Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 50 - Lyra's Time to Shine

As the battle started, Lilithra raised her banner high and exclaimed with fierce conviction. “Be brave!” Her voice echoed through the room, startling the incoming enemies momentarily while her friends' figures glowed briefly with a golden light.

The personal skill - Be Brave - Has been activated in the surrounding zone.

Her resolution shines on the battlefield, her demonic heart a beacon of hope!

—Skill info—

Lilithra Vexeria’s unique skill.

Rank: E - Level 32.

Potential: SSS.

Attribute: Holy.

Effects: All units considered an ‘ally’ by Lilithra Vexeria will get a 14% increase in all stats.

Additional effects:

* Has a 10% chance of shaking off fear debuffs.

* Has a 15% chance of rousing up morale.

* Has a 0.2% chance of doubling all effects percentages.

Selorien immediately faded into the shadows, while Lyra, clearly panicking, placed a hand on the floor. “Rising tide!” The cat girl recited with nervousness, her voice shaky but resounding with a mystical reverberation. Answering her call, water began to surge from her hand, quickly spreading through the room.

Rising Tide.

—Skill info—

Field type skill

Rank: B - Level 72.

Potential: A.

Attribute: Water.


The user floods the surroundings with water. The amount of water produced depends on the user skill’s rank and level.

Additional effects:

* Boosts other water attribute skills’ power and spellcasting speed by 28%.

* Can be maintained for as long as the user stays in contact with the water

* Decreases the user’s lightning-related affinities by 40%.

Lilithra squealed in surprise as the flood suddenly soaked her shoes, while Selorien cursed at Lyra under his breath as his footsteps splashed the water and revealed his position. The guards then regained their composure, and the gunners started shooting in their direction; two aiming at the invisible elf, and four others at the girls.

Selorien, trying to regain his stealthy advantage, jumped from the water and began using the furniture as stepping stones, narrowly avoiding the bullets and leaving his opponents at a loss. Luckily, the rushing water masked Selorien's noisy movements, so he felt like forgiving Lyra.

As Lilithra saw the gunmen, she prepared to dart to cover, but was stopped by Lyra’s sudden words. “Cascade Barrier!” The girl exclaimed, the mystical ring in her tone surprising Lilithra once more. Then, from the water flooding the ground erupted a rising wall in front of both the girls, like an enchanted, reverse waterfall.

Cascade Barrier.

—Skill info—

Defensive skill

Rank: C - Level 57.

Potential: A.

Attribute: Water.


The user erects a wall of water, capable of defending against both magical and physical attacks, including projectiles. The strength of the barrier depends on the user skill’s rank and level, and the attribute of the shielded attack.

Additional effects:

* Number of walls erected simultaneously depends on the user skill’s rank and level.

* Can be maintained for as long as the user stays in contact with the water.

* Has a 30% chance of repelling attacks with a burst of water.

The bullets should have been able to pierce through, as it was mere water, but they were instead stopped at the surface, the liquid meeting their rotation with an opposing force, rendering their momentum useless.

Lilithra gasped in awe at Lyra's skills, feeling both amazed and excited, her eyes sparkling in admiration. “You're amazing, Lyra!” She exclaimed, her tone filled with enthusiasm.

“Hehe!” Muttered Lyra, regaining some confidence at Lilithra’s words. Yet the feeling was short-lived, as she flinched in realization. She hurriedly grabbed Lilithra’s hand and pulled on it. “Quick!” Lyra blurted out, and her friend, though slightly confused, trusted and followed.

The cat girl ran toward a corner of the room, away from the thugs who were shooting at them, bullets grazing their clothing and skin as their footsteps splashed. Once they reached their destination, she quickly ducked and placed her hand on the floor again. In a moment, a wall of water erected itself in front of them, just as a hail of bullets hit the cascading liquid. Lyra sighed with relief, easing up slightly.

Lilithra was utterly impressed by Lyra's quick response, recalling when Ascalon had instructed her to use a similar tactic, back when they had fought the snow wolves at the Howling Chasm. That time, she had used a wall to protect herself from being ambushed, a tactic Lyra was replicating right now.

