Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 40 - All Aboard! Destination: Starugnia.

The storm that had been brewing for a few days had finally hit the Southern block in full force, causing many of the scheduled departures to be pushed back. The station was packed with people from all ages and races, some drenched to their feet, others complaining about the delays while shaking their dripping umbrellas.

Ascalon’s group had arrived at noon, after a few days of preparation, with the sole exception being Lyra, who was running late once again. Ascalon stood near the entrance, his tall figure towering over many of the citizens around him, watching the rainy streets with a curious stare.

Beside him was Selorien, casually leaning against a wall with his hoodie pulled up. He impatiently tapped his crossed arms with his fingers, an annoyed frown deepening on his face.

“Why is this girl always late?! Do her breasts slow her down or something?!” Exclaimed the elf with frustration, earning a punch in the shoulder from Lilithra.

“Don’t be rude!” Reproached Lilithra, her cheeks puffed in indignation as she stood by his side. She was wearing her usual attire, but had added a small, pink fanny pack to her waist, probably motivated by Lyra’s fashionable sense.

“Besides, she said the other day that her train ran late…” She added, shooting daggers at Selorien with an angry glare. She was already in a bad mood before, since Lucio had called them a few times, but both Lilithra and Selorien had decided to not answer him… for obvious reasons.

Ascalon let out a thoughtful ‘hmmm’, thinking that if Lyra had trouble with the transportation the other day, it was to be expected that she would face the same issue today, especially with the fierce downpour.

His eye wandered as various sights caught his attention, like people playfully running through the rain, or some of the neon signs across the streets. There was also a steel plaque with the symbol of a cat, its surface gleaming with rain droplets.

The little animal depiction stirred a memory from the prior day, when a mechanical creature had visited the tavern…

“It’s Claude’s messenger droid!” Exclaimed Lilithra, picking the steel contraption and placing it on the bar counter. It resembled a little cat, and surprisingly mimicked its actions, like licking on a paw—yet it lacked a life-like aura, so to say, remaining a simple puppet with a clear purpose.

“Hey kids!” Claude’s voice rang with an artificial tune, coming out from the creature. “I found some info on that emblem of yours.” He added with a cheerful voice. Ascalon perked up at his words, feeling anticipation rising up.

“It’s not much, but I have it marked as ‘shipped from Starugnia’.” Claude explained, and the trio of friends all gasped in surprise.

“No fucking way.” Said Selorien, shaking his head in disbelief while Lilithra frowned, deep in thought.

“And yeah that’s all! I spent entire days searching, only to find three damned words! You owe me, little rascals!” Claude’s voice showed clear frustration, which was to be expected. The ‘cat’ then stood and jumped down from the table, promptly walking away with a mechanical rhythm.

“This is all fate.” Declared Ascalon, crossing his arms as he let out a thoughtful ‘hmmm.’

“I can’t help but believe you…” Remarked Selorien, unsure of what else to think. Lilithra, on the other hand, clenched her fists while her eyes sparkled with excitement.

“Whatever the case, we have a lead on Ascalon’s mystery!”

Lilithra’s voice echoed in his mind, as Ascalon’s thoughts shifted back to the present. He sighed slowly, thinking about how convenient it was that their next destination might hold some kind of clue regarding his emblem. He had declared it was fate, but maybe something else was pulling at the strings… Ascalon shook his head, and appraised his surroundings once more, trying to distract himself from his assumptions.

If he ignored the buzzing inside the station, the other elements made for a relaxing atmosphere, a nice little time of reprieve—it was almost a pity that they couldn’t simply enjoy it in peace. He let out a short sigh as one of the trains arrived, and with it a familiar presence.

“Ah, there she is.” Ascalon declared with a half smile, witnessing how the enormous vehicle opened its doors and a wave of people quickly rushed out. Among them was Lyra, who spotted them immediately thanks to Ascalon’s height, and rushed over.

Lyra was now wearing the same outfit she had on when they first met: her yellow jacket, a red shirt, blue shorts, and a pair of black running shoes. She stopped before them, her chest bouncing slightly as she came to an abrupt halt.

“H-hello… sorry about the d-delay… again…” She said with a timid voice, clearly regretting her tardiness. Ascalon bowed in acknowledgement, while Selorien sighed and Lilithra beamed as she patted Lyra’s shoulder reassuringly.

“Don’t worry about that! It’s a miracle the trains are even running.” Lilithra’s voice carried a gentle tone, and Lyra smiled in appreciation.

Selorien stood straight, moving away from the wall as his expression softened a bit. “Alright, we’re all here. When’s the next train?” He asked, raising an eyebrow as he scanned the information panels around the station. Ascalon followed his gaze with interest.

“Uhm, if they don’t delay it, in twenty-ish minutes!” Exclaimed Lilithra, pointing toward a screen hanging on a nearby wall.

The group exchanged glances, with Lyra fidgeting in place, her right foot shifting from left to right. She seemed nervous, which was understandable given that they barely knew each other. Lilithra took the chance to ask something she was curious about.

