Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Extra 1 - Lilithra info

Name: Lilithra Vexeria

Age: 20

Height: 5’2 (1,60m)


Lilithra has red hair, long past her shoulders, and two dark-red horns that she usually hides. Her facial features lean into her cute and young nature, having no beauty marks or anything of the sort, though her lower eyelashes are a bit pronounced.

Her yellow eyes reveal part of her half-daemon heritage, and her pupils are shaped into a cross (this has no significance whatsoever, at least for now, I just liked it and did it that way! Just a note for anyone wondering why no one ever noticed it in-universe, it’s just not important. I also never described it lol…). As a side note, half-daemons could have other physical traits like tails, bigger or shorter horns, or even another skin tone, but Lilithra is fairly ‘average’ in that aspect.

She rarely changes her clothing style, preferring oversized hoodies, thin and soft shirts, and shorts that let her legs ‘breathe’; like the sorts used for biking or exercising. She also wears a pair of mismatched socks; one up to her thigh, completely red, and another that only reaches a bit past her ankle, white with blue stripes.

Lilithra really likes the contrast between them, though she felt a bit awkward wearing them that way at first; she wondered if people would find them weird, but so far, no one has mentioned anything about it so she’s become accustomed to them. The last pieces of her attire are a pair of black, sturdy-looking boots, which she finds really comfortable.


Lilithra is a bundle of joy, curiosity and compassion. She’s the epitome of cinnamon rolls in New Lumingard, though some would disagree. Lilithra has a troubled past, an issue I’ve skirted around continuously (though I’m sure some of you have already taken some guesses), and that will be explored later on. This past of her shaped her into the person she is now, and fueled her desire to help people.

She Loves plushies, and helping people. This is something that has been established, but still! Lilithra wants to have her own Guildhouse someday, and an entire room just for her stuffed animals.

Her favorite color is pink, to no one’s surprise, though she loves the red of her hair, too.

She also loves her little fangs!

Though her horns are kind of a trauma, she can’t deny they’re cool.

Relationships so far

Raphael: Her foster Uncle. They’re not related by blood, but are family nonetheless. There will be an arc featuring their first meeting!

Selly: Her best friend! She doesn't remember her first meeting with him, so for her they met around the time she joined the Flaming Fists, and is also something we have to explore at some point. Though he’s way older than her, due to his Elven nature he’s pretty much the same ‘mental age’ as her, so they hit it off easily.

Ascalon: They met recently, but she’s deeply fond of him. She wonders if she’s crushing on him, whether because he’s a novelty, so to say, or for his kind and caring nature.

Rosco: One of her traumas, and for all purposes, an enemy. He lied to her and tried to exploit her weaknesses.

Claude: A shopkeeper she used to pester day after day, and who eventually grew fond of her. She still visits him from time to time, though rarely for business.

Casanova Guild members: She hasn’t interacted much with them aside from Lucio, the Guildmaster, but hopes to get to mingle with them more.

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