculated.
Oh Ji-hoon was busy eating his bulgogi not participating in the conversation. His slightly chubby cheeks were now protruding having been filled with food.
"Ji-hoon-ssi,slow down,"Kim Minsu warned him and the rest chuckled mesmerized by Oh Ji-hoon's actions. To them he looked like their little brother. Park James suddenly got up leaving the rest chatting amongst themselves. He went to his room and had his actual lunch before heading out of the building to get fresh air.
Roh Yoon-ho was outside,on a phone call with his music teacher. Ever since he settled last night they hadn't conversed and were doing it now and Roh Yoon-ho was updating him on the flow of events at the company. Roh Yoon-ho also had to inquire whether his mom was looking for him or whether she suspected the teacher but was relieved hearing that his teacher wasn't involved in any of those. He couldn't afford letting his teacher getting in trouble because of his mother.
"I'll come to Seoul tomorrow,"the teacher informed him.
"I'll see you tomorrow then.Bye,"Roh Yoon-ho said softly and hanged up.
"Is that your girlfriend?"Park James asked teasingly approaching Roh Yoon-ho.
When he came outside,he noticed the boy was on the phone call. He had been studying Roh Yoon-ho's body language while he was on the call.
"What does it have to do with you?"
"Is she beautiful? Can you introduce her to me?"
" Why would I introduce my girlfriend to a jerk like you?"
"What? Are you afraid she'll fall for me?"Park James leaned closer to him with an arrogant smirk.
"My girlfriend likes indigenous Korean guys not American - Korean guys."
"Who said I'm not an indigenous Korean? It's just that I have an English name ."
"She likes up to date guys not someone like you. Your Korean sounds so outdated like you're someone from the ancient era,"Roh Yoon-ho ridiculed him with a sardonic smile and walked away proudly knowing he had won.
"What's wrong with my Korean? How is it outdated?"Park James was left questioning himself in frustration.
What the boy said had gotten on his nerves and of course having stayed from Korea for so long,he wasn't familiar with most recent Korean terms especially Korean slang . That was one of the weaknesses he had as the most venerable vampire like he loved to refer himself to.He had only learnt standard Korean instead of daily life Korean. In the past he wasn't interested in learning the language. He only learnt the important things that would help him communicate effectively whenever he visited or most times he would find Koreans who were able to speak English.
The following day as Choi San had informed them,the trainees gathered in the CEO's office for their first official meeting. Choi San and Park Seung-ho were present as well as other staff who worked in the company.
Bae Seong-min cleared his throat gaining everyone's attention. He introduced himself officially and welcomed the trainees to the company.
"As you all know the six of you have been chosen and you're going to train as a group. The staff and I held a meeting and came up with the group name. It's Aura."
Aura,as the official group name evoked a sense of mystique and charisma, embodying a unique and captivating presence. It suggested that the group radiated energy, individuality, and artistic expression. The name hinted at a blend of charm and creativity, leaving a lasting impression.
"I'm very optimistic that we'll live up to the group's name and so I'm requesting everyone's cooperation to make the group alive."
After Bae Seongmin's powerful speech,Choi San took over to inform the trainees about the company rules and regulations including what was expected of them and proceeded to give them their schedules in printed paper form. He explained about the contract signing process where the two trainees who were below eighteen years would have to sign the papers only with their parents' consent.
"I will mount the printed paper with rules for everyone to see. Make sure you master them well.Remember that breaking some of the rules might get you suspended from the group,"Choi San said sternly, "Seung-ho would you like to add something?"Choi San asked turning to face his colleague who flashed a bright smile before speaking.
"I'm glad to have you guys join our company. As you all know the journey ahead is very hectic and tough so I request you to be patient and never give up,"Park Seung-ho said encouragingly.
"Is there anyone with a question?"Choi San asked after each of them had spoken out what they intended to.
The trainees stared at each other silently,none of them inquiring about anything.
"If you need help you're free to come to me or Mr Choi here. We're looking forward to a bright future.Fighting! "Park Seung-ho said raising his fist.
And the meeting was adjourned.