Lilithra wondered with curiosity just how much experience had the cat girl under her belt. Perhaps, Lyra’s rank as the Fluffy Warrior’s vice-leader was more than just a title!

The cat girl, unaware of Lilithra's thoughts, placed her other hand on the floor. Frowning with clear determination, she chanted. “Wave Pulse!” Her voice resonated with a mystical tone, as the water rippled in rhythmic pulses, its purpose to try and sweep the guards off their feet.

Wave Pulse.

—Skill info—

Miscellaneous water skill.

Rank: C - Level 56.

Potential: A.

Attribute: Water.


The user sends a successive set of shockwaves through a body of water. The intensity and number of pulses depends on the user skill’s rank and level.

Additional effects:

* The larger the body of water, the greater the skill's efficacy.

Sadly for her, most of the thugs seemed to resist the shockwaves, as some had skills of their own and were pretty bulky, so only a few struggled with the currents. The gunmen kept shooting, and the ones that were onto Selorien's trail simply sprayed the walls with bullets, destroying valuable statues and other decorations on their rampage.

“Fuck! Kill them quick, we're all fucked anyway!” Exclaimed one of the guards, probably realizing his boss was going to have them punished for all the destruction. “But remember not to touch the girls!” Said another man, who was rushing out of the room, following after Ascalon with a couple of other guards.

Lilithra felt like the battle was leaning in their favor, since the enemy's number had decreased and they were protected from ranged attacks by Lyra's skill. Still, she didn't know just how long the water wall lasted, or if it was truly impenetrable.

As she was thinking that, one of the thugs approached, slashing at the waterfall with a curved sword. The edge pierced the water slightly, before the liquid swirled around the blade and repelled it with a small burst of water.

The guard was taken by surprise, and was even pushed a few steps back by the force of the burst. Lyra smiled in relief, her confidence increasing steadily and showing on her expression. Lilithra was encouraged by her friend’s rising spirits, and decided to stand by her, ready to act when the opportunity presented itself.

If it ever came to happen, that is, because Selorien was finally making his move. Darting through the walls and furniture of the room, the elf finally reached the enemy's flank, and dashed forward with a phantom-like speed, sinking his daggers into a guard's back.

The man gasped silently, unable to scream as the blades pierced his lungs. He fell into the water shortly after, staining it red. There were a few who noticed Selorien's sudden appearance, and quickly aimed their guns at him.

“Hehe!” Selorien giggled as he retreated into the shadows, his figure vanishing from view. Although he felt confident thanks to the adrenaline rushing through his body, the sharp pain of a gunshot to his left leg forced him back to reality.

“Fuck!” The elf protested, falling to the ground as he clutched his wound, his body slowly emerging from the failed stealth.

“Yeah!” Shouted one of the guards, raising his hand in triumph, having been the one that had managed to hit the elf. Lilithra and Lyra gasped in sudden terror as they saw their friend out in the open, defenseless, and an ominous sense of dread began to assault them.

“Quick, shield Selly!” Lilithra blurted in a panic, but Lyra shook her head frantically.

“I-I can't use more than one!” The cat girl quickly explained, her eyes tearing up. Lilithra realized the meaning behind her words; Lyra, most likely, could only maintain one barrier at a time, and if she used it to shield Selorien, they would be the ones left defenseless.

With melee guards still trying to slash the water wall, and the gunmen aiming at Selorien, Lilithra began to feel true despair. Her mind raced as she tried to come up with a plan, but, what could she do? Ascalon wasn't there to help them, either, and she had no way to protect their friends.

Once more, Lilithra cursed her own weakness. Beating Rosco had given her a huge boost to her confidence, yet whenever she felt like she had grown, the world would make sure to show her that it was still not enough. It felt like everything was lost, that her dearest, best friend was going to disappear from her life in the very next moment.

