Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 73 You don’t love me at all! You just want to eat in the cafeteria!

Ye Chen's words surprised Lu Jing a little.

High-end restaurants all over the world?

Just thinking about it makes people feel a little shocked.

There are many chain restaurants in the world.

But most of them are hot pot, barbecue, fried chicken restaurants and so on.

This kind of restaurant has very low requirements for chefs, and even does not need chefs.

You just need to process the food according to the process.

Only this kind of restaurant can open branches without limit as long as the management keeps up.

But for restaurants like stir-fry, there is a limit to the number of branches.

Because chefs are needed.

Of course, nowadays, the cooking package and central kitchen model are popular.

It's not that there are no chain stir-fry restaurants that are developing rapidly.

But the problem is that this kind of restaurant that uses a lot of cooking packages and semi-finished products in the central kitchen.

The taste and freshness of the ingredients will be greatly discounted, and there are too many shortcomings.

They will never become high-end restaurants.

And the most important thing for high-end restaurants is excellent chefs.

Excellent chefs are scarce resources.

But for Xingchen Academy, excellent chefs are not scarce.

A group of students were in charge of being the chefs of the cafeteria, and they made the cafeteria into a Michelin three-star level.

It is enough to see the level of the students.

There are so many excellent chefs.

It can fully meet Ye Chen's idea just now and create a high-end restaurant brand all over the world.

It is different from ordinary chain restaurants.

Although the ingredients of high-end restaurants are better, the prices are also higher.

If they can open stores on a large scale.

The profit margin is simply unimaginable.

Looking around the world, no catering giant can do all this.

If one day, the restaurants under Xingchen Academy are all over the world.

The market value of the catering subsidiary created by Ye Chen will reach an unimaginable level.

The value exceeds Starbucks, McDonald's, which are among the world's top catering giants.

It is not a dream.

Thinking of this, Lu Jing's face was a little excited and red.

To be honest.

At the beginning of this cooperation, Lu Jing just wanted to get closer to Ye Chen and build a good relationship with Xingchen Academy so that she could recruit outstanding graduates from Xingchen Academy in the future.

But now, an opportunity that Lu Jing had never imagined was in front of her.

Become a shareholder of a top catering giant that only does high-end and is spread all over the world.

Lu Jing knew it very well.

Ye Chen was willing to tell her these ideas because he was willing to give her and her company a chance.

This is definitely a godsend opportunity.

Excellent chefs who have been continuously trained by Xingchen Academy.

With this as the foundation.

It is not a dream to open high-end restaurants of various cuisines all over the world.


But Lu Jing suppressed her excitement after all.

She knew it.

Now Ye Chen mentioned these just to give his family a chance.

And everything depends on the operation and management of Xingchen Restaurant, which will open next semester.

Lu Jing calmed herself down, hesitated for a moment, and put forward her own opinion: "Ye Chen, I think what you just said is a great business plan!"

"You are likely to create a high-end catering giant unprecedented on the earth."

"But some details of the plan may have a little problem..."

Ye Chen smiled when he heard it, and looked at Lu Jing: "What's the problem?"

Lu Jing said seriously: "I think it's a bit impulsive to open a local cuisine in a local cuisine!"

"For example, in Shandong Province, people have their own time-honored brands, but Xingchen Academy suddenly opened a high-end Shandong cuisine restaurant, which is to compete with the local Shandong cuisine culinary industry for business, and even make the other party feel that it is ruining the place."

"It's the same abroad. People in every country are proud of their own dishes. ”

“As a result, now a group of Chinese people have come here and opened restaurants serving their national cuisine, which tastes better than most of their own people...”

“To be honest, this is too embarrassing and too provocative!”

“It is easy to cause a boycott by the local culinary community, which will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble and bad feelings.”

“It has a negative impact on the public image of the catering brand.”

“So I think that we should deliberately avoid local cuisine!”

“Open a French restaurant in Italy, an Italian restaurant in France...”

“Open Sichuan cuisine in Shandong Province, Hunan cuisine in Sichuan Province, and Cantonese cuisine in Hunan Province...”

“Anyway, as long as the taste is good enough, there will be customers wherever you open it, especially in this era of extremely rapid personnel mobility!”

Lu Jing said her thoughts seriously.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

What Lu Jing said really makes sense.

Just now, the reason why I said that I would open their local cuisine restaurants in various places.

The main reason is that in the local area, I can most directly show the teaching level of my own Xingchen Academy through comparison.

Thus, the reputation will be further improved.

But Lu Jing's words reminded Ye Chen.

This is too disrespectful, just like going to ruin the place.

It will inevitably be hostile to the culinary circles everywhere.

Ye Chen is not afraid.

But, there is no need at all.

So, I should listen to Lu Jing.

Anyway, no matter what cuisine, if it can be top-notch, any diner can feel the deliciousness.

Since it will be popular wherever it is opened, why go to the local area to provoke?

"Lu Jing, you are right, this is indeed something I did not consider!"

Ye Chen nodded seriously and agreed.

Seeing Ye Chen accepting his suggestion without any unnaturalness.

Lu Jing smiled immediately, spring flowers bloomed.

Some people become arrogant and unwilling to accept others' suggestions when they succeed.

They will get angry when they hear others deny themselves.

But Ye Chen is not like this.

He has not changed at all because of the popularity of Xingchen College Canteen.

This made Lu Jing admire Ye Chen even more in her heart.

Xingchen College Canteen is still popular.

And Xingchen College students have also risen because of this popularity.

Apart from other things, their monthly income has increased a lot.

Before, the main source of customers for the canteen was students from the nearby university town.

Expensive dishes are obviously beyond the spending power of students.

But now it is different. There are not too many people from the society who come to eat every day.

Their spending power is naturally not comparable to that of students.

All kinds of dishes can be ordered.

So, after not worrying about not being able to sell the dishes.

The students make more and more dishes.

They began to ask the kitchen to purchase and prepare ingredients such as abalone, sea cucumber, crab, and lobster.

After all, being a chef in the cafeteria is mainly to practice the cooking skills you have learned.

And tourists who have finally drawn the lottery will naturally not be stingy.

The bigger the dish, the more they will order.

If there is no big dish on the menu of this meal, they will be disappointed.

Such big dishes are expensive and profitable.

So the monthly income of students has basically increased by at least half.

The average has reached about 2,000 yuan.

One student per month.

Working for more than eight hours at most can earn 2,000 yuan.

Converted to hourly wages, it is absolutely ridiculously high.

It has reached the level of beating all kinds of workers.


The students of Xingchen College are a relatively wealthy group in the entire university town.

Although now girls rarely like boys who are chefs.

But the cafeteria of Xingchen College is Michelin three stars.

The chefs here are completely different from ordinary chefs.

You will definitely get a high-paying job in the future.

And even if we don't talk about the future.

Even now, they are quite generous.

After all, they can earn about 2,000 yuan a month, plus their own living expenses.

This financial strength is enough to look down on most college students.

In addition, students of Xingchen Academy have privileges.

They can bring people into the cafeteria to eat without drawing lots.

With various advantages, the popularity of Xingchen Academy students has become higher.

Every day, students find girlfriends in other schools.

Of course, there are also many dog-blood incidents.

For example, one day.

There was a boy from Xingchen Academy, crying and shouting at a girl out of control: "You are a big liar..."

"You don't love me at all! You are with me just to use our Xingchen Academy cafeteria..."

Sorry, the last chapter is late, I'm really sorry!

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