Vagabond’s Ambition

12: Meeting The Royals~!

“It’s always so clean around here...” Dexter murmured, leading the group as the person most familiar with the layout of the area, “The signs are always such a pain to use too.”

Walking along the path, following along with everyone else, Kaitlyn looked around, taking the sights in as a calm silence descended upon the group. 

With the sun shining down, peeking through the trees and the arches overhead, the path was well-cleaned and... peaceful. 

Although guards were stationed at every corner, standing still as a statue, carrying out their duties, the atmosphere was not overbearing. Colorful flowers peeking out of the low hedges that made up the sides of the path dotted the environment, each flower adding in splashes of bright colors that lit up the world. 

Making their way through the pathways, the group came to a stop in front of the ornate main palace. The palace stretched into the sky, its high roofs and spires nearing the clouds, its organic curves connecting parts of the palace to the garden, allowing for a blend of nature and building. 

After Dexter checked in with the guards, stating the reason for entry, explaining they were just here to chat with the King and Queen during one of their tea breaks. 

“I wish my house was as nice as this,” Kaitlyn murmured, walking through the main hall next to Dexter, with the other four behind them starstruck at the palace’s structure. 

“We all do, Kaitlyn,” Dexter chuckled, following the butler that was guiding them, “I’m glad we both know the King, it’d be such a pain to have to go through the whole process of scheduling an audience with the royals.”

Stopping the party before any further conversation could be held, the butler bowed, informing, “We have arrived, please mind your manners, past this door the King and the Queen are having their morning tea in the garden. By the way, the King and Queen have already been notified your party will be coming.”

“Thank you,” Kaitlyn thanked with a light nod, her hands moving towards her swords trying to comfort themselves with familiarity. 

Leaning over to whisper as they walked down the path in the garden, Rachel asked, “Are you nervous?”

“Y-Yeah... It’s been a long time since I’ve seen them,” Kaitlyn confessed, patting her swords as they turned the corner.

As the party turned the corner they were greeted by the sight of a simple gazebo. Several maids and butlers were present, attending to the couple in the middle having their tea. By the perimeter, far enough to not affect the atmosphere were several guards, keeping a light security. 

Lastly, in the center, sat the King and Queen, the couple still clearly youthful, laughing and chuckling together. 

“Yooooooooo!” Dexter shouted, his voice almost booming, yet still energetic, his arms waving over his head, “How’s life, you two? Long time no see! GUESS WHO I BROUGHT?” 

Getting the attention of both the King and the Queen, Dexter waved at them, first pointing to the otherworlders, announcing, “It’s them! The otherworlders that we’ve been waiting for!”

“Even more!” Dexter stressed, a wide grin on his face, shifting to do a flourish revealing Kaitlyn, “I brought the most elusive one of our previous party members! Kaitlyn~! I know, I know, no need to applaud too much. All in a day’s work.”

A tinge of pink climbing onto her cheeks following Dexter’s over exaggerated flourish, Kaitlyn nodded, greeting the pair, “Hey, Jayce... Hey, Sasha... L-Long time no see...”

Bright smiles breaking out on Sasha and Jayce’s faces, Josephine, with shock on her face, turned and asked, “Wait what?! The two people you’ve mentioned who write you letters about life are THESE TWO?! ... Come on, god... can’t you give me some more time between my world shattering moments please...”

Chuckling at Josephine’s outburst, Jayce waved the group over, standing up as they neared. Doing an old routine handshake with Dexter, Jayce turned towards the group, extending his hand, “Nice to meet you all, I’m the King of Rexas, Jayce Troican! I’m glad that my country can provide you otherworlders some shelter.”

Standing up beside Jayce, Sasha extended her own hand, pushing Jayce’s aside, “Nice to meet you all! I’m Sasha Damaris, Queen of Rexas! We’ve really been awaiting your arrival!”

“Don’t be afraid, you can shake their hands,” Dexter nodded, urging the party on, “Jayce and Sasha aren’t going to bite you!”

“Dexter’s right, there’s nothing to be afraid of, you know?” Kaitlyn agreed, setting an example by shaking Sasha’s hand, “Hi Sasha, long time no se-”

Pulling Kaitlyn into a hug with a grin, Sasha squeezed Kaitlyn in a hug, “It really has been a long time! You’ve grown so much since I last saw you! It’s almost been a year hasn’t it?”

Leaning over to whisper in Oliver’s ear, Damien pondered, “I... I think she was trying to set an example, but... You know not going to lie, it didn't go too hot. Reminds me of that one professor we had...”

“You use too much slang, Damien,” Oliver sighed, reaching out to shake Jayce’s hand, “Nice to meet you, I’m the leader of our ragtag group, Oliver.”

“Nice to meet you!” Jayce chuckled, shaking his head at the lecturing that Sasha was doing to Kaitlyn, “Don’t mind her, we all used to be in a party together, for quite a while, so we all see each other as siblings...”

Shaking the rest of the group’s hands, Jayce waved them over to the table situated in the middle of the gazebo, “Take a seat, take a seat. Our conversation will take quite a while I presume, so best get comfortable.”

“I will take that offer, any day!” Dexter laughed, walking over and taking a seat before the others could sit down, “You otherworders don’t know, but having tea with the King and the Queen is very sought after, for many reasons! Food being only one!”

Waiting for everyone to take a seat, Jayce and Sasha then settled themselves back into their original seats. 

“Could you bring some more tea and some more snacks for everyone?” Sasha murmured to a nearby maid, thanking her as she ran off, then turning back to the group, “So we would love to not only hear your story and situation, but also what we might be able to do for you all in this situation. As the leaders of this country it's our responsibility as you were all summoned to this world after all.” 

“Thank you!” Rachel thanked with a light smile, her appreciation being echoed by her fellow party members, “I have the best memory so I’ll summarize it... It all really started with...”

Heyyy another chapter.... i'm so tired-

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