She wanted to scream, an anguished 'no', but something stopped her. The room suddenly felt cold, and everyone tensed up as if paralyzed with fear. In a split moment, a multitude of shadowy figures swept through the room, their wave of bloodlust and unbridled violence warping reality itself.

The sound of slashes and confused murmurs echoed, as blood spurted out and guards fell one by one. Lilithra opened her eyes wide, unable to fully grasp what was happening, while Lyra watched with her mouth agape, fear creeping up her spine at the bloody sight.

Selorien, on the other hand, was momentarily surprised, but soon sighed with relief. He realized who it was, and simply laid on the cool water, knowing everything would be over soon.

Shortly after, no guard was left standing; the whole room showed a sight of utter massacre. As the whirlwind of death stopped, the multiple, blurry figures coalesced in the center, slowly giving form to a person. A woman stood in the aftermath of her rampage, her maid dress unstained by the bloodshed, her straight posture exuding an air of cold sophistication.

There was Escarlata, who had been forced to intervene. She sighed, putting a hand to her cheek. “I am deeply sorry, Master Theoldorien.” She whispered to herself, before scanning the room with her unnerving, red eyes.

Lilithra gasped in surprise as she recognized the maid, and felt a wave of relief wash over her. Even though the maid didn't like her, Lilithra was reassured by her presence, knowing that, at the very least, Selorien was safe.

Lyra was struck with both shock and admiration, as she had heard a lot about the L'adariel's legendary 'monster maid', her impassive figure evoking a sense of greatness in the room. “Whoa...” Lyra blurted out, as the wall of translucent water fell to the ground. Escarlata side eyed her, before approaching Selorien with courteous steps.

“Young master.” Escarlata greeted Selorien, her respectful tone making him grimace.

“Ugh~ why are you here? I mean, thanks, but ugh~!” Selorien complained, rolling slightly on the floor, though the pain in his leg made him flinch and stop. Escarlata sighed in resignation, but before she could say anything else, another voice cut through the air.

“Ah!” Lyra suddenly exclaimed, as realization hit her. Rapidly, she rushed toward Selorien’s side. “E-excuse me!” She said as she briefly bowed to Escarlata, who looked at her with an emotionless expression. Lyra felt in danger, but approached the wounded elf anyway. She placed her hands on the wet floor, closing her eyes and concentrating deeply.

Lilithra ran after her, curiosity and worry both leading her steps, shuddering as she waded through guards’ blood and remains. As soon as she arrived to where they all were, she witnessed another of Lyra's feats. “Aqua Vitae.” Lyra recited, as the shallow water in the room began to concentrate on her palms—with no traces of blood in it—before gently enveloping Selorien's leg.

Then, the water started to glow softly, a sky-blue light emanating from it. Selorien winced as, little by little, the bullet surfaced from the wound which steadily closed itself.

Aqua Vitae.

From her heart surges a wish to mend, the tide answering her earnest call!

—Skill info—

Lyra Summers unique skill.

Rank: B - Level 74.

Potential: S.

Attribute: Water.


Lyra Summers channels healing power into water she touches, mending wounds and exhaustion. Healing effectiveness depends on the user skill’s rank and level.

Additional effects:

* Lyra Summers must part with some of her vitality in return; the worse the wound, the more strain on her body.

* Has a 10% chance of over-healing the target, providing a boost to their stamina.

* Has a 3% chance of not draining any stamina from Lyra Summers.

* Has a 0.1 chance of regenerating a missing limb, depending on its size.

“You can heal?!” Lilithra asked with clear excitement in her voice, clenching her fists in a pumped-up motion. Lyra giggled in embarrassment, her cheeks reddening as she replied.

“Yeah, but it's kinda hard and takes a lot of concentration!” She sighed tiredly, seeing the wound completely closed, as sweat ran down her forehead. It did seem like that healing skill took a toll on her own stamina, even when the wound was quite small. It explained why she wasn’t helping her Guildmates back at the Howling Chasm’s aftermath, too.

