Vagabond’s Ambition

24: The Gay Panic-inator

Deep breath. Inhale... Exhale...

With a flick of the wrist, Kaitlyn let out a series of mana blades, a flowing stream that held a plethora of intricacies. Yet, when observed with a keen eye, some key differences could be seen from the previous mana blade demonstrated by Kaitlyn to represent Rachel’s current level. Leaving similar marks and crevices in the ground, the effect had only strengthened by a meager amount; however, the trajectory of each blade was different, they curved, slowed down, sped up, and even stopped mid flight, fading out of existence. 

A brief exclamation of wonder leaving her mouth, Rachel looked back to Kaitlyn, questioning, “How...? It’s so impressive but how am I even supposed to approach doing that?”

Watching wonder dance across Rachel’s ever-changing face, Kaitlyn couldn’t help but laugh, being drawn into Rachel’s expressions. Refocusing, Kaitlyn chuckled one last time before explaining, “Well these are all... milestones you could say. Milestones on the way to truly connecting and understanding your weapon, becoming one with it. This step kinda signifies how you can now control the sword to a precise degree, connecting with it on a physical level kind of?”

“Beyond this...” Kaitlyn went on to explain, a small smile on her face as she got into the topic, “Beyond this would be creating an absolute domain around you with your weapon. By doing this you not only connect and are one with the sword on a physical level, you’re then also kinda... uhh... spiritual level...? Senses...?”

As Kaitlyn trailed off, having talked herself into a circle of confusion, Rachel, with her ever working gay panic-inator, shouted in her mind, ‘How is she so cute?!?!? What is this... I’m weakk!! God, please give me strength to keep a pure mind and heart!’ 

Oblivious to Rachel’s inner battle, Kaitlyn, having demonstrated the next step that she wanted to encourage Rachel to take, went around the back of Rachel, hugging her from behind before grabbing her hands. 

“So I’ll just guide you through some general motions, okay?” Kaitlyn clarified, feeling Rachel tremble a little from the position they were in, “These are some general motions to hopefully give you some inspiration. Beyond that though, it’ll just be blood sweat and tears during practice, so after this we’ll go back to sparring.” 

Trembling from exertion over trying not to melt from a combination of flusteredness and happiness, Rachel stammered, “S-Sounds good... Sounds... sounds super extra good...”

A little confused from Rachel’s... calm... answer, Kaitlyn helped Rachel go through several motions, making sure to point out several key points as she went. 

“The core is critical, it’s what keeps your body stable”

“Your wrists have to be firm, yet fluid, as they are the connection between your sword and your body”

“Legs have to be stable like mountains, you aren’t going to do jack if you’re on the ground flailing”

Still flustered from Kaitlyn’s body being pressed up against hers, Rachel took more than a few deep breaths, calming herself down, focusing on her sword and the body parts Kaitlyn mentioned. 

Having finished the demonstration, Kaitlyn detached herself from Rachel—much to the chagrin of the small gay Rachel shouting in Rachel’s brain—allowing Rachel to process and go through the motions several times on her own. 

Satisfied with Rachel’s progress, Kaitlyn called out to her, getting her attention while standing up from the bench she was sitting on, “Ready to continue sparring? The best way to improve is just to try in real situations!”

Finishing her current form, Rachel took a deep breath before turning to Kaitlyn with determined eyes, “Come at me! I’ll show you how fast I can improve! Us otherworlders are better than the scrubs we seem like!”

Laughing as she unsheathed her twin swords once more, Kaitlyn strode out to meet Rachel, a strange warm feeling filling her chest as a happy smile blossomed on her face, “I’m looking forward to seeing it! Every moment is fun with you all!”



Flat on the ground once more, Rachel was panting trying to catch her breath, staring into the sky as the setting sun dyed it pink and gold.


“Don’t cuss! You did really well!” Kaitlyn reassured, standing over Rachel with an uncharacteristic warm smile, “You really improved a lot throughout the battle! And it was a more protracted battle when compared to before, you didn’t get instantly defeated!”

Letting out an out-of-breath laugh, Rachel looked up at Kaitlyn with an exuberant smile, “I’m totally worn but... yeah! I felt improvement! It wasn’t much but I felt it! Thank you!!”

Pulling Rachel up off the ground into a sitting position, Kaitlyn sat down on the ground in front of her, waiting for Rachel to finish catching her breath, “No problem! I’m glad I could help, it was really fun... I haven’t really done that with anyone else...”

A small embarrassed cough escaping from Kaitlyn as she trailed off near the end, Rachel looked away, unable to continue staying calm, even while chanting Buddhist sutras and channeling the power of God. 

“A... Anyway,” Kaitlyn murmured, moving on from the previous awkward atmosphere, “Do you want to maybe... uhm...”

Watching Kaitlyn trail off and stumble over her words, Rachel’s heart took critical damage, “Take... Take your time, Kaitlyn. I’m not going to judge!”

Flustered like never before in her life, Kaitlyn took a few deep breaths before asking, “So... so do you want to go get dinner together? O-Of course it’s okay if you don’t... Just... it’d be cool after the training session...” 

Her gay panic-inator going into overdrive, Rachel choked out a weak, “Yes...” before asking, “Well, can I like wipe myself off first? I kinda worked up a lot of sweat, so I kinda smell like ass right now...”

“O-Of course!” Kaitlyn nodded before an awkward silence descended upon the two once more. 


“H-How about we meet back here in half-an-hour, after cleaning up and changing out of sparring clothes?”

“Yeah... s-sounds good...”

Feeling the wind begin to blow a bit harder as the sun began to disappear beneath the horizon, letting the stars begin to appear in the darkening night sky, Kaitlyn let out a long sigh as she walked back to where she had kept her clothes, 

‘Just... What is this feeling? I just... c-can’t stay calm, I feel all energized...’

Thanks for reading~!! Please leave a comment!!

Muahahahahaha look at me!! finally giving that promised fluff and romantic developmentttt only took... 24 chapters...

they do be very cute tho...

I'm cheering for them to get together!!! hehe

Thank you all for reading, truly! if you're reading this far, i admire you putting up with my wordy-ass Author's notes... But I appreciate all yoru comments and support, they really push me to like... keep updating

<3 luv u allll

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