“Hey, Lyra, which block do you live in? Gotta be North, right?!” She questioned with an inquisitive gaze, wondering if Lyra ran late because of the distance between the Southern and Northern blocks. Lyra looked surprised, her eyes widening slightly as she replied.

“Yes! W-we live around the Northern edge of t-the city.” Lyra replied with a cheery voice, her skittishness easing a bit.

Ascalon looked over them with a thoughtful expression, while Selorien yawned in disinterest. Lilithra however, was eager to keep chatting, so she seized the momentum, and kept asking her questions.

Through the exchange, they learned that Lyra lived with her brother, Levi, in a large house that they had inherited from their parents. It also served as their Guildhouse, since they realized they could use the plentyfull rooms to their advantage. It was clear the siblings were very close and cherished each other, so it was no surprise that Lyra would be concerned about her brother, especially when he hadn’t been in contact with her at all.

The group tried to reassure her and distract her with other topics, and time passed until the train was finally ready to depart. “Finally!” Lilithra exclaimed with an excited tone, smiling from ear to ear as she eagerly took the lead into the train.

“Let’s go! You’re gonna love this, Ascalon!” She added, looking back at Ascalon with a mischievous grin.

Ascalon tilted his head slightly, curiosity taking over his thoughts as he boarded the train behind his friends. He noticed that, compared to the other trains he had used to travel to other blocks, this one’s interior was surprisingly spacious. The walls were decorated with posters, postals, and various bits of information, while red curtains hung at the sides of every window.

They walked through a carpeted corridor, passing sets of closed doors that piqued Ascalon’s curiosity and confusion. It wasn’t until they arrived at their own cabin that he realized the purpose of said doors.

Each group of passengers had their very own private rooms in the train! “Whoa!” Ascalon exclaimed in amusement as he leaned forward and stepped through the doorway.

The cabin had two sets of comfy-looking seats facing each other, and a large window that provided a great view of the outside, flanked by a set of curtains to block out the sunlight—though, for now, the only view was of droplets hitting the glass.

A small table was attached to the wall below the window, with a small wooden cabinet underneath. The floor was decorated with a fluffy, red rug, while a glowing bulb hung from the ceiling, casting a soft light over the room. Lilithra sat at the left side, leaving the window seat for Lyra who smiled sheepishly as she joined her.

Selorien did the same for the right side, letting Ascalon enjoy the same privileges as Lyra, perhaps feeling a little competitive with Lilithra. As the blonde looked around in awe, Lilithra chuckled playfully.

“Hehe~ I’ve only ridden on these once, but I love the vibe!” She exclaimed with delight, leaning back into the soft fabric of her seat. Ascalon nodded thoughtfully, recalling a conversation they had beforehand.

It seemed that the journey to Starugnia would take nearly two days by train, so it made perfect sense that they were equipped with private cabins and cozy seats.

Supposedly, there were faster choices for transportation, but Lilithra had strongly recommended the train—mostly because it was the fastest option at present. She also insisted that it would help Lyra ease up a bit, choosing a comfortable and more relaxed pace for the trip.

Ascalon appreciated the choice, as he could now enjoy the experience in a more leisurely way, too. A few minutes passed, and the enormous contraption began to move, picking up speed as it glided along the rails. The group looked through the window with expectant gazes, but the droplets dripping over its surface made for a gloomy view.

Lyra giggled, her cat ears twitching as she addressed the group. “I want to take the chance to thank you, again… I would have gone directly, with my head in the clouds…” She spoke with timidness, but didn’t stutter for once, her nervousness visibly easing. Lyra felt grateful for how accommodating they were with her, especially after learning about Lilithra’s idea.

At first, she had wanted to rush over to her brother’s side and was a bit skeptical about the whole train voyage. But the more she thought about it, the more she agreed with the choice. If the other means of transportation had been available, she might have pressed ahead, without a moment’s rest. She realized she had been running on fumes for a while now, and this kind of break was just what she needed.

The group looked over her with warm gazes, a familiar feeling welling up inside of them. Lyra just had that kind of aura that awakened in them a desire to protect her, and it wasn’t the first time they had collectively felt that way.

Lilithra beamed at her while swaying joyfully from side to side, and took the chance to respond. “Hehe~ don’t worry about it! Honestly? I wanted to rush right away, too… but I, uhm, didn’t want to make the same mistake I made before, and decided to take things more calmly this time.”

She exclaimed, her tone an embarrassed one. Then, she suddenly jolted as she realized something. “Oh! But if I hadn’t rushed these two to the Howling Chasm, we wouldn’t have met you! Kinda funny how that worked out, huh?” She smiled, a bit surprised at the revelation.

Selorien laughed softly, nodding in agreement at Lilithra’s words, while Ascalon contemplated the matter a bit more deeply, as per usual. It was a remarkable chain of events—from their initial meeting, to offering a helping hand, then to being noticed by their win at the colosseum, and finally being asked for assistance. It was a reminder of how destiny always intertwined people’s paths in the most unexpected ways.