Selorien moved the leg and tapped it a few times with his hand, before smiling toward Lyra. “Thanks! That's a neat skill.” He exclaimed as he rose up, Lyra beaming with glee. She seemed to love being useful, and she had been pretty much the centerpiece of the stage this time around... well, alongside Escarlata, that is.

They all looked at the maid with dubious stares, while Selorien crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow as he spoke. “So, the old man sent you after me, huh?” He asked, both his friends exchanging curious glances. Escarlata nodded slightly before replying.

“Yes, young master. Master Theoldorien graciously tasked me with your safeguarding for this journey.” She said as she grabbed the hems of her skirt and bowed in reverence, her maid attire and her demeanor giving off a majestic aura.

Lilithra and Lyra both gasped in admiration, clearly awestruck by the maid's sophisticated attitude. Escarlata stood tall once more, her emotionless expression somehow seeming a bit proud. “Hmmm... weird that he didn't tell me about it... and that you hid so well!” Selorien remarked, clear suspicion in his voice.

“I wonder if Ascalon knew?” He added, gauging the maid's reaction, but she remained unfazed. That was boring, the elf thought, but resigned himself at knowing it was nearly impossible to get a reaction out of her.

“Master Theoldorien instructed me to not interfere with your travel experience, young master.” Escarlata replied, her tone still courteous. “He didn't want the young master and his friends to feel distracted from the journey by this unworthy maid's presence.” She concluded, bowing profusely once more.

She was partly lying, as she did have the other task of monitoring Ascalon, but they didn't need to hear that information, obviously. Selorien narrowed his eyes even more, before slumping into a tired posture. “Aight, got it.” He said, his tone defeated, as he adjusted his cap.

“I’m all drenched… gotta go get dried by the sun later…” Selorien complained, while his friends giggled, and Escarlata remained silent. As he scanned the room absentmindedly, realization hit him.

“Oh right, talking about Ascalon! Where is he?” Selorien suddenly questioned, addressing the maid. Lilithra and Lyra perked up at his words, understandably curious.

“He is currently three floors above us, engaged in a… ‘fight’ with a group of people.” Escarlata informed them, her eyes rising slightly to the roof.

“Are they strong?” Lyra asked sheepishly, as concern welled up inside of her. Ascalon had defeated a kaiju with clear ease before, so there had to be a reason as to why he wasn't done with these thugs yet. Lilithra and Selorien exchanged knowing looks, their thoughts aligning with Lyra's to some extent.

“He is clearly holding back out of consideration for us.” Escarlata spoke with a respectful tone, drawing everyone's curiosity. “He could easily raze this whole building, or even the district, to the ground. But what about us—what about you, then?” She said, an almost imperceptible smile spreading across her lips.

The group of friends smiled with contented expressions, knowing Ascalon was always thinking about them. Lilithra blushed, her chest tightening with rushing feelings, things she had been trying to bottle up during their travels.

“We shouldn't interfere.” Escarlata declared, earning a frown from Lilithra.

“What? No, we should go support him. He's our friend!” She reproached, her determination clear as she prepared to rush to Ascalon's aid, but Selorien stopped her by gently grabbing her arm.

“Ugh, Lil! As much as I agree... think about it.” Selorien paused, as Lilithra looked at him over her shoulder, with a dissatisfied expression. “He's already holding back because we're here, in the same building. Imagine if we were in the same fight, too, dummy.” Selorien explained, using a more playful tone to try and ease her emotions.

Lilithra was visibly shaken, and promptly felt embarrassed. Escarlata had said just mere moments before that Ascalon was holding back because of them, yet she was carried away by her emotions and forgot about it immediately! Her cheeks reddened at her own thoughts.

“You're right Selly, sorry...” Lilithra pouted, clearly conflicted. But she understood what they meant. “Let’s wait for him, then! But…” She glanced around nervously. “Maybe somewhere else, haha…” Lilithra awkwardly exclaimed, seeing the carnage around them.

Without much of a fuss, the group moved to another room, wary of their surroundings. As they walked they wondered: just what was going on with Ascalon’s fight?

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