They basked in a pleasant silence for a while, the rain's gentle patter against the window and the rhythmic clattering of the train creating a soothing ambience. Selorien yawned, soon followed by the others. Ascalon smiled softly, while his gaze wandered, resting on the cabinet below the table. Curiosity guiding his thoughts, he reached out and opened it, revealing that it was stocked with pamphlets, traveling brochures, and even a map of the railway.

Everyone peeked curiously at his findings, as he unfolded the map and inspected it closely. “Hmmm. Just what kind of city is Starugnia?” He suddenly asked, looking up to meet Lilithra and Lyra’s gaze. They both tilted their heads in thought, while Lilithra shrugged.

“I only know it’s an arid place, surrounded by deserts!” Lilithra exclaimed, feeling a bit embarrassed by her lack of knowledge. At Ascalon’s side, Selorien added to the conversation.

“It’s also part of the ‘Union’; a kind of alliance between cities… and they don’t include New Lumingard.” Explained the elf. Ascalon nodded, absorbing the information. So that’s why they needed Casanova's traveling pass, or whatever it was called.

Lyra fidgeted on her seat, and gathered her courage to speak up. “It-it’s also a harsh city to live in… with constant sandstorms, desert beasts, and a high crime rate…” She added sheepishly, her tail twitching slightly at her side. Ascalon nodded in acknowledgment, recalling that even if Guilds were around, there would always be evildoers.

“What kind of beasts?” He asked while folding the map, his gaze now fixed on her. Aside from the creatures in the last dungeon they had visited, he had only seen domesticated animals like cats and dogs around New Lumingard, so he was curious about that topic.

Lyra looked pensive for a moment before answering. “Scary ones, r-remains from a ‘catastrophe’...” Her voice turned more quiet, as if she were scared of her own words. Ascalon knew what a catastrophe was, but there seemed to be a deeper meaning behind her words. Sensing his inquisitiveness, Selorien chimed in.

“Well… remember the portal to the Howling Chasm? Usually, we use them to go to the dungeons… but sometimes, they bring the ‘dungeon’ to us, so to say.” Selorien’s tone reflected the seriousness of the topic. It was an intriguing notion, yet it made sense that if they could cross a portal, other beings might be able to do so as well.

There were a lot of mysterious and surprising occurrences in this world, but they also seemed pretty dangerous overall. The very idea that a portal could bring forth not just adventurers, but also the unknown perils of a dungeon, was a concerning thought.

For how peaceful everything seemed—with the exception of the Flaming Fists’ incident—Ascalon realized he had simply been lucky since coming here. The many dangers that lurked beneath the shadows were something to be mindful of, and he knew it was just a matter of time before he had to confront them head-on.

Lilithra noticed Ascalon was deep in thought, and waited patiently until his gaze met her. She smiled and eagerly presented her own bit of information.

“I read that the portal was never closed, so now all kinds of dungeon creatures roam the desert! I even heard there are giant sandworms!” She exclaimed excitedly, clearly hyped by the sense of adventure rather than scared of the dangers—it was much like her, though it made Ascalon worry.

Ascalon sighed in resignation, and continued to browse through the rest of pamphlets and brochures he had gathered. Some featured other cities, like Caldenoire, which was depicted with towering skyscrapers, a variety of curious vehicles, and columns of smoke that rose to a darkened sky.

Another brochure highlighted a name that Ascalon found difficult to pronounce, Vellistrielle, with long water canals running between modern streets, and technological advancements being prominently featured in text form.

The last one showed Tharkodania, a robust bastion surrounded by giant, steel walls, and a multitude of what seemed to be ‘weapons’ mounted atop them. Included in the pamphlet was a line of text that strongly suggested, or perhaps warned, travelers to avoid visiting it. This one was the most intriguing, as its contents really stood out from the rest.

Ascalon then passed the information around, as he had noticed curious stares from his friends, and they all conversed about the different cities that were showcased. He could gather that none of his companions had traveled much, with the exception of Selorien that had been to ‘Rivedallia’—an elven city that didn’t accept many visitors from other races.

It sounded much like the elves of Excadia, with their secrecy and hidden forest villages. “It was really lame though.” Selorien commented, his visage turning sour as he seemingly recalled his visit to the place. Lilithra pouted with annoyance in her seat, crossing her arms.

“At least you traveled to a cool place! They say they have beautiful streets, and that their elves are really in touch with nature! Can you imagine? Pathways surrounded by flowers, elven delicacies, handsome people that aren’t lazy bums like Selorien!” She added, pressing her palms together as she imagined a fantasy haven, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Lyra giggled at her side, while Selorien shot Lilithra a smug grin. “Well, you’re all stuck with the lazy bum~!” The elf joked, his tone a mischievous, fun one. Ascalon chuckled and chimed in.

“And we would not have it any other way, Selorien.” His voice was gentle, but also slightly playful. Selorien let out a complacent laugh, while Lilithra turned her head in a show of fake indignation at their ever-growing camaraderie. Lyra simply giggled, enjoying the atmosphere, her thoughts drifting to her brother. She wanted him to meet them properly, knowing Levi would also grow to like them.

With the cheery, yet melancholic mood, the ride went on. But, as per usual, it wasn’t going to be as stress-free as they thought.

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